Class | Description |
ArtifactExportDetails |
Details of Artifact source
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
ArtifactExportDetailsObjectStorage |
Model artifact source details for exporting artifact to service bucket
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ArtifactExportDetailsObjectStorage.Builder . |
ArtifactExportDetailsObjectStorage.Builder | |
ArtifactImportDetails |
Details of Artifact source
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
ArtifactImportDetailsObjectStorage |
Artifact destination details for importing to destination bucket
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ArtifactImportDetailsObjectStorage.Builder . |
ArtifactImportDetailsObjectStorage.Builder | |
AutoScalingPolicy |
The scaling policy to enable autoscaling on the model deployment.
AutoScalingPolicy.Builder | |
AutoScalingPolicyDetails |
Details for an autoscaling policy to enable on the model deployment.
BackupOperationDetails |
Backup operation details of the model.
BackupOperationDetails.Builder | |
BackupSetting |
Back up setting details of the model.
BackupSetting.Builder | |
CategoryLogDetails |
The log details for each category.
CategoryLogDetails.Builder | |
ChangeDataSciencePrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails |
The details required to change a private endpoint compartment.
ChangeDataSciencePrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeJobCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a job.
ChangeJobCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeJobRunCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a job run.
ChangeJobRunCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeModelCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a model.
ChangeModelCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeModelDeploymentCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a model deployment.
ChangeModelDeploymentCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeModelVersionSetCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a model version set.
ChangeModelVersionSetCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeNotebookSessionCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a notebook session.
ChangeNotebookSessionCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangePipelineCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangePipelineCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangePipelineRunCompartmentDetails |
Details for which compartment to move the resource to.
ChangePipelineRunCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a project.
ChangeProjectCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeScheduleCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated.
ChangeScheduleCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ContainerSummary |
Summary representation of a container
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ContainerSummary.Builder . |
ContainerSummary.Builder | |
CreateDataSciencePrivateEndpointDetails |
The details required to create a Data Science private endpoint.
CreateDataSciencePrivateEndpointDetails.Builder | |
CreateJobDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new job.
CreateJobDetails.Builder | |
CreateJobRunDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new job run.
CreateJobRunDetails.Builder | |
CreateJobRunScheduleActionDetails |
create job run details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CreateJobRunScheduleActionDetails.Builder . |
CreateJobRunScheduleActionDetails.Builder | |
CreateModelDeploymentDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new model deployment.
CreateModelDeploymentDetails.Builder | |
CreateModelDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new model.
CreateModelDetails.Builder | |
CreateModelProvenanceDetails |
Model provenance gives data scientists information about the origin of their model.
CreateModelProvenanceDetails.Builder | |
CreateModelVersionSetDetails |
Parameters that are required to create a new model version set.
CreateModelVersionSetDetails.Builder | |
CreateNotebookSessionDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new notebook session.
CreateNotebookSessionDetails.Builder | |
CreatePipelineDetails |
The information about new Pipeline.
CreatePipelineDetails.Builder | |
CreatePipelineRunDetails |
The information about new PipelineRun.
CreatePipelineRunDetails.Builder | |
CreatePipelineRunScheduleActionDetails |
create pipeline run details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CreatePipelineRunScheduleActionDetails.Builder . |
CreatePipelineRunScheduleActionDetails.Builder | |
CreateProjectDetails |
Parameters needed to create a new project.
CreateProjectDetails.Builder | |
CreateScheduleDetails |
Creation details for a new schedule.
CreateScheduleDetails.Builder | |
CustomExpressionQueryScalingConfiguration |
The scaling configuration for the custom metric expression rule.
CustomExpressionQueryScalingConfiguration.Builder | |
CustomMetricExpressionRule |
A custom Monitoring Query Language (MQL) expression for triggering an autoscaling action on the
model deployment.
CustomMetricExpressionRule.Builder | |
DataSciencePrivateEndpoint |
Data Science private endpoint.
DataSciencePrivateEndpoint.Builder | |
DataSciencePrivateEndpointSummary |
List of Data Science private endpoints.
DataSciencePrivateEndpointSummary.Builder | |
DefaultJobConfigurationDetails |
The default job configuration.
DefaultJobConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
DefaultModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
The environment configuration details object for managed container
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the DefaultModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder . |
DefaultModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
ExportModelArtifactDetails |
Details required for exporting the model artifact from source to service bucket
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ExportModelArtifactDetails.Builder . |
ExportModelArtifactDetails.Builder | |
FastLaunchJobConfigSummary |
The shape config to launch a fast launch capable job instance
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the FastLaunchJobConfigSummary.Builder . |
FastLaunchJobConfigSummary.Builder | |
FileStorageMountConfigurationDetails |
The File Storage Mount Configuration Details.
FileStorageMountConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
FixedSizeScalingPolicy |
The fixed size scaling policy.
FixedSizeScalingPolicy.Builder | |
GenericJobRunUseCaseConfigurationDetails |
The evaluation use-case configuration.
GenericJobRunUseCaseConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
ImportModelArtifactDetails |
Details required for importing the artifact from service bucket
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ImportModelArtifactDetails.Builder . |
ImportModelArtifactDetails.Builder | |
InstanceConfiguration |
The model deployment instance configuration
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the InstanceConfiguration.Builder . |
InstanceConfiguration.Builder | |
InstancePoolModelDeploymentSystemData |
Instance pool based model deployment system data.
InstancePoolModelDeploymentSystemData.Builder | |
InvokeMlApplicationProviderTriggerScheduleActionDetails |
invoke ml application trigger details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the InvokeMlApplicationProviderTriggerScheduleActionDetails.Builder . |
InvokeMlApplicationProviderTriggerScheduleActionDetails.Builder | |
Job |
A job for training models.
Job.Builder | |
JobConfigurationDetails |
The job configuration details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
JobEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
Environment configuration to capture job runtime dependencies.
JobInfrastructureConfigurationDetails |
The job infrastructure configuration details (shape, block storage, etc.)
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
JobLogConfigurationDetails |
Logging configuration for resource.
JobLogConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
JobRun |
A job run.
JobRun.Builder | |
JobRunLogDetails |
Customer logging details for job run.
JobRunLogDetails.Builder | |
JobRunSummary |
Summary information for a job run.
JobRunSummary.Builder | |
JobRunUseCaseConfigurationDetails |
The use-case configuration details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
JobRunWorkloadConfigurationDetails |
The job run workload configuration.
JobRunWorkloadConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
JobShapeConfigDetails |
Details for the job run shape configuration.
JobShapeConfigDetails.Builder | |
JobShapeSummary |
The compute shape used to launch a job compute instance.
JobShapeSummary.Builder | |
JobSummary |
Summary information for a job.
JobSummary.Builder | |
LogDetails |
The log details.
LogDetails.Builder | |
ManagedEgressStandaloneJobInfrastructureConfigurationDetails |
The standalone job infrastructure configuration with network egress settings preconfigured.
ManagedEgressStandaloneJobInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
Metadata |
Defines properties of each model metadata.
Metadata.Builder | |
MetricExpressionRule |
The metric expression rule base.
Model |
Models are mathematical representations of the relationships between data.
Model.Builder | |
ModelArtifactReferenceDetails |
Reference to the location where the model artifact is stored.
ModelConfigurationDetails |
The model configuration details.
ModelConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
ModelDeployment |
Model deployments are used by data scientists to perform predictions from the model hosted on an
HTTP server.
ModelDeployment.Builder | |
ModelDeploymentConfigurationDetails |
The model deployment configuration details.
ModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
The configuration to carry the environment details thats used in Model Deployment creation
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
ModelDeploymentInstanceShapeConfigDetails |
Details for the model-deployment instance shape configuration.
ModelDeploymentInstanceShapeConfigDetails.Builder | |
ModelDeploymentShapeSummary |
The compute shape used to launch a model deployment compute instance.
ModelDeploymentShapeSummary.Builder | |
ModelDeploymentSummary |
Summary information for a model deployment.
ModelDeploymentSummary.Builder | |
ModelDeploymentSystemData |
Model deployment system data.
ModelDeployWorkloadConfigurationDetails |
The model deployment workload configuration.
ModelDeployWorkloadConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
ModelProvenance |
Model provenance gives data scientists information about the origin of their model.
ModelProvenance.Builder | |
ModelSummary |
Summary information for a model.
ModelSummary.Builder | |
ModelVersionSet |
A model version set to associate different versions of machine learning models.
ModelVersionSet.Builder | |
ModelVersionSetSummary |
Summary information for a model version set.
ModelVersionSetSummary.Builder | |
NotebookSession |
Notebook sessions are interactive coding environments for data scientists.
NotebookSession.Builder | |
NotebookSessionConfigDetails |
Details for the notebook session configuration.
NotebookSessionConfigDetails.Builder | |
NotebookSessionConfigurationDetails |
Details for the notebook session configuration.
NotebookSessionConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
NotebookSessionGitConfigDetails |
Git configuration Details.
NotebookSessionGitConfigDetails.Builder | |
NotebookSessionGitRepoConfigDetails |
Git repository configurations.
NotebookSessionGitRepoConfigDetails.Builder | |
NotebookSessionRuntimeConfigDetails |
Notebook Session runtime configuration details.
NotebookSessionRuntimeConfigDetails.Builder | |
NotebookSessionShapeConfigDetails |
Details for the notebook session shape configuration.
NotebookSessionShapeConfigDetails.Builder | |
NotebookSessionShapeSummary |
The compute shape used to launch a notebook session compute instance.
NotebookSessionShapeSummary.Builder | |
NotebookSessionSummary |
Summary information for a notebook session.
NotebookSessionSummary.Builder | |
ObjectStorageMountConfigurationDetails |
The Object Storage Configuration Details.
ObjectStorageMountConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
OcirContainerJobEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
Environment configuration based on container image stored in OCI Container Registry.
OcirContainerJobEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
OcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
The environment configuration details object for OCI Registry
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the OcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder . |
OcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
OSSModelArtifactReferenceDetails |
Reference to the OSS where model artifact is stored
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the OSSModelArtifactReferenceDetails.Builder . |
OSSModelArtifactReferenceDetails.Builder | |
Pipeline |
A Pipeline to orchestrate and execute machine learning workflows.
Pipeline.Builder | |
PipelineConfigurationDetails |
The configuration details of a pipeline.
PipelineContainerConfigurationDetails |
Container Details for a step in pipeline.
PipelineContainerStepDetails |
The type of step where user provides the container details for an execution engine managed by the
pipelines service.
PipelineContainerStepDetails.Builder | |
PipelineContainerStepRun |
Detail of each ContainerStepRun.
PipelineContainerStepRun.Builder | |
PipelineContainerStepUpdateDetails |
Update the details for a container step type.
PipelineContainerStepUpdateDetails.Builder | |
PipelineCustomScriptStepDetails |
The type of step where user provides the step artifact to be executed on an execution engine
managed by the pipelines service.
PipelineCustomScriptStepDetails.Builder | |
PipelineCustomScriptStepRun |
Detail of each CustomScriptStepRun.
PipelineCustomScriptStepRun.Builder | |
PipelineCustomScriptStepUpdateDetails |
The type of step where user provides the step artifact to be executed on an execution engine
managed by the pipelines service.
PipelineCustomScriptStepUpdateDetails.Builder | |
PipelineDataflowConfigurationDetails |
The configuration details of a Dataflow step.
PipelineDataflowConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
PipelineDataflowStepDetails |
The type of step where the dataflow application is pre-created by the user.
PipelineDataflowStepDetails.Builder | |
PipelineDataflowStepRun |
Detail of each Dataflow Step Run.
PipelineDataflowStepRun.Builder | |
PipelineDataflowStepUpdateDetails |
The type of step where the dataflow application is pre-created by the user.
PipelineDataflowStepUpdateDetails.Builder | |
PipelineDefaultConfigurationDetails |
The default pipeline configuration.
PipelineDefaultConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails |
The infrastructure configuration details of a pipeline or a step.
PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
PipelineLogConfigurationDetails |
The pipeline log configuration details.
PipelineLogConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
PipelineMLJobStepDetails |
The type of step where the job is pre-created by the user.
PipelineMLJobStepDetails.Builder | |
PipelineMLJobStepRun |
Detail of each MLJobStepRun.
PipelineMLJobStepRun.Builder | |
PipelineMLJobStepUpdateDetails |
The type of step where the job is pre-created by the user.
PipelineMLJobStepUpdateDetails.Builder | |
PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails |
Container configuration based on image stored in OCI Container Registry.
PipelineOcirContainerConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
PipelineRun |
Description of PipelineRun.
PipelineRun.Builder | |
PipelineRunLogDetails |
Customer logging details for pipeline run.
PipelineRunLogDetails.Builder | |
PipelineRunSummary |
Summary of the PipelineRun.
PipelineRunSummary.Builder | |
PipelineShapeConfigDetails |
Details for the pipeline step run shape configuration.
PipelineShapeConfigDetails.Builder | |
PipelineStepConfigurationDetails |
The configuration details of a step.
PipelineStepConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
PipelineStepDetails |
A step in the pipeline.
PipelineStepOverrideDetails |
Override details of the step.
PipelineStepOverrideDetails.Builder | |
PipelineStepRun |
Detail of each StepRun.
PipelineStepUpdateDetails |
The details of the step to update.
PipelineSummary |
Summary of the Pipeline.
PipelineSummary.Builder | |
PredefinedExpressionThresholdScalingConfiguration |
The scaling configuration for the predefined metric expression rule.
PredefinedExpressionThresholdScalingConfiguration.Builder | |
PredefinedMetricExpressionRule |
An expression built using CPU or Memory metrics for triggering an autoscaling action on the model
PredefinedMetricExpressionRule.Builder | |
Project |
Projects enable users to organize their data science work.
Project.Builder | |
ProjectSummary |
Summary information for a project.
ProjectSummary.Builder | |
RegisterModelArtifactReferenceDetails |
Parameters that are required to register a model artifact reference collection.
RegisterModelArtifactReferenceDetails.Builder | |
RetentionOperationDetails |
Retention operation details for the model.
RetentionOperationDetails.Builder | |
RetentionSetting |
Retention setting details of the model.
RetentionSetting.Builder | |
ScalingConfiguration |
Scaling configuration for the metric expression rule.
ScalingPolicy |
The scaling policy to apply to each model of the deployment.
Schedule |
A repeating action.
Schedule.Builder | |
ScheduleAction |
The schedule action
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
ScheduleCronTrigger |
The scheduled UNIX cron definition.
ScheduleCronTrigger.Builder | |
ScheduleHttpAction |
this is HTTP action
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ScheduleHttpAction.Builder . |
ScheduleHttpAction.Builder | |
ScheduleHttpActionDetails |
Schedule Http action details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
ScheduleICalTrigger |
The iCal schedule trigger.
ScheduleICalTrigger.Builder | |
ScheduleIntervalTrigger |
The interval schedule trigger.
ScheduleIntervalTrigger.Builder | |
ScheduleLogDetails |
Custom logging details for schedule execution.
ScheduleLogDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleSummary |
Summary representation of a schedule.
ScheduleSummary.Builder | |
ScheduleTrigger |
The trigger of the schedule can be UNIX cron or iCal expression or simple interval
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
SingleModelDeploymentConfigurationDetails |
The single model type deployment.
SingleModelDeploymentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
StandaloneJobInfrastructureConfigurationDetails |
The standalone job infrastructure configuration.
StandaloneJobInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
StorageMountConfigurationDetails |
The storage mount configuration details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
TagConfiguration |
Defines properties of each container tag metadata.
TagConfiguration.Builder | |
ThresholdBasedAutoScalingPolicyDetails |
Details for a threshold-based autoscaling policy to enable on the model deployment.
ThresholdBasedAutoScalingPolicyDetails.Builder | |
TriggerMlApplicationInstanceViewFlowDetails |
Payload for trigger request endpoint
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the TriggerMlApplicationInstanceViewFlowDetails.Builder . |
TriggerMlApplicationInstanceViewFlowDetails.Builder | |
TriggerParameter |
Trigger parameter
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the TriggerParameter.Builder . |
TriggerParameter.Builder | |
UpdateCategoryLogDetails |
The log details for each category for update.
UpdateCategoryLogDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDataSciencePrivateEndpointDetails |
The details required to update a private endpoint.
UpdateDataSciencePrivateEndpointDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDefaultModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
The update environment configuration details object for managed container
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the UpdateDefaultModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder . |
UpdateDefaultModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateJobDetails |
Details for updating a job.
UpdateJobDetails.Builder | |
UpdateJobRunDetails |
Details for updating a job run.
UpdateJobRunDetails.Builder | |
UpdateModelConfigurationDetails |
The model configuration details for update.
UpdateModelConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateModelDeploymentConfigurationDetails |
The model deployment configuration details for update.
UpdateModelDeploymentDetails |
Details for updating a model deployment.
UpdateModelDeploymentDetails.Builder | |
UpdateModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
The configuration to carry the environment details thats used in Model Deployment update
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
UpdateModelDetails |
Details for updating a model.
UpdateModelDetails.Builder | |
UpdateModelProvenanceDetails |
Model provenance gives data scientists information about the origin of their model.
UpdateModelProvenanceDetails.Builder | |
UpdateModelVersionSetDetails |
Details for updating a model version set.
UpdateModelVersionSetDetails.Builder | |
UpdateNotebookSessionDetails |
Details for updating a notebook session.
UpdateNotebookSessionDetails.Builder | |
UpdateOcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails |
The update environment configuration details object for OCI Registry
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the UpdateOcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder . |
UpdateOcirModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
UpdatePipelineDetails |
The information of pipeline to be updated.
UpdatePipelineDetails.Builder | |
UpdatePipelineRunDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdatePipelineRunDetails.Builder | |
UpdateProjectDetails |
Details for updating a project.
UpdateProjectDetails.Builder | |
UpdateScheduleDetails |
Update details for a schedule.
UpdateScheduleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSingleModelDeploymentConfigurationDetails |
The single model type deployment for update.
UpdateSingleModelDeploymentConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
WorkloadConfigurationDetails |
The workload configuration details
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
WorkRequest |
An asynchronous work request.
WorkRequest.Builder | |
WorkRequestError |
Errors related to a specific work request.
WorkRequestError.Builder | |
WorkRequestLogEntry |
Log entries related to a specific work request.
WorkRequestLogEntry.Builder | |
WorkRequestResource |
The properties that define a work request resource.
WorkRequestResource.Builder | |
WorkRequestSummary |
Summary information for a work request.
WorkRequestSummary.Builder |
Enum | Description |
ArtifactSourceType |
Possible sources where artifact would be present
AutoScalingPolicyDetails.AutoScalingPolicyType |
The type of autoscaling policy.
ContainerSummary.TargetWorkloads | |
ContainerSummary.Usages | |
ContainerTargetWorkload |
The target workload of the container.
ContainerUsage |
The Usage of the container.
ContainerVersionLifecycleState |
Container Version LifecycleState enum.
DataSciencePrivateEndpointLifecycleState |
The current state of the private endpoint.
DataScienceResourceType |
Data Science resource type.
FastLaunchJobConfigSummary.ManagedEgressSupport |
The managed egress support
FastLaunchJobConfigSummary.ShapeSeries |
The family that the compute shape belongs to.
JobConfigurationDetails.JobType |
The type of job.
JobEnvironmentConfigurationDetails.JobEnvironmentType |
The environment configuration type used for job runtime.
JobInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.JobInfrastructureType |
The infrastructure type used for job run.
JobLifecycleState |
The status of a job.
JobRunLifecycleState |
The status of a job run.
JobRunUseCaseConfigurationDetails.UseCaseType |
The job-run use-case.
JobShapeSummary.ShapeSeries |
The family that the compute shape belongs to.
MetricExpressionRule.MetricExpressionRuleType |
The metric expression for creating the alarm used to trigger autoscaling actions on the model
ModelArtifactReferenceDetails.ModelArtifactReferenceType |
The type of the model artifact reference.
ModelCategory |
The category of a model.
ModelDeploymentEnvironmentConfigurationType |
The environment of Model Deployment.
ModelDeploymentInstanceShapeConfigDetails.CpuBaseline |
The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance.
ModelDeploymentLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a model deployment.
ModelDeploymentShapeSeries |
The family that the compute shape belongs to.
ModelDeploymentSystemData.SystemInfraType |
The infrastructure type of the model deployment.
ModelDeploymentType |
The type of model deployment.
ModelLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a model.
ModelSettingActionState |
Represents the state of the model for backup, archival and deletion.
ModelSettingCustomerNotificationType |
Customer notification type based on setting action events for backup, archival and deletion.
ModelVersionSetCategory |
The lifecycle state of a model.
ModelVersionSetLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a model version set.
NotebookSessionLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a notebook session.
NotebookSessionShapeSeries |
The family that the compute shape belongs to.
PipelineConfigurationDetails.Type |
The type of pipeline.
PipelineContainerConfigurationDetails.ContainerType |
The type of container.
PipelineLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a pipeline.
PipelineRunLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a pipeline run.
PipelineStepDetails.StepType |
The type of step.
PipelineStepRun.LifecycleState |
The state of the step run.
PipelineStepRun.StepType |
The type of step.
PipelineStepUpdateDetails.StepType |
The type of step.
PredefinedMetricExpressionRule.MetricType |
Metric type
ProjectLifecycleState |
The lifecycle state of a project.
ScalingConfiguration.ScalingConfigurationType |
The type of scaling configuration.
ScalingPolicy.PolicyType |
The type of scaling policy.
ScheduleAction.ActionType |
The Schedule Action type
ScheduleHttpActionDetails.HttpActionType |
The type of http action to trigger.
ScheduleIntervalTrigger.Frequency |
The type of frequency
ScheduleLifecycleState |
The status of a schedule.
ScheduleTrigger.TriggerType |
The schedule trigger type
StorageMountConfigurationDetails.StorageType |
The type of storage.
WorkloadConfigurationDetails.WorkloadType |
The workload use case.
WorkRequestOperationType |
The types of work request operations.
WorkRequestResource.ActionType |
The way in which this resource was affected by the work tracked by the work request.
WorkRequestStatus |
The status of a work request.
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