Exadata Summary Hourly
Hourly summary for Exadata system configs and key aggregated metrics including CPU, memory, hard (physical) disk and flash disk I/O and throughput, and storage.
Field Name | Name | Column Type | Column Category | Description |
ROLLUP_TIME_UTC | Rollup time (UTC) | TIMESTAMP | TIME_DIMENSION | End timestamp of the rollup period (UTC) |
HOUR_OF_DAY | Collection hour of day | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Collection hour in hourly range 0-23 |
OPSI_ID | Exadata insight OCID | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource OCID |
EXADATA_NAME | Exadata insight resource name | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource name |
EXADATA_TYPE | Exadata insight resource type | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource type |
EXADATA_DISPLAY_NAME | Exadata insight resource display name | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata insight resource display name |
SOURCE_IDENTIFIER | Telemetry source identifier | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Enterprise Manager GUID or Management Agent OCID (identifier for where the telemetry is being collected) |
SOURCE_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER | Telemetry source entity identifier | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Enterprise Manager target GUID for the cell |
Entity Source | Entity Source | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Source type of the entity, acceptable values are: PE_COMANAGED_EXADATA, MACS_MANAGED_EXTERNAL_EXADATA and EM_MANAGED_EXTERNAL_EXADATA |
VMCLUSTER_NAMES | Exadata VM cluster names | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | List of VM cluster names |
CELL_NAMES | Exadata cell names | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | List of cell names |
CELL_COUNT | Exadata cell count | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata cell count at the time of running the query |
VMCLUSTER_COUNT | Exadata VM Cluster count | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata VM Cluster count at the time of running the query |
DATABASE_COUNT | Exadata database count | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata database count at the time of running the query |
HOST_COUNT | Exadata host count | VARCHAR2 | DIMENSION | Exadata host count at the time of running the query |
CPUS_ALLOCATED | CPUs allocated | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Total number of CPUs on the system |
MEMORY_ALLOCATED | Host allocated memory (GB) | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Total amount of usable physical RAM available to the host |
PDIOPS_CAP | Physical disk maximum IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of input/output operations per second from all physical disks |
FDIOPS_CAP | Flash disk maximum IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of input/output operations per second from all flash disks |
PDMBPS_CAP | Physical disk maximum data transfer rate (MB/sec) | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of megabytes per second from all physical disks |
FDMBPS_CAP | Flash disk maximum data transfer rate (MB/sec) | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Maximum number of megabytes per second from all flash disks |
CPU_USAGE | CPU usage (sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Total CPU time spent across all hosts |
CPU_USAGE_MAX | Maximum (hourly) CPU usage (sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) total CPU time spent across all hosts |
CPU_UTILIZATION | CPU utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of total CPU time spent across all hosts |
CPU_UTILIZATION_MAX | CPU utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) percentage of total CPU time spent across all hosts |
MEMORY_USED | Memory used (GB) | NUMBER | METRIC | Total memory (in gigabytes) used across all hosts |
MEMORY_USED_MAX | Maximum (hourly) memory used (GB) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) memory (in gigabytes) used across all hosts |
LOGICAL_MEMORY_USED | Logical memory used (GB) | NUMBER | METRIC | Memory used (in gigabytes) excluding buffers and cache across all hosts |
LOGICAL_MEMORY_USED_MAX | Maximum (hourly) logical memory used (GB) | NUMBER | Metric | Maximum (hourly) memory used (in gigabytes) excluding buffers and cache across all hosts |
LOGICAL_MEMORY_UTIL | Host logical memory utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of logical memory utilized across all hosts |
LOGICAL_MEMORY_UTIL_MAX | Maximum (hourly) host logical memory utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) percentage of logical memory utilized across all hosts |
PD_READ_IOPS | Physical disk read IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of read requests per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_WRITE_IOPS | Physical disk write IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of write requests per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_READ_IOPS_MAX | Maximum physical disk read IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of read requests per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_WRITE_IOPS_MAX | Maximum physical disk write IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of write requests per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_READ_THROUGHPUT | Physical disk read throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Megabytes read per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_WRITE_THROUGHPUT | Physical disk write throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Megabytes written per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_READ_THROUGHPUT_MAX | Maximum physical disk read throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of megabytes read per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_WRITE_THROUGHPUT_MAX | Maximum physical disk write throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of megabytes written per second across all cells for physical disk |
PD_IOPS_UTIL | Physical disk IOPS utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of IOPS utilized across all cells for physical disk |
PD_IOPS_UTIL_MAX | Physical disk IOPS utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of IOPS utilized across all cells for physical disk |
PD_THROUGHPUT_UTIL | Physical disk throughput utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of IOPS utilized across all cells for physical disk |
PD_THROUGHPUT_UTIL_MAX | Maximum (hourly) physical disk Throughput utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) throughput utilized across all cells for physical disk |
FD_READ_IOPS | Flash disk read IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of read requests per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_WRITE_IOPS | Flash disk write IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Number of write requests per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_READ_IOPS_MAX | Maximum flash disk read IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of read requests per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_WRITE_IOPS_MAX | Maximum flash disk write IO operations (IO/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of write requests per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_READ_THROUGHPUT | Flash disk read throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Megabytes read per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_WRITE_THROUGHPUT | Flash disk write throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Megabytes written per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_READ_THROUGHPUT_MAX | Maximum flash disk read throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of megabytes read per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_WRITE_THROUGHPUT_MAX | Maximum flash disk write throughput (MB/sec) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum number of megabytes written per second across all cells for flash disk |
FD_IOPS_UTIL | Flash disk IOPS utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of IOPS utilized across all cells for flash disk |
FD_IOPS_UTIL_MAX | Maximum (hourly) flash disk IOPS utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) percentage of IOPS utilized across all cells for flash disk |
FD_THROUGHPUT_UTIL | Flash disk Throughput utilization (% | NUMBER | METRIC | Percentage of throughput utilized across all cells for flash disk |
FD_THROUGHPUT_UTIL_MAX | "displayName" : "Maximum (hourly) flash disk Throughput utilization (%)", | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) throughput utilized across all cells for flash disk |
FD_THROUGHPUT_UTIL_MAX | Maximum (hourly) flash disk Throughput utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) throughput utilized across all cells for flash disk |
STORAGE_USAGE | Storage usage (TB) | NUMBER | METRIC | Sum of Storage used (in terabytes) across all diskgroups across the clusters |
STORAGE_USAGE_MAX | Maximum (hourly) storage usage (TB) | NUMBER | METRIC | Sum of Maximum (hourly) storage used (in terabytes) across all diskgroups across the clusters |
STORAGE_ALLOCATED | Storage allocated to the disk (TB) | NUMBER | DIMENSION | Capacity (in terabytes) across all diskgroups across the clusters |
STORAGE_UTILIZATION | Storage space utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Percent of storage utilized across all diskgroups across the clusters |
STORAGE_UTILIZATION_MAX | Maximum (hourly) storage space utilization (%) | NUMBER | METRIC | Maximum (hourly) percent of storage utilized across all diskgroups across the clusters |