Deployment using OCI Data Science Job ======================================= ML Monitoring Application can be quickly set up using OCI Data Science Job and ML Monitoring Application managed container image. - Configure required policy and dynamic rules - Provision OCI Data Science Job - Trigger Data science job run passing the required runtime configuration Add Dynamic Groups Rules -------------------------- User needs to create Dynamic Groups and add following rules for setting up OCI resources .. code-block:: ALL {resource.type='datasciencejobrun', = ''} Here COMPARTMENT_ID is the OCID of Compartment in which user need to setup OCI Data Science Job resource and push logs for ML Monitoring Application run . .. seealso:: `Dynamic Groups `_ Add Policy Rules ---------------------- Policy rules required to be added for authorizing and giving access permission to OCI resources within user’s compartment via dynamic-group . Here user is giving required permission using following policy to all the resources defined in the dynamic group created above. .. code-block:: Allow dynamic-group to manage log-groups in compartment Allow dynamic-group to use log-content in compartment Allow dynamic-group to manage objects in compartment Allow dynamic-group to read buckets in compartment Configure OCI Data Science Job ---------------------- Steps to setup OCI Data Science Job : - Create OCI Data Science Job using the `link `_. .. note:: - Do not use BYOC while creating the job for ML Monitoring Application. - Do not use Fast Job. Only Custom Configuration is supported. - Do not use ARM shapes. Only Intel / AMD shapes are supported. - Set the below environment variable while configuring the job: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 15 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Key - Description - Value Example * - CONTAINER_CUSTOM_IMAGE - Managed Container moniker for ML Monitoring Application. `Available versions <../release_notes.html>`_ - .. code-block:: bash "dsmc://odsc-ml-monitoring-application:" Example .. image:: ../resources/job_created.png :width: 800 :alt: Partition Data .. image:: ../resources/job_default_config.png :width: 800 :alt: Partition Data Run OCI Data Science Job ------------------------------- After the OCI Data Science Job is created using ML Monitoring Application managed container, we can use OCI Data Science Job Run to repeatedly run the job. .. seealso:: `How to configure ML Monitoring Application config file <../config_setup.html>`_ Steps to configure OCI Data Science Job Run : - Create OCI Data Science Job Run using the `link `_. - Override the default job configuration that was defined when the job was created or add new runtime job configuration - Refer the `input contract <../user_guide/input_configuration.html>`_ to add runtime configuration Example .. image:: ../resources/job_run_created.png :width: 800 :alt: Partition Data .. image:: ../resources/job_run_runtime_config.png :width: 800 :alt: Partition Data Other ways of creating Job and Job Runs ---------------------------------------- **CLI** Use the `Data Science CLI `_ to create a job as in this example: 1. Create a job with: .. code-block:: text oci data-science job create \ --display-name \ --compartment-id \ --project-id \ --configuration-details file:// \ --infrastructure-configuration-details file:// \ --log-configuration-details file:// 2. Use this jobs configuration JSON file: .. code-block:: json { "jobType": "DEFAULT", "environmentVariables": { "CONTAINER_CUSTOM_IMAGE": "dsmc://odsc-ml-monitoring-application:" } } 3. Use this jobs infrastructure configuration JSON file: .. code-block:: json { "jobInfrastructureType":"ME_STANDALONE", "shapeName": "", "blockStorageSizeInGBs": "block_storage_size_in_GBs" } 4. (Optional) Use this jobs logging configuration JSON file: .. code-block:: json { "enableLogging": true, "enableAutoLogCreation": true, "logGroupId": "" } 5. Create a job run with: .. code-block:: text oci data-science job-run create \ --display-name \ --compartment-id \ --project-id \ --job-id \ --configuration-override-details file:// 6. Use this job run override configuration JSON file: .. code-block:: json { "jobType": "DEFAULT", "environmentVariables": { "CONFIG_LOCATION": "" "RUNTIME_PARAMETER": "{"ACTION_TYPE":"RUN_CONFIG_VALIDATION"}" } } **API** The ADS SDK is also a publicly available Python library that you can install with this command: .. code-block:: text pip install oracle-ads It provides the wrapper that makes the creation and running jobs from notebooks or on your client machine easy. Use the `ADS SDK `_ to create job and run jobs .. collapse:: .. code-block:: code import ads import os from import Job, DataScienceJob, PythonRuntime # Setting OCI_ODSC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT os.environ['OCI_ODSC_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'] = '' def create_job_and_job_run(): rp_version = os.environ.get("OCI_RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL_VERSION", "UNDEFINED") # Setting authentication # Setting local authentication if not rp_version or rp_version == "UNDEFINED": ads.set_auth("security_token", oci_config_location="~/.oci/config", profile="DEFAULT") else: # Setting Resource Principal authentication ads.set_auth("resource_principal") job = ( Job(name="Job_creation_using_Ads") .with_infrastructure( DataScienceJob() .with_compartment_id(COMPARTMENT_OCID) .with_project_id(PROJECT_OCID) .with_job_type('DEFAULT') .with_shape_name("SHAPE_NAME") .with_block_storage_size(BLOCK_STORAGE_SIZE) .with_log_group_id(LOG_GROUP_OCID) .with_job_infrastructure_type('ME_STANDALONE') ) .with_runtime( PythonRuntime() .with_environment_variable(CONTAINER_CUSTOM_IMAGE="dsmc://odsc-ml-monitoring-application:") ) ) # Create Job job.create() # Create Job Run job_run = name="ML_Monitoring_Validation_Run_ads_1", env_var={ "CONFIG_LOCATION": "", "RUNTIME_PARAMETER": "{\"ACTION_TYPE\":\"RUN_CONFIG_VALIDATION\"}" } ) **Terraform** Use the `Data Science Create Job Terraform `_ to create a job. Use the `Data Science Create Job Run Terraform `_ to create a job run.