
class oci.data_science.models.PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The infrastructure configuration details of a pipeline or a step.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails object with values from keyword arguments.


block_storage_size_in_gbs [Required] Gets the block_storage_size_in_gbs of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
shape_config_details Gets the shape_config_details of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
shape_name [Required] Gets the shape_name of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
subnet_id Gets the subnet_id of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.

Initializes a new PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • shape_name (str) – The value to assign to the shape_name property of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
  • block_storage_size_in_gbs (int) – The value to assign to the block_storage_size_in_gbs property of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
  • subnet_id (str) – The value to assign to the subnet_id property of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
  • shape_config_details (oci.data_science.models.PipelineShapeConfigDetails) – The value to assign to the shape_config_details property of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.

[Required] Gets the block_storage_size_in_gbs of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails. The size of the block storage volume to attach to the instance.

Returns:The block_storage_size_in_gbs of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
Return type:int

Gets the shape_config_details of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.

Returns:The shape_config_details of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
Return type:oci.data_science.models.PipelineShapeConfigDetails

[Required] Gets the shape_name of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails. The shape used to launch the instance for all step runs in the pipeline.

Returns:The shape_name of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the subnet_id of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails. The subnet to create a secondary vnic in to attach to the instance running the pipeline step.

Returns:The subnet_id of this PipelineInfrastructureConfigurationDetails.
Return type:str