Using Flexible Shapes and Bursting

When creating a desktop pool, you can use flexible compute shapes and enable bursting for desktops provisioned with OCI standard VM shapes.

A shape is a template that determines the number of Oracle Compute Units (OCPUs), amount of memory, and other resources that are allocated to an instance. Compute shapes are available with AMD processors, Intel processors, and Arm-based processors.

Secure Desktops includes the option to create a desktop pool using a flexible shape, letting you control the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory for the desktop instance. This flexibility lets you optimize desktop performance and minimize cost. For general information about flexible shapes, see Compute Shapes.

Additionally, for flexible OCI standard VM shapes, you can set baseline utilization per OCPU to enable cloud bursting capability on the desktop instance. With cloud bursting capability, the desktop instance can support occasional spikes in usage due to high demand, or scaled-down workloads that don't require full core usage. For general information about burstable instances, see Burstable Instances.


Cloud bursting is not supported for shielded instances. If you are creating a Windows 11 desktop pool using shielded instances, ensure that baseline utilization is set to 100% (no bursting) to avoid errors during pool creation.

For more information about configuring these features in Secure Desktops during desktop pool creation, see Creating a Desktop Pool.


This feature can only be enabled when creating new desktop pools.