Host CPU and Memory Hourly

Hourly summary of the CPU and memory metrics collected at the host.

Table 18-21 Host CPU and Memory Daily

Field Name Name Column Type Column Category Description
ROLLUP_TIME_UTC Rollup time (UTC) TIMESTAMP TIME_DIMENSION End timestamp of the rollup period (UTC)
HOUR_OF_DAY Collection hour of day VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Collection hour in hourly range 0-23
OPSI_ID Database insight OCID VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Database insight resource OCI
EXADATA_DISPLAY_NAME Exadata insight resource display name VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Display name of the Exadata system to which the host is attached (if applicable)
EXADATA_ID Exadata insight resource ID VARCHAR2 DIMENSION ID of the exadata system to which the host is attached (if applicable)
VMCLUSTER_ID Exadata VM cluster ID VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Exadata VM cluster ID (if applicable)
VMCLUSTER_NAME Exadata VM cluster name VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Exadata VM cluster name (if applicable)
ASSOCIATED_RESOURCE_ID Associated resource identifier VARCHAR2 DIMENSION OCID of the related OCI resource
SOURCE_IDENTIFIER Telemetry source identifier VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Enterprise Manager GUID or Management Agent OCID (identifier for where the telemetry is being collected)
SOURCE_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER Telemetry source entity identifier VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Enterprise Manager target GUID for the cell
HOST_NAME Host Name VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Name of the host
HOST_DISPLAY_NAME Host display name VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Display name of the host
HOST_TYPE Host type VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Type of the host
PLATFORM_TYPE Platform type VARCHAR2 DIMENSION Type of platform currently running on the host
CPU_USAGE CPU usage (sec) NUMBER METRIC Total CPU time spent across all CPUs
CPU_USAGE_MAX Maximum (hourly) CPU usage (sec) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) total CPU time spent across all CPUs
CPU_UTILIZATION CPU utilization (%) NUMBER METRIC Percentage of total CPU time spent across all CPUs
CPU_UTILIZATION_MAX Maximum (hourly) CPU utilization (%) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) percentage of total CPU time spent across all CPUs
CPUS_ALLOCATED CPUs allocated NUMBER DIMENSION Total number of CPUs on the system
MEMORY_USED Memory used (GB) NUMBER METRIC Total memory (in gigabytes) used on the host
MEMORY_USED_MAX Maximum (hourly) memory used (GB) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) memory (in gigabytes) used on the host
FREE_MEMORY Free memory (GB) NUMBER METRIC Total memory (in gigabytes) not in use on the host
FREE_MEMORY_MAX Maximum (hourly) free memory (GB) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) memory (in gigabytes) not in use on the host
MEMORY_UTIL Host memory utilization (%) NUMBER METRIC Percentage of memory utilized on the host
MEMORY_UTIL_MAX Maximum (hourly) host memory utilization (%) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) percentage of memory utilized on the host
LOGICAL_MEMORY_USED Logical memory used (GB) NUMBER METRIC Memory used (in gigabytes) excluding buffers and cache
LOGICAL_MEMORY_USED_MAX Maximum (hourly) logical memory used (GB) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) memory used (in gigabytes) excluding buffers and cache
FREE_LOGICAL_MEMORY Free logical memory (GB) NUMBER METRIC Free memory (in gigabytes) excluding buffers and cache
FREE_LOGICAL_MEMORY_MAX Maximum (hourly) free logical memory (GB) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) free memory (in gigabytes) excluding buffers and cache
LOGICAL_MEMORY_UTIL Host logical memory utilization (%) NUMBER METRIC Percentage of logical memory utilized on the host
LOGICAL_MEMORY_UTIL_MAX Maximum (hourly) host logical memory utilization (%) NUMBER METRIC Maximum (hourly) percentage of logical memory utilized on the host
MEMORY_ALLOCATED Host allocated memory (GB) NUMBER DIMENSION Total amount of usable physical RAM available to the host
HUGEPAGES_FREE Free huge pages NUMBER METRIC Total number of hugepages available for the system. This statistic only appears on the x86, Itanium, and AMD64 architectures
HUGEPAGES_RESERVED Reserved huge pages NUMBER METRIC Number of unused huge pages reserved for hugetlbfs
HUGEPAGE_SIZE Hugepage size NUMBER METRIC Size for each hugepage's unit (in kibibytes). By default, the value is 4096 KB on uniprocessor kernels for 32 bit architectures. For SMP, hugemem kernels, and AMD64, the default is 2048 KB. For Itanium architectures, the default is 262144 KB. This statistic only appears on the x86, Itanium, and AMD64 architectures.
HUGEPAGES_TOTAL Total huge pages NUMBER METRIC Total number of hugepages for the system. The number is derived by dividing Hugepagesize by the megabytes set aside for hugepages specified in /proc/sys/vm/hugetlb_pool. This statistic only appears on the x86, Itanium, and AMD64 architectures.