Manually Create a Project for Extensions

The easiest way to create a project for extensions is through the Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio link in an Oracle Cloud Application, because that workflow automates some provisioning steps. However, if you don't want to configure an existing Oracle Cloud Application page, but instead would like to create your own application that lives as a peer alongside Oracle applications, you can create a project manually.

To create an extension project manually:

  1. On the Organization page, click + Create.
  2. On the New Project wizard's Project Details page, enter a name and optional description.
  3. In Security, select the project's privacy setting:
    1. Select Private to restrict access to project members only.
      The Discoverable checkbox, selected by default for private projects, allows organization members who aren't org admins or project members to see basic information, such as name and owner contact information, about your private project. Private projects that aren't discoverable won't be exposed to non-members.

      If you want this project to be visible to users when they use the Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio option to make changes to their Oracle Cloud Applications page in VB Studio, mark it as Discoverable. This gives users an opportunity to select a project that's already associated with the page they want to modify (or they can create a new project, if they prefer).
    2. Select Shared to make the project code, wiki docs, tasks, and builds available to anyone inside your organization.
  4. In Preferred Language, specify the language for the email notifications your project users will receive.
    (You can change the language of the user interface in your user preferences.)
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Project Template page, select Empty Project, then click Next.
  7. On the Project Properties page, in Wiki Markup, the organization's wiki markup language is displayed by default. You can change it for this project, if needed.
    Project users use markup to format content in wiki pages, as well as in issue and merge request comments. See Working with Markup Languages in VB Studio.
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Project Team members page:
    1. Click Add Members and select Oracle Cloud Applications users or groups to add to the project, from the list displayed, if you know they might work in this project.
    2. Select the membership (Project Owner, Developer Full Access, Developer Limited Access, or Contributor) that the members you're adding will have in the project. See What Are Project Memberships? for more information about each membership.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Repeat substeps a, b, and c for different users and groups with various membership types, if needed.
  10. Click Finish.
After the project is provisioned, the Project Home page opens.

When you create a project through the Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio link in an Oracle Cloud Application, several other VB Studio artifacts are also created for you. If you manually create a project, however, you'll need to do these steps yourself:

  1. Define a new environment.
    • To add an Oracle Cloud Applications instance in the same identity domain to an environment, select Oracle Cloud Applications under Instance Type and Identity Domain under Add Instance Using, then select an instance.
    • To add an Oracle Cloud Application from a different identity domain, select Oracle Cloud Applications under Instance Type and Application Credentials under Add Instance Using. You'll need the base Oracle Cloud Application's URL and the credentials of a user who can access the instance. See Add the Oracle Cloud Application's Production Instance to an Environment.
  2. Create a workspace for your extension. On the Workspaces tab, select New, then New Application Extension.