Editing a Compute Target

Use the Console to update an existing Compute (host) scan target.


After you create an OCI agent or Qualys agent Compute scan recipe, don't change that recipe to change agents. Create another recipe.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Scanning, click Targets.
    2. Select the Compartment that contains your target.
    3. Click the Hosts tab if not already selected.
    4. Click the name of the target.
    5. Click Edit.
    6. Change any of these settings for the target.
      • Name
      • Description
      • Scan recipe
      • Target compartment

      Avoid entering confidential information.

    7. Update the Compute instances for this target.
      • All Compute instances in the selected target compartment and its subcompartments
      • Selected Compute instances in the selected target compartment- Select individual Compute instances

      You can't update a target with a compartment or a Compute instance that's already specified in another target. However, multiple targets can scan the same Compute instance.

    8. Click Save changes
    9. (Optional) Click Tags to manage the tags for this target.

      If you have permissions to create a resource, you also have permissions to add free-form tags to that resource.

      To add a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace.

      For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you're not sure if you should add tags, skip this option or ask your administrator. You can add tags later.

  • Use the oci vulnerability-scanning host scan target update command and required parameters to update the compute (host) target identified by the target ID:

    oci vulnerability-scanning host scan target update [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateHostScanTarget operation to update the compute (host) target identified by the target ID.