(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
Details to mask data.
A constant which can be used with the re_run_from_step property of a MaskDataDetails. RE_RUN_FROM_STEP_PRE_MASKING_SCRIPT
A constant which can be used with the re_run_from_step property of a MaskDataDetails. is_decrypt
Gets the is_decrypt of this MaskDataDetails. is_drop_temp_tables_enabled
Gets the is_drop_temp_tables_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. is_execute_saved_script_enabled
Gets the is_execute_saved_script_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. is_ignore_errors_enabled
Gets the is_ignore_errors_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. is_move_interim_tables_enabled
Gets the is_move_interim_tables_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. is_redo_logging_enabled
Gets the is_redo_logging_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. is_refresh_stats_enabled
Gets the is_refresh_stats_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. is_rerun
Gets the is_rerun of this MaskDataDetails. parallel_degree
Gets the parallel_degree of this MaskDataDetails. re_run_from_step
Gets the re_run_from_step of this MaskDataDetails. recompile
Gets the recompile of this MaskDataDetails. seed
Gets the seed of this MaskDataDetails. tablespace
Gets the tablespace of this MaskDataDetails. target_id
Gets the target_id of this MaskDataDetails. Methods
(**kwargs)Initializes a new MaskDataDetails object with values from keyword arguments. -
= 'POST_MASKING_SCRIPT'¶ A constant which can be used with the re_run_from_step property of a MaskDataDetails. This constant has a value of “POST_MASKING_SCRIPT”
= 'PRE_MASKING_SCRIPT'¶ A constant which can be used with the re_run_from_step property of a MaskDataDetails. This constant has a value of “PRE_MASKING_SCRIPT”
(**kwargs)¶ Initializes a new MaskDataDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):
Parameters: - target_id (str) – The value to assign to the target_id property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_decrypt (bool) – The value to assign to the is_decrypt property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_rerun (bool) – The value to assign to the is_rerun property of this MaskDataDetails.
- re_run_from_step (str) – The value to assign to the re_run_from_step property of this MaskDataDetails. Allowed values for this property are: “PRE_MASKING_SCRIPT”, “POST_MASKING_SCRIPT”
- tablespace (str) – The value to assign to the tablespace property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_ignore_errors_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_ignore_errors_enabled property of this MaskDataDetails.
- seed (str) – The value to assign to the seed property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_move_interim_tables_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_move_interim_tables_enabled property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_execute_saved_script_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_execute_saved_script_enabled property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_drop_temp_tables_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_drop_temp_tables_enabled property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_redo_logging_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_redo_logging_enabled property of this MaskDataDetails.
- is_refresh_stats_enabled (bool) – The value to assign to the is_refresh_stats_enabled property of this MaskDataDetails.
- parallel_degree (str) – The value to assign to the parallel_degree property of this MaskDataDetails.
- recompile (str) – The value to assign to the recompile property of this MaskDataDetails.
¶ Gets the is_decrypt of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if the masking request is to decrypt the data values previously encrypted using Deterministic Encryption. Note that, to correctly decrypt the encrypted data values, it requires the same seed value that was provided to encrypt those data values.
Returns: The is_decrypt of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_drop_temp_tables_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if the temporary tables created during a masking operation should be dropped after masking. Set this attribute to false to preserve the temporary tables. Masking creates temporary tables that map the original sensitive data values to mask values. These temporary tables are dropped after masking if this attribute is set as true. But, in some cases, you may want to preserve this information to track how masking changed your data. Note that doing so compromises security. These tables must be dropped before the database is available for unprivileged users. If it’s not provided, the value of the isDropTempTablesEnabled attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used.
Returns: The is_drop_temp_tables_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_execute_saved_script_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if data masking should be performed using a saved masking script. Setting this attribute to true skips masking script generation and executes the masking script stored in the Data Safe repository. It helps save time if there are no changes in the database tables and their dependencies.
Returns: The is_execute_saved_script_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_ignore_errors_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if the masking process should continue on hitting an error. It provides fault tolerance support and is enabled by default. In fault-tolerant mode, the masking process saves the failed step and continues. You can then submit another masking request (with isRerun attribute set to true) to execute only the failed steps.
Returns: The is_ignore_errors_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_move_interim_tables_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if the interim DMASK tables should be moved to the user-specified tablespace. As interim tables can be large in size, set it to false if moving them causes performance overhead during masking.
Returns: The is_move_interim_tables_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_redo_logging_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if redo logging is enabled during a masking operation. Set this attribute to true to enable redo logging. If set as false, masking disables redo logging and flashback logging to purge any original unmasked data from logs. However, in certain circumstances when you only want to test masking, rollback changes, and retry masking, you could enable logging and use a flashback database to retrieve the original unmasked data after it has been masked. If it’s not provided, the value of the isRedoLoggingEnabled attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used.
Returns: The is_redo_logging_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_refresh_stats_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if statistics gathering is enabled. Set this attribute to false to disable statistics gathering. The masking process gathers statistics on masked database tables after masking completes. If it’s not provided, the value of the isRefreshStatsEnabled attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used.
Returns: The is_refresh_stats_enabled of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the is_rerun of this MaskDataDetails. Indicates if the masking request is to rerun the previously failed masking steps. If a masking request is submitted with the isIgnoreErrorsEnabled attribute set to true, the masking process tracks the failed masking steps. Another masking request can be submitted with the isRun attribute set to true to rerun those failed masking steps. It helps save time by executing only the failed masking steps and not doing the whole masking again.
Returns: The is_rerun of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: bool
¶ Gets the parallel_degree of this MaskDataDetails. Specifies options to enable parallel execution when running data masking. Allowed values are ‘NONE’ (no parallelism), ‘DEFAULT’ (the Oracle Database computes the optimum degree of parallelism) or an integer value to be used as the degree of parallelism. Parallel execution helps effectively use multiple CPUs and improve masking performance. Refer to the Oracle Database parallel execution framework when choosing an explicit degree of parallelism. If it’s not provided, the value of the parallelDegree attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used.
Returns: The parallel_degree of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the re_run_from_step of this MaskDataDetails. Specifies the step from which masking needs to be rerun. This param will be used only when isRerun attribute is true. If PRE_MASKING_SCRIPT is passed, it will rerun the pre-masking script, followed by masking, and then the post-masking script. If POST_MASKING_SCRIPT is passed, it will rerun only the post-masking script. If this field is not set and isRerun is set to true, then it will default to the last failed step.
Allowed values for this property are: “PRE_MASKING_SCRIPT”, “POST_MASKING_SCRIPT”
Returns: The re_run_from_step of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the recompile of this MaskDataDetails. Specifies how to recompile invalid objects post data masking. Allowed values are ‘SERIAL’ (recompile in serial), ‘PARALLEL’ (recompile in parallel), ‘NONE’ (do not recompile). If it’s set to PARALLEL, the value of parallelDegree attribute is used. Use the built-in UTL_RECOMP package to recompile any remaining invalid objects after masking completes. If it’s not provided, the value of the parallelDegree attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used.
Returns: The recompile of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the seed of this MaskDataDetails. The seed value to be used in case of Deterministic Encryption and Deterministic Substitution masking formats.
Returns: The seed of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the tablespace of this MaskDataDetails. The tablespace that should be used to create the mapping tables, DMASK objects, and other temporary tables for data masking. If no tablespace is provided, the DEFAULT tablespace is used.
Returns: The tablespace of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the target_id of this MaskDataDetails. The OCID of the target database to be masked. If it’s not provided, the value of the targetId attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used. The OCID of the target database to be masked. If it’s not provided, the value of the targetId attribute in the MaskingPolicy resource is used.
Returns: The target_id of this MaskDataDetails. Return type: str