@Generated(value="OracleSDKGenerator", comments="API Version: 20181116") public class WaasClient extends BaseSyncClient implements Waas
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Builder class for this client.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
String |
Compatible SDK version, provided by the codegen.
Optional<String> |
Minimum compatible SDK version, maybe provided by the codegen.
static Service |
Service instance for Waas.
Constructor and Description |
WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration,
ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator,
RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration,
ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator,
RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory,
List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration,
ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator,
RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory,
List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators,
String endpoint)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration,
ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator,
RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory,
Map<SigningStrategy,RequestSignerFactory> signingStrategyRequestSignerFactories,
List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators,
String endpoint)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration,
ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator,
RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory,
Map<SigningStrategy,RequestSignerFactory> signingStrategyRequestSignerFactories,
List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators,
String endpoint,
ExecutorService executorService)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration)
Use the
builder instead. |
WaasClient(BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider,
ClientConfiguration configuration,
ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator)
Use the
builder instead. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AcceptRecommendationsResponse |
acceptRecommendations(AcceptRecommendationsRequest request)
Accepts a list of recommended Web Application Firewall protection rules.
static WaasClient.Builder |
Create a builder for this client.
CancelWorkRequestResponse |
cancelWorkRequest(CancelWorkRequestRequest request)
Cancels a specified work request.
ChangeAddressListCompartmentResponse |
changeAddressListCompartment(ChangeAddressListCompartmentRequest request)
Moves address list into a different compartment.
ChangeCertificateCompartmentResponse |
changeCertificateCompartment(ChangeCertificateCompartmentRequest request)
Moves certificate into a different compartment.
ChangeCustomProtectionRuleCompartmentResponse |
changeCustomProtectionRuleCompartment(ChangeCustomProtectionRuleCompartmentRequest request)
Moves a custom protection rule into a different compartment within the same tenancy.
ChangeWaasPolicyCompartmentResponse |
changeWaasPolicyCompartment(ChangeWaasPolicyCompartmentRequest request)
Moves WAAS policy into a different compartment.
void |
close() |
CreateAddressListResponse |
createAddressList(CreateAddressListRequest request)
Creates an address list in a set compartment and allows it to be used in a WAAS policy and
referenced by access rules.
CreateCertificateResponse |
createCertificate(CreateCertificateRequest request)
Allows an SSL certificate to be added to a WAAS policy.
CreateCustomProtectionRuleResponse |
createCustomProtectionRule(CreateCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Creates a new custom protection rule in the specified compartment.
CreateWaasPolicyResponse |
createWaasPolicy(CreateWaasPolicyRequest request)
Creates a new Web Application Acceleration and Security (WAAS) policy in the specified
DeleteAddressListResponse |
deleteAddressList(DeleteAddressListRequest request)
Deletes the address list from the compartment if it is not used.
DeleteCertificateResponse |
deleteCertificate(DeleteCertificateRequest request)
Deletes an SSL certificate from the WAAS service.
DeleteCustomProtectionRuleResponse |
deleteCustomProtectionRule(DeleteCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Deletes a Custom Protection rule.
DeleteWaasPolicyResponse |
deleteWaasPolicy(DeleteWaasPolicyRequest request)
Deletes a policy.
GetAddressListResponse |
getAddressList(GetAddressListRequest request)
Gets the details of an address list.
GetCertificateResponse |
getCertificate(GetCertificateRequest request)
Gets the details of an SSL certificate.
String |
getClientCommonLibraryVersion() |
GetCustomProtectionRuleResponse |
getCustomProtectionRule(GetCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Gets the details of a custom protection rule.
protected ClientConfigurator |
getDefaultConfigurator() |
GetDeviceFingerprintChallengeResponse |
getDeviceFingerprintChallenge(GetDeviceFingerprintChallengeRequest request)
Gets the device fingerprint challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration
for a WAAS policy.
String |
getEndpoint() |
GetHumanInteractionChallengeResponse |
getHumanInteractionChallenge(GetHumanInteractionChallengeRequest request)
Gets the human interaction challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration
for a WAAS policy.
GetJsChallengeResponse |
getJsChallenge(GetJsChallengeRequest request)
Gets the JavaScript challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
WAAS policy.
Optional<String> |
getMinimumClientCommonLibraryVersionFromClient() |
WaasPaginators |
Gets the pre-configured paginators available for list operations in this service which may
return multiple pages of data.
GetPolicyConfigResponse |
getPolicyConfig(GetPolicyConfigRequest request)
Gets the configuration of a WAAS policy.
GetProtectionRuleResponse |
getProtectionRule(GetProtectionRuleRequest request)
Gets the details of a protection rule in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
WAAS policy.
GetProtectionSettingsResponse |
getProtectionSettings(GetProtectionSettingsRequest request)
Gets the protection settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
GetWaasPolicyResponse |
getWaasPolicy(GetWaasPolicyRequest request)
Gets the details of a WAAS policy.
GetWafAddressRateLimitingResponse |
getWafAddressRateLimiting(GetWafAddressRateLimitingRequest request)
Gets the address rate limiting settings of the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
WAAS policy.
GetWafConfigResponse |
getWafConfig(GetWafConfigRequest request)
Gets the Web Application Firewall configuration details for a WAAS policy.
WaasWaiters |
Gets the pre-configured waiters available for resources for this service.
GetWorkRequestResponse |
getWorkRequest(GetWorkRequestRequest request)
Gets the details of a specified work request.
ListAccessRulesResponse |
listAccessRules(ListAccessRulesRequest request)
Gets the currently configured access rules for the Web Application Firewall configuration of
a specified WAAS policy.
ListAddressListsResponse |
listAddressLists(ListAddressListsRequest request)
Gets a list of address lists that can be used in a WAAS policy.
ListCachingRulesResponse |
listCachingRules(ListCachingRulesRequest request)
Gets the currently configured caching rules for the Web Application Firewall configuration of
a specified WAAS policy.
ListCaptchasResponse |
listCaptchas(ListCaptchasRequest request)
Gets the list of currently configured CAPTCHA challenges in the Web Application Firewall
configuration of a WAAS policy.
ListCertificatesResponse |
listCertificates(ListCertificatesRequest request)
Gets a list of SSL certificates that can be used in a WAAS policy.
ListCustomProtectionRulesResponse |
listCustomProtectionRules(ListCustomProtectionRulesRequest request)
Gets a list of custom protection rules for the specified Web Application Firewall.
ListEdgeSubnetsResponse |
listEdgeSubnets(ListEdgeSubnetsRequest request)
Return the list of the tenant’s edge node subnets.
ListGoodBotsResponse |
listGoodBots(ListGoodBotsRequest request)
Gets the list of good bots defined in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS
ListProtectionRulesResponse |
listProtectionRules(ListProtectionRulesRequest request)
Gets the list of available protection rules for a WAAS policy.
ListRecommendationsResponse |
listRecommendations(ListRecommendationsRequest request)
Gets the list of recommended Web Application Firewall protection rules.
ListThreatFeedsResponse |
listThreatFeeds(ListThreatFeedsRequest request)
Gets the list of available web application threat intelligence feeds and the actions set for
each feed.
ListWaasPoliciesResponse |
listWaasPolicies(ListWaasPoliciesRequest request)
Gets a list of WAAS policies.
ListWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesResponse |
listWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRules(ListWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesRequest request)
Gets the list of currently configured custom protection rules for a WAAS policy.
ListWafBlockedRequestsResponse |
listWafBlockedRequests(ListWafBlockedRequestsRequest request)
Gets the number of blocked requests by a Web Application Firewall feature in five minute
blocks, sorted by
timeObserved in ascending order (starting from oldest data). |
ListWafLogsResponse |
listWafLogs(ListWafLogsRequest request)
Gets structured Web Application Firewall event logs for a WAAS policy.
ListWafRequestsResponse |
listWafRequests(ListWafRequestsRequest request)
Gets the number of requests managed by a Web Application Firewall over a specified period of
time, including blocked requests.
ListWafTrafficResponse |
listWafTraffic(ListWafTrafficRequest request)
Gets the Web Application Firewall traffic data for a WAAS policy.
ListWhitelistsResponse |
listWhitelists(ListWhitelistsRequest request)
Gets the list of whitelists defined in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS
ListWorkRequestsResponse |
listWorkRequests(ListWorkRequestsRequest request)
Gets a list of subnets (CIDR notation) from which the WAAS EDGE may make requests.
void |
populateServiceParametersInEndpoint(String endpoint,
Map<String,Object> requiredParametersMap)
Populate the parameters in the endpoint with its corresponding value and update the base
PurgeCacheResponse |
purgeCache(PurgeCacheRequest request)
Performs a purge of the cache for each specified resource.
void |
Rebuild the backing
HttpClient . |
void |
setEndpoint(String endpoint) |
void |
setRegion(Region region)
Sets the region to call (ex, Region.US_PHOENIX_1).
void |
setRegion(String regionId)
Sets the region to call (ex, ‘us-phoenix-1’).
UpdateAccessRulesResponse |
updateAccessRules(UpdateAccessRulesRequest request)
Updates the list of access rules in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
specified WAAS policy.
UpdateAddressListResponse |
updateAddressList(UpdateAddressListRequest request)
Updates the details of an address list.
void |
updateBaseEndpoint(String endpoint)
This method should be used for parameterized endpoint templates only.
UpdateCachingRulesResponse |
updateCachingRules(UpdateCachingRulesRequest request)
Updates the configuration for each specified caching rule.
UpdateCaptchasResponse |
updateCaptchas(UpdateCaptchasRequest request)
Updates the list of CAPTCHA challenges in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
WAAS policy.
UpdateCertificateResponse |
updateCertificate(UpdateCertificateRequest request)
It is not possible to update a certificate, only create and delete.
UpdateCustomProtectionRuleResponse |
updateCustomProtectionRule(UpdateCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Updates the configuration of a custom protection rule.
UpdateDeviceFingerprintChallengeResponse |
updateDeviceFingerprintChallenge(UpdateDeviceFingerprintChallengeRequest request)
Updates the Device Fingerprint Challenge (DFC) settings in the Web Application Firewall
configuration for a policy.
UpdateGoodBotsResponse |
updateGoodBots(UpdateGoodBotsRequest request)
Updates the list of good bots in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a policy.
UpdateHumanInteractionChallengeResponse |
updateHumanInteractionChallenge(UpdateHumanInteractionChallengeRequest request)
Updates the Human Interaction Challenge (HIC) settings in the Web Application Firewall
configuration for a WAAS policy.
UpdateJsChallengeResponse |
updateJsChallenge(UpdateJsChallengeRequest request)
Updates the JavaScript challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
WAAS policy.
UpdatePolicyConfigResponse |
updatePolicyConfig(UpdatePolicyConfigRequest request)
Updates the configuration for a WAAS policy.
UpdateProtectionRulesResponse |
updateProtectionRules(UpdateProtectionRulesRequest request)
Updates the action for each specified protection rule.
UpdateProtectionSettingsResponse |
updateProtectionSettings(UpdateProtectionSettingsRequest request)
Updates the protection settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS
UpdateThreatFeedsResponse |
updateThreatFeeds(UpdateThreatFeedsRequest request)
Updates the action to take when a request’s IP address matches an address in the specified
threat intelligence feed.
UpdateWaasPolicyResponse |
updateWaasPolicy(UpdateWaasPolicyRequest request)
Updates the details of a WAAS policy, including origins and tags.
UpdateWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesResponse |
updateWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRules(UpdateWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesRequest request)
Updates the action for each specified custom protection rule.
UpdateWafAddressRateLimitingResponse |
updateWafAddressRateLimiting(UpdateWafAddressRateLimitingRequest request)
Updates the address rate limiting settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for
a policy.
UpdateWafConfigResponse |
updateWafConfig(UpdateWafConfigRequest request)
Updates the Web Application Firewall configuration for a specified WAAS policy.
UpdateWhitelistsResponse |
updateWhitelists(UpdateWhitelistsRequest request)
Updates the list of IP addresses that bypass the Web Application Firewall for a WAAS policy.
void |
useRealmSpecificEndpointTemplate(boolean useOfRealmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled)
This method should be used to enable or disable the use of realm-specific endpoint template.
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
getEndpoint, refreshClient, setEndpoint, useRealmSpecificEndpointTemplate
public static final Service SERVICE
Service instance for Waas.
public final String clientCommonLibraryVersion
@Deprecated public WaasClient(BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
)@Deprecated public WaasClient(BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
@Deprecated public WaasClient(BasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration, ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
- ClientBuilderBase.clientConfigurator(com.oracle.bmc.http.ClientConfigurator)
@Deprecated public WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration, ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator, RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
- ClientBuilderBase.clientConfigurator(com.oracle.bmc.http.ClientConfigurator)
- ClientBuilderBase.requestSignerFactory
@Deprecated public WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration, ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator, RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory, List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
- ClientBuilderBase.clientConfigurator(com.oracle.bmc.http.ClientConfigurator)
- ClientBuilderBase.requestSignerFactory
- ClientBuilderBase.additionalClientConfigurators
@Deprecated public WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration, ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator, RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory, List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators, String endpoint)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
- ClientBuilderBase.clientConfigurator(com.oracle.bmc.http.ClientConfigurator)
- ClientBuilderBase.requestSignerFactory
- ClientBuilderBase.additionalClientConfigurators
- ClientBuilderBase.endpoint(java.lang.String)
@Deprecated public WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration, ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator, RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory, Map<SigningStrategy,RequestSignerFactory> signingStrategyRequestSignerFactories, List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators, String endpoint)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
- ClientBuilderBase.clientConfigurator(com.oracle.bmc.http.ClientConfigurator)
- ClientBuilderBase.requestSignerFactory
- ClientBuilderBase.additionalClientConfigurators
- ClientBuilderBase.endpoint(java.lang.String)
- ClientBuilderBase.signingStrategyRequestSignerFactories
@Deprecated public WaasClient(AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider authenticationDetailsProvider, ClientConfiguration configuration, ClientConfigurator clientConfigurator, RequestSignerFactory defaultRequestSignerFactory, Map<SigningStrategy,RequestSignerFactory> signingStrategyRequestSignerFactories, List<ClientConfigurator> additionalClientConfigurators, String endpoint, ExecutorService executorService)
instead.Create a new client instance.
- The authentication details (see WaasClient.Builder.build(com.oracle.bmc.auth.AbstractAuthenticationDetailsProvider)
- ClientBuilderBase.configuration
- ClientBuilderBase.clientConfigurator(com.oracle.bmc.http.ClientConfigurator)
- ClientBuilderBase.requestSignerFactory
- ClientBuilderBase.additionalClientConfigurators
- ClientBuilderBase.endpoint(java.lang.String)
- ClientBuilderBase.signingStrategyRequestSignerFactories
- WaasClient.Builder.executorService
public static WaasClient.Builder builder()
Create a builder for this client.
public void setRegion(Region region)
Sets the region to call (ex, Region.US_PHOENIX_1).
Note, this will call setEndpoint
after resolving the
endpoint. If the service is not available in this Region, however, an
IllegalArgumentException will be raised.
public void setRegion(String regionId)
Sets the region to call (ex, ‘us-phoenix-1’).
Note, this will first try to map the region ID to a known Region and call setRegion
If no known Region could be determined, it will create an endpoint based on the default
endpoint format (Region.formatDefaultRegionEndpoint(Service, String)
and then call setEndpoint
public AcceptRecommendationsResponse acceptRecommendations(AcceptRecommendationsRequest request)
Accepts a list of recommended Web Application Firewall protection rules. Web Application Firewall protection rule recommendations are sets of rules generated by observed traffic patterns through the Web Application Firewall and are meant to optimize the Web Application Firewall’s security profile. Only the rules specified in the request body will be updated; all other rules will remain unchanged.
Use the `GET /waasPolicies/{waasPolicyId}/wafConfig/recommendations` method to view a list of recommended Web Application Firewall protection rules. For more information, see [WAF Protection Rules](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/WAF/Tasks/wafprotectionrules.htm).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic CancelWorkRequestResponse cancelWorkRequest(CancelWorkRequestRequest request)
Cancels a specified work request.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ChangeAddressListCompartmentResponse changeAddressListCompartment(ChangeAddressListCompartmentRequest request)
Moves address list into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the address list. For information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ChangeCertificateCompartmentResponse changeCertificateCompartment(ChangeCertificateCompartmentRequest request)
Moves certificate into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the certificate. For information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ChangeCustomProtectionRuleCompartmentResponse changeCustomProtectionRuleCompartment(ChangeCustomProtectionRuleCompartmentRequest request)
Moves a custom protection rule into a different compartment within the same tenancy. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the custom protection rule. For information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ChangeWaasPolicyCompartmentResponse changeWaasPolicyCompartment(ChangeWaasPolicyCompartmentRequest request)
Moves WAAS policy into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the WAAS policy. For information about moving resources between compartments, see Moving Resources to a Different Compartment.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic CreateAddressListResponse createAddressList(CreateAddressListRequest request)
Creates an address list in a set compartment and allows it to be used in a WAAS policy and referenced by access rules. Addresses can be IP addresses and CIDR notations.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic CreateCertificateResponse createCertificate(CreateCertificateRequest request)
Allows an SSL certificate to be added to a WAAS policy. The Web Application Firewall terminates SSL connections to inspect requests in runtime, and then re-encrypts requests before sending them to the origin for fulfillment.
For more information, see [WAF Settings](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/WAF/Tasks/wafsettings.htm).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic CreateCustomProtectionRuleResponse createCustomProtectionRule(CreateCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Creates a new custom protection rule in the specified compartment.
Custom protection rules allow you to create rules in addition to the rulesets provided by the Web Application Firewall service, including rules from [ModSecurity](https://modsecurity.org/). The syntax for custom rules is based on the ModSecurity syntax. For more information about custom protection rules, see [Custom Protection Rules](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/WAF/Tasks/customprotectionrules.htm).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic CreateWaasPolicyResponse createWaasPolicy(CreateWaasPolicyRequest request)
Creates a new Web Application Acceleration and Security (WAAS) policy in the specified
compartment. A WAAS policy must be established before creating Web Application Firewall (WAF)
rules. To use WAF rules, your web application’s origin servers must defined in the
A domain name must be specified when creating a WAAS policy. The domain name should be different from the origins specified in your `WaasPolicy`. Once domain name is entered and stored, it is unchangeable.
Use the record data returned in the `cname` field of the `WaasPolicy` object to create a CNAME record in your DNS configuration that will direct your domain's traffic through the WAF.
For the purposes of access control, you must provide the OCID of the compartment where you want the service to reside. For information about access control and compartments, see [Overview of the IAM Service](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Identity/Concepts/overview.htm).
You must specify a display name and domain for the WAAS policy. The display name does not have to be unique and can be changed. The domain name should be different from every origin specified in `WaasPolicy`.
All Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources, including WAAS policies, receive a unique, Oracle-assigned ID called an Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID). When a resource is created, you can find its OCID in the response. You can also retrieve a resource's OCID by using a list API operation for that resource type, or by viewing the resource in the Console. Fore more information, see [Resource Identifiers](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/identifiers.htm).
*Note:** After sending the POST request, the new object's state will temporarily be `CREATING`. Ensure that the resource's state has changed to `ACTIVE` before use.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic DeleteAddressListResponse deleteAddressList(DeleteAddressListRequest request)
Deletes the address list from the compartment if it is not used.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic DeleteCertificateResponse deleteCertificate(DeleteCertificateRequest request)
Deletes an SSL certificate from the WAAS service.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic DeleteCustomProtectionRuleResponse deleteCustomProtectionRule(DeleteCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Deletes a Custom Protection rule.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic DeleteWaasPolicyResponse deleteWaasPolicy(DeleteWaasPolicyRequest request)
Deletes a policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetAddressListResponse getAddressList(GetAddressListRequest request)
Gets the details of an address list.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetCertificateResponse getCertificate(GetCertificateRequest request)
Gets the details of an SSL certificate.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetCustomProtectionRuleResponse getCustomProtectionRule(GetCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Gets the details of a custom protection rule.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetDeviceFingerprintChallengeResponse getDeviceFingerprintChallenge(GetDeviceFingerprintChallengeRequest request)
Gets the device fingerprint challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetHumanInteractionChallengeResponse getHumanInteractionChallenge(GetHumanInteractionChallengeRequest request)
Gets the human interaction challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetJsChallengeResponse getJsChallenge(GetJsChallengeRequest request)
Gets the JavaScript challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetPolicyConfigResponse getPolicyConfig(GetPolicyConfigRequest request)
Gets the configuration of a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetProtectionRuleResponse getProtectionRule(GetProtectionRuleRequest request)
Gets the details of a protection rule in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetProtectionSettingsResponse getProtectionSettings(GetProtectionSettingsRequest request)
Gets the protection settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetWaasPolicyResponse getWaasPolicy(GetWaasPolicyRequest request)
Gets the details of a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetWafAddressRateLimitingResponse getWafAddressRateLimiting(GetWafAddressRateLimitingRequest request)
Gets the address rate limiting settings of the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetWafConfigResponse getWafConfig(GetWafConfigRequest request)
Gets the Web Application Firewall configuration details for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic GetWorkRequestResponse getWorkRequest(GetWorkRequestRequest request)
Gets the details of a specified work request.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListAccessRulesResponse listAccessRules(ListAccessRulesRequest request)
Gets the currently configured access rules for the Web Application Firewall configuration of a specified WAAS policy. The order of the access rules is important. The rules will be checked in the order they are specified and the first matching rule will be used.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListAddressListsResponse listAddressLists(ListAddressListsRequest request)
Gets a list of address lists that can be used in a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListCachingRulesResponse listCachingRules(ListCachingRulesRequest request)
Gets the currently configured caching rules for the Web Application Firewall configuration of a specified WAAS policy. The rules are processed in the order they are specified in and the first matching rule will be used when processing a request.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListCaptchasResponse listCaptchas(ListCaptchasRequest request)
Gets the list of currently configured CAPTCHA challenges in the Web Application Firewall configuration of a WAAS policy.
The order of the CAPTCHA challenges is important. The URL for each CAPTCHA will be checked in the order they are created.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListCertificatesResponse listCertificates(ListCertificatesRequest request)
Gets a list of SSL certificates that can be used in a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListCustomProtectionRulesResponse listCustomProtectionRules(ListCustomProtectionRulesRequest request)
Gets a list of custom protection rules for the specified Web Application Firewall.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListEdgeSubnetsResponse listEdgeSubnets(ListEdgeSubnetsRequest request)
Return the list of the tenant’s edge node subnets. Use these CIDR blocks to restrict incoming traffic to your origin. These subnets are owned by OCI and forward traffic to customer origins. They are not associated with specific regions or compartments.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListGoodBotsResponse listGoodBots(ListGoodBotsRequest request)
Gets the list of good bots defined in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
The list is sorted by `key`, in ascending order.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListProtectionRulesResponse listProtectionRules(ListProtectionRulesRequest request)
Gets the list of available protection rules for a WAAS policy. Use the GetWafConfig
operation to view a list of currently configured protection rules for the Web Application
Firewall, or use the ListRecommendations
operation to get a list of recommended protection
rules for the Web Application Firewall. The list is sorted by key
, in ascending order.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListRecommendationsResponse listRecommendations(ListRecommendationsRequest request)
Gets the list of recommended Web Application Firewall protection rules.
Use the `POST /waasPolicies/{waasPolicyId}/actions/acceptWafConfigRecommendations` method to accept recommended Web Application Firewall protection rules. For more information, see [WAF Protection Rules](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/WAF/Tasks/wafprotectionrules.htm). The list is sorted by `key`, in ascending order.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListThreatFeedsResponse listThreatFeeds(ListThreatFeedsRequest request)
Gets the list of available web application threat intelligence feeds and the actions set for
each feed. The list is sorted by key
, in ascending order.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWaasPoliciesResponse listWaasPolicies(ListWaasPoliciesRequest request)
Gets a list of WAAS policies.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesResponse listWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRules(ListWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesRequest request)
Gets the list of currently configured custom protection rules for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWafBlockedRequestsResponse listWafBlockedRequests(ListWafBlockedRequestsRequest request)
Gets the number of blocked requests by a Web Application Firewall feature in five minute
blocks, sorted by timeObserved
in ascending order (starting from oldest data).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWafLogsResponse listWafLogs(ListWafLogsRequest request)
Gets structured Web Application Firewall event logs for a WAAS policy. Sorted by the
in ascending order (starting from the oldest recorded event).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWafRequestsResponse listWafRequests(ListWafRequestsRequest request)
Gets the number of requests managed by a Web Application Firewall over a specified period of
time, including blocked requests. Sorted by timeObserved
in ascending order (starting from
oldest requests).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWafTrafficResponse listWafTraffic(ListWafTrafficRequest request)
Gets the Web Application Firewall traffic data for a WAAS policy. Sorted by timeObserved
ascending order (starting from oldest data).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWhitelistsResponse listWhitelists(ListWhitelistsRequest request)
Gets the list of whitelists defined in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic ListWorkRequestsResponse listWorkRequests(ListWorkRequestsRequest request)
Gets a list of subnets (CIDR notation) from which the WAAS EDGE may make requests. The subnets are owned by OCI and forward traffic to your origins. Allow traffic from these subnets to your origins. They are not associated with specific regions or compartments.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic PurgeCacheResponse purgeCache(PurgeCacheRequest request)
Performs a purge of the cache for each specified resource. If no resources are passed, the cache for the entire Web Application Firewall will be purged. For more information, see Caching Rules.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateAccessRulesResponse updateAccessRules(UpdateAccessRulesRequest request)
Updates the list of access rules in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a
specified WAAS policy. Access rules allow explicit actions to be defined and executed for
requests that meet various conditions. A rule action can be set to allow, detect, or block
requests. The detect setting allows the request to pass through the Web Application Firewall
and is tagged with a DETECT
flag in the Web Application Firewall’s log.
This operation can create, delete, update, and/or reorder access rules depending on the structure of the request body.
Access rules can be updated by changing the properties of the access rule object with the rule's key specified in the key field. Access rules can be reordered by changing the order of the access rules in the list when updating.
Access rules can be created by adding a new access rule object to the list without a `key` property specified. A `key` will be generated for the new access rule upon update.
Any existing access rules that are not specified with a `key` in the list of access rules will be deleted upon update.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateAddressListResponse updateAddressList(UpdateAddressListRequest request)
Updates the details of an address list. Only the fields specified in the request body will be updated; all other properties will remain unchanged.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateCachingRulesResponse updateCachingRules(UpdateCachingRulesRequest request)
Updates the configuration for each specified caching rule.
Caching rules WAF policies allow you to selectively cache content on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure's edge servers, such as webpages or certain file types. For more information about caching rules, see [Caching Rules](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/WAF/Tasks/cachingrules.htm).
This operation can create, delete, update, and/or reorder caching rules depending on the structure of the request body. Caching rules can be updated by changing the properties of the caching rule object with the rule's key specified in the key field. Any existing caching rules that are not specified with a key in the list of access rules will be deleted upon update.
The order the caching rules are specified in is important. The rules are processed in the order they are specified and the first matching rule will be used when processing a request. Use `ListCachingRules` to view a list of all available caching rules in a compartment.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateCaptchasResponse updateCaptchas(UpdateCaptchasRequest request)
Updates the list of CAPTCHA challenges in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy. This operation can create, update, or delete CAPTCHAs depending on the structure of the request body. CAPTCHA challenges can be updated by changing the properties of the CAPTCHA object with the rule’s key specified in the key field. CAPTCHA challenges can be reordered by changing the order of the CAPTCHA challenges in the list when updating.
CAPTCHA challenges can be created by adding a new access rule object to the list without a `key` property specified. A `key` will be generated for the new CAPTCHA challenges upon update.
Any existing CAPTCHA challenges that are not specified with a `key` in the list of CAPTCHA challenges will be deleted upon update.
Query parameters are allowed in CAPTCHA URL.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateCertificateResponse updateCertificate(UpdateCertificateRequest request)
It is not possible to update a certificate, only create and delete. Therefore, this operation can only update the display name, freeform tags, and defined tags of a certificate.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateCustomProtectionRuleResponse updateCustomProtectionRule(UpdateCustomProtectionRuleRequest request)
Updates the configuration of a custom protection rule. Only the fields specified in the request body will be updated; all other properties will remain unchanged.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateDeviceFingerprintChallengeResponse updateDeviceFingerprintChallenge(UpdateDeviceFingerprintChallengeRequest request)
Updates the Device Fingerprint Challenge (DFC) settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a policy. The DFC generates a hashed signature of both virtual and real browsers based on 50+ attributes. These proprietary signatures are then leveraged for real-time correlation to identify and block malicious bots.
The signature is based on a library of attributes detected via JavaScript listeners; the attributes include OS, screen resolution, fonts, UserAgent, IP address, etc. We are constantly making improvements and considering new libraries to include in our DFC build. We can also exclude attributes from the signature as needed.
DFC collects attributes to generate a hashed signature about a client - if a fingerprint is not possible, then it will result in a block or alert action. Actions can be enforced across multiple devices if they share they have the same fingerprint.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateGoodBotsResponse updateGoodBots(UpdateGoodBotsRequest request)
Updates the list of good bots in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a policy. Only the fields specified in the request body will be updated, all other configuration properties will remain unchanged.
Good bots allows you to manage access for bots from known providers, such as Google or Baidu. For more information about good bots, see [Bot Management](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/Content/WAF/Tasks/botmanagement.htm).
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateHumanInteractionChallengeResponse updateHumanInteractionChallenge(UpdateHumanInteractionChallengeRequest request)
Updates the Human Interaction Challenge (HIC) settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy. HIC is a countermeasure that allows the proxy to check the user’s browser for various behaviors that distinguish a human presence from a bot.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateJsChallengeResponse updateJsChallenge(UpdateJsChallengeRequest request)
Updates the JavaScript challenge settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy. JavaScript Challenge validates that the client can accept JavaScript with a binary decision. For more information, see Bot Management.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdatePolicyConfigResponse updatePolicyConfig(UpdatePolicyConfigRequest request)
Updates the configuration for a WAAS policy. Only the fields specified in the request body will be updated; all other properties will remain unchanged.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateProtectionRulesResponse updateProtectionRules(UpdateProtectionRulesRequest request)
Updates the action for each specified protection rule. Requests can either be allowed, blocked, or trigger an alert if they meet the parameters of an applied rule. For more information on protection rules, see WAF Protection Rules. This operation can update or disable protection rules depending on the structure of the request body. Protection rules can be updated by changing the properties of the protection rule object with the rule’s key specified in the key field.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateProtectionSettingsResponse updateProtectionSettings(UpdateProtectionSettingsRequest request)
Updates the protection settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a WAAS policy. Protection settings allow you define what action is taken when a request is blocked by the Web Application Firewall, such as returning a response code or block page. Only the fields specified in the request body will be updated; all other fields will remain unchanged.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateThreatFeedsResponse updateThreatFeeds(UpdateThreatFeedsRequest request)
Updates the action to take when a request’s IP address matches an address in the specified threat intelligence feed. Threat intelligence feeds are compiled lists of IP addresses with malicious reputations based on internet intelligence. Only the threat feeds specified in the request body will be updated; all other threat feeds will remain unchanged.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateWaasPolicyResponse updateWaasPolicy(UpdateWaasPolicyRequest request)
Updates the details of a WAAS policy, including origins and tags. Only the fields specified
in the request body will be updated; all other properties will remain unchanged. To update
platform provided resources such as GoodBots
, ProtectionRules
, and ThreatFeeds
, first
retrieve the list of available resources with the related list operation such as
or GetProtectionRules
. The returned list will contain objects with key
properties that can be used to update the resource during the UpdateWaasPolicy
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesResponse updateWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRules(UpdateWaasPolicyCustomProtectionRulesRequest request)
Updates the action for each specified custom protection rule. Only the DETECT
actions can be set. Disabled rules should not be included in the list. For more information
on protection rules, see WAF Protection
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateWafAddressRateLimitingResponse updateWafAddressRateLimiting(UpdateWafAddressRateLimitingRequest request)
Updates the address rate limiting settings in the Web Application Firewall configuration for a policy. Rate limiting allows you to configure a threshold for the number of requests from a unique IP address for the given period. You can also define the response code for the requests from the same address that exceed the threshold.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateWafConfigResponse updateWafConfig(UpdateWafConfigRequest request)
Updates the Web Application Firewall configuration for a specified WAAS policy.
To update platform provided resources such as `GoodBots`, `ProtectionRules`, and `ThreatFeeds`, first retrieve the list of available resources with the related list operation, such as `GetThreatFeeds` or `GetProtectionRules`.
The returned list will contain objects with `key` properties that can be used to update the resource during the `UpdateWafConfig` request.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic UpdateWhitelistsResponse updateWhitelists(UpdateWhitelistsRequest request)
Updates the list of IP addresses that bypass the Web Application Firewall for a WAAS policy. Supports single IP addresses, subnet masks (CIDR notation) and Address Lists.
This operation can create, delete, update, and/or reorder whitelists depending on the structure of the request body.
Whitelists can be updated by changing the properties of the whitelist object with the rule's key specified in the `key` field. Whitelists can be reordered by changing the order of the whitelists in the list of objects when updating.
Whitelists can be created by adding a new whitelist object to the list without a `key` property specified. A `key` will be generated for the new whitelist upon update.
Whitelists can be deleted by removing the existing whitelist object from the list. Any existing whitelists that are not specified with a `key` in the list of access rules will be deleted upon update.
in interface Waas
- The request object containing the details to sendpublic WaasWaiters getWaiters()
Gets the pre-configured waiters available for resources for this service.
in interface Waas
public WaasPaginators getPaginators()
Gets the pre-configured paginators available for list operations in this service which may
return multiple pages of data. These paginators provide an Iterable
interface so that service responses, or resources/records, can be iterated through without
having to manually deal with pagination and page tokens.
in interface Waas
protected ClientConfigurator getDefaultConfigurator()
public void useRealmSpecificEndpointTemplate(boolean useOfRealmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled)
- This flag can be set to true or false to
enable or disable the use of realm-specific endpoint template respectivelypublic final void populateServiceParametersInEndpoint(String endpoint, Map<String,Object> requiredParametersMap)
- The endpoint template in userequiredParametersMap
- Map of parameter name as key and value set in request path or
query parameter as valuepublic final void updateBaseEndpoint(String endpoint)
- The updated endpoint to usepublic final void setEndpoint(String endpoint)
public final String getEndpoint()
public final void refreshClient()
. This will call ClientConfigurator
s again, and
can be used to e.g. refresh the SSL certificate.public final void close()
in interface AutoCloseable
public String getClientCommonLibraryVersion()
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