Unsupported Features

Some features of MySQL Server are not natively supported in HeatWave Service, but you can use the alternative functionalities.

Table 5-15 Unsupported Features

Self-Managed MySQL Server HeatWave Service
Setting global variables or persisted system variables (SET PERSIST) Use HeatWave Configurations. See Configuration of a DB System.
Direct modification of system tables (mysql schema) Not supported.
Error logging to system log Limited to SQL access. No direct file access. See Viewing the Error Log.
Binary log access Limited to SQL access. No direct file access. Use SHOW BINLOG EVENTS or mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server
Audit log access Limited to SQL access. No direct file access.
Slow query log Not supported. Use SYS, PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA tables, or Audit query statistics. See MySQL Enterprise Audit Plugin.
Group replication plugin Use high availability. See High Availability.
Asynchronous replication (inbound) Use HeatWave Channels. See Inbound Replication.
Replication filters Use HeatWave Channels filters. See Channel Filter Rules.
Delayed replication Use HeatWave Channels delay. See Creating a Replication Channel.
Multi-source replication Not supported.
Semisynchronous replication Not supported.
Transportable tablespace Not supported.
READ ONLY and SUPER READ ONLY Not supported.
InnoDB Tablespace Encryption (TDE) HeatWave volumes are always encrypted at rest using keys managed by Oracle. Customers managed keys are not supported. See Data Security.
Authentication Plugins Use OCI IAM integration. See Authenticating Using authentication_oci Plugin and Plugins and Components.
Custom TLS certificates Use OCI Certificates integration. See Advanced Option: Connections.
Password Validation Plugin Available, but currently not configurable. Implement password policies at the application level when necessary. See Plugins and Components.
Granting privileges using wildcards You must use fully-qualified database grants. By default, the system variable partial-revokes is enabled and you cannot disable it. As a result, wildcards in database name are treated literally. See partial_revokes.
Adding loadable functions - previously known as User-Defined Functions (UDFs) Not supported.