Data Source: oci_marketplace_listings

This data source provides the list of Listings in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace service.

Gets a list of listings from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace by searching keywords and filtering according to listing attributes.

If you plan to launch an instance from an image listing, you must first subscribe to the listing. When you launch the instance, you also need to provide the image ID of the listing resource version that you want.

Subscribing to the listing requires you to first get a signature from the terms of use agreement for the listing resource version. To get the signature, issue a GetAppCatalogListingAgreements API call. The AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements object, including its signature, is returned in the response. With the signature for the terms of use agreement for the desired listing resource version, create a subscription by issuing a CreateAppCatalogSubscription API call.

To get the image ID to launch an instance, issue a GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion API call. Lastly, to launch the instance, use the image ID of the listing resource version to issue a LaunchInstance API call.

Example Usage

data "oci_marketplace_listings" "test_listings" {

	category = var.listing_category
	compartment_id = var.compartment_id
	image_id =
	is_featured = var.listing_is_featured
	listing_id =
	listing_types = var.listing_listing_types
	name = var.listing_name
	operating_systems = var.listing_operating_systems
	package_type = var.listing_package_type
	pricing = var.listing_pricing
	publisher_id =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

Listing Reference

The following attributes are exported: