@Generated(value="OracleSDKGenerator", comments="API Version: 20181201") public interface DataSafeAsync extends AutoCloseable
APIs for using Oracle Data Safe.
void refreshClient()
Rebuilds the client from scratch. Useful to refresh certificates.
void setEndpoint(String endpoint)
Sets the endpoint to call (ex, https://www.example.com).
- The endpoint of the serice.String getEndpoint()
Gets the set endpoint for REST call (ex, https://www.example.com)
void setRegion(Region region)
Sets the region to call (ex, Region.US_PHOENIX_1).
Note, this will call setEndpoint
after resolving the
endpoint. If the service is not available in this region, however, an
IllegalArgumentException will be raised.
- The region of the service.void setRegion(String regionId)
Sets the region to call (ex, ‘us-phoenix-1’).
Note, this will first try to map the region ID to a known Region and call setRegion
If no known Region could be determined, it will create an endpoint based on the default
endpoint format (Region.formatDefaultRegionEndpoint(Service, String)
and then call setEndpoint
- The public region ID.void useRealmSpecificEndpointTemplate(boolean realmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled)
Determines whether realm specific endpoint should be used or not. Set realmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled to “true” if the user wants to enable use of realm specific endpoint template, otherwise set it to “false”
- flag to enable the use of realm specific endpoint
templateFuture<ActivateTargetDatabaseResponse> activateTargetDatabase(ActivateTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<ActivateTargetDatabaseRequest,ActivateTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Reactivates a previously deactivated Data Safe target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<AddMaskingColumnsFromSdmResponse> addMaskingColumnsFromSdm(AddMaskingColumnsFromSdmRequest request, AsyncHandler<AddMaskingColumnsFromSdmRequest,AddMaskingColumnsFromSdmResponse> handler)
Adds columns to the specified masking policy from the associated sensitive data model. It automatically pulls all the sensitive columns and their relationships from the sensitive data model and uses this information to create columns in the masking policy. It also assigns default masking formats to these columns based on the associated sensitive types.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<AlertsUpdateResponse> alertsUpdate(AlertsUpdateRequest request, AsyncHandler<AlertsUpdateRequest,AlertsUpdateResponse> handler)
Updates alerts in the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ApplyDiscoveryJobResultsResponse> applyDiscoveryJobResults(ApplyDiscoveryJobResultsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ApplyDiscoveryJobResultsRequest,ApplyDiscoveryJobResultsResponse> handler)
Applies the results of a discovery job to the specified sensitive data model. Note that the plannedAction attribute of discovery results is used for processing them. You should first use PatchDiscoveryJobResults to set the plannedAction attribute of the discovery results you want to process. ApplyDiscoveryJobResults automatically reads the plannedAction attribute and updates the sensitive data model to reflect the actions you planned.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> applySdmMaskingPolicyDifference(ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest request, AsyncHandler<ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest,ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> handler)
Applies the difference of a SDM Masking policy difference resource to the specified masking policy. Note that the plannedAction attribute of difference columns is used for processing. You should first use PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumns to set the plannedAction attribute of the difference columns you want to process. ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifference automatically reads the plannedAction attribute and updates the masking policy to reflect the actions you planned. If the sdmMaskingPolicydifferenceId is not passed, the latest sdmMaskingPolicydifference is used. Note that if the masking policy associated with the SdmMaskingPolicyDifference used for this operation is not associated with the original SDM anymore, this operation won’t be allowed.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<BulkCreateSensitiveTypesResponse> bulkCreateSensitiveTypes(BulkCreateSensitiveTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<BulkCreateSensitiveTypesRequest,BulkCreateSensitiveTypesResponse> handler)
Uploads a sensitive types xml file (also called template) to create new sensitive types.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsResponse> bulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqls(BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsRequest request, AsyncHandler<BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsRequest,BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsResponse> handler)
Appends the allowedSqls with entries from the logs.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<BulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsResponse> bulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqls(BulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsRequest request, AsyncHandler<BulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsRequest,BulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsResponse> handler)
Delete multiple allowed sqls from the SQL firewall policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CalculateAuditVolumeAvailableResponse> calculateAuditVolumeAvailable(CalculateAuditVolumeAvailableRequest request, AsyncHandler<CalculateAuditVolumeAvailableRequest,CalculateAuditVolumeAvailableResponse> handler)
Calculates the volume of audit events available on the target database to be collected. Measurable up to the defined retention period of the audit target resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CalculateAuditVolumeCollectedResponse> calculateAuditVolumeCollected(CalculateAuditVolumeCollectedRequest request, AsyncHandler<CalculateAuditVolumeCollectedRequest,CalculateAuditVolumeCollectedResponse> handler)
Calculates the volume of audit events collected by data safe.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CancelWorkRequestResponse> cancelWorkRequest(CancelWorkRequestRequest request, AsyncHandler<CancelWorkRequestRequest,CancelWorkRequestResponse> handler)
Cancel the specified work request.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeAlertCompartmentResponse> changeAlertCompartment(ChangeAlertCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeAlertCompartmentRequest,ChangeAlertCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified alert into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeAlertPolicyCompartmentResponse> changeAlertPolicyCompartment(ChangeAlertPolicyCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeAlertPolicyCompartmentRequest,ChangeAlertPolicyCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified alert policy into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartmentResponse> changeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartment(ChangeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartmentRequest,ChangeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the archive retreival to the specified compartment. When provided, if-Match is checked against ETag value of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeAuditPolicyCompartmentResponse> changeAuditPolicyCompartment(ChangeAuditPolicyCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeAuditPolicyCompartmentRequest,ChangeAuditPolicyCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified audit policy and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeAuditProfileCompartmentResponse> changeAuditProfileCompartment(ChangeAuditProfileCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeAuditProfileCompartmentRequest,ChangeAuditProfileCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified audit profile and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartmentResponse> changeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartment(ChangeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartmentRequest,ChangeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the Data Safe private endpoint and its dependent resources to the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartmentResponse> changeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartment(ChangeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartmentRequest,ChangeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified database security configuration and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeDiscoveryJobCompartmentResponse> changeDiscoveryJobCompartment(ChangeDiscoveryJobCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeDiscoveryJobCompartmentRequest,ChangeDiscoveryJobCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified discovery job and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartmentResponse> changeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartment(ChangeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartmentRequest,ChangeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified library masking format into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeMaskingPolicyCompartmentResponse> changeMaskingPolicyCompartment(ChangeMaskingPolicyCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeMaskingPolicyCompartmentRequest,ChangeMaskingPolicyCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified masking policy and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartmentResponse> changeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartment(ChangeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartmentRequest,ChangeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified masking policy health report and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeOnPremConnectorCompartmentResponse> changeOnPremConnectorCompartment(ChangeOnPremConnectorCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeOnPremConnectorCompartmentRequest,ChangeOnPremConnectorCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified on-premises connector into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeReportCompartmentResponse> changeReportCompartment(ChangeReportCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeReportCompartmentRequest,ChangeReportCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves a resource into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeReportDefinitionCompartmentResponse> changeReportDefinitionCompartment(ChangeReportDefinitionCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeReportDefinitionCompartmentRequest,ChangeReportDefinitionCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves a resource into a different compartment. When provided, If-Match is checked against ETag values of the resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeRetentionResponse> changeRetention(ChangeRetentionRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeRetentionRequest,ChangeRetentionResponse> handler)
Change the online and offline months .
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartmentResponse> changeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartment(ChangeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartmentRequest,ChangeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified SDM masking policy difference into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSecurityAssessmentCompartmentResponse> changeSecurityAssessmentCompartment(ChangeSecurityAssessmentCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSecurityAssessmentCompartmentRequest,ChangeSecurityAssessmentCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified saved security assessment or future scheduled assessments into a different compartment.
To start, call first the operation ListSecurityAssessments with filters \"type = save_schedule\". This returns the scheduleAssessmentId. Then, call this changeCompartment with the scheduleAssessmentId.
The existing saved security assessments created due to the schedule are not moved. However, all new saves will be associated with the new compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentResponse> changeSecurityPolicyCompartment(ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentRequest,ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified security policy and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartmentResponse> changeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartment(ChangeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartmentRequest,ChangeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified security policy deployment and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSensitiveDataModelCompartmentResponse> changeSensitiveDataModelCompartment(ChangeSensitiveDataModelCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSensitiveDataModelCompartmentRequest,ChangeSensitiveDataModelCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified sensitive data model and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSensitiveTypeCompartmentResponse> changeSensitiveTypeCompartment(ChangeSensitiveTypeCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSensitiveTypeCompartmentRequest,ChangeSensitiveTypeCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified sensitive type into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartmentResponse> changeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartment(ChangeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartmentRequest,ChangeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the sensitive type group to the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSensitiveTypesExportCompartmentResponse> changeSensitiveTypesExportCompartment(ChangeSensitiveTypesExportCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSensitiveTypesExportCompartmentRequest,ChangeSensitiveTypesExportCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified sensitive types export into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSqlCollectionCompartmentResponse> changeSqlCollectionCompartment(ChangeSqlCollectionCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSqlCollectionCompartmentRequest,ChangeSqlCollectionCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified SQL collection and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartmentResponse> changeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartment(ChangeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartmentRequest,ChangeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified SQL Firewall policy and its dependent resources into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartmentResponse> changeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartment(ChangeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartmentRequest,ChangeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified target-alert policy Association into a different compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeTargetDatabaseCompartmentResponse> changeTargetDatabaseCompartment(ChangeTargetDatabaseCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeTargetDatabaseCompartmentRequest,ChangeTargetDatabaseCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the Data Safe target database to the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ChangeUserAssessmentCompartmentResponse> changeUserAssessmentCompartment(ChangeUserAssessmentCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangeUserAssessmentCompartmentRequest,ChangeUserAssessmentCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified saved user assessment or future scheduled assessments into a different compartment. To start storing scheduled user assessments on a different compartment, first call the operation ListUserAssessments with the filters "type = save_schedule". That call returns the scheduleAssessmentId. Then call ChangeUserAssessmentCompartment with the scheduleAssessmentId. The existing saved user assessments created per the schedule are not be moved. However, all new saves will be associated with the new compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CompareSecurityAssessmentResponse> compareSecurityAssessment(CompareSecurityAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<CompareSecurityAssessmentRequest,CompareSecurityAssessmentResponse> handler)
Compares two security assessments. For this comparison, a security assessment can be a saved assessment, a latest assessment, or a baseline assessment. For example, you can compare saved assessment or a latest assessment against a baseline.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CompareUserAssessmentResponse> compareUserAssessment(CompareUserAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<CompareUserAssessmentRequest,CompareUserAssessmentResponse> handler)
Compares two user assessments. For this comparison, a user assessment can be a saved, a latest assessment, or a baseline. As an example, it can be used to compare a user assessment saved or a latest assessment with a baseline.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateAlertPolicyResponse> createAlertPolicy(CreateAlertPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateAlertPolicyRequest,CreateAlertPolicyResponse> handler)
Creates a new user-defined alert policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateAlertPolicyRuleResponse> createAlertPolicyRule(CreateAlertPolicyRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateAlertPolicyRuleRequest,CreateAlertPolicyRuleResponse> handler)
Creates a new rule for the alert policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> createAuditArchiveRetrieval(CreateAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest,CreateAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> handler)
Creates a work request to retrieve archived audit data. This asynchronous process will usually take over an hour to complete. Save the id from the response of this operation. Call GetAuditArchiveRetrieval operation after an hour, passing the id to know the status of this operation.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> createDataSafePrivateEndpoint(CreateDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest,CreateDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> handler)
Creates a new Data Safe private endpoint.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateDiscoveryJobResponse> createDiscoveryJob(CreateDiscoveryJobRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateDiscoveryJobRequest,CreateDiscoveryJobResponse> handler)
Performs incremental data discovery for the specified sensitive data model. It uses the target database associated with the sensitive data model. After performing data discovery, you can use ListDiscoveryJobResults to view the discovery results, PatchDiscoveryJobResults to specify the action you want perform on these results, and then ApplyDiscoveryJobResults to process the results and apply them to the sensitive data model.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> createLibraryMaskingFormat(CreateLibraryMaskingFormatRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateLibraryMaskingFormatRequest,CreateLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> handler)
Creates a new library masking format. A masking format can have one or more format entries. The combined output of all the format entries is used for masking. It provides the flexibility to define a masking format that can generate different parts of a data value separately and then combine them to get the final data value for masking. Note that you cannot define masking condition in a library masking format.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateMaskingColumnResponse> createMaskingColumn(CreateMaskingColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateMaskingColumnRequest,CreateMaskingColumnResponse> handler)
Creates a new masking column in the specified masking policy. Use this operation to add parent columns only. It automatically adds the child columns from the associated sensitive data model or target database. If you provide the sensitiveTypeId attribute but not the maskingFormats attribute, it automatically assigns the default masking format associated with the specified sensitive type. Alternatively, if you provide the maskingFormats attribute, the specified masking formats are assigned to the column.
Using the maskingFormats attribute, you can assign one or more masking formats to a column. You need to specify a condition as part of each masking format. It enables you to do conditional masking so that you can mask the column data values differently using different masking conditions. A masking format can have one or more format entries. The combined output of all the format entries is used for masking. It provides the flexibility to define a masking format that can generate different parts of a data value separately and then combine them to get the final data value for masking.
You can use the maskingColumnGroup attribute to group the columns that you would like to mask together. It enables you to do group or compound masking that ensures that the masked data across the columns in a group continue to retain the same logical relationship.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateMaskingPolicyResponse> createMaskingPolicy(CreateMaskingPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateMaskingPolicyRequest,CreateMaskingPolicyResponse> handler)
Creates a new masking policy and associates it with a sensitive data model or a target database.
To use a sensitive data model as the source of masking columns, set the columnSource attribute to SENSITIVE_DATA_MODEL and provide the sensitiveDataModelId attribute. After creating a masking policy, you can use the AddMaskingColumnsFromSdm operation to automatically add all the columns from the associated sensitive data model. In this case, the target database associated with the sensitive data model is used for column and masking format validations.
You can also create a masking policy without using a sensitive data model. In this case, you need to associate your masking policy with a target database by setting the columnSource attribute to TARGET and providing the targetId attribute. The specified target database is used for column and masking format validations.
After creating a masking policy, you can use the CreateMaskingColumn or PatchMaskingColumns operation to manually add columns to the policy. You need to add the parent columns only, and it automatically adds the child columns (in referential relationship with the parent columns) from the associated sensitive data model or target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateOnPremConnectorResponse> createOnPremConnector(CreateOnPremConnectorRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateOnPremConnectorRequest,CreateOnPremConnectorResponse> handler)
Creates a new on-premises connector.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreatePeerTargetDatabaseResponse> createPeerTargetDatabase(CreatePeerTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreatePeerTargetDatabaseRequest,CreatePeerTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Creates the peer target database under the primary target database in Data Safe.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateReferentialRelationResponse> createReferentialRelation(CreateReferentialRelationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateReferentialRelationRequest,CreateReferentialRelationResponse> handler)
Creates a new referential relation in the specified sensitive data model.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateReportDefinitionResponse> createReportDefinition(CreateReportDefinitionRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateReportDefinitionRequest,CreateReportDefinitionResponse> handler)
Creates a new report definition with parameters specified in the body. The report definition is stored in the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> createSdmMaskingPolicyDifference(CreateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest,CreateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> handler)
Creates SDM masking policy difference for the specified masking policy. It finds the difference between masking columns of the masking policy and sensitive columns of the SDM. After performing this operation, you can use ListDifferenceColumns to view the difference columns, PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumns to specify the action you want perform on these columns, and then ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifference to process the difference columns and apply them to the masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSecurityAssessmentResponse> createSecurityAssessment(CreateSecurityAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSecurityAssessmentRequest,CreateSecurityAssessmentResponse> handler)
Creates a new saved security assessment for one or multiple targets in a compartment. When this operation is performed, it will save the latest assessments in the specified compartment. If a schedule is passed, it will persist the latest assessments, at the defined date and time, in the format defined by RFC3339.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSensitiveColumnResponse> createSensitiveColumn(CreateSensitiveColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSensitiveColumnRequest,CreateSensitiveColumnResponse> handler)
Creates a new sensitive column in the specified sensitive data model.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSensitiveDataModelResponse> createSensitiveDataModel(CreateSensitiveDataModelRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSensitiveDataModelRequest,CreateSensitiveDataModelResponse> handler)
Creates a new sensitive data model. If schemas and sensitive types are provided, it automatically runs data discovery and adds the discovered columns to the sensitive data model. Otherwise, it creates an empty sensitive data model that can be updated later.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSensitiveTypeResponse> createSensitiveType(CreateSensitiveTypeRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSensitiveTypeRequest,CreateSensitiveTypeResponse> handler)
Creates a new sensitive type, which can be a basic sensitive type with regular expressions or a sensitive category. While sensitive types are used for data discovery, sensitive categories are used for logically grouping the related or similar sensitive types.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> createSensitiveTypeGroup(CreateSensitiveTypeGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSensitiveTypeGroupRequest,CreateSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> handler)
Creates a new sensitive type group.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSensitiveTypesExportResponse> createSensitiveTypesExport(CreateSensitiveTypesExportRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSensitiveTypesExportRequest,CreateSensitiveTypesExportResponse> handler)
Generates a downloadable file corresponding to the specified list of sensitive types. It’s a prerequisite for the DownloadSensitiveTypesExport operation. Use this endpoint to generate a sensitive Types Export file and then use DownloadSensitiveTypesExport to download the generated file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateSqlCollectionResponse> createSqlCollection(CreateSqlCollectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSqlCollectionRequest,CreateSqlCollectionResponse> handler)
Creates a new SQL collection resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> createTargetAlertPolicyAssociation(CreateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest,CreateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> handler)
Creates a new target-alert policy association to track a alert policy applied on target.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateTargetDatabaseResponse> createTargetDatabase(CreateTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateTargetDatabaseRequest,CreateTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Registers the specified database with Data Safe and creates a Data Safe target database in the Data Safe Console.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateUserAssessmentResponse> createUserAssessment(CreateUserAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateUserAssessmentRequest,CreateUserAssessmentResponse> handler)
Creates a new saved user assessment for one or multiple targets in a compartment. It saves the latest assessments in the specified compartment. If a scheduled is passed in, this operation persists the latest assessments that exist at the defined date and time, in the format defined by RFC3339.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeactivateTargetDatabaseResponse> deactivateTargetDatabase(DeactivateTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeactivateTargetDatabaseRequest,DeactivateTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Deactivates a target database in Data Safe.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteAlertPolicyResponse> deleteAlertPolicy(DeleteAlertPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteAlertPolicyRequest,DeleteAlertPolicyResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified user-defined alert policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteAlertPolicyRuleResponse> deleteAlertPolicyRule(DeleteAlertPolicyRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteAlertPolicyRuleRequest,DeleteAlertPolicyRuleResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified user-defined alert policy rule.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> deleteAuditArchiveRetrieval(DeleteAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest,DeleteAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> handler)
To unload retrieved archive data, call the operation ListAuditArchiveRetrieval first. This will return the auditArchiveRetrievalId. Then call this operation with auditArchiveRetrievalId.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteAuditTrailResponse> deleteAuditTrail(DeleteAuditTrailRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteAuditTrailRequest,DeleteAuditTrailResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified audit trail.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> deleteDataSafePrivateEndpoint(DeleteDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest,DeleteDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified Data Safe private endpoint.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteDiscoveryJobResponse> deleteDiscoveryJob(DeleteDiscoveryJobRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteDiscoveryJobRequest,DeleteDiscoveryJobResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified discovery job.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteDiscoveryJobResultResponse> deleteDiscoveryJobResult(DeleteDiscoveryJobResultRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteDiscoveryJobResultRequest,DeleteDiscoveryJobResultResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified discovery result.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> deleteLibraryMaskingFormat(DeleteLibraryMaskingFormatRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteLibraryMaskingFormatRequest,DeleteLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified library masking format.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteMaskingColumnResponse> deleteMaskingColumn(DeleteMaskingColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteMaskingColumnRequest,DeleteMaskingColumnResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified masking column.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteMaskingPolicyResponse> deleteMaskingPolicy(DeleteMaskingPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteMaskingPolicyRequest,DeleteMaskingPolicyResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteMaskingPolicyHealthReportResponse> deleteMaskingPolicyHealthReport(DeleteMaskingPolicyHealthReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteMaskingPolicyHealthReportRequest,DeleteMaskingPolicyHealthReportResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified masking policy health report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteMaskingReportResponse> deleteMaskingReport(DeleteMaskingReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteMaskingReportRequest,DeleteMaskingReportResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified masking report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteOnPremConnectorResponse> deleteOnPremConnector(DeleteOnPremConnectorRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteOnPremConnectorRequest,DeleteOnPremConnectorResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified on-premises connector.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeletePeerTargetDatabaseResponse> deletePeerTargetDatabase(DeletePeerTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeletePeerTargetDatabaseRequest,DeletePeerTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Removes the specified peer target database from Data Safe.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteReferentialRelationResponse> deleteReferentialRelation(DeleteReferentialRelationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteReferentialRelationRequest,DeleteReferentialRelationResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified referential relation.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteReportDefinitionResponse> deleteReportDefinition(DeleteReportDefinitionRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteReportDefinitionRequest,DeleteReportDefinitionResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified report definition. Only the user created report definition can be deleted. The seeded report definitions cannot be deleted.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> deleteSdmMaskingPolicyDifference(DeleteSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest,DeleteSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified SDM Masking policy difference.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSecurityAssessmentResponse> deleteSecurityAssessment(DeleteSecurityAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSecurityAssessmentRequest,DeleteSecurityAssessmentResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified saved security assessment or schedule. To delete a security assessment schedule, first call the operation ListSecurityAssessments with filters "type = save_schedule". That operation returns the scheduleAssessmentId. Then, call DeleteSecurityAssessment with the scheduleAssessmentId. If the assessment being deleted is the baseline for that compartment, then it will impact all baselines in the compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSensitiveColumnResponse> deleteSensitiveColumn(DeleteSensitiveColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSensitiveColumnRequest,DeleteSensitiveColumnResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified sensitive column.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSensitiveDataModelResponse> deleteSensitiveDataModel(DeleteSensitiveDataModelRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSensitiveDataModelRequest,DeleteSensitiveDataModelResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified sensitive data model.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSensitiveTypeResponse> deleteSensitiveType(DeleteSensitiveTypeRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSensitiveTypeRequest,DeleteSensitiveTypeResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified sensitive type.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> deleteSensitiveTypeGroup(DeleteSensitiveTypeGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSensitiveTypeGroupRequest,DeleteSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified sensitive type group.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSensitiveTypesExportResponse> deleteSensitiveTypesExport(DeleteSensitiveTypesExportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSensitiveTypesExportRequest,DeleteSensitiveTypesExportResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified sensitive types export.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSqlCollectionResponse> deleteSqlCollection(DeleteSqlCollectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSqlCollectionRequest,DeleteSqlCollectionResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified SQL collection.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlResponse> deleteSqlFirewallAllowedSql(DeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlRequest,DeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified allowed sql.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> deleteSqlFirewallPolicy(DeleteSqlFirewallPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSqlFirewallPolicyRequest,DeleteSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> handler)
Deletes the SQL Firewall policy resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> deleteTargetAlertPolicyAssociation(DeleteTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest,DeleteTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified target-alert policy Association.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteTargetDatabaseResponse> deleteTargetDatabase(DeleteTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteTargetDatabaseRequest,DeleteTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Deregisters the specified database from Data Safe and removes the target database from the Data Safe Console.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteUserAssessmentResponse> deleteUserAssessment(DeleteUserAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteUserAssessmentRequest,DeleteUserAssessmentResponse> handler)
Deletes the specified saved user assessment or schedule. To delete a user assessment schedule, first call the operation ListUserAssessments with filters "type = save_schedule". That call returns the scheduleAssessmentId. Then call DeleteUserAssessment with the scheduleAssessmentId. If the assessment being deleted is the baseline for that compartment, then it will impact all baselines in the compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DiscoverAuditTrailsResponse> discoverAuditTrails(DiscoverAuditTrailsRequest request, AsyncHandler<DiscoverAuditTrailsRequest,DiscoverAuditTrailsResponse> handler)
Updates the list of audit trails created under audit profile.The operation can be used to create new audit trails for target database when they become available for audit collection because of change of database version or change of database unified mode or change of data base edition or being deleted previously etc.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadDiscoveryReportResponse> downloadDiscoveryReport(DownloadDiscoveryReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadDiscoveryReportRequest,DownloadDiscoveryReportResponse> handler)
Downloads an already-generated discovery report. Note that the GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownload operation is a prerequisite for the DownloadDiscoveryReport operation. Use GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownload to generate a discovery report file and then use DownloadDiscoveryReport to download the generated file. By default, it downloads report for all the columns in a sensitive data model. Use the discoveryJobId attribute to download report for a specific discovery job.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadMaskingLogResponse> downloadMaskingLog(DownloadMaskingLogRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadMaskingLogRequest,DownloadMaskingLogResponse> handler)
Downloads the masking log generated by the last masking operation on a target database using the specified masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadMaskingPolicyResponse> downloadMaskingPolicy(DownloadMaskingPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadMaskingPolicyRequest,DownloadMaskingPolicyResponse> handler)
Downloads an already-generated file corresponding to the specified masking policy. Note that the GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownload operation is a prerequisite for the DownloadMaskingPolicy operation. Use GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownload to generate a masking policy file and then use DownloadMaskingPolicy to download the generated file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadMaskingReportResponse> downloadMaskingReport(DownloadMaskingReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadMaskingReportRequest,DownloadMaskingReportResponse> handler)
Downloads an already-generated masking report. Note that the GenerateMaskingReportForDownload operation is a prerequisite for the DownloadMaskingReport operation. Use GenerateMaskingReportForDownload to generate a masking report file and then use DownloadMaskingReport to download the generated file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadPrivilegeScriptResponse> downloadPrivilegeScript(DownloadPrivilegeScriptRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadPrivilegeScriptRequest,DownloadPrivilegeScriptResponse> handler)
Downloads the privilege script to grant/revoke required roles from the Data Safe account on the target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportResponse> downloadSecurityAssessmentReport(DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportRequest,DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportResponse> handler)
Downloads the report of the specified security assessment. To download the security assessment report, it needs to be generated first. Please use GenerateSecurityAssessmentReport to generate a downloadable report in the preferred format (PDF, XLS).
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadSensitiveDataModelResponse> downloadSensitiveDataModel(DownloadSensitiveDataModelRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadSensitiveDataModelRequest,DownloadSensitiveDataModelResponse> handler)
Downloads an already-generated file corresponding to the specified sensitive data model. Note that the GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownload operation is a prerequisite for the DownloadSensitiveDataModel operation. Use GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownload to generate a data model file and then use DownloadSensitiveDataModel to download the generated file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadSensitiveTypesExportResponse> downloadSensitiveTypesExport(DownloadSensitiveTypesExportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadSensitiveTypesExportRequest,DownloadSensitiveTypesExportResponse> handler)
Downloads an already-generated file corresponding to the specified sensitive types export. Use CreateSensitiveTypesExport to generate an XML file and then use DownloadSensitiveTypesExport to download the generated file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DownloadUserAssessmentReportResponse> downloadUserAssessmentReport(DownloadUserAssessmentReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<DownloadUserAssessmentReportRequest,DownloadUserAssessmentReportResponse> handler)
Downloads the report of the specified user assessment. To download the user assessment report, it needs to be generated first. Please use GenerateUserAssessmentReport to generate a downloadable report in the preferred format (PDF, XLS).
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<EnableDataSafeConfigurationResponse> enableDataSafeConfiguration(EnableDataSafeConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<EnableDataSafeConfigurationRequest,EnableDataSafeConfigurationResponse> handler)
Enables Data Safe in the tenancy and region.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadResponse> generateDiscoveryReportForDownload(GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadRequest,GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadResponse> handler)
Generates a downloadable discovery report. It’s a prerequisite for the DownloadDiscoveryReport operation. Use this endpoint to generate a discovery report file and then use DownloadDiscoveryReport to download the generated file. By default, it generates report for all the columns in a sensitive data model. Use the discoveryJobId attribute to generate report for a specific discovery job.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateHealthReportResponse> generateHealthReport(GenerateHealthReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateHealthReportRequest,GenerateHealthReportResponse> handler)
Performs health check on the masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownloadResponse> generateMaskingPolicyForDownload(GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownloadRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownloadRequest,GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownloadResponse> handler)
Generates a downloadable file corresponding to the specified masking policy. It’s a prerequisite for the DownloadMaskingPolicy operation. Use this endpoint to generate a masking policy file and then use DownloadMaskingPolicy to download the generated file. Note that file generation and download are serial operations. The download operation can’t be invoked while the generate operation is in progress.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadResponse> generateMaskingReportForDownload(GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadRequest,GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadResponse> handler)
Generates a downloadable masking report. It’s a prerequisite for the DownloadMaskingReport operation. Use this endpoint to generate a masking report file and then use DownloadMaskingReport to download the generated file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateOnPremConnectorConfigurationResponse> generateOnPremConnectorConfiguration(GenerateOnPremConnectorConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateOnPremConnectorConfigurationRequest,GenerateOnPremConnectorConfigurationResponse> handler)
Creates and downloads the configuration of the specified on-premises connector.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateReportResponse> generateReport(GenerateReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateReportRequest,GenerateReportResponse> handler)
Generates a .xls or .pdf report based on parameters and report definition.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportResponse> generateSecurityAssessmentReport(GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportRequest,GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportResponse> handler)
Generates the report of the specified security assessment. You can get the report in PDF or XLS format. After generating the report, use DownloadSecurityAssessmentReport to download it in the preferred format.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownloadResponse> generateSensitiveDataModelForDownload(GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownloadRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownloadRequest,GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownloadResponse> handler)
Generates a downloadable file corresponding to the specified sensitive data model. It’s a prerequisite for the DownloadSensitiveDataModel operation. Use this endpoint to generate a data model file and then use DownloadSensitiveDataModel to download the generated file. Note that file generation and download are serial operations. The download operation can’t be invoked while the generate operation is in progress.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> generateSqlFirewallPolicy(GenerateSqlFirewallPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateSqlFirewallPolicyRequest,GenerateSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> handler)
Generates or appends to the SQL Firewall policy using the specified SQL collection.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GenerateUserAssessmentReportResponse> generateUserAssessmentReport(GenerateUserAssessmentReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GenerateUserAssessmentReportRequest,GenerateUserAssessmentReportResponse> handler)
Generates the report of the specified user assessment. The report is available in PDF or XLS format. After generating the report, use DownloadUserAssessmentReport to download it in the preferred format.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAlertResponse> getAlert(GetAlertRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAlertRequest,GetAlertResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified alerts.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAlertPolicyResponse> getAlertPolicy(GetAlertPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAlertPolicyRequest,GetAlertPolicyResponse> handler)
Gets the details of alert policy by its ID.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAlertPolicyRuleResponse> getAlertPolicyRule(GetAlertPolicyRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAlertPolicyRuleRequest,GetAlertPolicyRuleResponse> handler)
Gets the details of a policy rule by its key.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> getAuditArchiveRetrieval(GetAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest,GetAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified archive retreival.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAuditPolicyResponse> getAuditPolicy(GetAuditPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAuditPolicyRequest,GetAuditPolicyResponse> handler)
Gets a audit policy by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAuditProfileResponse> getAuditProfile(GetAuditProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAuditProfileRequest,GetAuditProfileResponse> handler)
Gets the details of audit profile resource and associated audit trails of the audit profile.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAuditTrailResponse> getAuditTrail(GetAuditTrailRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAuditTrailRequest,GetAuditTrailResponse> handler)
Gets the details of audit trail.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetCompatibleFormatsForDataTypesResponse> getCompatibleFormatsForDataTypes(GetCompatibleFormatsForDataTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetCompatibleFormatsForDataTypesRequest,GetCompatibleFormatsForDataTypesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of basic masking formats compatible with the supported data types. The data types are grouped into the following categories - Character - Includes CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR2, and NVARCHAR2 Numeric - Includes NUMBER, FLOAT, RAW, BINARY_FLOAT, and BINARY_DOUBLE Date - Includes DATE and TIMESTAMP LOB - Includes BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB All - Includes all the supported data types
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetCompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypesResponse> getCompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypes(GetCompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetCompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypesRequest,GetCompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of library masking formats compatible with the existing sensitive types. For each sensitive type, it returns the assigned default masking format as well as the other library masking formats that have the sensitiveTypeIds attribute containing the OCID of the sensitive type.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDataSafeConfigurationResponse> getDataSafeConfiguration(GetDataSafeConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDataSafeConfigurationRequest,GetDataSafeConfigurationResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the Data Safe configuration.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> getDataSafePrivateEndpoint(GetDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest,GetDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified Data Safe private endpoint.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDatabaseSecurityConfigResponse> getDatabaseSecurityConfig(GetDatabaseSecurityConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDatabaseSecurityConfigRequest,GetDatabaseSecurityConfigResponse> handler)
Gets a database security configuration by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDatabaseTableAccessEntryResponse> getDatabaseTableAccessEntry(GetDatabaseTableAccessEntryRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDatabaseTableAccessEntryRequest,GetDatabaseTableAccessEntryResponse> handler)
Gets a database table access entry object by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDatabaseViewAccessEntryResponse> getDatabaseViewAccessEntry(GetDatabaseViewAccessEntryRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDatabaseViewAccessEntryRequest,GetDatabaseViewAccessEntryResponse> handler)
Gets a database view access object by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDifferenceColumnResponse> getDifferenceColumn(GetDifferenceColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDifferenceColumnRequest,GetDifferenceColumnResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified SDM Masking policy difference column.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDiscoveryJobResponse> getDiscoveryJob(GetDiscoveryJobRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDiscoveryJobRequest,GetDiscoveryJobResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified discovery job.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetDiscoveryJobResultResponse> getDiscoveryJobResult(GetDiscoveryJobResultRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetDiscoveryJobResultRequest,GetDiscoveryJobResultResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified discovery result.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> getLibraryMaskingFormat(GetLibraryMaskingFormatRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetLibraryMaskingFormatRequest,GetLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified library masking format.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetMaskingColumnResponse> getMaskingColumn(GetMaskingColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetMaskingColumnRequest,GetMaskingColumnResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified masking column.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetMaskingPolicyResponse> getMaskingPolicy(GetMaskingPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetMaskingPolicyRequest,GetMaskingPolicyResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetMaskingPolicyHealthReportResponse> getMaskingPolicyHealthReport(GetMaskingPolicyHealthReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetMaskingPolicyHealthReportRequest,GetMaskingPolicyHealthReportResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified masking policy health report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetMaskingReportResponse> getMaskingReport(GetMaskingReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetMaskingReportRequest,GetMaskingReportResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified masking report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetOnPremConnectorResponse> getOnPremConnector(GetOnPremConnectorRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetOnPremConnectorRequest,GetOnPremConnectorResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified on-premises connector.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetPeerTargetDatabaseResponse> getPeerTargetDatabase(GetPeerTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetPeerTargetDatabaseRequest,GetPeerTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Returns the details of the specified Data Safe peer target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetProfileResponse> getProfile(GetProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetProfileRequest,GetProfileResponse> handler)
Lists the details of given profile available on the target.
The GetProfile operation returns only the profiles in the specified 'userAssessmentId'. This does not include any subcompartments of the current compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetReferentialRelationResponse> getReferentialRelation(GetReferentialRelationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetReferentialRelationRequest,GetReferentialRelationResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified referential relation.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetReportResponse> getReport(GetReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetReportRequest,GetReportResponse> handler)
Gets a report by identifier
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetReportContentResponse> getReportContent(GetReportContentRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetReportContentRequest,GetReportContentResponse> handler)
Downloads the specified report in the form of .xls or .pdf.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetReportDefinitionResponse> getReportDefinition(GetReportDefinitionRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetReportDefinitionRequest,GetReportDefinitionResponse> handler)
Gets the details of report definition specified by the identifier
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> getSdmMaskingPolicyDifference(GetSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest,GetSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified SDM Masking policy difference.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSecurityAssessmentResponse> getSecurityAssessment(GetSecurityAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSecurityAssessmentRequest,GetSecurityAssessmentResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified security assessment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSecurityAssessmentComparisonResponse> getSecurityAssessmentComparison(GetSecurityAssessmentComparisonRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSecurityAssessmentComparisonRequest,GetSecurityAssessmentComparisonResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the comparison report for the security assessments submitted for comparison.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSecurityPolicyResponse> getSecurityPolicy(GetSecurityPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSecurityPolicyRequest,GetSecurityPolicyResponse> handler)
Gets a security policy by the specified OCID of the security policy resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSecurityPolicyDeploymentResponse> getSecurityPolicyDeployment(GetSecurityPolicyDeploymentRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSecurityPolicyDeploymentRequest,GetSecurityPolicyDeploymentResponse> handler)
Gets a security policy deployment by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSecurityPolicyEntryStateResponse> getSecurityPolicyEntryState(GetSecurityPolicyEntryStateRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSecurityPolicyEntryStateRequest,GetSecurityPolicyEntryStateResponse> handler)
Gets a security policy entity states by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSecurityPolicyReportResponse> getSecurityPolicyReport(GetSecurityPolicyReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSecurityPolicyReportRequest,GetSecurityPolicyReportResponse> handler)
Gets a security policy report by the specified OCID of the security policy report resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSensitiveColumnResponse> getSensitiveColumn(GetSensitiveColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSensitiveColumnRequest,GetSensitiveColumnResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified sensitive column.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSensitiveDataModelResponse> getSensitiveDataModel(GetSensitiveDataModelRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSensitiveDataModelRequest,GetSensitiveDataModelResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified sensitive data model.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSensitiveTypeResponse> getSensitiveType(GetSensitiveTypeRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSensitiveTypeRequest,GetSensitiveTypeResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified sensitive type.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> getSensitiveTypeGroup(GetSensitiveTypeGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSensitiveTypeGroupRequest,GetSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified sensitive type group.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSensitiveTypesExportResponse> getSensitiveTypesExport(GetSensitiveTypesExportRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSensitiveTypesExportRequest,GetSensitiveTypesExportResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified sensitive types export by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSqlCollectionResponse> getSqlCollection(GetSqlCollectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSqlCollectionRequest,GetSqlCollectionResponse> handler)
Gets a SQL collection by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSqlFirewallAllowedSqlResponse> getSqlFirewallAllowedSql(GetSqlFirewallAllowedSqlRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSqlFirewallAllowedSqlRequest,GetSqlFirewallAllowedSqlResponse> handler)
Gets a SQL firewall allowed SQL by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> getSqlFirewallPolicy(GetSqlFirewallPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetSqlFirewallPolicyRequest,GetSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> handler)
Gets a SQL Firewall policy by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> getTargetAlertPolicyAssociation(GetTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest,GetTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> handler)
Gets the details of target-alert policy association by its ID.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetTargetDatabaseResponse> getTargetDatabase(GetTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetTargetDatabaseRequest,GetTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Returns the details of the specified Data Safe target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetUserAssessmentResponse> getUserAssessment(GetUserAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetUserAssessmentRequest,GetUserAssessmentResponse> handler)
Gets a user assessment by identifier.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetUserAssessmentComparisonResponse> getUserAssessmentComparison(GetUserAssessmentComparisonRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetUserAssessmentComparisonRequest,GetUserAssessmentComparisonResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the comparison report for the user assessments submitted for comparison.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetWorkRequestResponse> getWorkRequest(GetWorkRequestRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetWorkRequestRequest,GetWorkRequestResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified work request.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAlertAnalyticsResponse> listAlertAnalytics(ListAlertAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAlertAnalyticsRequest,ListAlertAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Returns the aggregation details of the alerts.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAlertPoliciesResponse> listAlertPolicies(ListAlertPoliciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAlertPoliciesRequest,ListAlertPoliciesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all alert policies.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAlertPolicyRulesResponse> listAlertPolicyRules(ListAlertPolicyRulesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAlertPolicyRulesRequest,ListAlertPolicyRulesResponse> handler)
Lists the rules of the specified alert policy. The alert policy is said to be satisfied when all rules in the policy evaulate to true. If there are three rules: rule1,rule2 and rule3, the policy is satisfied if rule1 AND rule2 AND rule3 is True.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAlertsResponse> listAlerts(ListAlertsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAlertsRequest,ListAlertsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all alerts.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditArchiveRetrievalsResponse> listAuditArchiveRetrievals(ListAuditArchiveRetrievalsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditArchiveRetrievalsRequest,ListAuditArchiveRetrievalsResponse> handler)
Returns the list of audit archive retrieval.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditEventAnalyticsResponse> listAuditEventAnalytics(ListAuditEventAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditEventAnalyticsRequest,ListAuditEventAnalyticsResponse> handler)
By default the ListAuditEventAnalytics operation will return all of the summary columns. To
filter for a specific summary column, specify it in the summaryField
query parameter.
*Example:** /auditEventAnalytics?summaryField=targetName&summaryField=userName&summaryField=clientHostname &summaryField=dmls&summaryField=privilegeChanges&summaryField=ddls&summaryField=loginFailure&summaryField=loginSuccess &summaryField=allRecord&scimQuery=(auditEventTime ge \"2021-06-13T23:49:14\")
/auditEventAnalytics?timeStarted=2022-08-18T11:02:26.000Z&timeEnded=2022-08-24T11:02:26.000Z This will give number of events grouped by periods. Period can be 1 day, 1 week, etc.
/auditEventAnalytics?summaryField=targetName&groupBy=targetName This will give the number of events group by targetName. Only targetName summary column would be returned.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditEventsResponse> listAuditEvents(ListAuditEventsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditEventsRequest,ListAuditEventsResponse> handler)
The ListAuditEvents operation returns specified compartmentId
audit Events only. The list
does not include any audit Events associated with the subcompartments
of the specified
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListAuditEvents on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditPoliciesResponse> listAuditPolicies(ListAuditPoliciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditPoliciesRequest,ListAuditPoliciesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all audited targets with their corresponding provisioned audit policies, and their provisioning conditions.
The ListAuditPolicies operation returns only the audit policies in the specified `compartmentId`. The list does not include any subcompartments of the compartmentId passed.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListAuditPolicies on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditPolicyAnalyticsResponse> listAuditPolicyAnalytics(ListAuditPolicyAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditPolicyAnalyticsRequest,ListAuditPolicyAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of aggregated audit policy details on the target databases. A audit policy aggregation helps understand the overall state of policies provisioned on targets. It is especially useful to create dashboards or to support analytics.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform SummarizedAuditPolicyInfo on the specified `compartmentId` and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
*Example:** ListAuditPolicyAnalytics?groupBy=auditPolicyCategory
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditProfileAnalyticsResponse> listAuditProfileAnalytics(ListAuditProfileAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditProfileAnalyticsRequest,ListAuditProfileAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of audit profile aggregated details . A audit profile aggregation helps understand the overall state of audit profile profiles. As an example, it helps understand how many audit profiles have paid usage. It is especially useful to create dashboards or to support analytics.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform AuditProfileAnalytics on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditProfilesResponse> listAuditProfiles(ListAuditProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditProfilesRequest,ListAuditProfilesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all audit profiles.
The ListAuditProfiles operation returns only the audit profiles in the specified `compartmentId`. The list does not include any subcompartments of the compartmentId passed.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListAuditProfiles on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditTrailAnalyticsResponse> listAuditTrailAnalytics(ListAuditTrailAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditTrailAnalyticsRequest,ListAuditTrailAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of audit trail aggregated details . A audit trail aggregation helps understand the overall state of trails. As an example, it helps understand how many trails are running or stopped. It is especially useful to create dashboards or to support analytics.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform AuditTrailAnalytics on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAuditTrailsResponse> listAuditTrails(ListAuditTrailsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuditTrailsRequest,ListAuditTrailsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all audit trails. The ListAuditTrails operation returns only the audit trails
in the specified compartmentId
. The list does not include any subcompartments of the
compartmentId passed.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListAuditTrails on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAvailableAuditVolumesResponse> listAvailableAuditVolumes(ListAvailableAuditVolumesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAvailableAuditVolumesRequest,ListAvailableAuditVolumesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of audit trails, and associated audit event volume for each trail up to defined start date.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListCollectedAuditVolumesResponse> listCollectedAuditVolumes(ListCollectedAuditVolumesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListCollectedAuditVolumesRequest,ListCollectedAuditVolumesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all collected audit volume data points.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListColumnsResponse> listColumns(ListColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListColumnsRequest,ListColumnsResponse> handler)
Returns a list of column metadata objects.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDataSafePrivateEndpointsResponse> listDataSafePrivateEndpoints(ListDataSafePrivateEndpointsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDataSafePrivateEndpointsRequest,ListDataSafePrivateEndpointsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of Data Safe private endpoints.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDatabaseSecurityConfigsResponse> listDatabaseSecurityConfigs(ListDatabaseSecurityConfigsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDatabaseSecurityConfigsRequest,ListDatabaseSecurityConfigsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all database security configurations in Data Safe.
The ListDatabaseSecurityConfigs operation returns only the database security configurations in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListDatabaseSecurityConfigs on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDatabaseTableAccessEntriesResponse> listDatabaseTableAccessEntries(ListDatabaseTableAccessEntriesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDatabaseTableAccessEntriesRequest,ListDatabaseTableAccessEntriesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all database table access entries in Data Safe.
The ListDatabaseTableAccessEntries operation returns only the database table access reports for the specified security policy report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDatabaseViewAccessEntriesResponse> listDatabaseViewAccessEntries(ListDatabaseViewAccessEntriesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDatabaseViewAccessEntriesRequest,ListDatabaseViewAccessEntriesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all database view access entries in Data Safe.
The ListDatabaseViewAccessEntries operation returns only the database view access objects for the specified security policy report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDifferenceColumnsResponse> listDifferenceColumns(ListDifferenceColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDifferenceColumnsRequest,ListDifferenceColumnsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of columns of a SDM masking policy difference resource based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDiscoveryAnalyticsResponse> listDiscoveryAnalytics(ListDiscoveryAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDiscoveryAnalyticsRequest,ListDiscoveryAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets consolidated discovery analytics data based on the specified query parameters. If CompartmentIdInSubtreeQueryParam is specified as true, the behaviour is equivalent to accessLevel "ACCESSIBLE" by default.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDiscoveryJobResultsResponse> listDiscoveryJobResults(ListDiscoveryJobResultsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDiscoveryJobResultsRequest,ListDiscoveryJobResultsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of discovery results based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListDiscoveryJobsResponse> listDiscoveryJobs(ListDiscoveryJobsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDiscoveryJobsRequest,ListDiscoveryJobsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of incremental discovery jobs based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListFindingAnalyticsResponse> listFindingAnalytics(ListFindingAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListFindingAnalyticsRequest,ListFindingAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of findings aggregated details in the specified compartment. This provides information about the overall state of security assessment findings. You can use groupBy to get the count of findings under a certain risk level and with a certain findingKey, and as well as get the list of the targets that match the condition. This data is especially useful content for the statistic chart or to support analytics.
When you perform the ListFindingAnalytics operation, if the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree is set to \"true,\" and if the parameter accessLevel is set to ACCESSIBLE, then the operation returns statistics from the compartments in which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource, directly or indirectly (in subcompartments). If the operation is performed at the root compartment and the requestor does not have access to at least one subcompartment of the compartment specified by compartmentId, then \"Not Authorized\" is returned.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListFindingsResponse> listFindings(ListFindingsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListFindingsRequest,ListFindingsResponse> handler)
List all the findings from all the targets in the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListFindingsChangeAuditLogsResponse> listFindingsChangeAuditLogs(ListFindingsChangeAuditLogsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListFindingsChangeAuditLogsRequest,ListFindingsChangeAuditLogsResponse> handler)
List all changes made by user to risk level of findings of the specified assessment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListGrantsResponse> listGrants(ListGrantsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListGrantsRequest,ListGrantsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of grants for a particular user in the specified user assessment. A user grant contains details such as the privilege name, type, category, and depth level. The depth level indicates how deep in the hierarchy of roles granted to roles a privilege grant is. The userKey in this operation is a system-generated identifier. Perform the operation ListUsers to get the userKey for a particular user.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListGroupedSensitiveTypesResponse> listGroupedSensitiveTypes(ListGroupedSensitiveTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListGroupedSensitiveTypesRequest,ListGroupedSensitiveTypesResponse> handler)
Gets the list of sensitive type Ids present in the specified sensitive type group.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListLibraryMaskingFormatsResponse> listLibraryMaskingFormats(ListLibraryMaskingFormatsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListLibraryMaskingFormatsRequest,ListLibraryMaskingFormatsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of library masking formats based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskedColumnsResponse> listMaskedColumns(ListMaskedColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskedColumnsRequest,ListMaskedColumnsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masked columns present in the specified masking report and based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingAnalyticsResponse> listMaskingAnalytics(ListMaskingAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingAnalyticsRequest,ListMaskingAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets consolidated masking analytics data based on the specified query parameters. If CompartmentIdInSubtreeQueryParam is specified as true, the behaviour is equivalent to accessLevel "ACCESSIBLE" by default.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingColumnsResponse> listMaskingColumns(ListMaskingColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingColumnsRequest,ListMaskingColumnsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking columns present in the specified masking policy and based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingErrorsResponse> listMaskingErrors(ListMaskingErrorsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingErrorsRequest,ListMaskingErrorsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking errors in a masking run based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingObjectsResponse> listMaskingObjects(ListMaskingObjectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingObjectsRequest,ListMaskingObjectsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking objects present in the specified masking policy and based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingPoliciesResponse> listMaskingPolicies(ListMaskingPoliciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingPoliciesRequest,ListMaskingPoliciesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking policies based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportLogsResponse> listMaskingPolicyHealthReportLogs(ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportLogsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportLogsRequest,ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportLogsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of errors and warnings from a masking policy health check.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportsResponse> listMaskingPolicyHealthReports(ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportsRequest,ListMaskingPolicyHealthReportsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking policy health reports based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingPolicyReferentialRelationsResponse> listMaskingPolicyReferentialRelations(ListMaskingPolicyReferentialRelationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingPolicyReferentialRelationsRequest,ListMaskingPolicyReferentialRelationsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of referential relations present in the specified masking policy based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingReportsResponse> listMaskingReports(ListMaskingReportsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingReportsRequest,ListMaskingReportsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking reports based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListMaskingSchemasResponse> listMaskingSchemas(ListMaskingSchemasRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListMaskingSchemasRequest,ListMaskingSchemasResponse> handler)
Gets a list of masking schemas present in the specified masking policy and based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListOnPremConnectorsResponse> listOnPremConnectors(ListOnPremConnectorsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListOnPremConnectorsRequest,ListOnPremConnectorsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of on-premises connectors.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListPasswordExpiryDateAnalyticsResponse> listPasswordExpiryDateAnalytics(ListPasswordExpiryDateAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPasswordExpiryDateAnalyticsRequest,ListPasswordExpiryDateAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of count of the users with password expiry dates in next 30 days, between next 30-90 days, and beyond 90 days based on specified user assessment. It internally uses the aforementioned userAnalytics api.
When you perform the ListPasswordExpiryDateAnalytics operation, if the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree is set to \"true,\" and if the parameter accessLevel is set to ACCESSIBLE, then the operation returns compartments in which the requestor has READ permissions on at least one resource, directly or indirectly (in subcompartments). If the operation is performed at the root compartment and the requestor does not have access to at least one subcompartment of the compartment specified by compartmentId, then \"Not Authorized\" is returned.
To use ListPasswordExpiryDateAnalytics to get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy from the root compartment, set the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree to true and accessLevel to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListPeerTargetDatabasesResponse> listPeerTargetDatabases(ListPeerTargetDatabasesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPeerTargetDatabasesRequest,ListPeerTargetDatabasesResponse> handler)
Lists all the peer target databases under the primary target database identified by the OCID passed as path parameter.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListProfileAnalyticsResponse> listProfileAnalytics(ListProfileAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListProfileAnalyticsRequest,ListProfileAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of aggregated user profile details in the specified compartment. This provides information about the overall profiles available. For example, the user profile details include how many users have the profile assigned and do how many use password verification function. This data is especially useful content for dashboards or to support analytics.
When you perform the ListProfileAnalytics operation, if the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree is set to \"true,\" and if the parameter accessLevel is set to ACCESSIBLE, then the operation returns compartments in which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource, directly or indirectly (in subcompartments). If the operation is performed at the root compartment and the requestor does not have access to at least one subcompartment of the compartment specified by compartmentId, then \"Not Authorized\" is returned.
The parameter compartmentIdInSubtree applies when you perform ListProfileAnalytics on the compartmentId passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned.
To use ListProfileAnalytics to get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy from the root compartment, set the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree to true and accessLevel to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListProfileSummariesResponse> listProfileSummaries(ListProfileSummariesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListProfileSummariesRequest,ListProfileSummariesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of user profiles containing the profile details along with the target id and user counts.
The ListProfiles operation returns only the profiles belonging to a certain target. If compartment type user assessment id is provided, then profile information for all the targets belonging to the pertaining compartment is returned. The list does not include any subcompartments of the compartment under consideration.
The parameter 'accessLevel' specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when 'compartmentIdInSubtree' is set to 'true'.
The parameter 'compartmentIdInSubtree' applies when you perform ListUserProfiles on the 'compartmentId' belonging to the assessmentId passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter 'compartmentIdInSubtree' to true and 'accessLevel' to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListReferentialRelationsResponse> listReferentialRelations(ListReferentialRelationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListReferentialRelationsRequest,ListReferentialRelationsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of referential relations present in the specified sensitive data model based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListReportDefinitionsResponse> listReportDefinitions(ListReportDefinitionsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListReportDefinitionsRequest,ListReportDefinitionsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of report definitions. The ListReportDefinitions operation returns only the
report definitions in the specified compartmentId
. It also returns the seeded report
definitions which are available to all the compartments.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListReportsResponse> listReports(ListReportsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListReportsRequest,ListReportsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all the reports in the compartment. It contains information such as report generation time.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListRoleGrantPathsResponse> listRoleGrantPaths(ListRoleGrantPathsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListRoleGrantPathsRequest,ListRoleGrantPathsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all role grant paths for a particular user.
The ListRoleGrantPaths operation returns only the role grant paths for the specified security policy report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListRolesResponse> listRoles(ListRolesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListRolesRequest,ListRolesResponse> handler)
Returns a list of role metadata objects.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSchemasResponse> listSchemas(ListSchemasRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSchemasRequest,ListSchemasResponse> handler)
Returns list of schema.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSdmMaskingPolicyDifferencesResponse> listSdmMaskingPolicyDifferences(ListSdmMaskingPolicyDifferencesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSdmMaskingPolicyDifferencesRequest,ListSdmMaskingPolicyDifferencesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of SDM and masking policy difference resources based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityAssessmentsResponse> listSecurityAssessments(ListSecurityAssessmentsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityAssessmentsRequest,ListSecurityAssessmentsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of security assessments.
The ListSecurityAssessments operation returns only the assessments in the specified `compartmentId`. The list does not include any subcompartments of the compartmentId passed.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSecurityAssessments on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityFeatureAnalyticsResponse> listSecurityFeatureAnalytics(ListSecurityFeatureAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityFeatureAnalyticsRequest,ListSecurityFeatureAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of Database security feature usage aggregated details in the specified compartment. This provides information about the overall security controls, by returning the counting number of the target databases using the security features.
When you perform the ListSecurityFeatureAnalytics operation, if the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree is set to \"true,\" and if the parameter accessLevel is set to ACCESSIBLE, then the operation returns statistics from the compartments in which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource, directly or indirectly (in subcompartments). If the operation is performed at the root compartment and the requestor does not have access to at least one subcompartment of the compartment specified by compartmentId, then \"Not Authorized\" is returned.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityFeaturesResponse> listSecurityFeatures(ListSecurityFeaturesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityFeaturesRequest,ListSecurityFeaturesResponse> handler)
Lists the usage of Database security features for a given compartment or a target level, based on the filters provided.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityPoliciesResponse> listSecurityPolicies(ListSecurityPoliciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityPoliciesRequest,ListSecurityPoliciesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all security policies in Data Safe.
The ListSecurityPolicies operation returns only the security policies in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSecurityPolicies on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityPolicyDeploymentsResponse> listSecurityPolicyDeployments(ListSecurityPolicyDeploymentsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityPolicyDeploymentsRequest,ListSecurityPolicyDeploymentsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all security policy deployments in Data Safe.
The ListSecurityPolicyDeployments operation returns only the security policy deployments in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSecurityPolicyDeployments on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityPolicyEntryStatesResponse> listSecurityPolicyEntryStates(ListSecurityPolicyEntryStatesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityPolicyEntryStatesRequest,ListSecurityPolicyEntryStatesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all security policy entry states in Data Safe.
The ListSecurityPolicyEntryStates operation returns only the security policy entry states for the specified security policy entry.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSecurityPolicyReportsResponse> listSecurityPolicyReports(ListSecurityPolicyReportsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityPolicyReportsRequest,ListSecurityPolicyReportsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all security policy reports in Data Safe.
The ListSecurityPolicyReports operation returns only the security policy reports in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSecurityPolicyReports on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveColumnAnalyticsResponse> listSensitiveColumnAnalytics(ListSensitiveColumnAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveColumnAnalyticsRequest,ListSensitiveColumnAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets consolidated sensitive columns analytics data based on the specified query parameters.
When you perform the ListSensitiveColumnAnalytics operation, if the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree is set to \"true,\" and if the parameter accessLevel is set to ACCESSIBLE, then the operation returns compartments in which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource, directly or indirectly (in subcompartments). If the operation is performed at the root compartment and the requestor does not have access to at least one subcompartment of the compartment specified by compartmentId, then \"Not Authorized\" is returned.
To use ListSensitiveColumnAnalytics to get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy from the root compartment, set the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree to true and accessLevel to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveColumnsResponse> listSensitiveColumns(ListSensitiveColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveColumnsRequest,ListSensitiveColumnsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive columns present in the specified sensitive data model based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypesResponse> listSensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypes(ListSensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypesRequest,ListSensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive type Ids present in the specified sensitive data model.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveDataModelsResponse> listSensitiveDataModels(ListSensitiveDataModelsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveDataModelsRequest,ListSensitiveDataModelsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive data models based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveObjectsResponse> listSensitiveObjects(ListSensitiveObjectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveObjectsRequest,ListSensitiveObjectsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive objects present in the specified sensitive data model based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveSchemasResponse> listSensitiveSchemas(ListSensitiveSchemasRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveSchemasRequest,ListSensitiveSchemasResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive schemas present in the specified sensitive data model based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveTypeGroupsResponse> listSensitiveTypeGroups(ListSensitiveTypeGroupsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveTypeGroupsRequest,ListSensitiveTypeGroupsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive type groups based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveTypesResponse> listSensitiveTypes(ListSensitiveTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveTypesRequest,ListSensitiveTypesResponse> handler)
Gets a list of sensitive types based on the specified query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSensitiveTypesExportsResponse> listSensitiveTypesExports(ListSensitiveTypesExportsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSensitiveTypesExportsRequest,ListSensitiveTypesExportsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all sensitive types export in Data Safe based on the specified query
parameters. The ListSensitiveTypesExports operation returns only the sensitive types export
in the specified compartmentId
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlCollectionAnalyticsResponse> listSqlCollectionAnalytics(ListSqlCollectionAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlCollectionAnalyticsRequest,ListSqlCollectionAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all SQL collection analytics in Data Safe.
The ListSqlCollectionAnalytics operation returns only the analytics for the SQL collections in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSqlCollections on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlCollectionLogInsightsResponse> listSqlCollectionLogInsights(ListSqlCollectionLogInsightsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlCollectionLogInsightsRequest,ListSqlCollectionLogInsightsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of the SQL collection log analytics.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlCollectionsResponse> listSqlCollections(ListSqlCollectionsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlCollectionsRequest,ListSqlCollectionsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all SQL collections in Data Safe.
The ListSqlCollections operation returns only the SQL collections in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSqlCollections on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalyticsResponse> listSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalytics(ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalyticsRequest,ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Returns the aggregation details of all SQL Firewall allowed SQL statements.
The ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalytics operation returns the aggregates of the SQL Firewall allowed SQL statements in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalytics on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsResponse> listSqlFirewallAllowedSqls(ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsRequest,ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all SQL Firewall allowed SQL statements.
The ListSqlFirewallAllowedSqls operation returns only the SQL Firewall allowed SQL statements in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSqlFirewallPolicies on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlFirewallPoliciesResponse> listSqlFirewallPolicies(ListSqlFirewallPoliciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlFirewallPoliciesRequest,ListSqlFirewallPoliciesResponse> handler)
Retrieves a list of all SQL Firewall policies.
The ListSqlFirewallPolicies operation returns only the SQL Firewall policies in the specified `compartmentId`.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListSqlFirewallPolicies on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlFirewallPolicyAnalyticsResponse> listSqlFirewallPolicyAnalytics(ListSqlFirewallPolicyAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlFirewallPolicyAnalyticsRequest,ListSqlFirewallPolicyAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of aggregated SQL Firewall policy details.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform SummarizedSqlFirewallPolicyInfo on the specified `compartmentId` and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlFirewallViolationAnalyticsResponse> listSqlFirewallViolationAnalytics(ListSqlFirewallViolationAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlFirewallViolationAnalyticsRequest,ListSqlFirewallViolationAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Returns the aggregation details of the SQL Firewall violations.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListSqlFirewallViolationsResponse> listSqlFirewallViolations(ListSqlFirewallViolationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSqlFirewallViolationsRequest,ListSqlFirewallViolationsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all the SQL Firewall violations captured by the firewall.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListTablesResponse> listTables(ListTablesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTablesRequest,ListTablesResponse> handler)
Returns a list of table metadata objects.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListTargetAlertPolicyAssociationsResponse> listTargetAlertPolicyAssociations(ListTargetAlertPolicyAssociationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTargetAlertPolicyAssociationsRequest,ListTargetAlertPolicyAssociationsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of all target-alert policy associations.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListTargetDatabasesResponse> listTargetDatabases(ListTargetDatabasesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTargetDatabasesRequest,ListTargetDatabasesResponse> handler)
Returns the list of registered target databases in Data Safe.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListUserAccessAnalyticsResponse> listUserAccessAnalytics(ListUserAccessAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUserAccessAnalyticsRequest,ListUserAccessAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of aggregated user access analytics in the specified target in a compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListUserAnalyticsResponse> listUserAnalytics(ListUserAnalyticsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUserAnalyticsRequest,ListUserAnalyticsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of aggregated user details from the specified user assessment. This provides information about the overall state. of database user security. For example, the user details include how many users have the DBA role and how many users are in the critical category. This data is especially useful content for dashboards or to support analytics.
When you perform the ListUserAnalytics operation, if the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree is set to \"true,\" and if the parameter accessLevel is set to ACCESSIBLE, then the operation returns compartments in which the requestor has READ permissions on at least one resource, directly or indirectly (in subcompartments). If the operation is performed at the root compartment and the requestor does not have access to at least one subcompartment of the compartment specified by compartmentId, then \"Not Authorized\" is returned.
The parameter compartmentIdInSubtree applies when you perform ListUserAnalytics on the compartmentId passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned.
To use ListUserAnalytics to get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy from the root compartment, set the parameter compartmentIdInSubtree to true and accessLevel to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListUserAssessmentsResponse> listUserAssessments(ListUserAssessmentsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUserAssessmentsRequest,ListUserAssessmentsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of user assessments.
The ListUserAssessments operation returns only the assessments in the specified `compartmentId`. The list does not include any subcompartments of the compartmentId passed.
The parameter `accessLevel` specifies whether to return only those compartments for which the requestor has INSPECT permissions on at least one resource directly or indirectly (ACCESSIBLE) (the resource can be in a subcompartment) or to return Not Authorized if Principal doesn't have access to even one of the child compartments. This is valid only when `compartmentIdInSubtree` is set to `true`.
The parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` applies when you perform ListUserAssessments on the `compartmentId` passed and when it is set to true, the entire hierarchy of compartments can be returned. To get a full list of all compartments and subcompartments in the tenancy (root compartment), set the parameter `compartmentIdInSubtree` to true and `accessLevel` to ACCESSIBLE.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListUsersResponse> listUsers(ListUsersRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUsersRequest,ListUsersResponse> handler)
Gets a list of users of the specified user assessment. The result contains the database user details for each user, such as user type, account status, last login time, user creation time, authentication type, user profile, and the date and time of the latest password change. It also contains the user category derived from these user details as well as privileges granted to each user.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse> listWorkRequestErrors(ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest,ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of errors for the specified work request.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestLogsResponse> listWorkRequestLogs(ListWorkRequestLogsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestLogsRequest,ListWorkRequestLogsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of log entries for the specified work request.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestsResponse> listWorkRequests(ListWorkRequestsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestsRequest,ListWorkRequestsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of work requests.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<MaskDataResponse> maskData(MaskDataRequest request, AsyncHandler<MaskDataRequest,MaskDataResponse> handler)
Masks data using the specified masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ModifyGlobalSettingsResponse> modifyGlobalSettings(ModifyGlobalSettingsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ModifyGlobalSettingsRequest,ModifyGlobalSettingsResponse> handler)
Modifies Global Settings in Data Safe in the tenancy and region.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchAlertsResponse> patchAlerts(PatchAlertsRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchAlertsRequest,PatchAlertsResponse> handler)
Updates the status of one or more alert specified by the alert IDs.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchDiscoveryJobResultsResponse> patchDiscoveryJobResults(PatchDiscoveryJobResultsRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchDiscoveryJobResultsRequest,PatchDiscoveryJobResultsResponse> handler)
Patches one or more discovery results. You can use this operation to set the plannedAction attribute before using ApplyDiscoveryJobResults to process the results based on this attribute.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchGroupedSensitiveTypesResponse> patchGroupedSensitiveTypes(PatchGroupedSensitiveTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchGroupedSensitiveTypesRequest,PatchGroupedSensitiveTypesResponse> handler)
Patches one or more sensitive types in a sensitive type group. You can use this operation to add or remove sensitive type ids in a sensitive type group.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchMaskingColumnsResponse> patchMaskingColumns(PatchMaskingColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchMaskingColumnsRequest,PatchMaskingColumnsResponse> handler)
Patches one or more columns in the specified masking policy. Use it to create, or update masking columns. To create masking columns, use CreateMaskingColumnDetails as the patch value. And to update masking columns, use UpdateMaskingColumnDetails as the patch value.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnsResponse> patchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumns(PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnsRequest,PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnsResponse> handler)
Patches one or more SDM masking policy difference columns. You can use this operation to set the plannedAction attribute before using ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifference to process the difference based on this attribute.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchSensitiveColumnsResponse> patchSensitiveColumns(PatchSensitiveColumnsRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchSensitiveColumnsRequest,PatchSensitiveColumnsResponse> handler)
Patches one or more columns in the specified sensitive data model. Use it to create, update, or delete sensitive columns. To create sensitive columns, use CreateSensitiveColumnDetails as the patch value. And to update sensitive columns, use UpdateSensitiveColumnDetails as the patch value.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchSqlFirewallAllowedSqlResponse> patchSqlFirewallAllowedSql(PatchSqlFirewallAllowedSqlRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchSqlFirewallAllowedSqlRequest,PatchSqlFirewallAllowedSqlResponse> handler)
Delete multiple allowed sqls. You can use this operation to delete one or more allowed sqls. Create and update of multiple allowed sqls is not supported.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PatchTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> patchTargetAlertPolicyAssociation(PatchTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<PatchTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest,PatchTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> handler)
Creates new target-alert policy associations that will be applied on the target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ProvisionAuditPolicyResponse> provisionAuditPolicy(ProvisionAuditPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<ProvisionAuditPolicyRequest,ProvisionAuditPolicyResponse> handler)
Provision audit policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<PurgeSqlCollectionLogsResponse> purgeSqlCollectionLogs(PurgeSqlCollectionLogsRequest request, AsyncHandler<PurgeSqlCollectionLogsRequest,PurgeSqlCollectionLogsResponse> handler)
Purge the SQL collection logs for the specified SqlCollection.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RefreshDatabaseSecurityConfigurationResponse> refreshDatabaseSecurityConfiguration(RefreshDatabaseSecurityConfigurationRequest request, AsyncHandler<RefreshDatabaseSecurityConfigurationRequest,RefreshDatabaseSecurityConfigurationResponse> handler)
Refreshes the specified database security configuration.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RefreshSecurityAssessmentResponse> refreshSecurityAssessment(RefreshSecurityAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<RefreshSecurityAssessmentRequest,RefreshSecurityAssessmentResponse> handler)
Runs a security assessment, refreshes the latest assessment, and saves it for future reference. The assessment runs with a securityAssessmentId of type LATEST. Before you start, first call the ListSecurityAssessments operation with filter "type = latest" to get the security assessment id for the target’s latest assessment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RefreshSqlCollectionLogInsightsResponse> refreshSqlCollectionLogInsights(RefreshSqlCollectionLogInsightsRequest request, AsyncHandler<RefreshSqlCollectionLogInsightsRequest,RefreshSqlCollectionLogInsightsResponse> handler)
Refresh the specified SQL collection Log Insights.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RefreshTargetDatabaseResponse> refreshTargetDatabase(RefreshTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<RefreshTargetDatabaseRequest,RefreshTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Refreshes the Data Safe target database to update it’s state.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RefreshUserAssessmentResponse> refreshUserAssessment(RefreshUserAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<RefreshUserAssessmentRequest,RefreshUserAssessmentResponse> handler)
Refreshes the latest assessment and saves it for future reference. This operation runs with a userAssessmentId of type LATEST. Before you start, first call the ListUserAssessments operation with filter "type = latest" to get the user assessment ID for the target’s latest assessment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RemoveScheduleReportResponse> removeScheduleReport(RemoveScheduleReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<RemoveScheduleReportRequest,RemoveScheduleReportResponse> handler)
Deletes the schedule of a .xls or .pdf report.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ResumeAuditTrailResponse> resumeAuditTrail(ResumeAuditTrailRequest request, AsyncHandler<ResumeAuditTrailRequest,ResumeAuditTrailResponse> handler)
Resumes the specified audit trail once it got stopped.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ResumeWorkRequestResponse> resumeWorkRequest(ResumeWorkRequestRequest request, AsyncHandler<ResumeWorkRequestRequest,ResumeWorkRequestResponse> handler)
Resume the given work request. Issuing a resume does not guarantee of immediate resume of the work request.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<RetrieveAuditPoliciesResponse> retrieveAuditPolicies(RetrieveAuditPoliciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<RetrieveAuditPoliciesRequest,RetrieveAuditPoliciesResponse> handler)
Retrieves the audit policy details from the source target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ScheduleReportResponse> scheduleReport(ScheduleReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<ScheduleReportRequest,ScheduleReportResponse> handler)
Schedules a .xls or .pdf report based on parameters and report definition.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<SetSecurityAssessmentBaselineResponse> setSecurityAssessmentBaseline(SetSecurityAssessmentBaselineRequest request, AsyncHandler<SetSecurityAssessmentBaselineRequest,SetSecurityAssessmentBaselineResponse> handler)
Sets the saved security assessment as the baseline in the compartment where the the specified assessment resides. The security assessment needs to be of type ‘SAVED’.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<SetUserAssessmentBaselineResponse> setUserAssessmentBaseline(SetUserAssessmentBaselineRequest request, AsyncHandler<SetUserAssessmentBaselineRequest,SetUserAssessmentBaselineResponse> handler)
Sets the saved user assessment as the baseline in the compartment where the specified assessment resides. The user assessment needs to be of type ‘SAVED’.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<StartAuditTrailResponse> startAuditTrail(StartAuditTrailRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartAuditTrailRequest,StartAuditTrailResponse> handler)
Starts collection of audit records on the specified audit trail.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<StartSqlCollectionResponse> startSqlCollection(StartSqlCollectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartSqlCollectionRequest,StartSqlCollectionResponse> handler)
Start the specified SQL collection.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<StopAuditTrailResponse> stopAuditTrail(StopAuditTrailRequest request, AsyncHandler<StopAuditTrailRequest,StopAuditTrailResponse> handler)
Stops the specified audit trail.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<StopSqlCollectionResponse> stopSqlCollection(StopSqlCollectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<StopSqlCollectionRequest,StopSqlCollectionResponse> handler)
Stops the specified SQL collection.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<SuspendWorkRequestResponse> suspendWorkRequest(SuspendWorkRequestRequest request, AsyncHandler<SuspendWorkRequestRequest,SuspendWorkRequestResponse> handler)
Suspend the given work request. Issuing a suspend does not guarantee of a immediate suspend of the work request.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UnsetSecurityAssessmentBaselineResponse> unsetSecurityAssessmentBaseline(UnsetSecurityAssessmentBaselineRequest request, AsyncHandler<UnsetSecurityAssessmentBaselineRequest,UnsetSecurityAssessmentBaselineResponse> handler)
Removes the baseline setting for the saved security assessment associated with the targetId passed via body. If no body or empty body is passed then the baseline settings of all the saved security assessments pertaining to the baseline assessment OCID provided in the path will be removed. Sets the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UnsetUserAssessmentBaselineResponse> unsetUserAssessmentBaseline(UnsetUserAssessmentBaselineRequest request, AsyncHandler<UnsetUserAssessmentBaselineRequest,UnsetUserAssessmentBaselineResponse> handler)
Removes the baseline setting for the saved user assessment associated with the targetId passed via body. If no body or empty body is passed then the baseline settings of all the saved user assessments pertaining to the baseline assessment OCID provided in the path will be removed. Sets the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAlertResponse> updateAlert(UpdateAlertRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAlertRequest,UpdateAlertResponse> handler)
Updates the status of the specified alert.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAlertPolicyResponse> updateAlertPolicy(UpdateAlertPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAlertPolicyRequest,UpdateAlertPolicyResponse> handler)
Updates the specified alert policy .
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAlertPolicyRuleResponse> updateAlertPolicyRule(UpdateAlertPolicyRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAlertPolicyRuleRequest,UpdateAlertPolicyRuleResponse> handler)
Updates the specified alert policy rule.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> updateAuditArchiveRetrieval(UpdateAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAuditArchiveRetrievalRequest,UpdateAuditArchiveRetrievalResponse> handler)
Updates the audit archive retrieval.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAuditPolicyResponse> updateAuditPolicy(UpdateAuditPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAuditPolicyRequest,UpdateAuditPolicyResponse> handler)
Updates the audit policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAuditProfileResponse> updateAuditProfile(UpdateAuditProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAuditProfileRequest,UpdateAuditProfileResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified audit profile.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAuditTrailResponse> updateAuditTrail(UpdateAuditTrailRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAuditTrailRequest,UpdateAuditTrailResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified audit trail.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> updateDataSafePrivateEndpoint(UpdateDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateDataSafePrivateEndpointRequest,UpdateDataSafePrivateEndpointResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified Data Safe private endpoint.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateDatabaseSecurityConfigResponse> updateDatabaseSecurityConfig(UpdateDatabaseSecurityConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateDatabaseSecurityConfigRequest,UpdateDatabaseSecurityConfigResponse> handler)
Updates the database security configuration.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateFindingResponse> updateFinding(UpdateFindingRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateFindingRequest,UpdateFindingResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified finding.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> updateLibraryMaskingFormat(UpdateLibraryMaskingFormatRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateLibraryMaskingFormatRequest,UpdateLibraryMaskingFormatResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified library masking format. Note that updating the formatEntries attribute replaces all the existing masking format entries with the specified format entries.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateMaskingColumnResponse> updateMaskingColumn(UpdateMaskingColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateMaskingColumnRequest,UpdateMaskingColumnResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified masking column. Note that updating the maskingFormats attribute replaces the currently assigned masking formats with the specified masking formats.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateMaskingPolicyResponse> updateMaskingPolicy(UpdateMaskingPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateMaskingPolicyRequest,UpdateMaskingPolicyResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified masking policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateOnPremConnectorResponse> updateOnPremConnector(UpdateOnPremConnectorRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateOnPremConnectorRequest,UpdateOnPremConnectorResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified on-premises connector.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateOnPremConnectorWalletResponse> updateOnPremConnectorWallet(UpdateOnPremConnectorWalletRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateOnPremConnectorWalletRequest,UpdateOnPremConnectorWalletResponse> handler)
Updates the wallet for the specified on-premises connector to a new version.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdatePeerTargetDatabaseResponse> updatePeerTargetDatabase(UpdatePeerTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdatePeerTargetDatabaseRequest,UpdatePeerTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified Data Safe peer target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateReportResponse> updateReport(UpdateReportRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateReportRequest,UpdateReportResponse> handler)
Updates the specified report. Only tags can be updated.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateReportDefinitionResponse> updateReportDefinition(UpdateReportDefinitionRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateReportDefinitionRequest,UpdateReportDefinitionResponse> handler)
Updates the specified report definition. Only user created report definition can be updated. Seeded report definitions need to be saved as new report definition first.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> updateSdmMaskingPolicyDifference(UpdateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceRequest,UpdateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified sdm masking policy difference.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSecurityAssessmentResponse> updateSecurityAssessment(UpdateSecurityAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSecurityAssessmentRequest,UpdateSecurityAssessmentResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified security assessment. This operation allows to update the security assessment displayName, description, or schedule.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSecurityPolicyResponse> updateSecurityPolicy(UpdateSecurityPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSecurityPolicyRequest,UpdateSecurityPolicyResponse> handler)
Updates the security policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSecurityPolicyDeploymentResponse> updateSecurityPolicyDeployment(UpdateSecurityPolicyDeploymentRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSecurityPolicyDeploymentRequest,UpdateSecurityPolicyDeploymentResponse> handler)
Updates the security policy deployment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSensitiveColumnResponse> updateSensitiveColumn(UpdateSensitiveColumnRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSensitiveColumnRequest,UpdateSensitiveColumnResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified sensitive column.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSensitiveDataModelResponse> updateSensitiveDataModel(UpdateSensitiveDataModelRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSensitiveDataModelRequest,UpdateSensitiveDataModelResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified sensitive data model. Note that updating any attribute of a sensitive data model does not perform data discovery.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSensitiveTypeResponse> updateSensitiveType(UpdateSensitiveTypeRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSensitiveTypeRequest,UpdateSensitiveTypeResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified sensitive type.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> updateSensitiveTypeGroup(UpdateSensitiveTypeGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSensitiveTypeGroupRequest,UpdateSensitiveTypeGroupResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified sensitive type group.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSensitiveTypesExportResponse> updateSensitiveTypesExport(UpdateSensitiveTypesExportRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSensitiveTypesExportRequest,UpdateSensitiveTypesExportResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified sensitive types export.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSqlCollectionResponse> updateSqlCollection(UpdateSqlCollectionRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSqlCollectionRequest,UpdateSqlCollectionResponse> handler)
Updates the SQL collection.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> updateSqlFirewallPolicy(UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyRequest,UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyResponse> handler)
Updates the SQL Firewall policy.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> updateTargetAlertPolicyAssociation(UpdateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationRequest,UpdateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationResponse> handler)
Updates the specified target-alert policy association.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateTargetDatabaseResponse> updateTargetDatabase(UpdateTargetDatabaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateTargetDatabaseRequest,UpdateTargetDatabaseResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified Data Safe target database.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateUserAssessmentResponse> updateUserAssessment(UpdateUserAssessmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserAssessmentRequest,UpdateUserAssessmentResponse> handler)
Updates one or more attributes of the specified user assessment. This operation allows to update the user assessment displayName, description, or schedule.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UploadMaskingPolicyResponse> uploadMaskingPolicy(UploadMaskingPolicyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UploadMaskingPolicyRequest,UploadMaskingPolicyResponse> handler)
Uploads a masking policy file (also called template) to update the specified masking policy. To create a new masking policy using a file, first use the CreateMaskingPolicy operation to create an empty masking policy and then use this endpoint to upload the masking policy file. Note that the upload operation replaces the content of the specified masking policy, including all the existing columns and masking formats, with the content of the file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UploadSensitiveDataModelResponse> uploadSensitiveDataModel(UploadSensitiveDataModelRequest request, AsyncHandler<UploadSensitiveDataModelRequest,UploadSensitiveDataModelResponse> handler)
Uploads a sensitive data model file (also called template) to update the specified sensitive data model. To create a new sensitive data model using a file, first use the CreateSensitiveDataModel operation to create an empty data model and then use this endpoint to upload the data model file. Note that the upload operation replaces the content of the specified sensitive data model, including all the existing columns and their relationships, with the content of the file.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Copyright © 2016–2025. All rights reserved.