Editing Filters for a Custom Software Source

Use filters to include or exclude specific package content for a custom software source in OS Management Hub.


Removing or changing filters might prevent instances from receiving updates.
    1. On the Software Sources list page, select the name of the software source. If you need help finding the list page, see Listing Software Sources.
    2. Under Resources, select Filters and then select Edit.
    3. Enable or disable the Only include the latest version based on your filters option. See Limiting packages and modules to the latest version to understand how this affects the behavior of 'Include' filters.
    4. Add, modify, or remove filters to include or exclude package content.
      To remove a filter, select X on the right side of the filter.

      To add a filter, select + Another filter and then provide the following values:

      • Scope: Select either Include or Exclude.

      • Resource: Select one of the following options, and then provide additional values as required:

        • Package: To create a filter that includes or excludes the specified package from the selected vendor software source, enter the package name and optionally enter a version. If no version is specified, the service includes all versions. The acceptable package version format is 'epoch:version-release' or 'version-release'. For example, package name: edk2-ovmf and package version: 1:20210616-3.el8.
        • Group: To create a filter that includes or excludes the package group from the selected vendor software sources, select a yum or DNF package group.
        • Module: To create a filter that includes or excludes modular content from the selected vendor software sources, select the module name, stream, and stream profile.
    5. Select Save changes.

      The software source can take a few minutes to update. You can monitor progress on the Jobs page. Filter for 'Update software source' type.

  • Use the oci os-management-hub software-source update-custom-swsrc command and required parameters to update a custom software source, such as editing filters.

    oci os-management-hub software-source update-custom-swsrc --software-source-id ocid --filter filter.json [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateSoftwareSource operation to edit the filters for a custom software source.