This resource provides the Unified Agent Configuration resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging service.
Create unified agent configuration registration.
Example Usage
resource "oci_logging_unified_agent_configuration" "test_unified_agent_configuration" {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
description = var.unified_agent_configuration_description
display_name = var.unified_agent_configuration_display_name
is_enabled = var.unified_agent_configuration_is_enabled
description = var.unified_agent_configuration_description
display_name = var.unified_agent_configuration_display_name
service_configuration {
configuration_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_configuration_type
application_configurations {
destination {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
metrics_namespace = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_destination_metrics_namespace
source_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_type
source {
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_name
scrape_targets {
k8s_namespace = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_scrape_targets_k8s_namespace
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_scrape_targets_name
resource_group = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_scrape_targets_resource_group
resource_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_scrape_targets_resource_type
service_name = oci_core_service.test_service.name
url = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_source_scrape_targets_url
sources {
advanced_options {
is_read_from_head = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_advanced_options_is_read_from_head
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_name
parser {
parser_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_parser_type
delimiter = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_delimiter
expression = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_expression
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_field_time_key
format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_format
format_firstline = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_format_firstline
grok_failure_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_grok_failure_key
grok_name_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_grok_name_key
is_estimate_current_event = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_is_estimate_current_event
is_keep_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_is_keep_time_key
is_merge_cri_fields = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_is_merge_cri_fields
is_null_empty_string = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_is_null_empty_string
is_support_colonless_ident = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_is_support_colonless_ident
is_with_priority = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_is_with_priority
keys = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_keys
message_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_message_format
message_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_message_key
multi_line_start_regexp = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_multi_line_start_regexp
nested_parser {
parse_nested = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_nested_parser_parse_nested
separator = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_nested_parser_separator
time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_nested_parser_time_format
time_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_nested_parser_time_type
null_value_pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_null_value_pattern
parse_nested = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_parse_nested
patterns {
field_time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_patterns_field_time_format
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_patterns_field_time_key
field_time_zone = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_patterns_field_time_zone
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_patterns_name
pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_patterns_pattern
record_input {
dimensions = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_record_input_dimensions
namespace = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_record_input_namespace
resource_group = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_record_input_resource_group
rfc5424time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_rfc5424time_format
separator = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_separator
syslog_parser_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_syslog_parser_type
time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_time_format
time_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_time_type
timeout_in_milliseconds = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_timeout_in_milliseconds
types = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_parser_types
paths = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_paths
source_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_sources_source_type
unified_agent_configuration_filter {
allow_list = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_unified_agent_configuration_filter_allow_list
deny_list = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_unified_agent_configuration_filter_deny_list
filter_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_unified_agent_configuration_filter_filter_type
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_application_configurations_unified_agent_configuration_filter_name
destination {
log_object_id = oci_objectstorage_object.test_object.id
operational_metrics_configuration {
destination {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
source {
metrics = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_destination_operational_metrics_configuration_source_metrics
record_input {
namespace = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_destination_operational_metrics_configuration_source_record_input_namespace
resource_group = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_destination_operational_metrics_configuration_source_record_input_resource_group
type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_destination_operational_metrics_configuration_source_type
sources {
source_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_source_type
advanced_options {
is_read_from_head = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_advanced_options_is_read_from_head
channels = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_channels
custom_plugin = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_custom_plugin
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_name
parser {
parser_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_parser_type
delimiter = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_delimiter
expression = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_expression
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_field_time_key
format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_format
format_firstline = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_format_firstline
grok_failure_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_grok_failure_key
grok_name_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_grok_name_key
is_estimate_current_event = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_is_estimate_current_event
is_keep_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_is_keep_time_key
is_merge_cri_fields = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_is_merge_cri_fields
is_null_empty_string = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_is_null_empty_string
is_support_colonless_ident = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_is_support_colonless_ident
is_with_priority = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_is_with_priority
keys = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_keys
message_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_message_format
message_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_message_key
multi_line_start_regexp = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_multi_line_start_regexp
nested_parser {
parse_nested = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_nested_parser_parse_nested
separator = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_nested_parser_separator
time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_nested_parser_time_format
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_nested_parser_field_time_key
is_keep_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_nested_parser_is_keep_time_key
null_value_pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_null_value_pattern
parse_nested = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_parse_nested
patterns {
field_time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_patterns_field_time_format
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_patterns_field_time_key
field_time_zone = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_patterns_field_time_zone
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_patterns_name
pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_patterns_pattern
record_input {
dimensions = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_record_input_dimensions
namespace = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_record_input_namespace
resource_group = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_record_input_resource_group
rfc5424time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_rfc5424time_format
separator = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_separator
syslog_parser_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_syslog_parser_type
time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_time_format
time_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_time_type
timeout_in_milliseconds = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_timeout_in_milliseconds
types = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_parser_types
paths = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_sources_paths
unified_agent_configuration_filter {
filter_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_filter_type
allow_list {
key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_allow_list_key
pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_allow_list_pattern
custom_filter_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_custom_filter_type
custom_sections {
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_custom_sections_name
params = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_custom_sections_params
deny_list {
key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_deny_list_key
pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_deny_list_pattern
emit_invalid_record_to_error = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_emit_invalid_record_to_error
hash_value_field = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_hash_value_field
inject_key_prefix = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_inject_key_prefix
is_auto_typecast_enabled = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_is_auto_typecast_enabled
is_renew_record_enabled = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_is_renew_record_enabled
is_ruby_enabled = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_is_ruby_enabled
keep_keys = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_keep_keys
key_name = oci_kms_key.test_key.name
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_name
params = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_params
parser {
parser_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_parser_type
delimiter = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_delimiter
expression = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_expression
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_field_time_key
format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_format
format_firstline = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_format_firstline
grok_failure_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_grok_failure_key
grok_name_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_grok_name_key
is_estimate_current_event = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_is_estimate_current_event
is_keep_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_is_keep_time_key
is_merge_cri_fields = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_is_merge_cri_fields
is_null_empty_string = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_is_null_empty_string
is_support_colonless_ident = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_is_support_colonless_ident
is_with_priority = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_is_with_priority
keys = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_keys
message_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_message_format
message_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_message_key
multi_line_start_regexp = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_multi_line_start_regexp
nested_parser {
parse_nested = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_nested_parser_parse_nested
separator = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_nested_parser_separator
time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_nested_parser_time_format
time_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_nested_parser_time_type
null_value_pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_null_value_pattern
parse_nested = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_parse_nested
patterns {
field_time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_patterns_field_time_format
field_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_patterns_field_time_key
field_time_zone = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_patterns_field_time_zone
name = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_patterns_name
pattern = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_patterns_pattern
record_input {
dimensions = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_record_input_dimensions
namespace = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_record_input_namespace
resource_group = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_record_input_resource_group
rfc5424time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_rfc5424time_format
separator = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_separator
syslog_parser_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_syslog_parser_type
time_format = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_time_format
time_type = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_time_type
timeout_in_milliseconds = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_timeout_in_milliseconds
types = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_parser_types
record_list {
key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_record_list_key
value = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_record_list_value
remove_key_name_field = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_remove_key_name_field
remove_keys = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_remove_keys
renew_time_key = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_renew_time_key
replace_invalid_sequence = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_replace_invalid_sequence
reserve_data = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_reserve_data
reserve_time = var.unified_agent_configuration_service_configuration_unified_agent_configuration_filter_reserve_time
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
group_association {
group_list = var.unified_agent_configuration_group_association_group_list
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment that the resource belongs to.defined_tags
- (Optional) (Updatable) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Required) (Updatable) Description for this resource.display_name
- (Required) (Updatable) The user-friendly display name. This must be unique within the enclosing resource, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Optional) (Updatable) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Optional) (Updatable) Groups using the configuration.group_list
- (Optional) (Updatable) list of group/dynamic group ids associated with this configuration.
- (Required) (Updatable) Whether or not this resource is currently enabled.service_configuration
- (Required) (Updatable) Top level Unified Agent service configuration object.application_configurations
- (Required when configuration_type=MONITORING) (Updatable) Unified Agent monitoring application configuration details.destination
- (Required) (Updatable) Kubernetes destination object.compartment_id
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | TAIL | URL) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment that the resource belongs to.metrics_namespace
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | TAIL | URL) (Updatable) Namespace to which metrics will be emitted.
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) Kubernetes source object.name
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) Unique name for the source.scrape_targets
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) List of UnifiedAgentKubernetesScrapeTarget.k8s_namespace
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES) (Updatable) K8s namespace of the resource.name
- (Applicable when source_type=URL) (Updatable) Custom name.resource_group
- (Applicable when source_type=KUBERNETES) (Updatable) Resource group in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure monitoring.resource_type
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES) (Updatable) Type of resource to scrape metrics.service_name
- (Applicable when source_type=KUBERNETES) (Updatable) Name of the service prepended to the endpoints.url
- (Required when source_type=URL) (Updatable) URL from which the metrics are fetched.
- (Required) (Updatable) Type of source of metricssources
- (Required when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Tail log source objects.advanced_options
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Advanced options for logging configurationis_read_from_head
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Starts to read the logs from the head of the file or the last read position recorded in pos_file, not tail.
- (Required when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Unique name for the source.parser
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Source parser object.delimiter
- (Applicable when parser_type=CSV | TSV) (Updatable) CSV delimiter.expression
- (Required when parser_type=REGEXP) (Updatable) Regex pattern.field_time_key
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.format
- (Required when parser_type=MULTILINE) (Updatable) Mutiline pattern format.format_firstline
- (Applicable when parser_type=MULTILINE) (Updatable) First line pattern format.grok_failure_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok failure key.grok_name_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok name key.is_estimate_current_event
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.is_keep_time_key
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) If true, keep the time field in the record.is_merge_cri_fields
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) If you don’t need stream or logtag fields, set this to false.is_null_empty_string
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.is_support_colonless_ident
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Specifies whether or not to support colonless ident. Corresponds to the Fluentd support_colonless_ident parameter.is_with_priority
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Specifies with priority or not. Corresponds to the Fluentd with_priority parameter.keys
- (Required when parser_type=CSV | TSV) (Updatable) CSV keys.message_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Syslog message format.message_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=NONE) (Updatable) Specifies the field name to contain logs.multi_line_start_regexp
- (Applicable when parser_type=MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Multiline start regexp pattern.nested_parser
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Optional nested JSON Parser for CRI. Supported fields are fieldTimeKey, timeFormat, and isKeepTimeKey.parse_nested
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.separator
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) JSON parser time type.
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Specify the null value pattern.parse_nested
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.parser_type
- (Required) (Updatable) Type of fluent parser.patterns
- (Required when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok pattern object.field_time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Process value using the specified format. This is available only when time_type is a string.field_time_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Specify the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.field_time_zone
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Use the specified time zone. The time value can be parsed or formatted in the specified time zone.name
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) The name key to tag this Grok pattern.pattern
- (Required when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) The Grok pattern.
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) record section of openmetrics parser.dimensions
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Dimensions to be added for metrics.namespace
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Namespace to emit metrics.resource_group
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Resource group to emit metrics.
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) RFC 5424 time format.separator
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.syslog_parser_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Syslog parser type.time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON | REGEXP | SYSLOG) (Updatable) Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) JSON parser time type.timeout_in_milliseconds
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern.types
- (Applicable when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration:@type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time This incoming event: “2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-”
is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)
record: { “host” : “”, “req_id” : “111”, “user” : “-” }
- (Required when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Absolute paths for log source files. Wildcards can be used.source_type
- (Required when source_type=TAIL) (Updatable) Unified schema logging source type.
- (Applicable when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) Kubernetes filter objectallow_list
- (Applicable when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) List of metrics regex to be allowed.deny_list
- (Applicable when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) List of metrics regex to be denied.filter_type
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) Unified schema logging filter type.name
- (Required when source_type=KUBERNETES | URL) (Updatable) Unique name for the filter.
- (Required) (Updatable) Type of Unified Agent service configuration.destination
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Logging destination object.log_object_id
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) The OCID of the resource.operational_metrics_configuration
- (Applicable when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Unified monitoring agent operational metrics configuration object.destination
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Unified monitoring agent operational metrics destination object.compartment_id
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment that the resource belongs to.
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Unified monitoring agent operational metrics source object.metrics
- (Applicable when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) List of unified monitoring agent operational metrics.record_input
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Record section of OperationalMetricsSource object.namespace
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Namespace to emit the operational metrics.resource_group
- (Applicable when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Resource group to emit the operational metrics.
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Type of the unified monitoring agent operational metrics source object.
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Logging source object.advanced_options
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Advanced options for logging configurationis_read_from_head
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Starts to read the logs from the head of the file or the last read position recorded in pos_file, not tail.
- (Required when source_type=WINDOWS_EVENT_LOG) (Updatable) Windows event log channels.custom_plugin
- (Required when source_type=CUSTOM_PLUGIN) (Updatable) User customized source plugin.name
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Unique name for the source.parser
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Source parser object.delimiter
- (Applicable when parser_type=CSV | TSV) (Updatable) CSV delimiter.expression
- (Required when parser_type=REGEXP) (Updatable) Regex pattern.field_time_key
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.format
- (Required when parser_type=MULTILINE) (Updatable) Mutiline pattern format.format_firstline
- (Applicable when parser_type=MULTILINE) (Updatable) First line pattern format.grok_failure_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok failure key.grok_name_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok name key.is_estimate_current_event
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.is_keep_time_key
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) If true, keep the time field in the record.is_merge_cri_fields
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) If you don’t need stream or logtag fields, set this to false.is_null_empty_string
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.is_support_colonless_ident
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Specifies whether or not to support colonless ident. Corresponds to the Fluentd support_colonless_ident parameter.is_with_priority
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Specifies with priority or not. Corresponds to the Fluentd with_priority parameter.keys
- (Required when parser_type=CSV | TSV) (Updatable) CSV keys.message_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Syslog message format.message_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=NONE) (Updatable) Specifies the field name to contain logs.multi_line_start_regexp
- (Applicable when parser_type=MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Multiline start regexp pattern.nested_parser
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Optional nested JSON Parser for CRI. Supported fields are fieldTimeKey, timeFormat, and isKeepTimeKey.parse_nested
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.separator
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) JSON parser time type.
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Specify the null value pattern.parse_nested
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.parser_type
- (Required) (Updatable) Type of fluent parser.patterns
- (Required when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok pattern object.field_time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Process value using the specified format. This is available only when time_type is a string.field_time_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Specify the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.field_time_zone
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Use the specified time zone. The time value can be parsed or formatted in the specified time zone.name
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) The name key to tag this Grok pattern.pattern
- (Required when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) The Grok pattern.
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) record section of openmetrics parser.dimensions
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Dimensions to be added for metrics.namespace
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Namespace to emit metrics.resource_group
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Resource group to emit metrics.
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) RFC 5424 time format.separator
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.syslog_parser_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Syslog parser type.time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON | REGEXP | SYSLOG) (Updatable) Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) JSON parser time type.timeout_in_milliseconds
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern.types
- (Applicable when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration:@type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time This incoming event: “2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-”
is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)
record: { “host” : “”, “req_id” : “111”, “user” : “-” }
- (Required when source_type=LOG_TAIL) (Updatable) Absolute paths for log source files. Wildcards can be used.source_type
- (Required) (Updatable) Unified schema logging source type.
- (Applicable when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Logging filter object.allow_list
- (Applicable when filter_type=GREP_FILTER) (Updatable) A list of filtering rules to include logskey
- (Applicable when filter_type=GREP_FILTER) (Updatable) The field name to which the regular expression is appliedpattern
- (Applicable when filter_type=GREP_FILTER) (Updatable) The regular expression
- (Required when filter_type=CUSTOM_FILTER) (Updatable) Type of the custom filtercustom_sections
- (Applicable when filter_type=CUSTOM_FILTER) (Updatable) List of custom sections in custom filtername
- (Applicable when filter_type=CUSTOM_FILTER) (Updatable) The name of the custom sectionparams
- (Applicable when filter_type=CUSTOM_FILTER) (Updatable) Parameters in the custom section
- (Applicable when filter_type=GREP_FILTER) (Updatable) A list of filtering rules to reject logskey
- (Applicable when filter_type=GREP_FILTER) (Updatable) The field name to which the regular expression is appliedpattern
- (Applicable when filter_type=GREP_FILTER) (Updatable) The regular expression
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, emit invalid record to @ERROR label. Invalid cases are: 1) key does not exist; 2) the format does not match; or 3) an unexpected error. You can rescue unexpected format logs in the @ERROR lable. If you want to ignore these errors, set this to false.filter_type
- (Required) (Updatable) Unified schema logging filter type.hash_value_field
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Store the parsed values as a hash value in a field.inject_key_prefix
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Store the parsed values with the specified key name prefix.is_auto_typecast_enabled
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, automatically casts the field types.is_renew_record_enabled
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, it modifies a new empty hashis_ruby_enabled
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) When set to true, the full Ruby syntax is enabled in the ${} expression.keep_keys
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) A list of keys to keep. Only relevant if isRenewRecordEnabled is set to truekey_name
- (Required when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) The field name in the record to parse.name
- (Required when configuration_type=LOGGING) (Updatable) Unique name for the filter.params
- (Applicable when filter_type=CUSTOM_FILTER) (Updatable) Parameters of the custom filterparser
- (Required when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Source parser object.delimiter
- (Applicable when parser_type=CSV | TSV) (Updatable) CSV delimiter.expression
- (Required when parser_type=REGEXP) (Updatable) Regex pattern.field_time_key
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.format
- (Required when parser_type=MULTILINE) (Updatable) Mutiline pattern format.format_firstline
- (Applicable when parser_type=MULTILINE) (Updatable) First line pattern format.grok_failure_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok failure key.grok_name_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok name key.is_estimate_current_event
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.is_keep_time_key
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, keep the time field in the record.is_merge_cri_fields
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) If you don’t need stream or logtag fields, set this to false.is_null_empty_string
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.is_support_colonless_ident
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Specifies whether or not to support colonless ident. Corresponds to the Fluentd support_colonless_ident parameter.is_with_priority
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Specifies with priority or not. Corresponds to the Fluentd with_priority parameter.keys
- (Required when parser_type=CSV | TSV) (Updatable) CSV keys.message_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Syslog message format.message_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=NONE) (Updatable) Specifies the field name to contain logs.multi_line_start_regexp
- (Applicable when parser_type=MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Multiline start regexp pattern.nested_parser
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Optional nested JSON Parser for CRI. Supported fields are fieldTimeKey, timeFormat, and isKeepTimeKey.parse_nested
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.separator
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=CRI) (Updatable) JSON parser time type.
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Specify the null value pattern.parse_nested
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.parser_type
- (Required) (Updatable) Type of fluent parser.patterns
- (Required when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Grok pattern object.field_time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Process value using the specified format. This is available only when time_type is a string.field_time_key
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Specify the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.field_time_zone
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) Use the specified time zone. The time value can be parsed or formatted in the specified time zone.name
- (Applicable when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) The name key to tag this Grok pattern.pattern
- (Required when parser_type=GROK | MULTILINE_GROK) (Updatable) The Grok pattern.
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) record section of openmetrics parser.dimensions
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Dimensions to be added for metrics.namespace
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Namespace to emit metrics.resource_group
- (Applicable when parser_type=OPENMETRICS) (Updatable) Resource group to emit metrics.
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) RFC 5424 time format.separator
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.syslog_parser_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=SYSLOG) (Updatable) Syslog parser type.time_format
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON | REGEXP | SYSLOG) (Updatable) Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- (Applicable when parser_type=JSON) (Updatable) JSON parser time type.timeout_in_milliseconds
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern.types
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration:@type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time This incoming event: “2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-”
is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)
record: { “host” : “”, “req_id” : “111”, “user” : “-” }
- (Required when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) Add new key-value pairs in logskey
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) A new keyvalue
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) A new value
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, remove the keyName field when parsing is succeeded.remove_keys
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) A list of keys to deleterenew_time_key
- (Applicable when filter_type=RECORD_TRANSFORMER_FILTER) (Updatable) Overwrites the time of logs with this value, this value must be a Unix timestamp.replace_invalid_sequence
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, the invalid string is replaced with safe characters and is re-parsed.reserve_data
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, keep the original key-value pair in the parsed result.reserve_time
- (Applicable when filter_type=PARSER_FILTER) (Updatable) If true, keep the original event time in the parsed result.
** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The OCID of the compartment that the resource belongs to.configuration_state
- State of unified agent service configuration.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- Description for this resource.display_name
- The user-friendly display name. This must be unique within the enclosing resource, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- Groups using the configuration.group_list
- list of group/dynamic group ids associated with this configuration.
- The OCID of the resource.is_enabled
- Whether or not this resource is currently enabled.service_configuration
- Top level Unified Agent service configuration object.application_configurations
- Unified Agent monitoring application configuration details.destination
- Kubernetes destination object.compartment_id
- The OCID of the compartment that the resource belongs to.metrics_namespace
- Namespace to which metrics will be emitted.
- Kubernetes source object.name
- Unique name for the source.scrape_targets
- List of UnifiedAgentKubernetesScrapeTarget.k8s_namespace
- K8s namespace of the resource.name
- Custom name.resource_group
- Resource group in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure monitoring.resource_type
- Type of resource to scrape metrics.service_name
- Name of the service prepended to the endpoints.url
- URL from which the metrics are fetched.
- Type of source of metricssources
- Tail log source objects.advanced_options
- Advanced options for logging configurationis_read_from_head
- Starts to read the logs from the head of the file or the last read position recorded in pos_file, not tail.
- Unique name for the source.parser
- Source parser object.delimiter
- CSV delimiter.expression
- Regex pattern.field_time_key
- Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.format
- Mutiline pattern format.format_firstline
- First line pattern format.grok_failure_key
- Grok failure key.grok_name_key
- Grok name key.is_estimate_current_event
- If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.is_keep_time_key
- If true, keep the time field in the record.is_merge_cri_fields
- If you don’t need stream or logtag fields, set this to false.is_null_empty_string
- If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.is_support_colonless_ident
- Specifies whether or not to support colonless ident. Corresponds to the Fluentd support_colonless_ident parameter.is_with_priority
- Specifies with priority or not. Corresponds to the Fluentd with_priority parameter.keys
- CSV keys.message_format
- Syslog message format.message_key
- Specifies the field name to contain logs.multi_line_start_regexp
- Multiline start regexp pattern.nested_parser
- Optional nested JSON Parser for CRI. Supported fields are fieldTimeKey, timeFormat, and isKeepTimeKey.parse_nested
- If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.separator
- Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.time_format
- Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- JSON parser time type.
- Specify the null value pattern.parse_nested
- If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.parser_type
- Type of fluent parser.patterns
- Grok pattern object.field_time_format
- Process value using the specified format. This is available only when time_type is a string.field_time_key
- Specify the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.field_time_zone
- Use the specified time zone. The time value can be parsed or formatted in the specified time zone.name
- The name key to tag this Grok pattern.pattern
- The Grok pattern.
- record section of openmetrics parser.dimensions
- Dimensions to be added for metrics.namespace
- Namespace to emit metrics.resource_group
- Resource group to emit metrics.
- RFC 5424 time format.separator
- Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.syslog_parser_type
- Syslog parser type.time_format
- Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- JSON parser time type.timeout_in_milliseconds
- Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern.types
- Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration:@type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time This incoming event: “2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-”
is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)
record: { “host” : “”, “req_id” : “111”, “user” : “-” }
- Absolute paths for log source files. Wildcards can be used.source_type
- Unified schema logging source type.
- Kubernetes filter objectallow_list
- List of metrics regex to be allowed.deny_list
- List of metrics regex to be denied.filter_type
- Unified schema logging filter type.name
- Unique name for the filter.
- Type of Unified Agent service configuration.destination
- Logging destination object.log_object_id
- The OCID of the resource.operational_metrics_configuration
- Unified monitoring agent operational metrics configuration object.destination
- Unified monitoring agent operational metrics destination object.compartment_id
- The OCID of the compartment that the resource belongs to.
- Unified monitoring agent operational metrics source object.metrics
- List of unified monitoring agent operational metrics.record_input
- Record section of OperationalMetricsSource object.namespace
- Namespace to emit the operational metrics.resource_group
- Resource group to emit the operational metrics.
- Type of the unified monitoring agent operational metrics source object.
- Logging source object.advanced_options
- Advanced options for logging configurationis_read_from_head
- Starts to read the logs from the head of the file or the last read position recorded in pos_file, not tail.
- Windows event log channels.custom_plugin
- User customized source plugin.name
- Unique name for the source.parser
- Source parser object.delimiter
- CSV delimiter.expression
- Regex pattern.field_time_key
- Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.format
- Mutiline pattern format.format_firstline
- First line pattern format.grok_failure_key
- Grok failure key.grok_name_key
- Grok name key.is_estimate_current_event
- If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.is_keep_time_key
- If true, keep the time field in the record.is_merge_cri_fields
- If you don’t need stream or logtag fields, set this to false.is_null_empty_string
- If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.is_support_colonless_ident
- Specifies whether or not to support colonless ident. Corresponds to the Fluentd support_colonless_ident parameter.is_with_priority
- Specifies with priority or not. Corresponds to the Fluentd with_priority parameter.keys
- CSV keys.message_format
- Syslog message format.message_key
- Specifies the field name to contain logs.multi_line_start_regexp
- Multiline start regexp pattern.nested_parser
- Optional nested JSON Parser for CRI. Supported fields are fieldTimeKey, timeFormat, and isKeepTimeKey.parse_nested
- If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.separator
- Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.time_format
- Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- JSON parser time type.
- Specify the null value pattern.parse_nested
- If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.parser_type
- Type of fluent parser.patterns
- Grok pattern object.field_time_format
- Process value using the specified format. This is available only when time_type is a string.field_time_key
- Specify the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.field_time_zone
- Use the specified time zone. The time value can be parsed or formatted in the specified time zone.name
- The name key to tag this Grok pattern.pattern
- The Grok pattern.
- record section of openmetrics parser.dimensions
- Dimensions to be added for metrics.namespace
- Namespace to emit metrics.resource_group
- Resource group to emit metrics.
- RFC 5424 time format.separator
- Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.syslog_parser_type
- Syslog parser type.time_format
- Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- JSON parser time type.timeout_in_milliseconds
- Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern.types
- Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration:@type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time This incoming event: “2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-”
is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)
record: { “host” : “”, “req_id” : “111”, “user” : “-” }
- Absolute paths for log source files. Wildcards can be used.source_type
- Unified schema logging source type.
- Logging filter object.allow_list
- A list of filtering rules to include logskey
- The field name to which the regular expression is appliedpattern
- The regular expression
- Type of the custom filtercustom_sections
- List of custom sections in custom filtername
- The name of the custom sectionparams
- Parameters in the custom section
- A list of filtering rules to reject logskey
- The field name to which the regular expression is appliedpattern
- The regular expression
- If true, emit invalid record to @ERROR label. Invalid cases are: 1) key does not exist; 2) the format does not match; or 3) an unexpected error. You can rescue unexpected format logs in the @ERROR lable. If you want to ignore these errors, set this to false.filter_type
- Unified schema logging filter type.hash_value_field
- Store the parsed values as a hash value in a field.inject_key_prefix
- Store the parsed values with the specified key name prefix.is_auto_typecast_enabled
- If true, automatically casts the field types.is_renew_record_enabled
- If true, it modifies a new empty hashis_ruby_enabled
- When set to true, the full Ruby syntax is enabled in the ${} expression.keep_keys
- A list of keys to keep. Only relevant if isRenewRecordEnabled is set to truekey_name
- The field name in the record to parse.name
- Unique name for the filter.params
- Parameters of the custom filterparser
- Source parser object.delimiter
- CSV delimiter.expression
- Regex pattern.field_time_key
- Specifies the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.format
- Mutiline pattern format.format_firstline
- First line pattern format.grok_failure_key
- Grok failure key.grok_name_key
- Grok name key.is_estimate_current_event
- If true, use Fluent::EventTime.now(current time) as a timestamp when the time_key is specified.is_keep_time_key
- If true, keep the time field in the record.is_merge_cri_fields
- If you don’t need stream or logtag fields, set this to false.is_null_empty_string
- If true, an empty string field is replaced with a null value.is_support_colonless_ident
- Specifies whether or not to support colonless ident. Corresponds to the Fluentd support_colonless_ident parameter.is_with_priority
- Specifies with priority or not. Corresponds to the Fluentd with_priority parameter.keys
- CSV keys.message_format
- Syslog message format.message_key
- Specifies the field name to contain logs.multi_line_start_regexp
- Multiline start regexp pattern.nested_parser
- Optional nested JSON Parser for CRI. Supported fields are fieldTimeKey, timeFormat, and isKeepTimeKey.parse_nested
- If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.separator
- Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.time_format
- Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- JSON parser time type.
- Specify the null value pattern.parse_nested
- If true, a separator parameter can be further defined.parser_type
- Type of fluent parser.patterns
- Grok pattern object.field_time_format
- Process value using the specified format. This is available only when time_type is a string.field_time_key
- Specify the time field for the event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, the current time is used.field_time_zone
- Use the specified time zone. The time value can be parsed or formatted in the specified time zone.name
- The name key to tag this Grok pattern.pattern
- The Grok pattern.
- record section of openmetrics parser.dimensions
- Dimensions to be added for metrics.namespace
- Namespace to emit metrics.resource_group
- Resource group to emit metrics.
- RFC 5424 time format.separator
- Keys of adjacent levels are joined by the separator.syslog_parser_type
- Syslog parser type.time_format
- Process time value using the specified format.time_type
- JSON parser time type.timeout_in_milliseconds
- Specify the timeout for parse processing. This is mainly for detecting an incorrect regexp pattern.types
- Specify types for converting a field into another type. For example, With this configuration:@type csv keys time,host,req_id,user time_key time This incoming event: “2013/02/28 12:00:00,,111,-”
is parsed as: 1362020400 (2013/02/28/ 12:00:00)
record: { “host” : “”, “req_id” : “111”, “user” : “-” }
- Add new key-value pairs in logskey
- A new keyvalue
- A new value
- If true, remove the keyName field when parsing is succeeded.remove_keys
- A list of keys to deleterenew_time_key
- Overwrites the time of logs with this value, this value must be a Unix timestamp.replace_invalid_sequence
- If true, the invalid string is replaced with safe characters and is re-parsed.reserve_data
- If true, keep the original key-value pair in the parsed result.reserve_time
- If true, keep the original event time in the parsed result.
- The pipeline state.time_created
- Time the resource was created.time_last_modified
- Time the resource was last modified.
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain operations:
* create
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when creating the Unified Agent Configuration
* update
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when updating the Unified Agent Configuration
* delete
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when destroying the Unified Agent Configuration
UnifiedAgentConfigurations can be imported using the id
, e.g.
$ terraform import oci_logging_unified_agent_configuration.test_unified_agent_configuration "id"