Viewing Software Source Details

View available packages, associated groups, and associated instances for a software source in OS Management Hub.

See also: Understanding Software Sources.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under OS Management Hub, click Software sources.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the software source you're interested in.
    3. (Optional) Under Filters, select the type of software sources to list:
      • Vendor software sources
      • Custom software sources
      • Versioned custom software sources
      • OS version
      • Architecture
    4. Click the name of the software source.

      The Software source information displays:

      • Compartment: Compartment that contains the software source.
      • Type: Type of software source.
      • Description: Description of the software source.
      • Latest content only: (Custom and versioned only) Indicates if the software source includes only the latest available version of packages within constraints of your filters. See Limiting Packages and Modules to the Latest Version to understand how this affects the behavior of 'Include' filters.
      • Auto-updated: (Custom only) Indicates whether packages are automatically updated to the latest available. See Automatically Updating Content.
      • Version: (Versioned only) Version assigned to the software source.
      • OCID: Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID) assigned to the software source.
      • OS version: OS version for the software source.
      • Architecture: Processor architecture for the software source.
      • Packages Available: Number of packages available in the software source.
      • Filters: (Custom and versioned only) Number of filters applied to the custom or versioned custom software source.
      • Auto resolved: (Custom and versioned only) Indicates if dependencies for packages specified in the software source are automatically resolved. See Automatically Resolving Dependencies.
      • Available for instances in: Indicates which type of instances can use this software source. See Availability.
      • Mandatory for Autonomous Linux: (Vendor only) Indicates if this software source is required for Autonomous Linux instances. See Mandatory Software Sources.
    5. Under Resources, review the details for the software source.
      • Available packages: The packages available in this software source. Use the "Latest only" filter to only view the latest version of the packages.
      • Associated groups: (Vendor and custom only) The groups that this software source is attached to.
      • Associated lifecycle stages: (Versioned only) The lifecycle environments and associated lifecycle stage associated with this versioned software source.
      • Associated instances: Instances within the selected compartment that have this software source attached.
      • Associated software sources: (Custom and versioned only) Other software sources that this custom software source is based on. You might need to adjust the List scope if the software source is in another compartment. You can add or remove software sources for custom software sources, but not for versioned.
      • Filters: (Custom and versioned only) Displays the filters used for the software source. You can add or remove filters for custom software sources, but not for versioned. Filters aren't shown if the software source was created using a package list.
  • Use the oci os-management-hub software-source get command and required parameters to get details about a software source, including information about available packages, associated groups, and associated instances for a software source.

    oci os-management-hub software-source get --software-source-id ocid [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the GetSoftwareSource operation to get details about a software source, including information about available packages, associated groups, and associated instances for a software source.