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Composite Operations and Waiters

To wait until an attribute of a resource reaches a certain state, you can use composite operations or waiters. 

Composite Operations
You can use the ``CompositeOperation`` classes in the SDK (e.g. :py:class:`~oci.core.ComputeClientCompositeOperations`) 
to perform an action on a resource and wait for it to enter a particular state (or states). The ``CompositeOperation`` classes provide 
convenience methods so that you do not have to invoke an operation and then separately invoke a waiter. 

An example of using ``CompositeOperation`` classes can be found on `GitHub <https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk/blob/master/examples/composite_operations_example.py>`__.

You can also use the :py:func:`~oci.wait_until` function to wait for a resource to enter a particular state. As an example:

.. code-block:: python

    import oci
    config = oci.config.from_file()
    client = oci.core.ComputeClient(config)

    response = client.launch_instance(...)
    instance_ocid = response.data.id

    # We will get returned the result of the last get_instance call (in this case the one where the lifecycle state has moved to available).
    # We can inspect the .data attribute of this (i.e. get_instance_response.data) to get information about the instance
    # Some items to note about the parameters provided:
    #   - The first parameter is the client we'll use to call the service to retrieve data
    #   - The second parameter is the result of a service call. The wait_until function uses this to determine what service operation needs to be called. In the case below
    #     it will keep calling client.get_instance(instance_ocid) until the instance reaches the desired state
    #   - The third parameter is the name of the attribute we will check. The object we will check against is the result of calling .data on the result of the service call.
    #     Please consult the API reference for available attribute names you can use
    #   - The fourth parameter is the desired value. An equality (==) comparison is done
    get_instance_response = oci.wait_until(client, client.get_instance(instance_ocid), 'lifecycle_state', 'RUNNING')

Passing a Function Reference

Instead of waiting for a single attribute to reach a given value, you can use a function reference, such as a Lambda expression or a reference to a defined function, to evaluate the response received from the service call. If this function returns a truthy value, the waiter stops waiting.

For example, to wait until a volume backup reaches either the AVAILABLE or FAULTY state :

* Using a Lambda expression:

    .. code-block:: python

        oci.wait_until(client, client.get_volume_backup(vol_backup_id), evaluate_response=lambda r: r.data.lifecycle_state in ['AVAILABLE', 'FAULTY'])

* Using a defined function:

    .. code-block:: python

        def should_stop_waiting_volume_backup(response):
            return response.data.lifecycle_state in ['AVAILABLE', 'FAULTY']

        oci.wait_until(client, client.get_volume_backup(vol_backup_id), evaluate_response=should_stop_waiting_volume_backup)

Be aware that if the inner function raises an exception, ``oci.wait_until()`` will not be called. In the preceding example, if ``client.get_volume_backup(volume_backup_id)`` raises an exception, ``oci.wait_until()`` will not be called. This happens even if the inner function raises a Not Found exception and ``succeed_on_not_found=True`` is passed to ``oci.wait_until()``.

Optional Attributes

In addition to these base parameters, ``wait_until()`` can accept optional attributes to control the maximum amount of time it will wait  and the time between calls to the service. For more information on the optional parameters, see the documentation on the :py:func:`~oci.wait_until` function. 

For a more comprehensive sample, please see our `examples <https://github.com/oracle/oci-python-sdk/blob/master/examples/wait_for_resource_in_state.py>`_ on GitHub.