Viewing Protection Policy Details

Use this procedure to access information about a protection policy.

Required IAM Policy
  1. Log in to your OCI tenancy.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Oracle Database, and select Database Backups to display the Database Backups page.
  3. Click Protection Policies.
  4. In the Protection policies page, use the List scope option to find the policy you want to view.
    • In the Protection policies list, click the Action menu, and select View details.
    • Alternatively, click the name of the required protection policy.
    The Protection policy details page is displayed.
  5. The Protection policy information section displays different options that you can use to view the detailed information about a policy.
    • OCID Show - Click Show to view the protection policy's OCID
    • OCID Copy - Click Copy to copy the OCID of the protection policy
    • Compartment - The compartment to which the policy belongs
    • Created - When the policy was created
    • Updated - When the policy was last updated
    • Policy type - Indicates whether the policy is Oracle defined or a User defined custom policy.
    • Backup location - Indicates the backup storage location for protected databases using this policy.

      The value OCI indicates that the backups will be stored in Oracle Cloud (default backup location). If the Backup location indicates Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database, then the backups will be stored in the same cloud location where the source database is provisioned. For example, if this policy is linked to an Oracle Database that is provisioned in Microsoft Azure, then database backups will be stored in Azure instead of Oracle Cloud.

    • Backup retention period - The retention period (in days) defined in the policy.
  6. Under Resources, click Protected databases to view all the protected databases using this policy.