Class | Description |
ActivateTargetDatabaseDetails |
The details required to reactivate a previously deactived target database in Data Safe.
ActivateTargetDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
Alert |
The details of a Data Safe Alert, that shows alerts generated by a Data Safe feature.
Alert.Builder | |
AlertAggregationItems |
Details of alerts aggregation items.
AlertAggregationItems.Builder | |
AlertAnalyticsCollection |
The summarized detail of alerts aggregation.
AlertAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
AlertCollection |
Collection of alert summary.
AlertCollection.Builder | |
AlertPolicy |
An Alert Policy is a set of alerting rules evaluated against a target.
AlertPolicy.Builder | |
AlertPolicyCollection |
Collection of alert policy summary.
AlertPolicyCollection.Builder | |
AlertPolicyRule |
A rule associated with a alert policy.
AlertPolicyRule.Builder | |
AlertPolicyRuleCollection |
Collection of alert policy rules summary.
AlertPolicyRuleCollection.Builder | |
AlertPolicyRuleSummary |
A rule associated with an alert policy.
AlertPolicyRuleSummary.Builder | |
AlertPolicySummary |
Summary of a Data Safe alert policy.
AlertPolicySummary.Builder | |
AlertsAggregationDimension |
Details of aggregation dimension summarizing alerts.
AlertsAggregationDimension.Builder | |
AlertSummary |
Summary of a Data Safe Alert.
AlertSummary.Builder | |
AlertsUpdateDetails |
The details to update alerts in the specified compartment.
AlertsUpdateDetails.Builder | |
ApplyDiscoveryJobResultsDetails |
Details to apply the discovery results to a sensitive data model.
ApplyDiscoveryJobResultsDetails.Builder | |
ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceDetails |
Details to apply the SDM masking policy difference to a masking policy.
ApplySdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceDetails.Builder | |
AuditArchiveRetrieval |
Represents the archive retrieve request for the audit data.
AuditArchiveRetrieval.Builder | |
AuditArchiveRetrievalCollection |
Collection of archive retrieval summary.
AuditArchiveRetrievalCollection.Builder | |
AuditArchiveRetrievalSummary |
Summary details of an archive retrieval.
AuditArchiveRetrievalSummary.Builder | |
AuditConditions |
Represents audit policies with corresponding audit provisioning conditions.
AuditConditions.Builder | |
AuditEventAggregationDimensions |
The details of the aggregation dimensions used for summarizing audit events.
AuditEventAggregationDimensions.Builder | |
AuditEventAggregationItems |
The details of audit events aggregation items.
AuditEventAggregationItems.Builder | |
AuditEventAnalyticsCollection |
Audit events summarized detail.
AuditEventAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
AuditEventCollection |
Collection of audit event summary.
AuditEventCollection.Builder | |
AuditEventSummary |
The resource represents the audit events collected from the target database by Oracle Data Safe.
AuditEventSummary.Builder | |
AuditPolicy |
The resource represents all available audit policies relevant for the target database with their
corresponding audit conditions.
AuditPolicy.Builder | |
AuditPolicyAggregationItems |
The details of the audit profile aggregation items.
AuditPolicyAggregationItems.Builder | |
AuditPolicyAnalyticCollection |
Details of audit policy aggregation.
AuditPolicyAnalyticCollection.Builder | |
AuditPolicyCollection |
Collection of audit policy summary.
AuditPolicyCollection.Builder | |
AuditPolicyDimensions |
Details of aggregation dimensions used for summarizing audit policies.
AuditPolicyDimensions.Builder | |
AuditPolicySummary |
The resource represents all available audit policies relevant for the target database with their
corresponding audit conditions.
AuditPolicySummary.Builder | |
AuditProfile |
The resource represents audit profile settings and audit configurations for the database target,
and helps evaluate the initial audit data volume for configuring collection in Data Safe.
AuditProfile.Builder | |
AuditProfileAggregationItems |
Details of audit profile aggregation items.
AuditProfileAggregationItems.Builder | |
AuditProfileAnalyticCollection |
Details of audit profile analytic summary.
AuditProfileAnalyticCollection.Builder | |
AuditProfileCollection |
Collection of audit profile summary.
AuditProfileCollection.Builder | |
AuditProfileDimensions |
Details of aggregation dimensions used for summarizing audit profiles.
AuditProfileDimensions.Builder | |
AuditProfileSummary |
Summary of an audit profile.
AuditProfileSummary.Builder | |
AuditSpecification |
Represents an audit policy relevant for the target database.The audit policy could be in any one
of the following 3 states in the target database 1) Created and enabled 2) Created but not
enabled 3) Not created For more details on relevant audit policies for the target database, refer
AuditSpecification.Builder | |
AuditTrail |
An audit trail represents the source of audit records that provides documentary evidence of the
sequence of activities in the target database.
AuditTrail.Builder | |
AuditTrailAggregationItems |
Details of audit trail aggregation items.
AuditTrailAggregationItems.Builder | |
AuditTrailAnalyticCollection |
Details of audit trail analytic summary.
AuditTrailAnalyticCollection.Builder | |
AuditTrailCollection |
Collection of audit trail detail objects.
AuditTrailCollection.Builder | |
AuditTrailDimensions |
Details of aggregation dimensions used for summarizing audit trails.
AuditTrailDimensions.Builder | |
AuditTrailSummary |
Summary of an audit trail.
AuditTrailSummary.Builder | |
AutonomousDatabaseDetails |
The details of the Autonomous Database to be registered as a target database in Data Safe.
AutonomousDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
AvailableAuditVolumeCollection |
Collection of available audit volume summary.
AvailableAuditVolumeCollection.Builder | |
AvailableAuditVolumeSummary |
Represents the audit data volume collected by Data Safe from the target database for the
specified audit profile.
AvailableAuditVolumeSummary.Builder | |
BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsDetails |
The details used to append the violation logs as allowed SQLs
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsDetails.Builder . |
BulkCreateSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsDetails.Builder | |
BulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsDetails |
Details of the allowed SQLs to be deleted from the SQL firewall policy.
BulkDeleteSqlFirewallAllowedSqlsDetails.Builder | |
CalculateAuditVolumeAvailableDetails |
The details for calculating audit data volume on target.
CalculateAuditVolumeAvailableDetails.Builder | |
CalculateAuditVolumeCollectedDetails |
The details for calculating audit data volume collected by data safe.
CalculateAuditVolumeCollectedDetails.Builder | |
ChangeAlertCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of an alert.
ChangeAlertCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeAlertPolicyCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of an alert policy.
ChangeAlertPolicyCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartmentDetails |
The description of the achieve retrieval change compartment.
ChangeAuditArchiveRetrievalCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeAuditPolicyCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeAuditPolicyCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeAuditProfileCompartmentDetails |
Moves the specified audit profile and its assoicated resources into a different compartment.
ChangeAuditProfileCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartmentDetails |
The details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeDatabaseSecurityConfigCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of a Data Safe private endpoint.
ChangeDataSafePrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeDiscoveryJobCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a discovery job resource.
ChangeDiscoveryJobCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a library masking format.
ChangeLibraryMaskingFormatCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeMaskingPolicyCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a masking policy.
ChangeMaskingPolicyCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a masking policy.
ChangeMaskingPolicyHealthReportCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeOnPremConnectorCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of a on-premises connector.
ChangeOnPremConnectorCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeReportCompartmentDetails |
The details of the compartment that the audit report is moving to.
ChangeReportCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeReportDefinitionCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeReportDefinitionCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeRetentionDetails |
Details for the audit retention months to be modified.
ChangeRetentionDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a SDM masking policy difference.
ChangeSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSecurityAssessmentCompartmentDetails |
The details that can be changed (or retained) when a security assessment is moved to another
ChangeSecurityAssessmentCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeSecurityPolicyDeploymentCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSensitiveDataModelCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a sensitive data model.
ChangeSensitiveDataModelCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSensitiveTypeCompartmentDetails |
Details to change the compartment of a sensitive type.
ChangeSensitiveTypeCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeSensitiveTypeGroupCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSensitiveTypesExportCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeSensitiveTypesExportCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSqlCollectionCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeSqlCollectionCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangeSqlFirewallPolicyCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of a target-alert policy association.
ChangeTargetAlertPolicyAssociationCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeTargetDatabaseCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of a Data Safe target database.
ChangeTargetDatabaseCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeUserAssessmentCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of the user assessment.
ChangeUserAssessmentCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
CollectedAuditVolumeCollection |
Collection of collected audit volume summary.
CollectedAuditVolumeCollection.Builder | |
CollectedAuditVolumeSummary |
The volume data point for audit data collected by datasafe.
CollectedAuditVolumeSummary.Builder | |
Column |
The description of the column.
Column.Builder | |
ColumnFilter |
Filters that are applied to the data at the column level.
ColumnFilter.Builder | |
ColumnsInfo |
columnsInfo object has details of column group with schema details.
ColumnsInfo.Builder | |
ColumnSorting |
Sorts the data at the column level.
ColumnSorting.Builder | |
ColumnSourceDetails |
The source of masking columns.
ColumnSourceFromSdmDetails |
Details of the sensitive data model that’s used as the source of masking columns..
ColumnSourceFromSdmDetails.Builder | |
ColumnSourceFromTargetDetails |
Details of the target database that’s used as the source of masking columns.
ColumnSourceFromTargetDetails.Builder | |
ColumnSummary |
The details of a column in a table fetched from the database.
ColumnSummary.Builder | |
CompareSecurityAssessmentDetails |
Details specifying the security assessment used for comparison.
CompareSecurityAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
CompareUserAssessmentDetails |
The details of the user assessment comparison.
CompareUserAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
CompatibleFormatsForDataTypes |
A list of basic masking formats compatible with and grouped by the supported data types.
CompatibleFormatsForDataTypes.Builder | |
CompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypes |
The list of compatible masking formats grouped by generic sensitive types.
CompatibleFormatsForSensitiveTypes.Builder | |
ConnectionOption |
Types of connection supported by Data Safe.
CreateAlertPolicyDetails |
The details used to create a new alert policy.
CreateAlertPolicyDetails.Builder | |
CreateAlertPolicyRuleDetails |
The details used to create a new alert policy rule.
CreateAlertPolicyRuleDetails.Builder | |
CreateAuditArchiveRetrievalDetails |
Request details for creating a new archive retrieval.
CreateAuditArchiveRetrievalDetails.Builder | |
CreateColumnSourceDetails |
Details to associate a column source with a masking policy.
CreateColumnSourceFromSdmDetails |
Details of the sensitive data model to be associated as the column source with a masking policy.
CreateColumnSourceFromSdmDetails.Builder | |
CreateColumnSourceFromTargetDetails |
Details of the target database to be associated as the column source with a masking policy.
CreateColumnSourceFromTargetDetails.Builder | |
CreateDataSafePrivateEndpointDetails |
The details used to create the new Data Safe private endpoint.
CreateDataSafePrivateEndpointDetails.Builder | |
CreateDiscoveryJobDetails |
Details to create a new data discovery job.
CreateDiscoveryJobDetails.Builder | |
CreateLibraryMaskingFormatDetails |
Details to create a library masking format, which can have one or more format entries.
CreateLibraryMaskingFormatDetails.Builder | |
CreateMaskingColumnDetails |
Details to create a new masking column.
CreateMaskingColumnDetails.Builder | |
CreateMaskingPolicyDetails |
Details to create a new masking policy.
CreateMaskingPolicyDetails.Builder | |
CreateOnPremConnectorDetails |
The details used to create a new on-premises connector.
CreateOnPremConnectorDetails.Builder | |
CreatePeerTargetDatabaseDetails |
The details used to register the peer database of a database already registered in Data Safe.
CreatePeerTargetDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
CreateReferentialRelationDetails |
A sensitive column is a resource corresponding to a database column that is considered sensitive.
CreateReferentialRelationDetails.Builder | |
CreateReportDefinitionDetails |
Description of a new report definition.
CreateReportDefinitionDetails.Builder | |
CreateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceDetails |
Details to create a new SDM masking policy difference.
CreateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceDetails.Builder | |
CreateSecurityAssessmentDetails |
The details used to save a security assessment.
CreateSecurityAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
CreateSensitiveCategoryDetails |
Details to create a new sensitive category.
CreateSensitiveCategoryDetails.Builder | |
CreateSensitiveColumnDetails |
Details to create a new sensitive column in a sensitive data model.
CreateSensitiveColumnDetails.Builder | |
CreateSensitiveDataModelDetails |
Details to create a new sensitive data model.
CreateSensitiveDataModelDetails.Builder | |
CreateSensitiveTypeDetails |
Details to create a new sensitive type.
CreateSensitiveTypeGroupDetails |
The details to create a sensitive type group.
CreateSensitiveTypeGroupDetails.Builder | |
CreateSensitiveTypePatternDetails |
Details to create a new sensitive type with regular expressions.
CreateSensitiveTypePatternDetails.Builder | |
CreateSensitiveTypesExportDetails |
Details to create a new sensitive types export.
CreateSensitiveTypesExportDetails.Builder | |
CreateSqlCollectionDetails |
Details for SQL collection creation.
CreateSqlCollectionDetails.Builder | |
CreateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationDetails |
The details used to create a new target-alert policy association.
CreateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationDetails.Builder | |
CreateTargetDatabaseDetails |
The details used to register the database in Data Safe and to create the Data Safe target
CreateTargetDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
CreateUserAssessmentDetails |
The details required to save a user assessment.
CreateUserAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
Credentials |
The database credentials required for Data Safe to connect to the database.
Credentials.Builder | |
DatabaseCloudServiceDetails |
The details of the cloud database to be registered as a target database in Data Safe.
DatabaseCloudServiceDetails.Builder | |
DatabaseDetails |
Details of the database for the registration in Data Safe.
DatabaseSecurityConfig |
Database Security Configurations resource represents the target database configurations.
DatabaseSecurityConfig.Builder | |
DatabaseSecurityConfigCollection |
Collection of database security config summaries.
DatabaseSecurityConfigCollection.Builder | |
DatabaseSecurityConfigSummary |
Database Security Configurations resource represents the target database configurations.
DatabaseSecurityConfigSummary.Builder | |
DatabaseTableAccessEntry |
A DatabaseTableAccess is a resource corresponding to a row in database table access report.
DatabaseTableAccessEntry.Builder | |
DatabaseTableAccessEntryCollection |
A collection of database table access summary objects.
DatabaseTableAccessEntryCollection.Builder | |
DatabaseTableAccessEntrySummary |
Summary of DatabaseTableAccessEntry Object.
DatabaseTableAccessEntrySummary.Builder | |
DatabaseViewAccessEntry |
A DatabaseViewAccessEntry object is a resource corresponding to a row in view authorization
DatabaseViewAccessEntry.Builder | |
DatabaseViewAccessEntryCollection |
A collection of database view access summary objects.
DatabaseViewAccessEntryCollection.Builder | |
DatabaseViewAccessEntrySummary |
Summary of DatabaseViewAccess Object.
DatabaseViewAccessEntrySummary.Builder | |
DataSafeConfiguration |
A Data Safe configuration for a tenancy and region.
DataSafeConfiguration.Builder | |
DataSafePrivateEndpoint |
A Data Safe private endpoint that allows Data Safe to connect to databases in a customer’s
virtual cloud network (VCN).
DataSafePrivateEndpoint.Builder | |
DataSafePrivateEndpointSummary |
Summary of a Data Safe private endpoint.
DataSafePrivateEndpointSummary.Builder | |
DeleteRowsFormatEntry |
The Delete Rows masking format deletes the rows that meet a user-specified condition.
DeleteRowsFormatEntry.Builder | |
DeterministicEncryptionDateFormatEntry |
The Deterministic Encryption (Date) masking format encrypts column data using a cryptographic key
and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 128).
DeterministicEncryptionDateFormatEntry.Builder | |
DeterministicEncryptionFormatEntry |
The Deterministic Encryption masking format encrypts column data using a cryptographic key and
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES 128).
DeterministicEncryptionFormatEntry.Builder | |
DeterministicSubstitutionFormatEntry |
The Deterministic Substitution masking format uses the specified substitution column as the
source of masked values.
DeterministicSubstitutionFormatEntry.Builder | |
DifferenceColumn |
A SDM masking policy difference column.
DifferenceColumn.Builder | |
DifferenceColumnSummary |
Summary of a SDM masking policy difference column.
DifferenceColumnSummary.Builder | |
Diffs |
Results of the comparison of an item between two security assessments.
Diffs.Builder | |
Dimensions |
The scope of analytics data.
Dimensions.Builder | |
DiscoveryAnalyticsCollection |
A collection of discovery analytics summary objects.
DiscoveryAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
DiscoveryAnalyticsSummary |
Summary of discovery analytics data.
DiscoveryAnalyticsSummary.Builder | |
DiscoveryJob |
A data discovery job.
DiscoveryJob.Builder | |
DiscoveryJobCollection |
A collection of discovery job summary objects.
DiscoveryJobCollection.Builder | |
DiscoveryJobResult |
A discovery job result representing a sensitive column.
DiscoveryJobResult.Builder | |
DiscoveryJobResultCollection |
A collection of discovery job result summary objects.
DiscoveryJobResultCollection.Builder | |
DiscoveryJobResultSummary |
Summary of a discovery job result.
DiscoveryJobResultSummary.Builder | |
DiscoveryJobSummary |
Summary of a discovery job.
DiscoveryJobSummary.Builder | |
DownloadDiscoveryReportDetails |
Details to download a discovery report.
DownloadDiscoveryReportDetails.Builder | |
DownloadMaskingLogDetails |
Details to download the masking log.
DownloadMaskingLogDetails.Builder | |
DownloadMaskingPolicyDetails |
Details to download a masking policy.
DownloadMaskingPolicyDetails.Builder | |
DownloadMaskingReportDetails |
Details to download a masking report.
DownloadMaskingReportDetails.Builder | |
DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportDetails |
The details used to download a security assessment report.
DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportDetails.Builder | |
DownloadSensitiveDataModelDetails |
Details to download a sensitive data model.
DownloadSensitiveDataModelDetails.Builder | |
DownloadSensitiveTypesExportDetails |
Details to download a sensitive types export.
DownloadSensitiveTypesExportDetails.Builder | |
DownloadUserAssessmentReportDetails |
The details used to download a user assessment report.
DownloadUserAssessmentReportDetails.Builder | |
EnableConditions |
The details of the audit policy provisioning conditions.
EnableConditions.Builder | |
EnableDataSafeConfigurationDetails |
The details used to enable Data Safe in the tenancy and region.
EnableDataSafeConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
EntryDetails |
Details specific to the security policy entry.
Finding |
The particular finding reported by the security assessment.
Finding.Builder | |
FindingAnalyticsCollection |
The collection of the summary objects of the analytics data of findings or top findings.
FindingAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
FindingAnalyticsDimensions |
The scope of analytics data.
FindingAnalyticsDimensions.Builder | |
FindingAnalyticsSummary |
The summary of information about the analytics data of findings or top findings.
FindingAnalyticsSummary.Builder | |
FindingsChangeAuditLogCollection |
A collection of of all finding risk change audit log summary objects.
FindingsChangeAuditLogCollection.Builder | |
FindingsChangeAuditLogSummary |
Summary of audit log of risk updates of findings of specified security assessment.
FindingsChangeAuditLogSummary.Builder | |
FindingSummary |
The particular finding reported by the security assessment.
FindingSummary.Builder | |
FirewallPolicyEntryDetails |
SQL Firewall policy details.
FirewallPolicyEntryDetails.Builder | |
FixedNumberFormatEntry |
The Fixed Number masking format uses a constant number for masking.
FixedNumberFormatEntry.Builder | |
FixedStringFormatEntry |
The Fixed String masking format uses a constant string for masking.
FixedStringFormatEntry.Builder | |
FormatEntry |
A format entry is part of a masking format and defines the logic to mask data.
FormatsForDataType |
A list of basic masking formats compatible with a supported data type.
FormatsForDataType.Builder | |
FormatsForSensitiveType |
A list of library masking formats compatible with an existing sensitive type.
FormatsForSensitiveType.Builder | |
FormatSummary |
Summary of a masking format.
FormatSummary.Builder | |
GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadDetails |
Details to generate a downloadable discovery report.
GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadDetails.Builder | |
GenerateHealthReportDetails |
Details to use when performing health check on a masking policy.
GenerateHealthReportDetails.Builder | |
GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownloadDetails |
Details to generate a downloadable masking policy.
GenerateMaskingPolicyForDownloadDetails.Builder | |
GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadDetails |
Details to generate a downloadable masking report.
GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadDetails.Builder | |
GenerateOnPremConnectorConfigurationDetails |
The details used to create and download on-premises connector’s configuration.
GenerateOnPremConnectorConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
GenerateReportDetails |
Details for the report generation.
GenerateReportDetails.Builder | |
GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportDetails |
The details used to generate a new security assessment report.
GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportDetails.Builder | |
GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownloadDetails |
Details to generate a downloadable sensitive data model.
GenerateSensitiveDataModelForDownloadDetails.Builder | |
GenerateUserAssessmentReportDetails |
The details used to generate a new user assessment report.
GenerateUserAssessmentReportDetails.Builder | |
GlobalSettings |
Details of the tenancy level global settings in Data Safe.
GlobalSettings.Builder | |
GrantSummary |
The summary of user grants.
GrantSummary.Builder | |
GroupedSensitiveTypeCollection |
A collection of sensitive types summary objects present in a sensitive type group.
GroupedSensitiveTypeCollection.Builder | |
GroupedSensitiveTypeSummary |
Id of sensitive types present in a sensitive type group.
GroupedSensitiveTypeSummary.Builder | |
InitializationParameter |
Encapsulates a parameter name and its value.
InitializationParameter.Builder | |
InstalledDatabaseDetails |
The details of the database running on-premises or on a compute instance.
InstalledDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
LibraryMaskingFormat |
A library masking format is a masking format stored in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartment
and can be used in multiple masking policies.
LibraryMaskingFormat.Builder | |
LibraryMaskingFormatCollection |
A collection of library masking format summary objects.
LibraryMaskingFormatCollection.Builder | |
LibraryMaskingFormatEntry |
A library masking format to be used for masking.
LibraryMaskingFormatEntry.Builder | |
LibraryMaskingFormatSummary |
Summary of a library masking format.
LibraryMaskingFormatSummary.Builder | |
ListSelectionMode |
Indicates that the selection is a list of resource ocids.
ListSelectionMode.Builder | |
MaskDataDetails |
Details to mask data.
MaskDataDetails.Builder | |
MaskedColumnCollection |
A collection of masking column summary objects.
MaskedColumnCollection.Builder | |
MaskedColumnSummary |
Summary of a masked column.
MaskedColumnSummary.Builder | |
MaskingAnalyticsCollection |
A collection of masking analytics summary objects.
MaskingAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
MaskingAnalyticsDimensions |
The scope of analytics data.
MaskingAnalyticsDimensions.Builder | |
MaskingAnalyticsSummary |
Summary of masking analytics data.
MaskingAnalyticsSummary.Builder | |
MaskingColumn |
A masking column is a resource corresponding to a database column that you want to mask.
MaskingColumn.Builder | |
MaskingColumnCollection |
A collection of masking column summary objects.
MaskingColumnCollection.Builder | |
MaskingColumnSummary |
Summary of a masking column.
MaskingColumnSummary.Builder | |
MaskingErrorCollection |
A collection of masking error objects.
MaskingErrorCollection.Builder | |
MaskingErrorSummary |
Summary of a masking error.
MaskingErrorSummary.Builder | |
MaskingFormat |
A masking format defines the logic to mask data in a database column.
MaskingFormat.Builder | |
MaskingObjectCollection |
A collection of masking object summary objects.
MaskingObjectCollection.Builder | |
MaskingObjectSummary |
Summary of a masking object present in a masking policy.
MaskingObjectSummary.Builder | |
MaskingPolicy |
A masking policy defines the approach to mask data in a target database.
MaskingPolicy.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyCollection |
A collection of masking policy summary objects.
MaskingPolicyCollection.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyColumnsInfo |
maskingPolicyColumnsInfo object has details of column group with schema details.
MaskingPolicyColumnsInfo.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyHealthReport |
The masking policy health report.
MaskingPolicyHealthReport.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyHealthReportCollection |
A collection of masking policy health report objects.
MaskingPolicyHealthReportCollection.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyHealthReportLogCollection |
A collection of masking policy health log objects.
MaskingPolicyHealthReportLogCollection.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyHealthReportLogSummary |
A log entry related to the pre-masking health check.
MaskingPolicyHealthReportLogSummary.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyHealthReportSummary |
Summary of a masking policy health report.
MaskingPolicyHealthReportSummary.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyReferentialRelationCollection |
A collection of referential relation summary objects.
MaskingPolicyReferentialRelationCollection.Builder | |
MaskingPolicyReferentialRelationSummary |
A referential relation is a resource corresponding to database columns.
MaskingPolicyReferentialRelationSummary.Builder | |
MaskingPolicySummary |
Summary of a masking policy.
MaskingPolicySummary.Builder | |
MaskingReport |
A masking report contains information about a completed masking request.
MaskingReport.Builder | |
MaskingReportCollection |
A collection of masking report summary objects.
MaskingReportCollection.Builder | |
MaskingReportSummary |
Summary of a masking report.
MaskingReportSummary.Builder | |
MaskingSchemaCollection |
A collection of masking schema summary objects.
MaskingSchemaCollection.Builder | |
MaskingSchemaSummary |
Summary of a masking schema present in masking policy.
MaskingSchemaSummary.Builder | |
ModifiedAttributes |
The attributes of a sensitive column that have been modified in the target database.
ModifiedAttributes.Builder | |
ModifyGlobalSettingsDetails |
The details required to modify the global settings in Data Safe.
ModifyGlobalSettingsDetails.Builder | |
NullValueFormatEntry |
The Null Value masking format replaces column data with NULL.
NullValueFormatEntry.Builder | |
OnPremConnector |
A Data Safe on-premises connector that enables Data Safe to connect to on-premises databases.
OnPremConnector.Builder | |
OnPremConnectorSummary |
Summary of a Data Safe on-premises connector.
OnPremConnectorSummary.Builder | |
OnPremiseConnector |
The details required to establish a connection to the database using an on-premises connector.
OnPremiseConnector.Builder | |
PatchAlertPolicyRuleDetails |
Details for how to patch a alert policy.
PatchAlertPolicyRuleDetails.Builder | |
PatchAlertsDetails |
The alert details to update the status of one or more alerts specified by the alert IDs.
PatchAlertsDetails.Builder | |
PatchDiscoveryJobResultDetails |
Details to patch discovery results.
PatchDiscoveryJobResultDetails.Builder | |
PatchGroupedSensitiveTypesDetails |
Details to patch sensitive types in a sensitive type group.
PatchGroupedSensitiveTypesDetails.Builder | |
PatchInsertInstruction |
An operation that inserts a value into an array, shifting array items as necessary and handling
NOT_FOUND exceptions by creating the implied containing structure.
PatchInsertInstruction.Builder | |
PatchInstruction |
A single instruction to be included as part of Patch request content.
PatchMaskingColumnsDetails |
Details to patch columns in a masking policy.
PatchMaskingColumnsDetails.Builder | |
PatchMergeInstruction |
An operation that recursively updates items of the selection, or adding the value if the
selection is empty.
PatchMergeInstruction.Builder | |
PatchRemoveInstruction |
An operation that deletes items, ignoring NOT_FOUND exceptions.
PatchRemoveInstruction.Builder | |
PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnsDetails |
Details to patch SDM masking policy difference.
PatchSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnsDetails.Builder | |
PatchSensitiveColumnDetails |
Details to patch columns in a sensitive data model.
PatchSensitiveColumnDetails.Builder | |
PatchSqlFirewallAllowedSqlDetails |
The details used to delete multiple allowed sqls.
PatchSqlFirewallAllowedSqlDetails.Builder | |
PatchTargetAlertPolicyAssociationDetails |
The details used to create associations for target databases and audit policies.
PatchTargetAlertPolicyAssociationDetails.Builder | |
PatternFormatEntry |
The Pattern masking format randomly selects values according to pattern to replace the original
PatternFormatEntry.Builder | |
PeerTargetDatabase |
The details of the peer target database in Data Safe.
PeerTargetDatabase.Builder | |
PeerTargetDatabaseCollection |
Summary of peer target databases of a primary target database.
PeerTargetDatabaseCollection.Builder | |
PeerTargetDatabaseSummary |
The details of the peer target database in Data Safe.
PeerTargetDatabaseSummary.Builder | |
PPFFormatEntry |
The Post Processing Function masking format is a special masking option that enables you to use a
custom function to further transform column values after they have been masked using some other
masking formats.
PPFFormatEntry.Builder | |
PreserveOriginalDataFormatEntry |
The Preserve Original Data masking format retains the original values in a column.
PreserveOriginalDataFormatEntry.Builder | |
PrivateEndpoint |
The details required to establish a connection to the database using a private endpoint.
PrivateEndpoint.Builder | |
Profile |
The comprehensive information about the user profiles available on a given target.
Profile.Builder | |
ProfileAggregation |
The profile aggregation provides information about the user profiles available on the database.
ProfileAggregation.Builder | |
ProfileDetails |
The details of a particular profile
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ProfileDetails.Builder . |
ProfileDetails.Builder | |
ProfileSummary |
The summary of information about the user profiles.
ProfileSummary.Builder | |
ProvisionAuditConditions |
Represents audit policies with corresponding audit provisioning conditions.
ProvisionAuditConditions.Builder | |
ProvisionAuditPolicyDetails |
Details for audit policy provisioning.
ProvisionAuditPolicyDetails.Builder | |
RandomDateFormatEntry |
The Random Date masking format generates random and unique dates within a range.
RandomDateFormatEntry.Builder | |
RandomDecimalNumberFormatEntry |
The Random Decimal Number masking format generates random and unique decimal numbers within a
RandomDecimalNumberFormatEntry.Builder | |
RandomDigitsFormatEntry |
The Random Digits masking format generates random digits of length within a range.
RandomDigitsFormatEntry.Builder | |
RandomListFormatEntry |
The Random List masking format randomly selects values from a list of values to replace the
original values.
RandomListFormatEntry.Builder | |
RandomNumberFormatEntry |
The Random Number masking format generates random and unique integers within a range.
RandomNumberFormatEntry.Builder | |
RandomStringFormatEntry |
The Random String masking format generates random and unique strings of length within a range.
RandomStringFormatEntry.Builder | |
RandomSubstitutionFormatEntry |
The Random Substitution masking format uses the specified substitution column as the source of
masked values.
RandomSubstitutionFormatEntry.Builder | |
References |
References to the sections of STIG, CIS, GDPR and/or OBP relevant to the current finding.
References.Builder | |
ReferentialRelation |
A referential relation is a resource corresponding to database columns.
ReferentialRelation.Builder | |
ReferentialRelationCollection |
A collection of referential relation summary objects.
ReferentialRelationCollection.Builder | |
ReferentialRelationSummary |
A referential relation is a resource corresponding to a database columns.
ReferentialRelationSummary.Builder | |
RegularExpressionFormatEntry |
The Regular Expression masking format gives the flexibility to use regular expressions to search
for sensitive data in a column of Large Object data type (LOB), and replace the data with a fixed
string, fixed number, null value, or SQL expression.
RegularExpressionFormatEntry.Builder | |
Report |
The description of the report.
Report.Builder | |
ReportCollection |
Collection of report summary.
ReportCollection.Builder | |
ReportDefinition |
Description of report definition.
ReportDefinition.Builder | |
ReportDefinitionCollection |
Collection of report definition objects.
ReportDefinitionCollection.Builder | |
ReportDefinitionSummary |
Summary of report definition.
ReportDefinitionSummary.Builder | |
ReportDetails |
The details of the report schedule.
ReportSummary |
Description of report.
ReportSummary.Builder | |
RoleGrantPathCollection |
A collection of role grant path summary objects.
RoleGrantPathCollection.Builder | |
RoleGrantPathSummary |
The summary of user role grant paths.
RoleGrantPathSummary.Builder | |
RoleSummary |
The details of a role fetched from the database.
RoleSummary.Builder | |
RunSecurityAssessmentDetails |
The details required to create an on-demand saved security assessment.
RunSecurityAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
RunUserAssessmentDetails |
The details required to create an on-demand saved user assessment.
RunUserAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleAuditReportDetails |
Details for the audit report schedule.
ScheduleAuditReportDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleReportDetails |
The details of the report schedule.
ScheduleReportDetails.Builder | |
SchemaSummary |
The details of a schema fetched from the database.
SchemaSummary.Builder | |
ScimQuerySelectionMode |
Indicates that the selection is a scimQuery.
ScimQuerySelectionMode.Builder | |
SdmMaskingPolicyDifference |
A resource that tracks the differences between sensitive columns in the sensitive data model and
masking columns in the masking policy
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the SdmMaskingPolicyDifference.Builder . |
SdmMaskingPolicyDifference.Builder | |
SdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCollection |
A collection of SDM masking policy difference objects.
SdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceCollection.Builder | |
SdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnCollection |
A collection of SDM masking policy difference column summary objects.
SdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceColumnCollection.Builder | |
SdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceSummary |
Summary of a SDM masking policy difference.
SdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceSummary.Builder | |
SectionStatistics |
Statistics showing the number of findings with a particular risk level for each category.
SectionStatistics.Builder | |
SecurityAssessment |
A security assessment that provides an overall insight into your database security posture.
SecurityAssessment.Builder | |
SecurityAssessmentBaseLineDetails |
The details required to set the baseline for the assessment.
SecurityAssessmentBaseLineDetails.Builder | |
SecurityAssessmentComparison |
Provides a list of the differences in a comparison of the security assessment with the baseline
SecurityAssessmentComparison.Builder | |
SecurityAssessmentComparisonPerTarget |
The results of the comparison between two security assessment resources.
SecurityAssessmentComparisonPerTarget.Builder | |
SecurityAssessmentStatistics |
Statistics showing the number of findings for each category grouped by risk levels for all the
targets in the specified security assessment.
SecurityAssessmentStatistics.Builder | |
SecurityAssessmentSummary |
The summary of a security assessment.
SecurityAssessmentSummary.Builder | |
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsCollection |
The collection of database security feature analytics summary.
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsDimensions |
The scope of analytics data.
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsDimensions.Builder | |
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsSummary |
The summary of database security feature analytics data.
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsSummary.Builder | |
SecurityFeatureCollection |
Collection of database security feature summary.
SecurityFeatureCollection.Builder | |
SecurityFeatureSummary |
The details of database security feature usage available on a given compartment.
SecurityFeatureSummary.Builder | |
SecurityPolicy |
The resource represents as a container for all the security policies in Data Safe.
SecurityPolicy.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyCollection |
Collection of security policy summary.
SecurityPolicyCollection.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyDeployment |
The resource represents the state of the deployment of a security policy on a target.
SecurityPolicyDeployment.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyDeploymentCollection |
Collection of security policy deployment summary.
SecurityPolicyDeploymentCollection.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyDeploymentSummary |
The resource represents the state of the deployment of a security policy on a target.
SecurityPolicyDeploymentSummary.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyEntryState |
The resource represents the state of a specific entry type deployment on a target.
SecurityPolicyEntryState.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyEntryStateCollection |
Collection of security policy entry state summary.
SecurityPolicyEntryStateCollection.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyEntryStateSummary |
The resource represents the state of a specific entry type deployment on a target.
SecurityPolicyEntryStateSummary.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyReport |
The resource represents the security policy report
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the SecurityPolicyReport.Builder . |
SecurityPolicyReport.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyReportCollection |
Collection of security policy report summary.
SecurityPolicyReportCollection.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyReportSummary |
The resource represents a container for all the security policy reports in Data Safe.
SecurityPolicyReportSummary.Builder | |
SecurityPolicySummary |
The resource represents as a container for all the security policies in Data Safe.
SecurityPolicySummary.Builder | |
SelectionDetails |
Details of the items to be selected and the mode of selection.
SensitiveCategory |
Details of the sensitive category.
SensitiveCategory.Builder | |
SensitiveColumn |
A sensitive column is a resource corresponding to a database column that is considered sensitive.
SensitiveColumn.Builder | |
SensitiveColumnAnalyticsCollection |
A collection of sensitive column analytics summary objects.
SensitiveColumnAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveColumnAnalyticsDimensions |
The dimensions available for sensitive column analytics.
SensitiveColumnAnalyticsDimensions.Builder | |
SensitiveColumnAnalyticsSummary |
The details of sensitive column analytics data.
SensitiveColumnAnalyticsSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveColumnCollection |
A collection of sensitive column summary objects.
SensitiveColumnCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveColumnSummary |
Summary of a sensitive column present in a sensitive data model.
SensitiveColumnSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveDataModel |
A sensitive data model is a collection of sensitive columns and their referential relationships.
SensitiveDataModel.Builder | |
SensitiveDataModelCollection |
A collection of sensitive data model summary objects.
SensitiveDataModelCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypeCollection |
A collection of sensitive types summary objects present in a sensitive data model.
SensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypeCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypeSummary |
Summary of sensitive types present in a sensitive data model.
SensitiveDataModelSensitiveTypeSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveDataModelSummary |
Summary of a sensitive data model.
SensitiveDataModelSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveObjectCollection |
A collection of sensitive object summary objects.
SensitiveObjectCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveObjectSummary |
Summary of a sensitive object present in a sensitive data model.
SensitiveObjectSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveSchemaCollection |
A collection of sensitive schema summary objects.
SensitiveSchemaCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveSchemaSummary |
Summary of a sensitive schema present in a sensitive data model.
SensitiveSchemaSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveType |
A sensitive type defines a particular type or class of sensitive data.
SensitiveTypeCollection |
A collection of sensitive type summary objects.
SensitiveTypeCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveTypeGroup |
The details of the sensitive type group.
SensitiveTypeGroup.Builder | |
SensitiveTypeGroupCollection |
A collection of sensitive type group summary objects.
SensitiveTypeGroupCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveTypeGroupSummary |
Summary of the sensitive type group.
SensitiveTypeGroupSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveTypePattern |
Details of the sensitive type.
SensitiveTypePattern.Builder | |
SensitiveTypesExport |
The resource represents sensitive types to be exported in Data Safe.
SensitiveTypesExport.Builder | |
SensitiveTypesExportCollection |
A collection of sensitive types export summary objects.
SensitiveTypesExportCollection.Builder | |
SensitiveTypesExportSummary |
The resource represents collection of sensitive types needed to be exported.
SensitiveTypesExportSummary.Builder | |
SensitiveTypeSummary |
Summary of a sensitive type.
SensitiveTypeSummary.Builder | |
ShuffleFormatEntry |
The Shuffle masking format randomly shuffles values within a column.
ShuffleFormatEntry.Builder | |
SqlCollection |
The resource represents SQL collection for a specific database user in a target.
SqlCollection.Builder | |
SqlCollectionAggregation |
The details of SQL collections.
SqlCollectionAggregation.Builder | |
SqlCollectionAnalyticsCollection |
SQL collection analytics collection.
SqlCollectionAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
SqlCollectionCollection |
Collection of SQL collection summary.
SqlCollectionCollection.Builder | |
SqlCollectionDimensions |
The dimensions available for SQL collection analytics.
SqlCollectionDimensions.Builder | |
SqlCollectionLogAggregation |
The details of SQL collection log aggregation items.
SqlCollectionLogAggregation.Builder | |
SqlCollectionLogDimensions |
The dimensions available for SQL collection analytics.
SqlCollectionLogDimensions.Builder | |
SqlCollectionLogInsightsCollection |
SQL collection log analytics collection.
SqlCollectionLogInsightsCollection.Builder | |
SqlCollectionSummary |
The resource represents SQL collection for a specific database user in a target.
SqlCollectionSummary.Builder | |
SQLExpressionFormatEntry |
The SQL Expression masking format uses a SQL expression to generate values that are used to
replace the original data values.
SQLExpressionFormatEntry.Builder | |
SqlFirewallAllowedSql |
The resource represents a SQL Firewall allowed SQL in Data Safe.
SqlFirewallAllowedSql.Builder | |
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlAggregation |
The details of SQL Firewall allow SQL aggregate.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlAggregation.Builder | |
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalyticsCollection |
SQL Firewall allowed SQL analytics collection.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlCollection |
Collection of SQL Firewall allowed SQL statements.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlCollection.Builder | |
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlDimensions |
The dimensions available for SQL Firewall allow SQL analytics.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlDimensions.Builder | |
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlSummary |
The resource represents a SQL Firewall allowed SQL in Data Safe.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlSummary.Builder | |
SqlFirewallConfig |
The SQL Firewall related configurations.
SqlFirewallConfig.Builder | |
SqlFirewallPolicy |
The SQL Firewall policy resource contains the firewall policy metadata for a single user.
SqlFirewallPolicy.Builder | |
SqlFirewallPolicyAggregation |
The details of SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallPolicyAggregation.Builder | |
SqlFirewallPolicyAnalyticsCollection |
SQL Firewall policy analytics collection.
SqlFirewallPolicyAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
SqlFirewallPolicyCollection |
Collection of SQL Firewall policy summary.
SqlFirewallPolicyCollection.Builder | |
SqlFirewallPolicyDimensions |
The dimensions available for SQL Firewall policy analytics.
SqlFirewallPolicyDimensions.Builder | |
SqlFirewallPolicySummary |
The SQL Firewall policy resource contains the firewall policy metadata for a single user.
SqlFirewallPolicySummary.Builder | |
SqlFirewallViolationAggregation |
The details of SQL violations aggregation items.
SqlFirewallViolationAggregation.Builder | |
SqlFirewallViolationAggregationDimensions |
The details of the aggregation dimensions used for summarizing SQL violations.
SqlFirewallViolationAggregationDimensions.Builder | |
SqlFirewallViolationAnalyticsCollection |
SQL violations summarized detail.
SqlFirewallViolationAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
SqlFirewallViolationsCollection |
Collection of SQL violation summary.
SqlFirewallViolationsCollection.Builder | |
SqlFirewallViolationSummary |
The resource represents the SQL violations collected from the target database by Oracle Data
SqlFirewallViolationSummary.Builder | |
StartAuditTrailDetails |
The details used to start an audit trail.
StartAuditTrailDetails.Builder | |
SubstringFormatEntry |
The Substring masking format extracts a portion of the original column value and uses it to
replace the original value.
SubstringFormatEntry.Builder | |
Summary |
Summary of the audit report.
Summary.Builder | |
TablesForDiscovery |
This contains the schema name along with one or more optional table names.
TablesForDiscovery.Builder | |
TableSummary |
The details of a table fetched from the database.
TableSummary.Builder | |
TargetAlertPolicyAssociation |
The association of the target database to an alert policy.
TargetAlertPolicyAssociation.Builder | |
TargetAlertPolicyAssociationCollection |
Collection of target to alert policy summary.
TargetAlertPolicyAssociationCollection.Builder | |
TargetAlertPolicyAssociationSummary |
A summary of target to alert policy association.
TargetAlertPolicyAssociationSummary.Builder | |
TargetDatabase |
The details of the Data Safe target database.
TargetDatabase.Builder | |
TargetDatabaseSummary |
Summary of a Data Safe target database.
TargetDatabaseSummary.Builder | |
TlsConfig |
The details required to establish a TLS enabled connection.
TlsConfig.Builder | |
TruncateTableFormatEntry |
The Truncate Table masking format drops all the rows in a table.
TruncateTableFormatEntry.Builder | |
UDFFormatEntry |
The User Defined Function masking format lets you define your own logic to mask column data.
UDFFormatEntry.Builder | |
UnsetSecurityAssessmentBaselineDetails |
The details required to unset the baseline of the assessment.
UnsetSecurityAssessmentBaselineDetails.Builder | |
UnsetUserAssessmentBaselineDetails |
The details required to unset the baseline of the assessment.
UnsetUserAssessmentBaselineDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAlertDetails |
The details used to update an alert.
UpdateAlertDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAlertPolicyDetails |
The details used to update a alert policy.
UpdateAlertPolicyDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAlertPolicyRuleDetails |
The details used to update a alert policy rule.
UpdateAlertPolicyRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAuditArchiveRetrievalDetails |
Details to update the audit archive retrieval.
UpdateAuditArchiveRetrievalDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAuditPolicyDetails |
Details to update the audit policy.
UpdateAuditPolicyDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAuditProfileDetails |
The details used to update a audit profile.
UpdateAuditProfileDetails.Builder | |
UpdateAuditTrailDetails |
The details used to update an audit trail.
UpdateAuditTrailDetails.Builder | |
UpdateColumnSourceDetails |
Details to update the column source of a masking policy.
UpdateColumnSourceSdmDetails |
Details of the sensitive data model to be associated as the column source with a masking policy.
UpdateColumnSourceSdmDetails.Builder | |
UpdateColumnSourceTargetDetails |
Details of the target database to be associated as the column source with a masking policy.
UpdateColumnSourceTargetDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDatabaseSecurityConfigDetails |
The details to update the database security config.
UpdateDatabaseSecurityConfigDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDataSafePrivateEndpointDetails |
The details used to update the Data Safe private endpoint.
UpdateDataSafePrivateEndpointDetails.Builder | |
UpdateFindingDetails |
Details to update a finding in a security assessment.
UpdateFindingDetails.Builder | |
UpdateLibraryMaskingFormatDetails |
Details to update a library masking format.
UpdateLibraryMaskingFormatDetails.Builder | |
UpdateMaskingColumnDetails |
Details to update a masking column.
UpdateMaskingColumnDetails.Builder | |
UpdateMaskingPolicyDetails |
Details to update a masking policy.
UpdateMaskingPolicyDetails.Builder | |
UpdateOnPremConnectorDetails |
The details used to update a on-premises connector.
UpdateOnPremConnectorDetails.Builder | |
UpdateOnPremConnectorWalletDetails |
The details used to update an on-premises connector’s wallet.
UpdateOnPremConnectorWalletDetails.Builder | |
UpdatePeerTargetDatabaseDetails |
The details of the peer database used for updating the peer target database in Data Safe.
UpdatePeerTargetDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
UpdateReportDefinitionDetails |
Description of a new report definition.
UpdateReportDefinitionDetails.Builder | |
UpdateReportDetails |
The details for updating the report.
UpdateReportDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceDetails |
Details to update a sdm masking policy difference.
UpdateSdmMaskingPolicyDifferenceDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSecurityAssessmentDetails |
Updates one or more attributes of the specified security assessment.
UpdateSecurityAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSecurityPolicyDeploymentDetails |
Details to update the security policy deployment.
UpdateSecurityPolicyDeploymentDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSecurityPolicyDetails |
Details to update the security policy.
UpdateSecurityPolicyDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSensitiveCategoryDetails |
Details to update a sensitive category.
UpdateSensitiveCategoryDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSensitiveColumnDetails |
Details to update a sensitive column in a sensitive data model.
UpdateSensitiveColumnDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSensitiveDataModelDetails |
Details to update a sensitive data model.
UpdateSensitiveDataModelDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSensitiveTypeDetails |
Details to update a sensitive type.
UpdateSensitiveTypeGroupDetails |
Details to update a sensitive type group.
UpdateSensitiveTypeGroupDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSensitiveTypePatternDetails |
Details to update a sensitive type with regular expressions.
UpdateSensitiveTypePatternDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSensitiveTypesExportDetails |
Details to update a sensitive types export.
UpdateSensitiveTypesExportDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSqlCollectionDetails |
Details to update the SQL collection.
UpdateSqlCollectionDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSqlFirewallConfigDetails |
Details to update the SQL Firewall config.
UpdateSqlFirewallConfigDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyDetails |
Details to update the SQL Firewall policy.
UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationDetails |
The details used to update a target-alert policy association.
UpdateTargetAlertPolicyAssociationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetDatabaseDetails |
The details of the database used for updating the target database in Data Safe.
UpdateTargetDatabaseDetails.Builder | |
UpdateUserAssessmentDetails |
Updates one or more attributes of the specified user assessment.
UpdateUserAssessmentDetails.Builder | |
UserAccessAnalyticsCollection |
A collection of user access analytics summary objects.
UserAccessAnalyticsCollection.Builder | |
UserAccessAnalyticsSummary |
Summary of user access analytics data
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the UserAccessAnalyticsSummary.Builder . |
UserAccessAnalyticsSummary.Builder | |
UserAggregation |
The user aggregation provides information about the overall security state of database users.
UserAggregation.Builder | |
UserAssessment |
The details of the user assessment, which includes statistics related to target database users.
UserAssessment.Builder | |
UserAssessmentBaseLineDetails |
The details required to set the baseline for the assessment.
UserAssessmentBaseLineDetails.Builder | |
UserAssessmentComparison |
Provides a list of differences for user assessment when compared with the baseline value.
UserAssessmentComparison.Builder | |
UserAssessmentSummary |
The summary of the user assessment.
UserAssessmentSummary.Builder | |
UserDetails |
The details of a particular user.
UserDetails.Builder | |
UserSummary |
The summary of information about the database user.
UserSummary.Builder | |
WorkRequest |
An asynchronous work request.
WorkRequest.Builder | |
WorkRequestError |
An error related to a work request.
WorkRequestError.Builder | |
WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log entry related to a work request.
WorkRequestLogEntry.Builder | |
WorkRequestResource |
A resource that is created or operated on by an asynchronous operation that is tracked by a work
WorkRequestResource.Builder | |
WorkRequestSummary |
Summary of a work request.
WorkRequestSummary.Builder |
Enum | Description |
AccessType |
The type of access a user has on a table/view.
Alert.OperationStatus |
The result of the operation (event) that triggered alert.
AlertLifecycleState |
The current state of a alert resource.
AlertPolicyLifecycleState |
The current state of the alert policy resource.
AlertPolicyRuleLifecycleState |
The current state of the alert policy rule resource.
AlertPolicyType |
The Data Safe feature that relates to the alert policy.
AlertSeverity |
The severity level of the alert.
AlertStatus |
The current status of the alert.
AlertSummary.OperationStatus |
The result of the operation (event) that triggered alert.
AlertType |
The feature name (type) that pertains to the alert.
AuditArchiveRetrievalLifecycleState |
The current state of the archive retrieval.
AuditEventAggregationDimensions.AuditType | |
AuditEventAggregationDimensions.TargetClass | |
AuditEventSummary.AuditLocation |
The location of the audit.
AuditEventSummary.AuditType |
The type of the auditing.
AuditEventSummary.DatabaseType |
The type of the target database that was audited.
AuditEventSummary.OperationStatus |
Indicates whether the operation was a success or a failure.
AuditEventSummary.TargetClass |
The class of the target that was audited.
AuditPolicyCategory |
Represents the category to which an audit policy belongs.
AuditPolicyLifecycleState |
The current state of audit policies available on the target.
AuditProfileLifecycleState |
The current state of the audit profile.
AuditSpecification.EnabledEntities |
Indicates on whom the audit policy is enabled.
AuditSpecification.EnableStatus |
Indicates whether the policy has been enabled, disabled or partially enabled in the target
AuditTrail.PurgeJobStatus |
The current status of the audit trail purge job.
AuditTrailLifecycleState |
The current state of the audit trail.
AuditTrailSource |
The underlying source of unified audit trail.
AuditTrailStatus |
The current sub-state of the audit trail.
ColumnFilter.Operator |
Specifies the type of operator that must be applied for example in, eq etc.
ColumnsInfo.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.
ColumnSourceDetails.ColumnSource |
The source of masking columns.
ConnectionOption.ConnectionType |
The connection type used to connect to the database.
CreateColumnSourceDetails.ColumnSource |
The source of masking columns.
CreateReferentialRelationDetails.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
CreateSensitiveColumnDetails.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.
CreateSensitiveColumnDetails.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
CreateSensitiveColumnDetails.Status |
The status of the sensitive column.
CreateSqlCollectionDetails.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL that will be collected.
CreateSqlCollectionDetails.Status |
Specifies if the SqlCollection has to be started after creation.
DatabaseSecurityConfigLifecycleState |
The current state of the database security config resource.
DatabaseType |
The type of the database.
DataModelFormat |
The format of the sensitive data model file.
DifferenceColumn.DifferenceType |
The type of the SDM masking policy difference column.
DifferenceColumn.PlannedAction |
Specifies how to process the difference column.
DifferenceColumn.SyncStatus |
Indicates if the difference column has been processed.
Diffs.Severity |
The severity of this diff.
DiscoveryAnalyticsSummary.MetricName |
The name of the aggregation metric.
DiscoveryJob.DiscoveryType |
The type of the discovery job.
DiscoveryJobResult.DiscoveryType |
The type of the discovery result.
DiscoveryJobResult.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.
DiscoveryJobResult.PlannedAction |
Specifies how to process the discovery result.
DiscoveryJobResult.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
DiscoveryJobResultSummary.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.
DiscoveryJobResultSummary.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
DiscoveryLifecycleState |
The current state of a discovery resource such as sensitive data model or sensitive type.
DownloadDiscoveryReportDetails.ReportFormat |
Format of the report.
DownloadMaskingReportDetails.ReportFormat |
Format of the report.
DownloadSecurityAssessmentReportDetails.Format |
Format of the report.
DownloadUserAssessmentReportDetails.Format |
Format of the report.
EnableConditions.EntitySelection |
The entity include or exclude selection.
EnableConditions.EntityType |
The entity type that the policy must be enabled for.
EnableConditions.OperationStatus |
The operation status that the policy must be enabled for.
EntryDetails.EntryType |
The security policy entry type.
Finding.Severity |
The severity of the finding.
FindingAnalyticsDimensions.Severity |
The severity (risk level) of the finding.
FindingAnalyticsDimensions.TopFindingStatus |
The status of the top finding.
FindingAnalyticsSummary.MetricName |
The name of the aggregation metric.
FindingLifecycleState |
The current state of the finding.
FindingSummary.Severity |
The severity of the finding as determined by security assessment and is same as
oracleDefinedSeverity, unless modified by user.
FormatEntryType |
The type of the format entry.
GenerateDiscoveryReportForDownloadDetails.ReportFormat |
Format of the report.
GenerateHealthReportDetails.CheckType |
The type of health check.
GenerateMaskingReportForDownloadDetails.ReportFormat |
Format of the report.
GenerateReportDetails.MimeType |
Specifies the format of report to be .xls or .pdf or .json
GenerateSecurityAssessmentReportDetails.Format |
Format of the report.
GenerateUserAssessmentReportDetails.Format |
Format of the report.
GrantSummary.PrivilegeCategory |
The privilege category.
GrantSummary.PrivilegeType |
The type of a user grant.
InfrastructureType |
The infrastructure type the database is running on.
LibraryMaskingFormatSource |
The source of the library masking format.
LifecycleState |
The current state of the resource.
LogType |
The type of log to be added as an allowed sql.
MaskDataDetails.ReRunFromStep |
Specifies the step from which masking needs to be rerun.
MaskingAnalyticsSummary.MetricName |
The name of the aggregation metric.
MaskingColumnLifecycleState |
The current state of a masking column.
MaskingErrorSummary.StepName |
The stepName of the masking error.
MaskingLifecycleState |
The current state of a masking resource such as masking policy or library masking format.
MaskingPolicy.Recompile |
Specifies how to recompile invalid objects post data masking.
MaskingPolicyColumnsInfo.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the masking policy.
MaskingPolicyHealthReport.LifecycleState |
The current state of the health report.
MaskingPolicyHealthReportLogSummary.HealthCheckType |
An enum type entry for each health check in the masking policy.
MaskingPolicyHealthReportLogSummary.MessageType |
The log entry type.
MaskingPolicyReferentialRelationSummary.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the column has with its parent.
MaskingReport.MaskingStatus |
The status of the masking job.
MaskingReportSummary.MaskingStatus |
The status of the masking job.
ObjectType |
The type of the object to which a column belongs.
OnPremConnectorLifecycleState |
The current state of the on-premises connector.
PatchInstruction.Operation |
The patch operation.
PolicyFormat |
The format of the masking policy file.
PrivilegeGrantableOption |
Indicates that a grantee can grant privilege to others via ADMIN_OPTION or GRANT_OPTION.
PrivilegeName |
The name of the privilege granted to user.
ReferentialRelation.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
ReferentialRelationLifecycleState |
The current state of a referential relation.
ReferentialRelationSummary.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
Report.MimeType |
Specifies the format of report to be .xls or .pdf or .json
ReportDefinition.Category |
Specifies the name of the category that this report belongs to.
ReportDefinition.ScheduledReportMimeType |
Specifies the format of the report ( either .xls or .pdf or .json)
ReportDefinitionDataSource |
Specifies the name of a resource that provides data for the report.
ReportDefinitionLifecycleState |
The current state of the report definition.
ReportDefinitionSummary.Category |
Specifies the name of the category that this report belongs to.
ReportDetails.ReportType |
The type of the report.
ReportLifecycleState |
The current state of the report.
ReportSummary.MimeType |
Specifies the format of report to be .xls or .pdf or .json.
ReportType |
The type of the audit report.
ScheduleReportDetails.MimeType |
Specifies if the report will be in .xls or .pdf or .json format
SdmMaskingPolicyDifference.DifferenceType |
The type of the SDM masking policy difference.
SdmMaskingPolicyDifference.LifecycleState |
The current state of the SDM masking policy difference.
SecurityAssessment.TriggeredBy |
Indicates whether the security assessment was created by system or by a user.
SecurityAssessment.Type |
The type of this security assessment.
SecurityAssessmentComparison.LifecycleState |
The current state of the security assessment comparison.
SecurityAssessmentLifecycleState |
The current state of the security assessment.
SecurityAssessmentReferences |
A filter to return only findings that match the specified reference.
SecurityAssessmentSummary.TriggeredBy |
Indicates whether the security assessment was created by system or by a user.
SecurityAssessmentSummary.Type |
The type of the security assessment.
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsDimensions.SecurityFeature |
The name of the security feature.
SecurityFeatureAnalyticsSummary.MetricName |
The name of the aggregation metric.
SecurityFeatureSummary.ColumnEncryption |
The usage of security feature - Column Encryption.
SecurityFeatureSummary.DatabaseVault |
The usage of security feature - Database Vault.
SecurityFeatureSummary.ExternalAuthentication |
The usage of security feature - External Authentication.
SecurityFeatureSummary.FineGrainedAudit |
The usage of security feature - Fine Grained Audit.
SecurityFeatureSummary.GlobalAuthentication |
The usage of security feature - Global Authentication.
SecurityFeatureSummary.NetworkEncryption |
The usage of security feature - Network Encryption.
SecurityFeatureSummary.PasswordAuthentication |
The usage of security feature - Password Authentication.
SecurityFeatureSummary.PrivilegeAnalysis |
The usage of security feature - Privilege Analysis.
SecurityFeatureSummary.TablespaceEncryption |
The usage of security feature - Tablespace Encryption.
SecurityFeatureSummary.TraditionalAudit |
The usage of security feature - Traditional Audit.
SecurityFeatureSummary.UnifiedAudit |
The usage of security feature - Unified Audit.
SecurityPolicyDeploymentLifecycleState |
The current state of security policy deployment.
SecurityPolicyEntryStateDeploymentStatus |
The current state of security policy entry state.
SecurityPolicyLifecycleState |
The current state of security policies available on the target.
SecurityPolicyReportLifecycleState |
The current state of the security policy report available on the target.
SelectionDetails.SelectionMode |
The mode of selection of items, whether it is a list of ocids or a scimQuery.
SensitiveColumn.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.
SensitiveColumn.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
SensitiveColumn.Source |
The source of the sensitive column.
SensitiveColumn.Status |
The status of the sensitive column.
SensitiveColumnLifecycleState |
The current state of a sensitive column.
SensitiveColumnSummary.ObjectType |
The type of the database object that contains the sensitive column.
SensitiveColumnSummary.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
SensitiveColumnSummary.Source |
The source of the sensitive column.
SensitiveColumnSummary.Status |
The status of the sensitive column.
SensitiveTypeEntity |
The entity type.
SensitiveTypeGroupLifecycleState |
The current state of a sensitive type group
SensitiveTypePattern.SearchType |
The search type indicating how the column name, comment and data patterns should be used by
data discovery.
SensitiveTypesExportLifecycleState |
The current state of a sensitive types export.
SensitiveTypeSource |
The source of the sensitive type.
ServiceList |
List of (Oracle) Data Safe services, the only production service is DataSafe, the other services
are used in devtest.
SortOrders |
Defines the sorting order of the assessment (ascending or descending).
SqlCollection.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL that will be collected.
SqlCollection.Status |
Specifies if the status of the SqlCollection.
SqlCollectionLifecycleState |
The current state of SQL collections available on the target.
SqlCollectionSummary.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL that will be collected.
SqlCollectionSummary.Status |
Specifies if the status of the SqlCollection.
SqlFirewallAllowedSql.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL included for this SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlDimensions.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL included for this SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlLifecycleState |
The current state of SQL Firewall allowed SQL.
SqlFirewallAllowedSqlSummary.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL included for this SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallConfig.ExcludeJob |
Specifies whether the firewall should include or exclude the database internal job
SqlFirewallConfig.Status |
Specifies if the firewall is enabled or disabled on the target database.
SqlFirewallConfig.ViolationLogAutoPurge |
Specifies whether Data Safe should automatically purge the violation logs from the database
after collecting the violation logs and persisting on Data Safe.
SqlFirewallPolicy.EnforcementScope |
Specifies the SQL Firewall policy enforcement option.
SqlFirewallPolicy.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL included for this SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallPolicy.Status |
Specifies whether the SQL Firewall policy is enabled or disabled.
SqlFirewallPolicy.ViolationAction |
Specifies the mode in which the SQL Firewall policy is enabled.
SqlFirewallPolicy.ViolationAudit |
Specifies whether a unified audit policy should be enabled for auditing the SQL Firewall
policy violations.
SqlFirewallPolicyDimensions.EnforcementScope |
Specifies the SQL Firewall policy enforcement option.
SqlFirewallPolicyDimensions.ViolationAction |
Specifies the mode in which the SQL Firewall policy is enabled.
SqlFirewallPolicyLifecycleState |
The current state of SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallPolicySummary.EnforcementScope |
Specifies the SQL Firewall policy enforcement option.
SqlFirewallPolicySummary.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL included for this SQL Firewall policy.
SqlFirewallPolicySummary.Status |
Specifies whether the SQL Firewall policy is enabled or disabled.
SqlFirewallPolicySummary.ViolationAction |
Specifies the SQL Firewall action based on detection of SQL Firewall violations.
SqlFirewallPolicySummary.ViolationAudit |
Specifies whether a unified audit policy should be enabled for auditing the SQL Firewall
policy violations.
SqlFirewallViolationAggregationDimensions.SqlLevel | |
SqlFirewallViolationSummary.SqlLevel |
Specifies the level of SQL for this violation.
SqlFirewallViolationSummary.ViolationAction |
The action taken for this SQL violation.
TargetDatabaseLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of the target database.
TlsConfig.CertificateStoreType |
The format of the certificate store.
TlsConfig.Status |
Status to represent whether the database connection is TLS enabled or not.
UpdateColumnSourceDetails.ColumnSource |
The source of masking columns.
UpdateSensitiveColumnDetails.RelationType |
The type of referential relationship the sensitive column has with its parent.
UpdateSensitiveColumnDetails.Status |
The status of the sensitive column.
UpdateSqlFirewallConfigDetails.ExcludeJob |
Specifies whether the firewall should include or exclude the database internal job
UpdateSqlFirewallConfigDetails.Status |
Specifies whether the firewall is enabled or disabled on the target database.
UpdateSqlFirewallConfigDetails.ViolationLogAutoPurge |
Specifies whether Data Safe should automatically purge the violation logs from the database
after collecting the violation logs and persisting on Data Safe.
UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyDetails.EnforcementScope |
Specifies the SQL Firewall policy enforcement option.
UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyDetails.Status |
Specifies whether the SQL Firewall policy is enabled or disabled.
UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyDetails.ViolationAction |
Specifies the SQL Firewall action based on detection of SQL Firewall violations.
UpdateSqlFirewallPolicyDetails.ViolationAudit |
Specifies whether a unified audit policy should be enabled for auditing the SQL Firewall
policy violations.
UserAssessment.TriggeredBy |
Indicates whether the user assessment was created by the system or the user.
UserAssessment.Type |
The type of the user assessment.
UserAssessmentComparison.LifecycleState |
The current state of the user assessment comparison.
UserAssessmentLifecycleState |
The current state of the user assessment.
UserAssessmentSummary.TriggeredBy |
Indicates whether the user assessment was created by the system or the user.
UserAssessmentSummary.Type |
The type of the user assessment.
UserDetails.AuthenticationType |
The authentication type of the user.
UserSummary.AccountStatus |
The status of the user account.
UserSummary.AdminRoles | |
UserSummary.AuthenticationType |
The user authentication method.
UserSummary.UserCategory |
The user category based on the privileges and other details of the user.
UserSummary.UserTypes | |
WorkRequest.OperationType |
The resources that are affected by the work request.
WorkRequest.Status |
The current status of the work request.
WorkRequestResource.ActionType |
The way in which this resource was affected by the operation that spawned the work request.
WorkRequestSummary.OperationType |
The asynchronous operation tracked by this work request.
WorkRequestSummary.Status |
The current status of the work request.
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