Known Issues for Bastion

Known issues have been identified in Bastion.

Managed SSH sessions are supported for Arm instances only if they run Oracle Linux

Managed SSH sessions are not supported for compute instances that meet these conditions:
  • Created using Arm-based OCI Ampere A1 Compute shapes.
  • Running an operating system other than Oracle Linux, such as Ubuntu.

To create a Managed SSH session, the Bastion plugin must be enabled and running. Because this plugin is not properly enabled on some Arm-based instances, session creation fails.

Create a port forwarding session to connect to instances that use OCI Ampere A1 Compute shapes and aren't running Oracle Linux.

Managed SSH session fails for Ubuntu instances

To create a Managed SSH session for a compute instance, the Bastion plugin must be enabled and running. This plugin is available on Oracle Cloud Agent version 1.11 or later. If your Ubuntu instance is running a version that is older than 1.11, the creation of a Managed SSH session fails.

To update an existing Ubuntu compute instance to support Managed SSH sessions:

  1. Add a NAT gateway  to the VCN (virtual cloud network)  in which you created your instance, if not already present. See Setting Up a NAT Gateway.
  2. From your bastion, create a Port Forwarding session (SSH tunnel) to the SSH port (22 by default) on the instance.
  3. Connect to the instance using the Port Forwarding session. See Connecting to Sessions in Bastion.
  4. To install the latest Oracle Cloud Agent, run the following command on the instance:
    sudo snap refresh oracle-cloud-agent

    For more information, see Installing the Oracle Cloud Agent Software.

  5. Enable the Bastion plugin on the instance. See Managing Plugins Using the Console.
  6. From your bastion, create a Managed SSH session to the instance.

If you're creating another Ubuntu instance, an alternative workaround is to provide a cloud-init script when you launch the instance. In this script, use the same command to install the latest Oracle Cloud Agent:

sudo snap refresh oracle-cloud-agent

For more information about cloud-init scripts, see Installing the Oracle Cloud Agent Software.