Data Source: oci_osmanagement_software_source_stream_profiles

This data source provides the list of Software Source Stream Profiles in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OS Management service.

Retrieve a list of module stream profiles from a software source. Filters may be applied to select a subset of module stream profiles based on the filter criteria.

The “moduleName”, “streamName”, and “profileName” attributes combine to form a set of filters on the list of module stream profiles. If a “moduleName” is provided, only profiles that belong to that module are returned. If both a “moduleName” and “streamName” are given, only profiles belonging to that module stream are returned. Finally, if all three are given then only the particular profile indicated by the triple is returned. It is not valid to supply a “streamName” without a “moduleName”. It is also not valid to supply a “profileName” without a “streamName”.

Example Usage

data "oci_osmanagement_software_source_stream_profiles" "test_software_source_stream_profiles" {
	software_source_id =

	compartment_id = var.compartment_id
	module_name = var.software_source_module_name
	profile_name = var.software_source_module_stream_profile_name
	stream_name = var.software_source_module_stream_name

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

SoftwareSourceStreamProfile Reference

The following attributes are exported: