
class oci.database_management.models.OptimizerDatabase(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The subset information of the Managed Database resource, which is used by Optimizer Statistics.


DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_AUTONOMOUS A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_BM A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_EXADATA A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_EXADATA_CC A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_EXADATA_XS A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_ONPREMISE A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_DEPLOYMENT_TYPE_VM A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_SUB_TYPE_ACD A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_SUB_TYPE_ADB A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_SUB_TYPE_CDB A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_SUB_TYPE_NON_CDB A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_SUB_TYPE_PDB A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_TYPE_CLOUD_RAC A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_TYPE_CLOUD_SIDB A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_TYPE_DEDICATED A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_TYPE_EXTERNAL_RAC A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_TYPE_EXTERNAL_SIDB A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
DB_TYPE_SHARED A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase.
compartment_id [Required] Gets the compartment_id of this OptimizerDatabase.
db_deployment_type [Required] Gets the db_deployment_type of this OptimizerDatabase.
db_sub_type [Required] Gets the db_sub_type of this OptimizerDatabase.
db_type [Required] Gets the db_type of this OptimizerDatabase.
db_version [Required] Gets the db_version of this OptimizerDatabase.
id [Required] Gets the id of this OptimizerDatabase.
name [Required] Gets the name of this OptimizerDatabase.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new OptimizerDatabase object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “AUTONOMOUS”


A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “BM”


A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “EXADATA”


A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “EXADATA_CC”


A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “EXADATA_XS”


A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “ONPREMISE”


A constant which can be used with the db_deployment_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “VM”


A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “ACD”


A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “ADB”


A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “CDB”


A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “NON_CDB”


A constant which can be used with the db_sub_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “PDB”


A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “CLOUD_RAC”


A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “CLOUD_SIDB”


A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “DEDICATED”


A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “EXTERNAL_RAC”


A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “EXTERNAL_SIDB”


A constant which can be used with the db_type property of a OptimizerDatabase. This constant has a value of “SHARED”


Initializes a new OptimizerDatabase object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • id (str) – The value to assign to the id property of this OptimizerDatabase.
  • name (str) – The value to assign to the name property of this OptimizerDatabase.
  • db_type (str) – The value to assign to the db_type property of this OptimizerDatabase. Allowed values for this property are: “EXTERNAL_SIDB”, “EXTERNAL_RAC”, “CLOUD_SIDB”, “CLOUD_RAC”, “SHARED”, “DEDICATED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • db_sub_type (str) – The value to assign to the db_sub_type property of this OptimizerDatabase. Allowed values for this property are: “CDB”, “PDB”, “NON_CDB”, “ACD”, “ADB”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • db_deployment_type (str) – The value to assign to the db_deployment_type property of this OptimizerDatabase. Allowed values for this property are: “ONPREMISE”, “BM”, “VM”, “EXADATA”, “EXADATA_CC”, “AUTONOMOUS”, “EXADATA_XS”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • db_version (str) – The value to assign to the db_version property of this OptimizerDatabase.
  • compartment_id (str) – The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this OptimizerDatabase.

[Required] Gets the compartment_id of this OptimizerDatabase. The OCID of the compartment in which the Managed Database resides.

Returns:The compartment_id of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the db_deployment_type of this OptimizerDatabase. The infrastructure used to deploy the Oracle Database.

Allowed values for this property are: “ONPREMISE”, “BM”, “VM”, “EXADATA”, “EXADATA_CC”, “AUTONOMOUS”, “EXADATA_XS”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The db_deployment_type of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the db_sub_type of this OptimizerDatabase. The subtype of the Oracle Database. Indicates whether the database is a Container Database, Pluggable Database, Non-container Database, Autonomous Database, or Autonomous Container Database.

Allowed values for this property are: “CDB”, “PDB”, “NON_CDB”, “ACD”, “ADB”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The db_sub_type of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the db_type of this OptimizerDatabase. The type of Oracle Database installation.

Allowed values for this property are: “EXTERNAL_SIDB”, “EXTERNAL_RAC”, “CLOUD_SIDB”, “CLOUD_RAC”, “SHARED”, “DEDICATED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The db_type of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the db_version of this OptimizerDatabase. The version of the Oracle Database.

Returns:The db_version of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the id of this OptimizerDatabase. The OCID of the Managed Database.

Returns:The id of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the name of this OptimizerDatabase. The name of the Managed Database.

Returns:The name of this OptimizerDatabase.
Return type:str