oci.opsi.models.AddEmManagedExternalExadataInsightMembersDetails |
The information about the members of Exadata system to be added. |
oci.opsi.models.AddExadataInsightMembersDetails |
The information about the members of Exadata system to be added. |
oci.opsi.models.AddMacsManagedCloudExadataInsightMembersDetails |
The information about the members of Exadata system to be added. |
oci.opsi.models.AddPeComanagedExadataInsightMembersDetails |
The information about the members of Exadata system to be added. |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbCollection |
The result of ADDM databases |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbFindingAggregation |
Summarizes a specific ADDM finding |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbFindingAggregationCollection |
Summarizes ADDM findings over specified time period |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbFindingCategoryCollection |
List of finding categories |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbFindingCategorySummary |
Finding category summary |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbFindingsTimeSeriesCollection |
ADDM findings time series response. |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbFindingsTimeSeriesSummary |
ADDM findings time series data |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbParameterAggregation |
Summarizes change history for specific database parameter |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbParameterAggregationCollection |
Summarizes AWR parameter change history over specified time period |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbParameterCategoryCollection |
List of database parameter categories |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbParameterCategorySummary |
Database parameter category summary |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbParameterChangeAggregation |
Change record for AWR database parameter |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbParameterChangeAggregationCollection |
Summarizes AWR parameter change history over specified time period for specified parameter |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbRecommendationAggregation |
Summarizes a specific ADDM recommendation |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbRecommendationAggregationCollection |
Summarizes ADDM recommendations over specified time period |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbRecommendationCategoryCollection |
List of recommendation categories |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbRecommendationCategorySummary |
Recommendation category summary |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbRecommendationsTimeSeriesCollection |
ADDM recommendations time series |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbRecommendationsTimeSeriesSummary |
ADDM recommendation |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbSchemaObjectCollection |
Summarizes Schema Objects over specified time period |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbSchemaObjectSummary |
Details for a given object id |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbSqlStatementCollection |
Summarizes SQL statements over specified time period |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbSqlStatementSummary |
Details for a given SQL ID |
oci.opsi.models.AddmDbSummary |
ADDM summary for a database |
oci.opsi.models.AddmReport |
ADDM Tasks. |
oci.opsi.models.AutonomousDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of autonomous database. |
oci.opsi.models.AutonomousDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.AutonomousDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseCollection |
The result of AWR query. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseCpuUsageCollection |
The AWR CPU usage data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseCpuUsageSummary |
A summary of the AWR CPU resource limits and metrics. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseMetricCollection |
The AWR metrics time series summary data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseMetricSummary |
The summary of the AWR metric data for a particular metric at a specific time. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseParameterChangeCollection |
The AWR database parameter change history. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseParameterChangeSummary |
A summary of the changes made to a single AWR database parameter. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseParameterCollection |
The AWR database parameter data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseParameterSummary |
The summary of the AWR change history data for a single database parameter. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseReport |
The result of the AWR report. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSnapshotCollection |
The list of AWR snapshots for one database. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSnapshotRangeCollection |
The AWR snapshot range list. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSnapshotRangeSummary |
The summary data for a range of AWR snapshots. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSnapshotSummary |
The AWR snapshot summary of one snapshot. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSqlReport |
The result of the AWR SQL report. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSummary |
The AWR summary for a database. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSysstatCollection |
The AWR SYSSTAT time series summary data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseSysstatSummary |
The summary of the AWR SYSSTAT data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseTopWaitEventCollection |
The AWR top wait event data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseTopWaitEventSummary |
A summary of the AWR top wait event data for one event. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseWaitEventBucketCollection |
The percentage distribution of waits in the AWR wait event buckets. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseWaitEventBucketSummary |
A summary of the AWR wait event bucket and waits percentage. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseWaitEventCollection |
The AWR wait event data. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrDatabaseWaitEventSummary |
The summary of the AWR wait event time series data for one event. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHub |
Awr Hub resource. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubObjects |
Logical grouping used for Awr Hub Object operations. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubSource |
Awr hub source object |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubSourceSummary |
Awr hub source object |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubSourceSummaryCollection |
Collection of Awr Hub sources. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubSources |
Logical grouping used for Awr Hub Source operations. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubSummary |
Summary Hub resource. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubSummaryCollection |
Collection of Hub resources. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrHubs |
Logical grouping used for Awr Hub operations. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrQueryResult |
The AWR query result. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrReport |
The result of the AWR report. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrSnapshotCollection |
The list of AWR snapshots for one database. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrSnapshotSummary |
The AWR snapshot summary of one snapshot. |
oci.opsi.models.AwrSourceSummary |
Summary of an AwrSource. |
oci.opsi.models.BasicConfigurationItemMetadata |
Basic configuration item metadata. |
oci.opsi.models.BasicConfigurationItemSummary |
Basic configuration item summary. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeAutonomousDatabaseInsightAdvancedFeaturesDetails |
Advanced feature details of autonomous database insight. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeAwrHubSourceCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeDatabaseInsightCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeEnterpriseManagerBridgeCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeExadataInsightCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeExternalMysqlDatabaseInsightConnectionDetails |
Connection details of an External MySQL database insight. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeHostInsightCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeMacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsightConnectionDetails |
Connection details of a MACS-managed cloud database insight. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeNewsReportCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeOperationsInsightsPrivateEndpointCompartmentDetails |
The details used to change the compartment of a Operation Insights private endpoint. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeOperationsInsightsWarehouseCompartmentDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangeOpsiConfigurationCompartmentDetails |
The information used to change the compartment of an OPSI configuration resource. |
oci.opsi.models.ChangePeComanagedDatabaseInsightDetails |
Details of a Private Endpoint co-managed database insight. |
oci.opsi.models.CloudImportableComputeEntitySummary |
A compute host entity that can be imported into Operations Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemAllowedValueDetails |
Allowed value details of configuration item, to validate what value can be assigned to a configuration item. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemFreeTextAllowedValueDetails |
Allowed value details of configuration item for FREE_TEXT type. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemLimitAllowedValueDetails |
Allowed value details of configuration item for LIMIT type. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemMetadata |
Configuration item metadata. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemPickAllowedValueDetails |
Allowed value details of configuration item for PICK type. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemSummary |
Configuration item summary. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemUnitDetails |
Unit details of configuration item. |
oci.opsi.models.ConfigurationItemsCollection |
Collection of configuration item summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.ConnectionDetails |
Connection details to connect to the database. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateAutonomousDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateAwrHubDetails |
The information about Hub to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateAwrHubSourceDetails |
payload to register Awr Hub source |
oci.opsi.models.CreateBasicConfigurationItemDetails |
Basic configuration item details for OPSI configuration creation. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateConfigurationItemDetails |
Configuration item details for OPSI configuration creation. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateEmManagedExternalDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateEmManagedExternalExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateEmManagedExternalExadataMemberEntityDetails |
Compartment `OCID`__ of the Enterprise Manager member entity (e.g. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateEmManagedExternalHostInsightDetails |
The information about the EM-managed external host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateEnterpriseManagerBridgeDetails |
The information about a Enterprise Manager bridge resource to be created |
oci.opsi.models.CreateExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateExternalMysqlDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateHostInsightDetails |
The information about the host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMacsManagedCloudExadataClusterDetails |
The information of the VM Cluster which contains databases. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMacsManagedCloudExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMacsManagedCloudExadataVmclusterDetails |
The information of the VM Cluster which contains databases. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMacsManagedCloudHostInsightDetails |
The information about the Compute Instance host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMacsManagedExternalHostInsightDetails |
The information about the MACS-managed external host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateMdsMySqlDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateNewsReportDetails |
The information about the news report to be created. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateOperationsInsightsPrivateEndpointDetails |
The details used to create a new Operation Insights private endpoint. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateOperationsInsightsWarehouseDetails |
The information about a Operations Insights Warehouse resource to be created. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateOperationsInsightsWarehouseUserDetails |
The information about a Operations Insights Warehouse User to be created. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateOpsiConfigurationDetails |
Information about OPSI configuration to be created. |
oci.opsi.models.CreateOpsiUxConfigurationDetails |
Information about OPSI UX configuration to be created. |
oci.opsi.models.CreatePeComanagedDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreatePeComanagedExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.CreatePeComanagedExadataVmclusterDetails |
The information of the VM Cluster which contains databases. |
oci.opsi.models.CredentialByIam |
IAM Credential Details to connect to the database. |
oci.opsi.models.CredentialByVault |
Vault Credential Details to connect to the database. |
oci.opsi.models.CredentialDetails |
User credential details to connect to the database. |
oci.opsi.models.CredentialsBySource |
Credential Source to connect to the database. |
oci.opsi.models.DBConnectionStatus |
Database connection status. |
oci.opsi.models.DBExternalInstance |
Configuration parameters defined for external databases instance level. |
oci.opsi.models.DBExternalProperties |
Configuration parameters defined for external databases. |
oci.opsi.models.DBOSConfigInstance |
Configuration parameters defined for external databases instance level. |
oci.opsi.models.DBParameters |
Initialization parameters for a database. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectBindParameter |
Details for a bind parameter used in data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectColumnMetadata |
Metadata of a column in a data object resultset. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectCoreColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of CORE unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectCustomColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of CUSTOM unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectDataSizeColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of DATA_SIZE unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectFrequencyColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of FREQEUENCY unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectOtherStandardColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of OTHER_STANDARD unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectPowerColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of POWER unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectQuery |
Information required to form and execute query on a data object. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectQueryTimeFilters |
Time filters to be applied in the data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectRateColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of RATE unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectStandardQuery |
Information required to execute query on data objects. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectTemperatureColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of TEMPERATURE unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectTemplatizedQuery |
Information required in a structured template to form and execute query on a data object. |
oci.opsi.models.DataObjectTimeColumnUnit |
Unit details of a data object column of TIME unit category. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseConfigurationCollection |
Collection of database insight configuration summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseConfigurationMetricGroup |
Supported configuration metric groups for database capacity planning service. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Summary of a database configuration for a resource. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseDetails |
Partial information about the database which includes id, name, type. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseInsights |
Logical grouping used for Operations Insights database-targeted operations. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseInsightsCollection |
Collection of database insight summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseInsightsDataObject |
Database insights data object. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseInsightsDataObjectSummary |
Summary of a database insights data object. |
oci.opsi.models.DatabaseParameterTypeDetails |
Database parameter details |
oci.opsi.models.DiskGroupDetails |
Information about a diskgroup which includes diskgroup name and ASM name. |
oci.opsi.models.DiskStatistics |
Aggregated data per disk. |
oci.opsi.models.DownloadOperationsInsightsWarehouseWalletDetails |
Download Wallet details. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration summary of a EM Managed External database. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalExadataInsight |
EM-managed Exadata insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalExadataInsightSummary |
Summary of an Exadata insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalHostConfigurationSummary |
Configuration summary of a EM Managed External host. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalHostInsight |
EM-managed external host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EmManagedExternalHostInsightSummary |
Summary of an EM-managed external host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableAutonomousDatabaseInsightAdvancedFeaturesDetails |
The advanced feature details for autonomous database to be enabled. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableAutonomousDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableEmManagedExternalDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableEmManagedExternalExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableEmManagedExternalHostInsightDetails |
The information about the EM-managed external host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableExternalMysqlDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableHostInsightDetails |
The information about the host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableMacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableMacsManagedCloudExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableMacsManagedCloudHostInsightDetails |
The information about the MACS-managed external host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableMacsManagedExternalHostInsightDetails |
The information about the MACS-managed external host to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnableMdsMySqlDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnablePeComanagedDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information about database to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnablePeComanagedExadataInsightDetails |
The information about the Exadata system to be analyzed. |
oci.opsi.models.EnterpriseManagerBridge |
Enterprise Manager bridge resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EnterpriseManagerBridgeCollection |
Collection of Enterprose Manager bridge summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.EnterpriseManagerBridgeSummary |
Summary of a Enterprise Manager bridge resource. |
oci.opsi.models.EnterpriseManagerBridges |
Logical grouping used for Ops Insights Enterprise Manager Bridge operations. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataAsmEntity |
ASM entitie for an exadata |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataCellConfig |
Storage server configuration |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataConfigurationCollection |
Collection of exadata insight configuration summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataConfigurationSummary |
Summary of a exadata configuration for a resource. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataDatabaseMachineConfigurationSummary |
Configuration summary of a database machine. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataDatabaseStatisticsSummary |
Database details and statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataDetails |
Partial information about the exadata which includes id, name and vmclusterNames. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataDiskgroupStatisticsSummary |
Diskgroup details and statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataExaccConfigurationSummary |
Configuration summary of a macs managed Exacc exadata machine. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataExacsConfigurationSummary |
Configuration summary of a Exacs exadata machine. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataHostStatisticsSummary |
Host details and statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsight |
Exadata insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightResourceCapacityTrendAggregation |
Resource Capacity samples |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightResourceCapacityTrendSummary |
List of resource id, name , capacity time series data |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightResourceForecastTrendSummary |
List of resource id, name , capacity insight value, pattern, historical usage and projected data. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightResourceInsightUtilizationItem |
Object containing current utilization, projected utilization, id and daysToReach high and low utilization value. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightResourceStatistics |
Contains resource statistics with usage unit |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightResourceStatisticsAggregation |
Contains resource details and current statistics |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightSummary |
Summary of an Exadata insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightSummaryCollection |
Collection of Exadata insight summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsights |
Logical grouping used for Operations Insights Exadata related operations. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightsDataObject |
Exadata insights data object. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataInsightsDataObjectSummary |
Summary of an exadata insights data object. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataMemberCollection |
Partial definition of the exadata insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataMemberSummary |
Lists name, display name and type of exadata member. |
oci.opsi.models.ExadataStorageServerStatisticsSummary |
Storage server details and statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.ExternalMysqlDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a External MySQL database. |
oci.opsi.models.ExternalMysqlDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.ExternalMysqlDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.HistoricalDataItem |
The historical timestamp and the corresponding resource value. |
oci.opsi.models.HostAllocation |
Resource Allocation metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostConfigurationCollection |
Collection of host insight configuration summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.HostConfigurationMetricGroup |
Base Metric Group for Host configuration metrics |
oci.opsi.models.HostConfigurationSummary |
Summary of a host configuration for a resource. |
oci.opsi.models.HostContainers |
Host Containers details |
oci.opsi.models.HostCpuHardwareConfiguration |
CPU Hardware Configuration metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostCpuRecommendations |
Contains CPU recommendation. |
oci.opsi.models.HostCpuStatistics |
Contains CPU statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostCpuUsage |
CPU Usage metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostDetails |
Partial information about a host which includes id, name, type. |
oci.opsi.models.HostEntities |
Database entities running on the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostFilesystemConfiguration |
Filesystem Configuration metric for the host. |
oci.opsi.models.HostFilesystemUsage |
Filesystem Usage metric for the host. |
oci.opsi.models.HostGpuConfiguration |
GPU configuration metrics |
oci.opsi.models.HostGpuProcesses |
GPU processes metrics, processes using GPUs. |
oci.opsi.models.HostGpuUsage |
GPU performance metrics |
oci.opsi.models.HostHardwareConfiguration |
Hardware Configuration metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostImportableAgentEntitySummary |
An agent host entity that can be imported into Operations Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsight |
Host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsightHostRecommendations |
Contains recommendations depending of resource metric received. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsightResourceStatisticsAggregation |
Contains host details and resource statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsightSummary |
Summary of a host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsightSummaryCollection |
Collection of host insight summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsights |
Logical grouping used for Operations Insights host related operations. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsightsDataObject |
Host insights data object. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInsightsDataObjectSummary |
Summary of a host insights data object. |
oci.opsi.models.HostInstanceMap |
Object containing hostname and instance name mapping. |
oci.opsi.models.HostIoStatistics |
Contains io statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostIoUsage |
Host IO Performance Metrics |
oci.opsi.models.HostMemoryConfiguration |
Memory Configuration metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostMemoryRecommendations |
Contains memory recommendation. |
oci.opsi.models.HostMemoryStatistics |
Contains memory statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostMemoryUsage |
Memory usage metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostNetworkActivitySummary |
Network Activity Summary metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostNetworkConfiguration |
Network Configuration metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostNetworkRecommendations |
Contains network recommendation. |
oci.opsi.models.HostNetworkStatistics |
Contains network statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostPerformanceMetricGroup |
Base Metric Group for Host performance metrics |
oci.opsi.models.HostProduct |
Product metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostResourceAllocation |
Resource Allocation metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostResourceCapacityTrendAggregation |
Host Resource Capacity samples |
oci.opsi.models.HostResourceStatistics |
Contains host resource base statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostStorageRecommendations |
Contains storage recommendation. |
oci.opsi.models.HostStorageStatistics |
Contains storage statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.HostTopProcesses |
Top Processes metric for the host |
oci.opsi.models.HostedEntityCollection |
Returns a list of hosted entities for the specific host. |
oci.opsi.models.HostedEntitySummary |
Information about a hosted entity which includes identifier, name, and type. |
oci.opsi.models.ImportableAgentEntitySummary |
An agent entity that can be imported into Operations Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.ImportableAgentEntitySummaryCollection |
Collection of importable agent entity objects. |
oci.opsi.models.ImportableComputeEntitySummary |
A compute entity that can be imported into Operations Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.ImportableComputeEntitySummaryCollection |
Collection of importable compute entity objects. |
oci.opsi.models.ImportableEnterpriseManagerEntity |
An Enterprise Manager entity that can be imported into Operations Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.ImportableEnterpriseManagerEntityCollection |
Collection of importable Enterprise Manager entity objects. |
oci.opsi.models.IndividualOpsiDataObjectDetailsInQuery |
Details applicable for an individual OPSI data object used in a data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestAddmReportsDetails |
Collection of Addm reports |
oci.opsi.models.IngestAddmReportsResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestAddmReports operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestDatabaseConfigurationDetails |
Database Configuration Metrics details. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestDatabaseConfigurationResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestDatabaseConfiguration operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestHostConfigurationDetails |
Contains the data to ingest for one or more host configuration metrics |
oci.opsi.models.IngestHostConfigurationResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestHostConfiguration operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestHostMetricsDetails |
Contains the data to ingest for one or more host performance metrics |
oci.opsi.models.IngestHostMetricsResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestHostMetrics operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestMySqlSqlStatsDetails |
Collection of MySql SQL Stats Metric Entries |
oci.opsi.models.IngestMySqlSqlStatsResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestMySqlSqlStats operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestMySqlSqlTextDetails |
Collection of SQL Text Entries |
oci.opsi.models.IngestMySqlSqlTextResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestMySqlSqlTextDetails operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlBucketDetails |
Collection of SQL Bucket Metric Entries |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlBucketResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestSqlBucketDetails operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlPlanLinesDetails |
Collection of SQL Plan Line Entries |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlPlanLinesResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestSqlPlanLines operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlStatsDetails |
Collection of SQL Stats Metric Entries |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlStatsResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestSqlStats operation. |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlTextDetails |
Collection of SQL Text Entries |
oci.opsi.models.IngestSqlTextResponseDetails |
The response object returned from IngestSqlTextDetails operation. |
oci.opsi.models.InstanceMetrics |
Object containing instance metrics. |
oci.opsi.models.IoUsageTrend |
Usage data for IO interface per usage unit. |
oci.opsi.models.IoUsageTrendAggregation |
Usage data per io interface. |
oci.opsi.models.ListObjects |
List of the objects. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a Macs Managed Cloud database. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudDatabaseHostInsight |
Cloud MACS-managed database host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudDatabaseHostInsightSummary |
Summary of a Cloud MACS-managed database host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudDbHostConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of Cloud MACS-managed database host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudExadataInsight |
Cloud MACS-managed Exadata insight resource (ExaCC) (ExaCS will be supported in the future). |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudExadataInsightSummary |
Summary of a Cloud MACS-managed Exadata insight resource (ExaCC). |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudHostConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a Macs Managed Cloud host. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudHostInsight |
MACS-managed OCI Compute host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedCloudHostInsightSummary |
Summary of a MACS-managed cloud host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedExternalDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a Macs Managed External database. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedExternalDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedExternalDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedExternalHostConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a Macs Managed External host. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedExternalHostInsight |
MACS-managed external host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MacsManagedExternalHostInsightSummary |
Summary of a MACS-managed external host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MdsMySqlDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MdsMySqlDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.MdsMysqlDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a MDS MYSQL database. |
oci.opsi.models.MySqlSqlStats |
MySql Sql Stats type object. |
oci.opsi.models.MySqlSqlText |
MySql SQL Text type object. |
oci.opsi.models.NetworkUsageTrend |
Usage data samples. |
oci.opsi.models.NetworkUsageTrendAggregation |
Usage data per network interface. |
oci.opsi.models.NewsContentTypes |
Content types that the news report can handle. |
oci.opsi.models.NewsReport |
News report resource. |
oci.opsi.models.NewsReportCollection |
Collection of news reports summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.NewsReportSummary |
Summary of a news report resource. |
oci.opsi.models.NewsReports |
Logical grouping used for Operations Insights news reports related operations. |
oci.opsi.models.ObjectSummary |
Summary resource object. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsPrivateEndpoint |
A private endpoint that allows Operation Insights services to connect to databases in a customer’s virtual cloud network (VCN). |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsPrivateEndpointCollection |
A collection of Operation Insights private endpoint objects. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsPrivateEndpointSummary |
Summary of a Operation Insights private endpoint. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouse |
OPSI warehouse resource. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouseSummary |
Summary of a Operations Insights Warehouse resource. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouseSummaryCollection |
Collection of Operations Insights Warehouse summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouseUser |
OPSI warehouse User. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouseUserSummary |
Summary of a Operations Insights Warehouse User. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouseUserSummaryCollection |
Collection of Operations Insights Warehouse User summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouseUsers |
Logical grouping used for Operations Insights Warehouse User operations. |
oci.opsi.models.OperationsInsightsWarehouses |
Logical grouping used for Ops Insights Warehouse operations. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiConfiguration |
OPSI configuration. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiConfigurationBasicConfigurationItemSummary |
Basic configuration item summary. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiConfigurationConfigurationItemSummary |
Configuration item summary. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiConfigurationSummary |
OPSI configuration summary. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiConfigurations |
An OPSI configuration resource is a container for storing custom values for customizable configuration items exposed by Operations Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiConfigurationsCollection |
Collection of OPSI configuration summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObject |
OPSI data object. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjectDetailsInQuery |
Details for OPSI data object used in a data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjectQueryParam |
Details for a query parameter to be applied on an OPSI data object, when a data object query is executed. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjectSummary |
Summary of an OPSI data object. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjectSupportedQueryParam |
Details of query parameter supported by an OPSI data object. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjectTypeOpsiDataObjectDetailsInQuery |
Details applicable for all OPSI data objects of a specific OpsiDataObjectType used in a data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjects |
Logical grouping used for OPSI data object targeted operations. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiDataObjectsCollection |
Collection of OPSI data object summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiUxConfiguration |
OPSI UX configuration. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiUxConfigurationSummary |
OPSI UX configuration summary. |
oci.opsi.models.OpsiWarehouseDataObjects |
Logical grouping used for Operations Insights Warehouse data objects operations. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedDatabaseConnectionDetails |
Connection details of the private endpoints. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedDatabaseHostDetails |
Input Host Details used for connection requests for private endpoint accessed db resource. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedDatabaseInsightSummary |
Summary of a database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedExadataInsight |
Private endpoint managed Exadata insight resource (ExaCS). |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedExadataInsightSummary |
Summary of a Private endpoint managed Exadata insight resource (ExaCS). |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedHostConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a PeComanaged host. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedHostInsight |
Private Endpoint host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedHostInsightSummary |
Summary of a Private Endpoint host insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.PeComanagedManagedExternalDatabaseConfigurationSummary |
Configuration Summary of a Private Endpoint Co-managed External database. |
oci.opsi.models.ProjectedDataItem |
The timestamp of the projected event and their corresponding resource value. |
oci.opsi.models.QueryDataObjectJsonResultSetRowsCollection |
Collection of result set rows from the data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.QueryDataObjectResultSetColumnMetadata |
Metadata of a column in a data object query result set. |
oci.opsi.models.QueryDataObjectResultSetRowsCollection |
Collection of result set rows from the data object query. |
oci.opsi.models.QueryOpsiDataObjectDataDetails |
Information required to form and execute query on an OPSI data object. |
oci.opsi.models.QueryWarehouseDataObjectDataDetails |
Information required to form and execute Operations Insights Warehouse data objects query. |
oci.opsi.models.RelatedObjectTypeDetails |
Related object details |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceCapacityTrendAggregation |
Resource Capacity samples |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceFilters |
Information to filter the actual target resources in an operation. |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceInsightCurrentUtilization |
Current utilization(High/low) for cpu or storage |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceInsightProjectedUtilization |
Projected utilization(High/low) for cpu or storage |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceInsightProjectedUtilizationItem |
Projected utilization object containing dbid and daysToReach value |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceStatistics |
Contains resource statistics with usage unit |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceStatisticsAggregation |
Contains database details and resource statistics |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceUsageSummary |
Contains resource usage summary |
oci.opsi.models.ResourceUsageTrendAggregation |
Aggregate usage samples |
oci.opsi.models.SchemaObjectTypeDetails |
Schema object details |
oci.opsi.models.SqlBucket |
Sql bucket type object. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlInsightAggregation |
Represents a SQL Insight. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlInsightAggregationCollection |
SQL Insights response. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlInsightThresholds |
Inventory details. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlInventory |
Inventory details. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlPlanCollection |
SQL Plans for the particular SQL. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlPlanInsightAggregation |
SQL execution plan Performance statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlPlanInsightAggregationCollection |
SQL plan insights response. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlPlanInsights |
Represents collection of SQL Plan Insights. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlPlanLine |
SQL Plan Line type object. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlPlanSummary |
SQL Plan details |
oci.opsi.models.SqlResponseTimeDistributionAggregation |
SQL Response time distribution entry. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlResponseTimeDistributionAggregationCollection |
SQL response time distribution over the selected time window. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlSearchCollection |
Search SQL response. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlSearchSummary |
Database summary object resulting from a sql search operation. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticAggregation |
SQL Statistics |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticAggregationCollection |
SQL statistics response. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatistics |
Performance statistics for the SQL. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticsTimeSeries |
SQL performance statistics per database |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticsTimeSeriesAggregation |
Database details and SQL performance statistics for a given database |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticsTimeSeriesAggregationCollection |
SQL performance statistics over the selected time window. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticsTimeSeriesByPlanAggregation |
SQL performance statistics for a given plan |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStatisticsTimeSeriesByPlanAggregationCollection |
SQL performance statistics by plan over the selected time window. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlStats |
Sql Stats type object. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlText |
SQL Text type object. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlTextCollection |
SQL Text for the particular SQL. |
oci.opsi.models.SqlTextSummary |
SQL Text details |
oci.opsi.models.SqlTypeDetails |
SQL details |
oci.opsi.models.StorageServerDetails |
Partial information about a storage server which includes name and displayName. |
oci.opsi.models.StorageUsageTrend |
Usage data samples. |
oci.opsi.models.StorageUsageTrendAggregation |
Usage data per filesystem. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeAwrSourcesSummariesCollection |
Collection of AwrSource summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightResourceCapacityTrendAggregationCollection |
Collection of resource capacity trend. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightResourceForecastTrendAggregation |
Forecast results from the selected time period. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightResourceStatisticsAggregationCollection |
Returns list of the Databases with resource statistics like usage, capacity, utilization and usage change percent. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightResourceUsageAggregation |
Resource usage summation for the current time period |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightResourceUsageTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightResourceUtilizationInsightAggregation |
Insights response containing current/projected groups for storage or CPU. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeDatabaseInsightTablespaceUsageTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceCapacityTrendAggregation |
Collection of resource capacity trend. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceCapacityTrendCollection |
capacity results with breakdown by databases, hosts, storage servers or diskgroup. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceForecastTrendAggregation |
Usage and Forecast results from the selected time period. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceForecastTrendCollection |
Usage and Forecast results with breakdown by databases, hosts or storage servers. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceStatisticsAggregationCollection |
Returns list of the resources with resource statistics like usage,capacity,utilization and usage change percent. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceUsageAggregation |
Resource usage summation for the current time period |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceUsageCollection |
Resource usage , allocation, utilization and usage ChangePercent for the current time period |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeExadataInsightResourceUtilizationInsightAggregation |
Insights response containing utilization values for exadata systems. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightHostRecommendationAggregation |
Returns list of hosts with resource statistics like usage, capacity, utilization, usage change percent and load. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightIoUsageTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightNetworkUsageTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightResourceCapacityTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightResourceForecastTrendAggregation |
Forecast results from the selected time period. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightResourceStatisticsAggregationCollection |
Returns list of hosts with resource statistics like usage, capacity, utilization, usage change percent and load. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightResourceUsageAggregation |
Resource usage summation for the current time period. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightResourceUsageTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightResourceUtilizationInsightAggregation |
Insights response containing current/projected groups for CPU or memory. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightStorageUsageTrendAggregationCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightsDiskStatisticsCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightsTopProcessesUsageCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeHostInsightsTopProcessesUsageTrendCollection |
Top level response object. |
oci.opsi.models.SummarizeOperationsInsightsWarehouseResourceUsageAggregation |
Details of resource usage by an Operations Insights Warehouse resource. |
oci.opsi.models.SummaryStatistics |
Contains common summary statistics. |
oci.opsi.models.TablespaceUsageTrend |
Usage data samples |
oci.opsi.models.TablespaceUsageTrendAggregation |
Usage data per tablespace for a Pluggable database |
oci.opsi.models.TestMacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsightConnectionDetails |
Connection details of a MACS-managed cloud database . |
oci.opsi.models.TopProcessesUsage |
Aggregated data for top processes on a specific date. |
oci.opsi.models.TopProcessesUsageTrend |
Aggregated data for top processes |
oci.opsi.models.TopProcessesUsageTrendAggregation |
Usage data per host top process |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateAutonomousDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateAwrHubDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateAwrHubSourceDetails |
Awr hub source update object information |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateBasicConfigurationItemDetails |
Configuration item details for OPSI configuration update. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateConfigurationItemDetails |
Configuration item details for OPSI configuration update. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateEmManagedExternalDatabaseInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateEmManagedExternalExadataInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateEmManagedExternalHostInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateEnterpriseManagerBridgeDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateExadataInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateExternalMysqlDatabaseInsightDetails |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateHostInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMacsManagedCloudDatabaseHostInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMacsManagedCloudDatabaseInsightDetails |
The freeformTags and definedTags to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMacsManagedCloudExadataInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMacsManagedCloudHostInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMacsManagedExternalDatabaseInsightDetails |
The freeformTags and definedTags to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMacsManagedExternalHostInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateMdsMySqlDatabaseInsight |
Database insight resource. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateNewsReportDetails |
The information about the news report to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateOperationsInsightsPrivateEndpointDetails |
The details used to update a Operation Insights private endpoint. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateOperationsInsightsWarehouseDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateOperationsInsightsWarehouseUserDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateOpsiConfigurationDetails |
Information to be updated in OPSI configuration resource. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdateOpsiUxConfigurationDetails |
Information to be updated in OPSI UX configuration. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdatePeComanagedDatabaseInsightDetails |
The freeformTags and definedTags to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdatePeComanagedExadataInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UpdatePeComanagedHostInsightDetails |
The information to be updated. |
oci.opsi.models.UxConfigurationItemsCollection |
Collection of ux configuration item summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.VmClusterSummary |
Partial information about the VM Cluster which includes name, memory allocated etc. |
oci.opsi.models.WarehouseDataObjectCollection |
Collection of Warehouse data object summary objects. |
oci.opsi.models.WarehouseDataObjectDetails |
Warehouse data object details. |
oci.opsi.models.WarehouseDataObjectSummary |
Summary of a Warehouse data object. |
oci.opsi.models.WarehouseTableDataObjectDetails |
Details of a TABLE type data object in a Warehouse. |
oci.opsi.models.WarehouseViewDataObjectDetails |
Details of a VIEW type data object in a Warehouse. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequest |
A description of workrequest status |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequestCollection |
Results of a workRequest search. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequestError |
An error encountered while executing a work request. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequestErrorCollection |
Results of a workRequestError search. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
Results of a workRequestLog search. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequestResource |
A resource created or operated on by a work request. |
oci.opsi.models.WorkRequests |
Logical grouping used for Ops Insights Work Request operations. |