@Generated(value="OracleSDKGenerator", comments="API Version: 20220915") public interface PostgresqlAsync extends AutoCloseable
Use the OCI Database with PostgreSQL API to manage resources such as database systems, database nodes, backups, and configurations. For information, see the user guide documentation for the service.
void refreshClient()
Rebuilds the client from scratch. Useful to refresh certificates.
void setEndpoint(String endpoint)
Sets the endpoint to call (ex, https://www.example.com).
- The endpoint of the serice.String getEndpoint()
Gets the set endpoint for REST call (ex, https://www.example.com)
void setRegion(Region region)
Sets the region to call (ex, Region.US_PHOENIX_1).
Note, this will call setEndpoint
after resolving the
endpoint. If the service is not available in this region, however, an
IllegalArgumentException will be raised.
- The region of the service.void setRegion(String regionId)
Sets the region to call (ex, ‘us-phoenix-1’).
Note, this will first try to map the region ID to a known Region and call setRegion
If no known Region could be determined, it will create an endpoint based on the default
endpoint format (Region.formatDefaultRegionEndpoint(Service, String)
and then call setEndpoint
- The public region ID.void useRealmSpecificEndpointTemplate(boolean realmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled)
Determines whether realm specific endpoint should be used or not. Set realmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled to “true” if the user wants to enable use of realm specific endpoint template, otherwise set it to “false”
- flag to enable the use of realm specific endpoint
templateFuture<BackupCopyResponse> backupCopy(BackupCopyRequest request, AsyncHandler<BackupCopyRequest,BackupCopyResponse> handler)
Backup Copy Request to copy back up in remote region. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeBackupCompartmentResponse> changeBackupCompartment(ChangeBackupCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeBackupCompartmentRequest,ChangeBackupCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves a backup from one compartment to another. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeConfigurationCompartmentResponse> changeConfigurationCompartment(ChangeConfigurationCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeConfigurationCompartmentRequest,ChangeConfigurationCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves a configuration from one compartment to another. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeDbSystemCompartmentResponse> changeDbSystemCompartment(ChangeDbSystemCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeDbSystemCompartmentRequest,ChangeDbSystemCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves a database system from one compartment to another. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateBackupResponse> createBackup(CreateBackupRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateBackupRequest,CreateBackupResponse> handler)
Creates a new backup.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateConfigurationResponse> createConfiguration(CreateConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateConfigurationRequest,CreateConfigurationResponse> handler)
Creates a new configuration.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateDbSystemResponse> createDbSystem(CreateDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateDbSystemRequest,CreateDbSystemResponse> handler)
Creates a new database system.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteBackupResponse> deleteBackup(DeleteBackupRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteBackupRequest,DeleteBackupResponse> handler)
Deletes a backup by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteConfigurationResponse> deleteConfiguration(DeleteConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteConfigurationRequest,DeleteConfigurationResponse> handler)
Deletes a configuration by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteDbSystemResponse> deleteDbSystem(DeleteDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteDbSystemRequest,DeleteDbSystemResponse> handler)
Deletes a database system by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<FailoverDbSystemResponse> failoverDbSystem(FailoverDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<FailoverDbSystemRequest,FailoverDbSystemResponse> handler)
Runs a failover operation. Optionally, specify the desired AD for regions with three ADs.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetBackupResponse> getBackup(GetBackupRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetBackupRequest,GetBackupResponse> handler)
Gets a backup by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetConfigurationResponse> getConfiguration(GetConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetConfigurationRequest,GetConfigurationResponse> handler)
Gets a configuration by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetConnectionDetailsResponse> getConnectionDetails(GetConnectionDetailsRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetConnectionDetailsRequest,GetConnectionDetailsResponse> handler)
Gets the database system connection details.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDbSystemResponse> getDbSystem(GetDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDbSystemRequest,GetDbSystemResponse> handler)
Gets a database system by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDefaultConfigurationResponse> getDefaultConfiguration(GetDefaultConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDefaultConfigurationRequest,GetDefaultConfigurationResponse> handler)
Gets a default configuration by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetPrimaryDbInstanceResponse> getPrimaryDbInstance(GetPrimaryDbInstanceRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetPrimaryDbInstanceRequest,GetPrimaryDbInstanceResponse> handler)
Gets the primary database instance node details.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetWorkRequestResponse> getWorkRequest(GetWorkRequestRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetWorkRequestRequest,GetWorkRequestResponse> handler)
Gets details of the work request with the given ID.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListBackupsResponse> listBackups(ListBackupsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListBackupsRequest,ListBackupsResponse> handler)
Returns a list of backups.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListConfigurationsResponse> listConfigurations(ListConfigurationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListConfigurationsRequest,ListConfigurationsResponse> handler)
Returns a list of configurations.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDbSystemsResponse> listDbSystems(ListDbSystemsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDbSystemsRequest,ListDbSystemsResponse> handler)
Returns a list of database systems.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDefaultConfigurationsResponse> listDefaultConfigurations(ListDefaultConfigurationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDefaultConfigurationsRequest,ListDefaultConfigurationsResponse> handler)
Returns a list of default configurations.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListShapesResponse> listShapes(ListShapesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListShapesRequest,ListShapesResponse> handler)
Returns the list of shapes allowed in the region.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse> listWorkRequestErrors(ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest,ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse> handler)
Returns a (paginated) list of errors for the work request with the given ID.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestLogsResponse> listWorkRequestLogs(ListWorkRequestLogsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestLogsRequest,ListWorkRequestLogsResponse> handler)
Returns a (paginated) list of logs for the work request with the given ID.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestsResponse> listWorkRequests(ListWorkRequestsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestsRequest,ListWorkRequestsResponse> handler)
Lists the work requests in a compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchDbSystemResponse> patchDbSystem(PatchDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchDbSystemRequest,PatchDbSystemResponse> handler)
Modifies the database system by adding or removing database instance nodes.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ResetMasterUserPasswordResponse> resetMasterUserPassword(ResetMasterUserPasswordRequest request, AsyncHandler<ResetMasterUserPasswordRequest,ResetMasterUserPasswordResponse> handler)
Resets the database system’s master password.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RestartDbInstanceInDbSystemResponse> restartDbInstanceInDbSystem(RestartDbInstanceInDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<RestartDbInstanceInDbSystemRequest,RestartDbInstanceInDbSystemResponse> handler)
Restarts the running database instance node.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RestoreDbSystemResponse> restoreDbSystem(RestoreDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<RestoreDbSystemRequest,RestoreDbSystemResponse> handler)
Restore the database system.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateBackupResponse> updateBackup(UpdateBackupRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateBackupRequest,UpdateBackupResponse> handler)
Updates the backup.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateConfigurationResponse> updateConfiguration(UpdateConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateConfigurationRequest,UpdateConfigurationResponse> handler)
Updates a display name or description of the configuration.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateDbSystemResponse> updateDbSystem(UpdateDbSystemRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateDbSystemRequest,UpdateDbSystemResponse> handler)
Updates the database system.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateDbSystemDbInstanceResponse> updateDbSystemDbInstance(UpdateDbSystemDbInstanceRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateDbSystemDbInstanceRequest,UpdateDbSystemDbInstanceResponse> handler)
Updates the database instance node.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Copyright © 2016–2025. All rights reserved.