Resolving Incompatible Managed Instance Groups

Some OS Management managed instance groups might be incompatible with OS Management Hub. Use the migration assistant to identify incompatibilities and resolve any issues before migration.

Managed instance groups can be incompatible with OS Management Hub for the following reasons:

Required vendor software sources not yet added

Before an OS Management managed instance group can be created in OS Management Hub, all vendor software sources attached to the group in OS Management must be added to OS Management Hub.

If misisng vendor software source are detected, the migration assistant reports the following issue and suggests the following action:

ISSUE: This group has Vendor Software Sources not yet created in OSMH.
ACTION: Use 'osms-to-osmh create vendor-software-source' to create the following Vendor Software Sources in OSMH.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Use the osms-to-osmh create vendor-software-source command to add the missing vendor software sources in OS Management Hub.
    osms-to-osmh create vendor-software-source
  2. After adding the missing vendor software sources, use the osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group command to create the managed instance groups in OS Management Hub.
    osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group

Required custom software sources not yet created

Before a OS Management managed instance group can be created in OS Management Hub, all custom software sources attached to the group in OS Management must be added to OS Management Hub.

If missing custom software sources are detected, the migration assistant reports the following issue and suggests the following action:

ISSUE: This group has Custom Software Sources not yet created in OSMH.
ACTION: Create the following Custom Software Sources in OSMH:
<list of custom software sources>

To resolve this issue:

  1. Use the osms-to-osmh create custom-software-source command to create the custom software source in OS Management Hub
    osms-to-osmh create custom-software-source
  2. After creating the custom software source, use the osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group command to create the managed instance groups in OS Management Hub.
    osms-to-osmh create managed-instance-group

Group contains instances with different OS versions, architectures, or software sources

An OS Management managed instance group is incompatible with OS Management Hub when the instances that are in the group aren't the same OS version and architecture or have different software sources attached to them.

If detected, the migration assistant reports one of the following issues and suggests the following actions:

ISSUE: This group contains instances with different OS versions, which is disallowed in OSMH.
ISSUE: This group contains instances with different system architectures, which is disallowed in OSMH.
ISSUE: This group contains instances with differing software sources, which is disallowed in OSMH.
ACTION: Create separate OSMH groups consisting of instances with the same OS version, Architecture, ALX requirments, Event Collection, Notification Topic id and Software sources.
ACTION: Remove the instances from the incompatible OSMS group. At migration time, you can attach the instance to an OSMH group.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Create separate groups with the same OS version, architecture, and software sources in OS Management Hub.
  2. Create registration profiles in OS Management Hub to use for registering the instances with the appropriate group in OS Management Hub at migration time.
  3. Create scheduled jobs for the groups in OS Management Hub as required to match the jobs scheduled for the group in OS Management.
  4. At migration time, use the appropriate group registration profile to register instances with OS Management Hub. See Migrating Managed Instances to OS Management Hub.

For example, suppose the osms-to-osmh discover managed-instance-group command with the --verbose option reports following incompatibility:

ISSUE: This group contains instances with different system architectures, which is disallowed in OSMH.

ACTION: Create separate OSMH groups consisting of instances with the same OS version, Architecture, ALX requirments, Event Collection, Notification Topic id and Software sources.
ACTION: Remove the instances from the incompatible OSMS group. At migration time, you can attach the instance to an OSMH group.
  The following set of OSMH groups will satisfy the OS Version, Architecture, Software Source, ALX requirments, Event Collection and Notification Topic id needs of the instances in this OSMS group.

   OSMH 'Group 1':
    - Create OSMH 'Group 1' with the following properties:

      Vendor  Version         Arch    ALX  Software sources                                            Migrated  
      ------  --------------  ------  ---  ----------------------------------------------------------  --------  
      ORACLE  ORACLE_LINUX_8  X86_64  NO   Ksplice for Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64)                         No        
                                           MySQL 8.0 Connectors Community for Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64)  No        
                                           MySQL 8.0 Tools Community for Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64)       No        
    - At migration time, use the 'Group 1' registration profile to migrate the following instances to 'Group 1':

      OCID                             Name      ALX  Event Collection  Notification Topic Id  Compartment             
      -------------------------------  --------  ---  ----------------  ---------------------  ---------------  
      ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  ol8-mi01  NO   NO                None                   ol8-compartment 

   OSMH 'Group 2':
    - Create OSMH 'Group 2' with the following properties:

      Vendor  Version         Arch     ALX  Software sources                                           Migrated  
      ------  --------------  -------  ---  ---------------------------------------------------------  --------  
      ORACLE  ORACLE_LINUX_8  AARCH64  NO   Ksplice for Oracle Linux 8 (aarch64)                       No        
                                            MySQL 8.0 Connectors for Oracle Linux 8 (aarch64)          No        
                                            MySQL 8.0 Tools Community for Oracle Linux 8 (aarch64)     No        
    - At migration time, use the 'Group 2' registration profile to migrate the following instances to 'Group 2':

      OCID                             Name      ALX  Event Collection  Notification Topic Id  Compartment             
      ------------------------------   --------  ---  ----------------  ---------------------  --------------  
      ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  ol8-mi04  NO   NO                None                   ol8-compartment  

To resolve this issue:

  1. Create an Oracle Linux 8 group whose members are based on the x86 architecture and a registration profile in OS Management Hub.
  2. Create an Oracle Linux 8 group whose members are based on the aarch64 (ARM) architecture and a registration profile in OS Management Hub.
  3. Create any scheduled jobs for the groups to match the OS Management incompatible group in OS Management Hub.
  4. At migration, use the appropriate registration profile to register instances that were members of the incompatible OS Management group.