
class oci.opsi.models.MySqlSqlStats(**kwargs)

Bases: object

MySql Sql Stats type object.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new MySqlSqlStats object with values from keyword arguments.


command_type Gets the command_type of this MySqlSqlStats.
cpu_latency_in_ps Gets the cpu_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats.
digest [Required] Gets the digest of this MySqlSqlStats.
err_count Gets the err_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
exec_count Gets the exec_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
exec_count_secondary Gets the exec_count_secondary of this MySqlSqlStats.
lock_latency_in_ps Gets the lock_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats.
max_controlled_memory_in_bytes Gets the max_controlled_memory_in_bytes of this MySqlSqlStats.
max_total_memory_in_bytes Gets the max_total_memory_in_bytes of this MySqlSqlStats.
no_good_index_used_count Gets the no_good_index_used_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
no_index_used_count Gets the no_index_used_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
perf_schema_used_percent Gets the perf_schema_used_percent of this MySqlSqlStats.
rows_affected Gets the rows_affected of this MySqlSqlStats.
rows_examined Gets the rows_examined of this MySqlSqlStats.
rows_sent Gets the rows_sent of this MySqlSqlStats.
rows_sorted Gets the rows_sorted of this MySqlSqlStats.
schema_name Gets the schema_name of this MySqlSqlStats.
select_full_join Gets the select_full_join of this MySqlSqlStats.
select_full_range_join Gets the select_full_range_join of this MySqlSqlStats.
select_range Gets the select_range of this MySqlSqlStats.
select_range_check Gets the select_range_check of this MySqlSqlStats.
select_scan Gets the select_scan of this MySqlSqlStats.
sort_merge_passes Gets the sort_merge_passes of this MySqlSqlStats.
sort_range Gets the sort_range of this MySqlSqlStats.
sort_scan Gets the sort_scan of this MySqlSqlStats.
time_collected [Required] Gets the time_collected of this MySqlSqlStats.
time_first_seen Gets the time_first_seen of this MySqlSqlStats.
time_last_seen Gets the time_last_seen of this MySqlSqlStats.
tmp_disk_tables Gets the tmp_disk_tables of this MySqlSqlStats.
tmp_tables Gets the tmp_tables of this MySqlSqlStats.
total_latency_in_ps Gets the total_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats.
total_rows Gets the total_rows of this MySqlSqlStats.
warn_count Gets the warn_count of this MySqlSqlStats.

Initializes a new MySqlSqlStats object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • digest (str) – The value to assign to the digest property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • time_collected (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_collected property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • command_type (str) – The value to assign to the command_type property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • total_rows (int) – The value to assign to the total_rows property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • perf_schema_used_percent (int) – The value to assign to the perf_schema_used_percent property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • schema_name (str) – The value to assign to the schema_name property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • exec_count (int) – The value to assign to the exec_count property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • total_latency_in_ps (int) – The value to assign to the total_latency_in_ps property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • lock_latency_in_ps (int) – The value to assign to the lock_latency_in_ps property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • err_count (int) – The value to assign to the err_count property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • warn_count (int) – The value to assign to the warn_count property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • rows_affected (int) – The value to assign to the rows_affected property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • rows_sent (int) – The value to assign to the rows_sent property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • rows_examined (int) – The value to assign to the rows_examined property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • tmp_disk_tables (int) – The value to assign to the tmp_disk_tables property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • tmp_tables (int) – The value to assign to the tmp_tables property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • select_full_join (int) – The value to assign to the select_full_join property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • select_full_range_join (int) – The value to assign to the select_full_range_join property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • select_range (int) – The value to assign to the select_range property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • select_range_check (int) – The value to assign to the select_range_check property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • select_scan (int) – The value to assign to the select_scan property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • sort_merge_passes (int) – The value to assign to the sort_merge_passes property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • sort_range (int) – The value to assign to the sort_range property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • rows_sorted (int) – The value to assign to the rows_sorted property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • sort_scan (int) – The value to assign to the sort_scan property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • no_index_used_count (int) – The value to assign to the no_index_used_count property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • no_good_index_used_count (int) – The value to assign to the no_good_index_used_count property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • cpu_latency_in_ps (int) – The value to assign to the cpu_latency_in_ps property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • max_controlled_memory_in_bytes (int) – The value to assign to the max_controlled_memory_in_bytes property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • max_total_memory_in_bytes (int) – The value to assign to the max_total_memory_in_bytes property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • exec_count_secondary (int) – The value to assign to the exec_count_secondary property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • time_first_seen (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_first_seen property of this MySqlSqlStats.
  • time_last_seen (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_last_seen property of this MySqlSqlStats.

Gets the command_type of this MySqlSqlStats. Type of statement such as select, update or delete.

Returns:The command_type of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:str

Gets the cpu_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats. The total time spent on CPU (in picoseconds) for the current thread.

Returns:The cpu_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

[Required] Gets the digest of this MySqlSqlStats. Unique SQL ID Digest for a MySql Statement. Example: “c20fcea11911be36651b7ca7bd3712d4ed9ac1134cee9c6620039e1fb13b5eff”

Returns:The digest of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:str

Gets the err_count of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of errors produced by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The err_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the exec_count of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of times the statement has executed.

Returns:The exec_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the exec_count_secondary of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of times a query was processed on the secondary engine (HEATWAVE) for occurrences of this statement Count.

Returns:The exec_count_secondary of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the lock_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats. The total time waiting (in picoseconds) for locks by timed occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The lock_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the max_controlled_memory_in_bytes of this MySqlSqlStats. The maximum amount of controlled memory (in bytes) used by the statement.

Returns:The max_controlled_memory_in_bytes of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the max_total_memory_in_bytes of this MySqlSqlStats. The maximum amount of memory (in bytes) used by the statement.

Returns:The max_total_memory_in_bytes of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the no_good_index_used_count of this MySqlSqlStats. The number of occurences of the statement where the server found no good index to use Count

Returns:The no_good_index_used_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the no_index_used_count of this MySqlSqlStats. The number of occurences of the statement which performed a table scan without using an index Count

Returns:The no_index_used_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the perf_schema_used_percent of this MySqlSqlStats. Percent of SQL statements in the perf schema table relative to max or overflow count set in @@GLOBAL.performance_schema_digests_size.

Returns:The perf_schema_used_percent of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the rows_affected of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of rows affected by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The rows_affected of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the rows_examined of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of rows read from storage engines by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The rows_examined of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the rows_sent of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of rows returned by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The rows_sent of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the rows_sorted of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of rows sorted by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The rows_sorted of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the schema_name of this MySqlSqlStats. Name of Database Schema. Example: “performance_schema”

Returns:The schema_name of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:str

Gets the select_full_join of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexes by occurrences of the statement. If this value is not 0

Returns:The select_full_join of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the select_full_range_join of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of joins that used a range search on a reference table by occurrences of the statement

Returns:The select_full_range_join of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the select_range of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of joins that used ranges on the first table by occurrences of the statement. This is normally not a critical issue even if the value is quite large. Count

Returns:The select_range of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the select_range_check of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row by occurrences of the statement. If this is not 0

Returns:The select_range_check of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the select_scan of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of joins that did a full scan of the first table by occurrences of the statement Count

Returns:The select_scan of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the sort_merge_passes of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of sort merge passes by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The sort_merge_passes of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the sort_range of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of sorts that were done using ranges by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The sort_range of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the sort_scan of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of sorts that were done by scanning the table by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The sort_scan of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

[Required] Gets the time_collected of this MySqlSqlStats. Collection timestamp. Example: “2020-03-31T00:00:00.000Z”

Returns:The time_collected of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_first_seen of this MySqlSqlStats. The time at which statement was first seen. Example: “2023-01-16 08:04:31.533577”

Returns:The time_first_seen of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_last_seen of this MySqlSqlStats. The time at which statement was most recently seen for all occurrences of the statement. Example: “2023-01-30 02:17:08.067961”

Returns:The time_last_seen of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:datetime

Gets the tmp_disk_tables of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The tmp_disk_tables of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the tmp_tables of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of internal in-memory temporary tables created by occurrences of the statement Count

Returns:The tmp_tables of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the total_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats. The total wait time (in picoseconds) of timed occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The total_latency_in_ps of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the total_rows of this MySqlSqlStats. Total number of SQL statements used in collection ranking calculation.

Returns:The total_rows of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int

Gets the warn_count of this MySqlSqlStats. The total number of warnings produced by occurrences of the statement.

Returns:The warn_count of this MySqlSqlStats.
Return type:int