Class | Description |
AddFleetInstallationSitesDetails |
The list of Java installation sites to add.
AddFleetInstallationSitesDetails.Builder | |
AdvancedUsageTracking |
AdvancedUsageTracking configuration
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the AdvancedUsageTracking.Builder . |
AdvancedUsageTracking.Builder | |
Agent |
Information about the agent.
Agent.Builder | |
AgentInstallerCollection |
Collection of the agent installer summary.
AgentInstallerCollection.Builder | |
AgentInstallerSummary |
Supported agent installer downloads.
AgentInstallerSummary.Builder | |
AnnouncementCollection |
Results of list announcements call.
AnnouncementCollection.Builder | |
AnnouncementSummary |
An summary of a announcement on Console Overview page
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the AnnouncementSummary.Builder . |
AnnouncementSummary.Builder | |
ApplicationInstallationUsageSummary |
Summarizes application installation usage information during a specified time period.
ApplicationInstallationUsageSummary.Builder | |
ApplicationInstallationUsageSummaryCollection |
Results of an application installation search.
ApplicationInstallationUsageSummaryCollection.Builder | |
ApplicationUsage |
Application usage during a specified time period.
ApplicationUsage.Builder | |
ApplicationUsageCollection |
Results of an application search.
ApplicationUsageCollection.Builder | |
ApplicationWorkItemDetails |
The work item details with JFR related information.
ApplicationWorkItemDetails.Builder | |
BasicWorkItemDetails |
The common work item details.
BasicWorkItemDetails.Builder | |
Blocklist |
The blocklist record to prevent a target resource from certain operation with reason.
Blocklist.Builder | |
BlocklistCollection |
Results of a blocklist search that contain Blocklist records.
BlocklistCollection.Builder | |
BlocklistEntry |
An entry for blocklist to describe blocked operation and reason.
BlocklistEntry.Builder | |
BlocklistTarget |
A resource to blocklist for certain operation.
BlocklistTarget.Builder | |
ChangeFleetCompartmentDetails |
Attributes to change the compartment of a Fleet.
ChangeFleetCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
CreateBlocklistDetails |
The blocklist record details.
CreateBlocklistDetails.Builder | |
CreateDrsFileDetails |
Details of the request to create DRS file in a Fleet.
CreateDrsFileDetails.Builder | |
CreateFleetDetails |
Attributes to create a Fleet.
CreateFleetDetails.Builder | |
CreateJmsPluginDetails |
The details for creating a JmsPlugin.
CreateJmsPluginDetails.Builder | |
CryptoAnalysisResult |
Metadata for the result of a crypto event analysis.
CryptoAnalysisResult.Builder | |
CryptoAnalysisResultCollection |
List of Crypto event analysis results.
CryptoAnalysisResultCollection.Builder | |
CryptoAnalysisResultSummary |
Summary of a crypto analysis result.
CryptoAnalysisResultSummary.Builder | |
CryptoEventAnalysis |
CryptoEventAnalysis configuration
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CryptoEventAnalysis.Builder . |
CryptoEventAnalysis.Builder | |
CustomLog |
Custom Log for inventory or operation log.
CustomLog.Builder | |
DeployedApplicationInstallationUsageSummary |
Summarize usage information about an application deployed on Java servers including installation
information during a specified time period.
DeployedApplicationInstallationUsageSummary.Builder | |
DeployedApplicationInstallationUsageSummaryCollection |
Results of a deployed application installation usage search.
DeployedApplicationInstallationUsageSummaryCollection.Builder | |
DeployedApplicationMigrationAnalysesTarget |
The target describes the input data for deployed Java migration analyses.
DeployedApplicationMigrationAnalysesTarget.Builder | |
DeployedApplicationUsage |
Deployed application usage during a specified time period.
DeployedApplicationUsage.Builder | |
DeployedApplicationUsageCollection |
Results of a deployed application usage search.
DeployedApplicationUsageCollection.Builder | |
DeployedApplicationWorkItemDetails |
The work item details for deployed application related information.
DeployedApplicationWorkItemDetails.Builder | |
DisableDrsDetails |
Details of the request to disable DRS file from active managed instance(s) in a Fleet.
DisableDrsDetails.Builder | |
DrsFile |
A Deployment Rule Set(DRS) is a JAR (Java ARchive) file used in Java applications to enforce
security and manage compatibility between different versions of Java applets and web start
DrsFile.Builder | |
DrsFileCollection |
List of DRS details.
DrsFileCollection.Builder | |
DrsFileSummary |
A Deployment Rule Set(DRS) is a JAR (Java ARchive) file used in Java applications to enforce
security and manage compatibility between different versions of Java applets and web start
DrsFileSummary.Builder | |
DrsTarget |
The target to manage DRS distribution.
DrsTarget.Builder | |
EnableDrsDetails |
Details of the request to enable DRS in active managed instance(s) in a Fleet.
EnableDrsDetails.Builder | |
ExistingInstallationSiteId |
The essential properties to identity a Java installation site.
ExistingInstallationSiteId.Builder | |
ExportSetting |
Export settings of a fleet.
ExportSetting.Builder | |
ExportStatus |
Attributes of fleet’s export status.
ExportStatus.Builder | |
Fleet |
A Fleet is the primary collection with which users interact when using Java Management Service.
Fleet.Builder | |
FleetAdvancedFeatureConfiguration |
Metadata for the advanced features in the Fleet.
FleetAdvancedFeatureConfiguration.Builder | |
FleetAgentConfiguration |
Management Agent Configuration for a Fleet.
FleetAgentConfiguration.Builder | |
FleetAgentOsConfiguration |
Management Agent Configuration for list of include/exclude file system paths (specific to
operating system).
FleetAgentOsConfiguration.Builder | |
FleetCollection |
Results of a Fleet search.
FleetCollection.Builder | |
FleetDiagnosisCollection |
List of the fleet resource diagnosis.
FleetDiagnosisCollection.Builder | |
FleetDiagnosisSummary |
Diagnosis of a resource needed by the fleet.
FleetDiagnosisSummary.Builder | |
FleetErrorAggregation |
Aggregation of FleetErrors
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the FleetErrorAggregation.Builder . |
FleetErrorAggregation.Builder | |
FleetErrorAggregationCollection |
Collection of FleetErrorAggregationSummary.
FleetErrorAggregationCollection.Builder | |
FleetErrorAggregationSummary |
High level view of fleet error aggregations.
FleetErrorAggregationSummary.Builder | |
FleetErrorCollection |
Results of a Fleet Error search.
FleetErrorCollection.Builder | |
FleetErrorDetails |
Details of a fleet error.
FleetErrorDetails.Builder | |
FleetErrorSummary |
The summary of a fleet error.
FleetErrorSummary.Builder | |
FleetSummary |
The summary of the Fleet.
FleetSummary.Builder | |
GenerateAgentDeployScriptDetails |
Attributes to generate agent deploy script for a Fleet.
GenerateAgentDeployScriptDetails.Builder | |
GenerateAgentInstallerConfigurationDetails |
Attributes to generate agent installer parameters for a fleet.
GenerateAgentInstallerConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
GenerateLoadPipelineScriptDetails |
Attributes to generate load pipeline script.
GenerateLoadPipelineScriptDetails.Builder | |
InstallationSite |
Installation site of a Java Runtime.
InstallationSite.Builder | |
InstallationSiteCollection |
Results of an installation site search.
InstallationSiteCollection.Builder | |
InstallationSiteSummary |
Installation site of a Java Runtime.
InstallationSiteSummary.Builder | |
InstallationUsage |
Installation usage during a specified time period.
InstallationUsage.Builder | |
InstallationUsageCollection |
Results of an installation search.
InstallationUsageCollection.Builder | |
JavaArtifact |
Information about a binary artifact of Java.
JavaArtifact.Builder | |
JavaFamily |
Metadata associated with a specific Java release family.
JavaFamily.Builder | |
JavaFamilyCollection |
Collection of the Java release family summary.
JavaFamilyCollection.Builder | |
JavaFamilySummary |
A summary of the Java release family information.
JavaFamilySummary.Builder | |
JavaLicense |
Information about a license type for Java.
JavaLicense.Builder | |
JavaMigrationAnalysis |
JavaMigrationAnalysis configuration
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the JavaMigrationAnalysis.Builder . |
JavaMigrationAnalysis.Builder | |
JavaMigrationAnalysisResult |
Result of the Java migration analysis.
JavaMigrationAnalysisResult.Builder | |
JavaMigrationAnalysisResultCollection |
List of Java migration analysis results.
JavaMigrationAnalysisResultCollection.Builder | |
JavaMigrationAnalysisResultSummary |
Summary of a Java migration analysis result.
JavaMigrationAnalysisResultSummary.Builder | |
JavaMigrationAnalysisTarget |
The target describes the input data for Java migration analysis.
JavaMigrationAnalysisTarget.Builder | |
JavaRelease |
Metadata associated with a specific release of Java.
JavaRelease.Builder | |
JavaReleaseCollection |
Collection of Java releases information.
JavaReleaseCollection.Builder | |
JavaReleaseSummary |
A summary of the Java release properties.
JavaReleaseSummary.Builder | |
JavaRuntimeId |
The essential properties to identify a Java Runtime.
JavaRuntimeId.Builder | |
JavaServerInstanceUsage |
Java Server instance usage during a specified time period.
JavaServerInstanceUsage.Builder | |
JavaServerInstanceUsageCollection |
Results of a Java Server instance usage search.
JavaServerInstanceUsageCollection.Builder | |
JavaServerUsage |
Java Server usage during a specified time period.
JavaServerUsage.Builder | |
JavaServerUsageCollection |
Results of a Java Server usage search.
JavaServerUsageCollection.Builder | |
JfrAttachmentTarget |
The target to collect JFR data.
JfrAttachmentTarget.Builder | |
JfrRecording |
JfrRecording configuration
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the JfrRecording.Builder . |
JfrRecording.Builder | |
JmsPlugin |
Information about a JmsPlugin that has been registered.
JmsPlugin.Builder | |
JmsPluginCollection |
Results of a JmsPlugin search.
JmsPluginCollection.Builder | |
JmsPluginSummary |
Summary of the JmsPlugin.
JmsPluginSummary.Builder | |
JreUsage |
Java Runtime usage during a specified time period.
JreUsage.Builder | |
JreUsageCollection |
Results of a Java Runtime search.
JreUsageCollection.Builder | |
KeySizeAlgorithm |
The algorithm object with name and key size properties.
KeySizeAlgorithm.Builder | |
Lcm |
Enable lifecycle management and set post action configurations.
Lcm.Builder | |
LcmWorkItemDetails |
The work item details with LCM related information.
LcmWorkItemDetails.Builder | |
LibraryUsage |
Library usage during a specified time period.
LibraryUsage.Builder | |
LibraryUsageCollection |
Results of a library usage search.
LibraryUsageCollection.Builder | |
ManagedInstanceUsage |
Managed instance usage during a specified time period.
ManagedInstanceUsage.Builder | |
ManagedInstanceUsageCollection |
Results of a managed instance search.
ManagedInstanceUsageCollection.Builder | |
ManageDrsDetails |
Details of the request to manage DRS in active managed instance(s) in a Fleet.
ManageDrsDetails.Builder | |
MinimumKeySizeSettings |
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the MinimumKeySizeSettings.Builder . |
MinimumKeySizeSettings.Builder | |
NewInstallationSite |
The properties of a new Java installation site.
NewInstallationSite.Builder | |
OperatingSystem |
Operating System of the platform on which the Java Runtime was reported.
OperatingSystem.Builder | |
PatchDetail |
My Oracle Support(MoS) patch details for the Java release.
PatchDetail.Builder | |
PerformanceTuningAnalysis |
Performance tuning analysis configuration
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the PerformanceTuningAnalysis.Builder . |
PerformanceTuningAnalysis.Builder | |
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResult |
Metadata of a Performance Tuning Analysis result.
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResult.Builder | |
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResultCollection |
List of Performance Tuning Analysis results.
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResultCollection.Builder | |
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResultSummary |
Summary of a performance tuning analysis result.
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResultSummary.Builder | |
Plugin |
Information about the plugin.
Plugin.Builder | |
PluginErrorAggregation |
Aggregation of PluginErrors
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the PluginErrorAggregation.Builder . |
PluginErrorAggregation.Builder | |
PluginErrorAggregationCollection |
Collection of PluginErrorAggregation.
PluginErrorAggregationCollection.Builder | |
PluginErrorAggregationSummary |
High level view of plugin error aggregations.
PluginErrorAggregationSummary.Builder | |
PluginErrorCollection |
Collection of PluginErrors.
PluginErrorCollection.Builder | |
PluginErrorDetails |
Details of a plugin error.
PluginErrorDetails.Builder | |
PluginErrorSummary |
Entity that represents an error identified in a plugin.
PluginErrorSummary.Builder | |
PostInstallationActionSettings |
List of available post actions you can execute after the successful Java installation.
PostInstallationActionSettings.Builder | |
Principal |
An authorized principal.
Principal.Builder | |
Proxies |
List of proxy properties to be configured in file.
Proxies.Builder | |
RemoveFleetInstallationSitesDetails |
The list of Java installation sites to remove.
RemoveFleetInstallationSitesDetails.Builder | |
RequestCryptoAnalysesDetails |
Details of the request to start a JFR crypto event analysis.
RequestCryptoAnalysesDetails.Builder | |
RequestDeployedApplicationMigrationAnalysesDetails |
Details of the request to start a Java migration analyses.
RequestDeployedApplicationMigrationAnalysesDetails.Builder | |
RequestJavaMigrationAnalysesDetails |
Details of the request to start a Java migration analysis.
RequestJavaMigrationAnalysesDetails.Builder | |
RequestJfrRecordingsDetails |
Details of the request to start JFR recordings.
RequestJfrRecordingsDetails.Builder | |
RequestPerformanceTuningAnalysesDetails |
Details of the request to start a JFR performance tuning analysis.
RequestPerformanceTuningAnalysesDetails.Builder | |
ResourceInventory |
Inventory of JMS resources in a compartment during a specified time period.
ResourceInventory.Builder | |
ScanJavaServerUsageDetails |
The list of managed instances to scan.
ScanJavaServerUsageDetails.Builder | |
ScanLibraryUsageDetails |
The list of managed instances to scan.
ScanLibraryUsageDetails.Builder | |
SummarizedEventsLog |
Summarized events log for advanced feature.
SummarizedEventsLog.Builder | |
UpdateDrsFileDetails |
Details of the request to update DRS file in a Fleet.
UpdateDrsFileDetails.Builder | |
UpdateExportSettingDetails |
Attributes to update an export setting.
UpdateExportSettingDetails.Builder | |
UpdateFleetAdvancedFeatureConfigurationDetails |
Details object containing advanced feature configurations to be updated.
UpdateFleetAdvancedFeatureConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationDetails |
Attributes to update a Fleet Agent Configuration.
UpdateFleetAgentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateFleetDetails |
Attributes to update a Fleet.
UpdateFleetDetails.Builder | |
UpdateJmsPluginDetails |
Attributes to update a JmsPlugin.
UpdateJmsPluginDetails.Builder | |
WorkItemCollection |
A list of WorkItem.
WorkItemCollection.Builder | |
WorkItemDetails |
The minimum details of a work item.
WorkItemSummary |
Work item to complete a work request.
WorkItemSummary.Builder | |
WorkRequest |
An asynchronous work request.
WorkRequest.Builder | |
WorkRequestCollection |
Results of a work request search.
WorkRequestCollection.Builder | |
WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
WorkRequestError.Builder | |
WorkRequestErrorCollection |
Results of a work request error search.
WorkRequestErrorCollection.Builder | |
WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from executing an operation that is tracked by a work request.
WorkRequestLogEntry.Builder | |
WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
Results of a work request log entry search.
WorkRequestLogEntryCollection.Builder | |
WorkRequestResource |
A resource that is created or operated on by an asynchronous operation that is tracked by a work
WorkRequestResource.Builder |
Enum | Description |
ActionType |
Possible types of actions.
AgentInstallerSortBy |
The field used to sort the installer summary.
AgentType |
The agent can be of two type, either Oracle Management Agent(OMA) or Oracle Cloud Agent(OCA).
Algorithms |
List of supported algorithms for minimum key size update.
AnnouncementSortBy |
The field to sort AnnouncementSummary.
ApplicationExecutionType |
Execution type of the application, for application type war & ear is deployed and for other
ApplicationInstallationSortBy |
The field to sort application installations.
ApplicationSortBy |
The field to sort applications.
ArtifactContentType |
Contents of the Java Runtime artifact.
BlocklistSortBy |
The field to sort blocklist records.
CryptoAnalysisResultMode |
The aggregation mode of the crypto analysis result.
CryptoAnalysisResultSortBy |
The field used to sort Crypto event analysis reports.
DeployedApplicationInstallationSortBy |
The field to sort deployed application installations.
DeployedApplicationSortBy |
The field to sort deployed applications.
DrsFile.ChecksumType |
The checksum type for the DRS file in Object Storage.
DrsFileSortBy |
The field used to sort the DRS details results.
DrsFileStatus |
Status of the DRS file.
DrsFileSummary.ChecksumType |
The checksum type for the DRS file in Object Storage.
ExportDuration |
Export duration in days
ExportFrequency |
Frequency for the schedule
ExportResources |
Type of resources to export data associated
ExportRunStatus |
Status of the latest export run.
FleetDiagnosisSummary.ResourceState |
The state of the resource.
FleetDiagnosisSummary.ResourceType |
The type of the resource needed by the fleet.
FleetErrorReason |
The fleet error reason.
FleetErrorSortBy |
The field used to sort fleet errors.
GlobalLoggingLevel |
Possible values for the logging level.
InstallationSiteSortBy |
The field to sort installation sites.
InstallationSortBy |
The field to sort installations.
JavaFamilySortBy |
The field to sort the Java release family.
JavaMigrationAnalysisResultSortBy |
The field used to sort the Java migration analysis results.
JavaReleaseSortBy |
The field to sort the Java version.
JavaServerInstanceSortBy |
The field to sort Java Server instances.
JavaServerSortBy |
The field to sort Java Servers.
JmsPluginAvailabilityStatus |
Availability status of the JmsPlugin.
JmsPluginLifecycleState |
Lifecycle state of the JmsPlugin.
JmsPluginSortBy |
The field used to sort JmsPlugins.
JreSecurityStatus |
Possible security status of a Java Runtime.
JreSortBy |
The field to sort Java Runtimes.
LibrarySortBy |
The field to sort libraries.
LicenseType |
Type of license associated with the Java version.
LifecycleState |
Possible lifecycle states.
ManagedInstanceSortBy |
The field to sort managed instances.
ManagedInstanceType |
The types of managed instance.
OperationStatus |
Possible operation status.
OperationType |
Possible operation types.
OsFamily |
Operating System types.
PackageType |
The agent image installation package type.
PerformanceTuningAnalysisResultSortBy |
The field used to sort performance tuning analysis reports.
PerformanceTuningResultStatus |
Possible Performance Tuning Result statuses.
PlatformArchitectureType |
Supported platform architecture types.
PluginErrorReason |
The plugin error reason.
PluginErrorSortBy |
The field used to sort plugin errors.
PostInstallationActions |
list of post installation actions
ReleaseType |
Types of release made available for the Java version.
SortBy |
The resource sorting field.
SortOrder |
Sort orders.
SummarizeApplicationUsageFields |
Potential fields to include in the response model to summarize applications endpoints.
SummarizeInstallationUsageFields |
Potential fields to include in the response model to summarize installations endpoints.
SummarizeJreUsageFields |
Potential fields to include in the response model to summarize JREs endpoints.
SummarizeManagedInstanceUsageFields |
Potential fields to include in the response model to summarize managed instances endpoints.
SupportType |
Support category for the Java release family.
TlsVersions |
List of TLS versions to be disabled.
WorkItemDetails.Kind |
The kind of work item details.
WorkItemStatus |
Possible operation status.
WorkItemType |
Possible work item types.
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