Exadata Disk Hourly
This data object contains aggregated storage server (cell) hourly summary data for hard and flash disks
Table 18-24 Exadata Disk Hourly
Field Name | Name | Column Type | Column Category | Description |
ROLLUP_TIME_UTC | Rollup time (UTC) | TIMESTAMP | TIME_DIMENSION | End timestamp of the rollup period (UTC) |
HOUR_OF_DAY | Collection hour of day | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Collection hour in hourly range 0-23 |
OPSI_ID | Exadata insight OCID | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource OCID |
CELL_DISPLAY_NAME | Cell display name | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Cell display name |
CELL_NAME | Cell name | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Cell name |
CELL_ID | Cell OPSI unique identifier | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Cell OPSI unique identifier |
CELL_VERSION | Cell version | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Kernel version of the cell |
EXADATA_NAME | Exadata insight resource name | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource name |
EXADATA_TYPE | Exadata insight resource type | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource type |
EXADATA_DISPLAY_NAME | Exadata insight resource display name | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource display name |
SOURCE_IDENTIFIER | Telemetry source identifier | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Enterprise Manager GUID or Management Agent OCID (identifier for where the telemetry is being collected) |
SOURCE_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER | Telemetry source entity identifier | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Enterprise Manager target GUID for the cell |
PDIOPS_CAP | Physical disk maximum IO operations | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of input/output operations per second from the physical disk |
FDIOPS_CAP | Flash disk maximum IO operations | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of input/output operations per second from the flash disk |
PDMBPS_CAP | Physical disk maximum data transfer rate in MB/s | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of megabytes per second from the physical disk |
FDMBPS_CAP | Flash disk maximum data transfer rate in MB/s | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of megabytes per second from the flash disk |
CELLDISK_TYPE | Cell disk type | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Type of disk with available options: FlashDisk, HardDisk and PMEM |
TOTAL_CD_READ_IOPS | Total cell disk read IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Total number of read requests per second across all cell disks in a cell |
TOTAL_CD_WRITE_IOPS | Total cell disk write IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Total number of write requests per second across all cell disks in a cell |
TOTAL_CD_READ_THROUGHPUT | Total cell disk read throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Total number of megabytes read per second from all cell disks in a cell |
TOTAL_CD_WRITE_THROUGHPUT | Total cell disk write throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Total number of megabytes written per second to all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_IO_UTIL | Average cell disk IO utilization | NUMBER | METRIC | Average percent of device utilization across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_WRITE_LATENCY | Average cell disk write response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Average latency (in milliseconds) of writing blocks per request to a cell disk, across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_READ_LATENCY | Average cell disk read response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Average latency (in milliseconds) of reading blocks per request from a cell disk, across all cell disks in a cell |
TOTAL_CD_IO_LOAD | Total cell disk IO load | NUMBER | METRIC | Total input/output load across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_READ_THROUGHPUT | Average cell disk read throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of megabytes read per second from a cell disk, averaged across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_WRITE_THROUGHPUT | Average cell disk write throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of megabytes written per second to a cell disk, averaged across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_READ_IOPS | Average cell disk read IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of read requests per second from a cell disk, averaged across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_WRITE_IOPS | Average cell disk write IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of write requests per second to a cell disk, averaged across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_IO_LOAD | Average cell disk IO load | NUMBER | METRIC | Average input/output load across all cell disks in a cell |
AVG_CD_SM_R_LATENCY | Average cell disk small read response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Average response time (in milliseconds) when reading small blocks from the cell disk |
AVG_CD_SM_W_LATENCY | Average cell disk small write response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Average response time (in milliseconds) when writing small blocks to the cell disk |
MAX_CD_SM_R_LATENCY | Maximum cell disk small read response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum response time (in milliseconds) when reading small blocks from the cell disk |
MAX_CD_SM_W_LATENCY | Maximum cell disk small write response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum response time (in milliseconds) when writing small blocks to the cell disk |
AVG_CD_SMALL_READ_THROUGHPUT | Average cellDisk small read throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Average MBs read per second from small blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_LARGE_READ_THROUGHPUT | Average cell disk large read throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Average MBs read per second from large blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_SMALL_WRITE_THROUGHPUT | Average cell disk small write throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Average MBs written per second from small blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_LARGE_WRITE_THROUGHPUT | Average cell disk large write throughput | NUMBER | METRIC | Average MBs written per second from large blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_SMALL_READ_IOPS | Average cell disk small read IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Average number of input/output operations read per second from small blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_LARGE_READ_IOPS | Average cell disk large read IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Average number of input/output operations read per second from large blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_SMALL_WRITE_IOPS | Average cell disk small write IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Average number of input/output operations written per second from small blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_LARGE_WRITE_IOPS | Average cell disk large write IO operations | NUMBER | METRIC | Average number of input/output operations written per second from large blocks in a cell disk |
AVG_CD_LG_R_LATENCY | Average cell disk large read response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Average response time (in milliseconds) to read large blocks from the cell disk |
AVG_CD_LG_W_LATENCY | Average cell disk large write response time | NUMBER | METRIC | Average response time (in milliseconds) to read large blocks from the cell disk |
TOTAL_CD_IO_UTIL | Total cell disk IO utilization | NUMBER | METRIC | Total percent of device utilization for input/output across all cell disks in a cell |