
class oci.data_science.models.Metadata(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Defines properties of each model metadata.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new Metadata object with values from keyword arguments.


category Gets the category of this Metadata.
description Gets the description of this Metadata.
key Gets the key of this Metadata.
value Gets the value of this Metadata.

Initializes a new Metadata object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • key (str) – The value to assign to the key property of this Metadata.
  • value (str) – The value to assign to the value property of this Metadata.
  • description (str) – The value to assign to the description property of this Metadata.
  • category (str) – The value to assign to the category property of this Metadata.

Gets the category of this Metadata. Category of model metadata which should be null for defined metadata.For custom metadata is should be one of the following values “Performance,Training Profile,Training and Validation Datasets,Training Environment,Reports,Readme,other”.

Returns:The category of this Metadata.
Return type:str

Gets the description of this Metadata. Description of model metadata

Returns:The description of this Metadata.
Return type:str

Gets the key of this Metadata. Key of the model Metadata. The key can either be user defined or OCI defined.

List of OCI defined keys:
  • useCaseType
  • libraryName
  • libraryVersion
  • estimatorClass
  • hyperParameters
  • testArtifactresults
Returns:The key of this Metadata.
Return type:str

Gets the value of this Metadata. Allowed values for useCaseType:

binary_classification, regression, multinomial_classification, clustering, recommender, dimensionality_reduction/representation, time_series_forecasting, anomaly_detection, topic_modeling, ner, sentiment_analysis, image_classification, object_localization, other
Allowed values for libraryName:
scikit-learn, xgboost, tensorflow, pytorch, mxnet, keras, lightGBM, pymc3, pyOD, spacy, prophet, sktime, statsmodels, cuml, oracle_automl, h2o, transformers, nltk, emcee, pystan, bert, gensim, flair, word2vec, ensemble, other
Returns:The value of this Metadata.
Return type:str