New release for Big Data
- Services: Big Data
- Release Date: May 13, 2022
In Big Data Service clusters with version 3.0.7 or higher, you can:
- Configure horizontal (add or remove nodes) and vertical (shape shape of nodes) autoscaling on ODH clusters.
- Use E4 flex shapes while autoscaling to specify the number of OCPUs and memory required on each node.
- Add compute only worker nodes to your cluster.
- Delete any worker node from your cluster.
- Provide an external Kerberos realm name while creating a cluster.
- Provide a bootstrap script URL while creating a cluster. This URL can be updated after a cluster is created too.
- Enable and use secure socket layer (SSL) certificates in your ODH clusters.
- Use Hue, Livy, Jupyter, Jupyterhub, and Trino in ODH clusters. They are configured by default to run on your clusters.