(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
An audit trail represents the source of audit records that provides documentary evidence of the sequence of activities in the target database. Configuring audit trails in Data Safe, and enabling audit data collection on the audit trails copies the audit records from the target database’s audit trail into the Data Safe repository.
A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETING
A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. LIFECYCLE_STATE_FAILED
A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. LIFECYCLE_STATE_INACTIVE
A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. LIFECYCLE_STATE_NEEDS_ATTENTION
A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. LIFECYCLE_STATE_UPDATING
A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. PURGE_JOB_STATUS_FAILED
A constant which can be used with the purge_job_status property of a AuditTrail. PURGE_JOB_STATUS_SUCCEEDED
A constant which can be used with the purge_job_status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_COLLECTING
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_IDLE
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_NOT_STARTED
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_RECOVERING
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_RESUMING
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_RETRYING
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_STARTING
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_STOPPED
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_STOPPED_FAILED
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_STOPPED_NEEDS_ATTN
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. STATUS_STOPPING
A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. TRAIL_SOURCE_FILE
A constant which can be used with the trail_source property of a AuditTrail. TRAIL_SOURCE_TABLE
A constant which can be used with the trail_source property of a AuditTrail. audit_collection_start_time
Gets the audit_collection_start_time of this AuditTrail. audit_profile_id
[Required] Gets the audit_profile_id of this AuditTrail. compartment_id
[Required] Gets the compartment_id of this AuditTrail. defined_tags
Gets the defined_tags of this AuditTrail. description
Gets the description of this AuditTrail. display_name
[Required] Gets the display_name of this AuditTrail. freeform_tags
Gets the freeform_tags of this AuditTrail. id
[Required] Gets the id of this AuditTrail. is_auto_purge_enabled
Gets the is_auto_purge_enabled of this AuditTrail. lifecycle_details
Gets the lifecycle_details of this AuditTrail. lifecycle_state
[Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this AuditTrail. peer_target_database_key
Gets the peer_target_database_key of this AuditTrail. purge_job_details
Gets the purge_job_details of this AuditTrail. purge_job_status
Gets the purge_job_status of this AuditTrail. purge_job_time
Gets the purge_job_time of this AuditTrail. status
[Required] Gets the status of this AuditTrail. system_tags
Gets the system_tags of this AuditTrail. target_id
[Required] Gets the target_id of this AuditTrail. time_created
[Required] Gets the time_created of this AuditTrail. time_last_collected
Gets the time_last_collected of this AuditTrail. time_updated
[Required] Gets the time_updated of this AuditTrail. trail_location
Gets the trail_location of this AuditTrail. trail_source
Gets the trail_source of this AuditTrail. work_request_id
Gets the work_request_id of this AuditTrail. Methods
(**kwargs)Initializes a new AuditTrail object with values from keyword arguments. -
= 'ACTIVE'¶ A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “ACTIVE”
= 'DELETING'¶ A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “DELETING”
= 'FAILED'¶ A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “FAILED”
= 'INACTIVE'¶ A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “INACTIVE”
= 'NEEDS_ATTENTION'¶ A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “NEEDS_ATTENTION”
= 'UPDATING'¶ A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “UPDATING”
= 'FAILED'¶ A constant which can be used with the purge_job_status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “FAILED”
= 'SUCCEEDED'¶ A constant which can be used with the purge_job_status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “SUCCEEDED”
= 'COLLECTING'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “COLLECTING”
= 'IDLE'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “IDLE”
= 'NOT_STARTED'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “NOT_STARTED”
= 'RECOVERING'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “RECOVERING”
= 'RESUMING'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “RESUMING”
= 'RETRYING'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “RETRYING”
= 'STARTING'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “STARTING”
= 'STOPPED'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “STOPPED”
= 'STOPPED_FAILED'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “STOPPED_FAILED”
= 'STOPPED_NEEDS_ATTN'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “STOPPED_NEEDS_ATTN”
= 'STOPPING'¶ A constant which can be used with the status property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “STOPPING”
= 'FILE'¶ A constant which can be used with the trail_source property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “FILE”
= 'TABLE'¶ A constant which can be used with the trail_source property of a AuditTrail. This constant has a value of “TABLE”
(**kwargs)¶ Initializes a new AuditTrail object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):
Parameters: - id (str) – The value to assign to the id property of this AuditTrail.
- audit_profile_id (str) – The value to assign to the audit_profile_id property of this AuditTrail.
- target_id (str) – The value to assign to the target_id property of this AuditTrail.
- display_name (str) – The value to assign to the display_name property of this AuditTrail.
- time_created (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_created property of this AuditTrail.
- time_updated (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_updated property of this AuditTrail.
- lifecycle_state (str) – The value to assign to the lifecycle_state property of this AuditTrail. Allowed values for this property are: “INACTIVE”, “UPDATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “FAILED”, “NEEDS_ATTENTION”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
- status (str) – The value to assign to the status property of this AuditTrail. Allowed values for this property are: “STARTING”, “COLLECTING”, “RECOVERING”, “IDLE”, “STOPPING”, “STOPPED”, “RESUMING”, “RETRYING”, “NOT_STARTED”, “STOPPED_NEEDS_ATTN”, “STOPPED_FAILED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
- lifecycle_details (str) – The value to assign to the lifecycle_details property of this AuditTrail.
- trail_location (str) – The value to assign to the trail_location property of this AuditTrail.
- description (str) – The value to assign to the description property of this AuditTrail.
- is_auto_purge_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_auto_purge_enabled property of this AuditTrail.
- audit_collection_start_time (datetime) – The value to assign to the audit_collection_start_time property of this AuditTrail.
- work_request_id (str) – The value to assign to the work_request_id property of this AuditTrail.
- compartment_id (str) – The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this AuditTrail.
- time_last_collected (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_last_collected property of this AuditTrail.
- peer_target_database_key (int) – The value to assign to the peer_target_database_key property of this AuditTrail.
- trail_source (str) – The value to assign to the trail_source property of this AuditTrail. Allowed values for this property are: “TABLE”, “FILE”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
- purge_job_time (datetime) – The value to assign to the purge_job_time property of this AuditTrail.
- purge_job_status (str) – The value to assign to the purge_job_status property of this AuditTrail. Allowed values for this property are: “SUCCEEDED”, “FAILED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
- purge_job_details (str) – The value to assign to the purge_job_details property of this AuditTrail.
- freeform_tags (dict(str, str)) – The value to assign to the freeform_tags property of this AuditTrail.
- defined_tags (dict(str, dict(str, object))) – The value to assign to the defined_tags property of this AuditTrail.
- system_tags (dict(str, dict(str, object))) – The value to assign to the system_tags property of this AuditTrail.
¶ Gets the audit_collection_start_time of this AuditTrail. The date from which the audit trail must start collecting data, in the format defined by RFC3339.
Returns: The audit_collection_start_time of this AuditTrail. Return type: datetime
¶ [Required] Gets the audit_profile_id of this AuditTrail. The OCID of the parent audit.
Returns: The audit_profile_id of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ [Required] Gets the compartment_id of this AuditTrail. The OCID of the compartment that contains the audit trail and is the same as the compartment of the audit profile resource.
Returns: The compartment_id of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
Gets the defined_tags of this AuditTrail. Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags Example: {“Operations”: {“CostCenter”: “42”}}
Returns: The defined_tags of this AuditTrail. Return type: dict(str, dict(str, object))
¶ Gets the description of this AuditTrail. The description of the audit trail.
Returns: The description of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ [Required] Gets the display_name of this AuditTrail. The display name of the audit trail.
Returns: The display_name of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
Gets the freeform_tags of this AuditTrail. Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags
Example: {“Department”: “Finance”}
Returns: The freeform_tags of this AuditTrail. Return type: dict(str, str)
¶ [Required] Gets the id of this AuditTrail. The OCID of the audit trail.
Returns: The id of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ Gets the is_auto_purge_enabled of this AuditTrail. Indicates if auto purge is enabled on the target database, which helps delete audit data in the target database every seven days so that the database’s audit trail does not become too large.
Returns: The is_auto_purge_enabled of this AuditTrail. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the lifecycle_details of this AuditTrail. Details about the current state of the audit trail in Data Safe.
Returns: The lifecycle_details of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ [Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this AuditTrail. The current state of the audit trail.
Allowed values for this property are: “INACTIVE”, “UPDATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “FAILED”, “NEEDS_ATTENTION”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
Returns: The lifecycle_state of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ Gets the peer_target_database_key of this AuditTrail. The secondary id assigned for the peer database registered with Data Safe.
Returns: The peer_target_database_key of this AuditTrail. Return type: int
¶ Gets the purge_job_details of this AuditTrail. The details of the audit trail purge job that ran at the time specified by purgeJobTime”.
Returns: The purge_job_details of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ Gets the purge_job_status of this AuditTrail. The current status of the audit trail purge job.
Allowed values for this property are: “SUCCEEDED”, “FAILED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
Returns: The purge_job_status of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ Gets the purge_job_time of this AuditTrail. The date and time of the last purge job. The purge job deletes audit data in the target database every seven days so that the database’s audit trail does not become too large. In the format defined by RFC3339.
Returns: The purge_job_time of this AuditTrail. Return type: datetime
¶ [Required] Gets the status of this AuditTrail. The current sub-state of the audit trail.
Allowed values for this property are: “STARTING”, “COLLECTING”, “RECOVERING”, “IDLE”, “STOPPING”, “STOPPED”, “RESUMING”, “RETRYING”, “NOT_STARTED”, “STOPPED_NEEDS_ATTN”, “STOPPED_FAILED”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
Returns: The status of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
Gets the system_tags of this AuditTrail. System tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example: {“orcl-cloud”: {“free-tier-retained”: “true”}}
Returns: The system_tags of this AuditTrail. Return type: dict(str, dict(str, object))
¶ [Required] Gets the target_id of this AuditTrail. The OCID of the Data Safe target for which the audit trail is created.
Returns: The target_id of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ [Required] Gets the time_created of this AuditTrail. The date and time the audit trail was created, in the format defined by RFC3339.
Returns: The time_created of this AuditTrail. Return type: datetime
¶ Gets the time_last_collected of this AuditTrail. The date and time until when the audit events were collected from the target database by the Data Safe audit trail collection process, in the format defined by RFC3339.
Returns: The time_last_collected of this AuditTrail. Return type: datetime
¶ [Required] Gets the time_updated of this AuditTrail. The date and time the audit trail was updated, in the format defined by RFC3339.
Returns: The time_updated of this AuditTrail. Return type: datetime
¶ Gets the trail_location of this AuditTrail. An audit trail location represents the source of audit records that provides documentary evidence of the sequence of activities in the target database.
Returns: The trail_location of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ Gets the trail_source of this AuditTrail. The underlying source of unified audit trail.
Allowed values for this property are: “TABLE”, “FILE”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
Returns: The trail_source of this AuditTrail. Return type: str
¶ Gets the work_request_id of this AuditTrail. The OCID of the workrequest for audit trail which collects audit records.
Returns: The work_request_id of this AuditTrail. Return type: str