Viewing All Resources in a Compartment

This topic describes how you can use the tenancy explorer to get a cross-region view of all resources in a compartment.

Tenancy Explorer Highlights

  • The tenancy explorer lets you view all your resources in a compartment, across all regions in your tenancy.
  • You can choose to view just the resources that reside in the selected compartment, or you can choose to view all the resources in all the subcompartments as well, to get a full view of the compartment tree.
  • You can take actions on resources from the tenancy explorer. You can delete or move a single or multiple resources at a time. The tenancy explorer is a convenient option when you need to perform bulk delete or move actions on multiple resources.

The following image highlights these features:

Features of the tenancy explorer

When using the tenancy explorer, be aware of the following:

  • If you recently created a resource, it might not show up in the tenancy explorer immediately. Similarly, if you recently updated a resource, your changes might not immediately appear.
  • You must be in the same region as the resource to navigate to its details page. The tenancy explorer displays the resource's region. Use the region selector at the top of the Console to change to the same region as the resource to enable these actions.
  • When taking bulk actions, you can monitor progress on the Work Requests page.

Work Requests

Tenancy explorer is one of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure features that is integrated with the Work Requests API. For general information on using work requests in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see Work Requests in the user guide, and the Work Requests API.

Resources Supported by the Tenancy Explorer

The tenancy explorer is powered by the Search service and supports the same resource types. Most resources are supported.

Supported resources
Service Resource Type Attributes
Application Performance Monitoring apmdomain See ApmDomain Reference.
Analytics Cloud analyticsinstance See AnalyticsInstance Reference.
API Gateway apideployment See Deployment Reference.
API Gateway apigateway See Gateway Reference.
API Gateway apigatewayapi See Api Reference.
API Gateway apigatewaycertificate See Certificate Reference.
Application Dependency Management admknowledgebase See KnowledgeBase Reference
Application Dependency Management admvulnerabilityaudit See VulnerabilityAudit Reference
Autonomous Recovery Service ProtectedDatabase See ProtectedDatabase Reference
Autonomous Recovery Service ProtectionPolicy See ProtectionPolicy Reference
Autonomous Recovery Service RecoveryServiceSubnet See RecoveryServiceSubnet Reference
Bastion bastion See Bastion Reference.
Big Data Service bigdataservice See Big Data Service: Search for a list of supported fields.
Big Data Service bigdataserviceapikey See Big Data Service: Search for a list of supported fields.
Big Data Service bigdataservicemetastoreconfig See Big Data Service: Search for a list of supported fields.
Big Data Service bigdataservicelakehouseconfig See Big Data Service: Search for a list of supported fields.
Block Volume bootvolume See BootVolume Reference.
Block Volume bootvolumebackup See BootVolumeBackup Reference.
Block Volume bootvolumereplica See BootVolumeReplica Reference.
Block Volume volume See Volume Reference.
Block Volume volumebackup See VolumeBackup Reference.

Note: Queries for the sourceType attribute are not supported.

Block Volume volumebackuppolicy See VolumeBackupPolicy Reference.
Block Volume volumegroup See VolumeGroup Reference.
Block Volume volumegroupbackup See VolumeGroupBackup Reference.
Block Volume volumereplica See VolumeReplica Reference.
Blockchain Platform blockchainplatforms See BlockchainPlatform Reference.
Budgets budget

See Budget Reference.

Certificates cabundle See CaBundle Reference.
Certificates cabundleassociation See Association Reference.
Certificates certificate See Certificate Reference.
Certificates certificateassociation See Association Reference.
Certificates certificateauthority See CertificateAuthority Reference.
Certificates certificateauthorityassociation See Association Reference.
Cloud Guard cloudguarddetectorrecipe

See DetectorRecipe Reference.

Cloud Guard cloudguardmanagedlist

See ManagedList Reference.

Cloud Guard cloudguardresponderrecipe

See ResponderRecipe Reference.

Cloud Guard cloudguardtarget

See Target Reference.

Cluster Placement Groups clusterplacementgroup

See ClusterPlacementGroup Reference.

Note: Queries for the capabilities attribute aren't supported.

Compute autoscalingconfiguration

See AutoScalingConfiguration Reference.

Note: Queries for the policies attribute are not supported.

Compute clusternetwork

See ClusterNetwork Reference.

Note: Queries for the primarySubnetId, secondaryVnicSubnets, and timeUpdated attributes are not supported.

Compute computecapacityreservation See ComputeCapacityReservation Reference
Compute consolehistory See ConsoleHistory Reference.
Compute dedicatedvmhost

See DedicatedVmHost Reference.

Compute image See Image Reference.
Compute instance

See Instance Reference.

Note: Queries for the privateIp or publicIp attribute of a vnic will include the related instance, if one exists, and is running, in the query results.

Compute instanceconfiguration See InstanceConfiguration Reference.
Compute instancepool

See InstancePool Reference.

Note: Queries for the primarySubnetId, faultDomains, secondaryVnicSubnets, and loadBalancers attributes are not supported.

Compute Cloud@Customer ccc-infrastructure See CccInfrastructure Reference
Compute Cloud@Customer ccc-upgrade-schedule See CccUpgradeSchedule Reference
Connector Hub serviceconnector See ServiceConnector Reference.
Container Instances container See Container Reference.
Container Instances containerinstance See ContainerInstance Reference.
Content Management oceinstance See OceInstance Reference.
Console Dashboards ConsoleDashboard See Dashboard Reference
Console Dashboards ConsoleDashboardGroup See Dashboard Group Reference
Data Catalog datacatalog See Catalog Reference.
Data Catalog datacatalogprivateendpoint See CatalogPrivateEndpoint Reference.
Data Catalog datacatalogmetastore See Metastore Reference.
Data Flow application See Application Reference.
Data Flow run See Run Reference.
Data Integration disworkspace See Workspace Reference.
Data Labeling datalabelingdataset See Dataset.
Data Safe datasafeprivateendpoint See DataSafePrivateEndpoint Reference.
Data Science datasciencejob See Job Reference.
Data Science datasciencejobrun See JobRun Reference.
Data Science datasciencemodel See Model Reference.
Data Science datasciencemodeldeployment See ModelDeployment Reference.
Data Science datasciencenotebooksession See NotebookSession Reference.
Data Science datascienceproject See Project Reference.
Database autonomouscontainerdatabase See AutonomousContainerDatabase Reference.
Database autonomousdatabase See AutonomousDatabase Reference.
Database autonomousvmcluster See AutonomousVmCluster Reference.
Database backupdestination See BackupDestination Reference.
Database cloudautonomousvmcluster See CloudAutonomousVmCluster Reference.
Database cloudexadatainfrastructure See CloudExadataInfrastructure Reference.
Database cloudvmcluster See CloudVmCluster Reference.
Database database See Database Reference.
Database databasesoftwareimage See DatabaseSoftwareImage Reference.
Database dbhome See DbHome Reference.
Database dbkeystore See KeyStore Reference.
Database dbnode See DbNode Reference.
Database dbserver See DbServer Reference.
Database dbsystem See DbSystem Reference.
Database exadatainfrastructure See ExadataInfrastructure Reference.
Database externalcontainerdatabase See ExternalContainerDatabase Reference.
Database externaldatabaseconnector See ExternalDatabaseConnector Reference.
Database externalnoncontainerdatabase See ExternalNonContainerDatabase Reference.
Database externalpluggabledatabase See ExternalPluggableDatabase Reference.
Database pluggabledatabase See PluggableDatabase Reference.
Database vmcluster See VmCluster Reference.
Database vmclusternetwork See VmClusterNetwork Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalasm See ExternalAsm Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalasminstance See ExternalAsmInstance Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalcluster See ExternalCluster Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalclusterinstance See ExternalClusterInstance Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternaldbhome See ExternalDbHome Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternaldbnode See ExternalDbNode Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternaldbsystem See ExternalDbSystem Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternaldbsystemconnector See ExternalDbSystemConnector Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalexadatainfrastructure See ExternalExadataInfrastructure Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalexadatastorageconnector See ExternalExadataStorageConnector Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalexadatastoragegrid See ExternalExadataStorageGrid Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternalexadatastorageserver See ExternalExadataStorageServer Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtexternallistener See ExternalListener Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtjob See Job Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtmanageddatabase See ManagedDatabase Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtmanageddatabasegroup See ManagedDatabaseGroup Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtnamedcredential See NamedCredential Reference.
Database Management dbmgmtprivateendpoint See DbManagementPrivateEndpoint Reference.
Database Migration agent See Agent Reference.
Database Migration connection See Connection Reference.
Database Migration job See Job Reference.
Database Migration migration See Migration Reference.
Database Tools databasetoolsconnection See Database Tools Connection Reference.
Database Tools databasetoolsprivateendpoint See Database Tools Private Endpoint Reference
DevOps devopsdeployartifact See Artifact Reference.
DevOps devopsdeployenvironment See Environment Reference.
DevOps devopsdeployment See Deployment Reference.
DevOps devopsdeploypipeline See Deployment Pipeline Reference.
DevOps devopsbuildpipeline See Build Pipeline Reference.
DevOps devopsbuildpipelinestage See Build Pipeline Stage Reference.
DevOps devopsdeploystage See Deployment Stage Reference.
DevOps devopsrepository See Repository Reference.
DevOps devopsconnection See Connection Reference.
DevOps devopstrigger See Trigger Reference.
DevOps devopsproject See DevOps Project Reference.
Digital Assistant odainstance See OdaInstance Reference.
Email Delivery emailsender

See Sender Reference.

See EmailDomain Reference.

See Dkim Reference.

Email Delivery emaildomain
Email Delivery dkim
Events eventrule See Rule Reference.
File Storage filesystem See FileSystem Reference.
File Storage mounttarget See MountTarget Reference.
Fleet Application Management famsfleet See Fleet Reference.
Fleet Application Management famsmaintenancewindow See Maintenance Window Reference.
Fleet Application Management famsschedulerdefinition See Scheduler Definition Reference.
Full Stack Disaster Recovery drprotectiongroup See DrProtectionGroup Reference.
Full Stack Disaster Recovery drplan See DrPlan Reference.
Full Stack Disaster Recovery drplanexeuction See DrPlanExecution Reference.
Functions functionsapplication See Application Reference.
Functions functionsfunction See Function Reference.
Globally Distributed Autonomous Database OsdShardedDatabase See ShardedDatabase Reference.
Globally Distributed Autonomous Database OsdPrivateEndpoint See PrivateEndpoint Reference.
GoldenGate goldengatedeployment See Deployment Reference.
GoldenGate goldengateconnection See Connection Reference.
IAM compartment See Compartment Reference.
IAM group See Group Reference.
IAM identityprovider See IdentityProvider Reference.
IAM policy See Policy Reference.
IAM tagdefault See TagDefault Reference.
IAM tagnamespace See TagNamespace Reference.
IAM user See User Reference.
Integration Generation 2 integrationinstance See IntegrationInstance Reference.
Java Management fleet See FleetSummary Reference.
Kubernetes Engine clusterscluster See Cluster Reference.
Kubernetes Engine clustersvirtualnodepool See VirtualNodePool Reference.
Kubernetes Engine clustersvirtualnode See VirtualNode Reference.
Load Balancer loadbalancer See LoadBalancer Reference.
Logging log See Log Reference.
Logging loggroup See LogGroup Reference.
Logging logsavedsearch See LogSavedSearch Reference.
Logging unifiedagentconfiguration See UnifiedAgentConfiguration Reference.
Management Agent managementagent See ManagementAgent Reference.
Management Agent managementagentinstallkey See ManagementAgentInstallKey Reference.
Media Services (Media Flow) mediaworkflow See MediaWorkflow Reference.
Media Services (Media Streams) streamdistributionchannel See StreamDistributionChannel Reference.
Media Services (Media Streams) streampackagingconfig See StreamPackagingConfig Reference.
Media Services (Media Streams) streamcdnconfig See StreamCdnConfig Reference.
Monitoring alarm See Alarms Feature Overview.
Networking byoiprange See ByoipRange Reference.
Networking cpe See Cpe Reference.
Networking crossconnect See CrossConnect Reference.
Networking crossconnectgroup See CrossConnectGroup Reference.
Networking dhcpoptions See DhcpOptions Reference.
Networking drg See Drg Reference.
Networking internetgateway See InternetGateway Reference.
Networking ipsecconnection See IPSecConnection Reference.
Networking ipv6 See IPv6 Reference.
Networking localpeeringgateway See LocalPeeringGateway Reference.
Networking natgateway See NatGateway Reference.
Networking networksecuritygroup See NetworkSecurityGroup Reference.
Networking publicip See PublicIp Reference.
Networking publicippool See PublicIpPool Reference.
Networking privateip See PrivateIp Reference.
Networking remotepeeringconnection See RemotePeeringConnection Reference.
Networking routetable See RouteTable Reference.
Networking securitylist See SecurityList Reference.
Networking servicegateway See ServiceGateway Reference.
Networking subnet See Subnet Reference.
Networking vcn See Vcn Reference.
Networking virtualcircuit See VirtualCircuit Reference.
Networking vlan See Vlan Reference.
Networking vnic

See Vnic Reference.

Note: Queries for the privateIp or publicIp attribute of a vnic will include the related instance, if one exists and is running, in the query results.

Network Firewall networkfirewall See Network Firewall Reference
Network Firewall networkfirewallpolicy See Network Firewall Policy Reference
NoSQL Database Cloud nosqltable See Table Reference.
Notifications onssubscription

See Subscription Reference.

Note: Queries for the endpoint attribute are not supported.

Notifications onstopic See NotificationTopic Reference.
Object Storage bucket See Bucket Reference.
OCI Database with PostgreSQL postgresqlbackup See Backup Reference.
OCI Database with PostgreSQL postgresqlconfiguration See Configuration Reference.
OCI Database with PostgreSQL postgresqldbsystem See DbSystem Reference.
Oracle Cloud Bridge OcbInventory See Inventory Reference.
Oracle Cloud Bridge OcbVmAsset See Asset Reference.
Oracle Cloud Bridge OcbVmwareVmAsset See AssetSource Reference.
OS Management osmsmanagedinstancegroup See ManagedInstanceGroup Reference.
OS Management osmsscheduledjob See ScheduledJob Reference.
OS Management osmssoftwaresource See SoftwareSource Reference.
OS Management Hub osmhlifecycleenvironment See LifecycleEnvironment Reference.
OS Management Hub osmhmanagedinstancegroup See ManagedInstanceGroup Reference.
OS Management Hub osmhmanagementstation See ManagementStation Reference.
OS Management Hub osmhprofile See Profile Reference .
OS Management Hub osmhscheduledjob See ScheduledJob Reference.
OS Management Hub osmhsoftwaresource See SoftwareSource Reference .
Process Automation OpaInstance See OpaInstance Reference.
Queue queue See Queue Reference.
Container Registry containerimage See ContainerImage Reference.
Container Registry containerrepo See ContainerRepository Reference.
Resource Manager ormconfigsourceprovider See ConfigurationSourceProvider Reference.
Resource Manager ormjob See Job Reference.
Resource Manager ormprivateendpoint See PrivateEndpoint Reference.
Resource Manager ormstack See Stack Reference.
Resource Manager ormtemplate See Template Reference.
Security Zones securityzonessecurityzone See SecurityZone
Security Zones securityzonessecurityrecipe See SecurityRecipe
Service Limits quota See Quota Reference.
Service Mesh mesh See Mesh Reference.
Service Mesh meshaccesspolicy See Access Policy Reference.
Service Mesh meshingressgateway See Ingress Gateway Reference.
Service Mesh meshingressgatewayroutetable See Ingress Gateway Route Table Reference.
Service Mesh meshvirtualdeployment See Virtual Deployment Reference.
Service Mesh meshvirtualservice See Virtual Service Reference.
Service Mesh meshvirtualserviceroutetable See Virtual Service Route Table Reference.
Streaming connectharness See ConnectHarness Reference.
Streaming stream See Stream Reference.
Vault key See Key Reference.
Vault vault See Vault Reference.
Vault vaultsecret See Secret Reference.
Visual Builder visualbuilderinstance See VbInstance Reference.
Visual Builder Studio vbsinstance See VbsInstance Reference
VMware solution vmwareesxihost See EsxiHost Reference.
VMware solution vmwaresddc See Sddc Reference.
Vulnerability Scanning vsshostscanrecipe See HostScanRecipe.
Vulnerability Scanning vsshostscantarget See HostScanTarget.
Vulnerability Scanning vsscontainerscanrecipe See ContainerScanRecipe.
Vulnerability Scanning vsscontainerscantarget See ContainerScanTarget.
WAF httpredirect See HttpRedirect Reference.
WAF waasaddresslist See AddressList Reference.
WAF waascertificate See Certificate Reference.
WAF waascustomprotectionrule See CustomProtectionRule Reference.
WAF waaspolicy See WaasPolicy Reference.
Zero Trust Packet Routing securityattributenamespace See SecurityAttributeNamespace Reference
Zero Trust Packet Routing zprpolicy See ZprPolicy Reference

Required IAM Policy to Work with Resources in the Tenancy Explorer

The resources that you see in the tenancy explorer depend on the permissions you have in place for the resource type.

You do not necessarily see results for everything in the compartment. For example, if your user account is not associated with a policy that grants you the ability to, at a minimum, inspect the instance resource type, then you can't view instances in the tenancy explorer. For more information about policies, see IAM Policies Overview. For information about the permissions required for the list API operation for a specific resource type, see the policy reference for the appropriate service.

Required Permissions to View Work Requests

Work requests inherit the permissions of the operation that spawns the work request. So if you have the permissions to move or delete a resource, you also have permission to see the work requests associated with this action.

To enable users to list all work requests in a tenancy, use a policy like the following:

Allow group <My_Group> to inspect work-requests in tenancy

Navigating to the Tenancy Explorer and Viewing Resources

Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Tenancy Management, click Tenancy Explorer.

The tenancy explorer opens with a view of the root compartment. Select the compartment you want to explore from the compartment picker on the left side of the Console. After you select a compartment, the resources that you have permission to view are displayed. The Name and Description of the compartment you are viewing are displayed at the top of the page.To also list all resources in the subcompartments of the selected compartment, select Show resources in subcompartments. When viewing resources in all subcompartments, it is helpful to use the Compartment column in the results list to see the compartment hierarchy where the resource resides.

Filtering Displayed Resources

To view only specific resource types, select the resource types you are interested in from the Filter by resource type menu. You can select multiple resources to include in the filtered list. You can also filter the list by tags.

Opening the Resource Details Page

Detail page navigation is not supported for all resource types. If detail page navigation is not supported, the resource name does not display as a link and the option is grayed out on the Actions menu.

To open the details page for a resource:

  1. Locate the resource in the list.
  2. Verify that you are in the same region as the resource. The resource's region is listed in the tenancy explorer results. If it is not the same as the region you are currently in (shown at the top of the Console), then select the appropriate region from the Regions menu.
  3. To open the details page, you can either:

    • Click the name.
    • Click the the Actions menu (Actions Menu) and select View Details.

Moving Resources to a Different Compartment

Not all resource-types can be moved to a different compartment. If the resource cannot be moved, the option is not selectable on the Actions menu. You must have the appropriate permissions for the resources you want to move in both the original and destination compartments.


Ensure that you understand the impact of moving a resource before you perform this action. See the resource's service documentation for details.
To move a single resource to a different compartment
  1. Locate the resource in the list.
  2. Click the the Actions menu (Actions Menu) and select Move Resource.
  3. In the dialog, choose the destination compartment from the list.
  4. Click Move Resource.
To move multiple resources to a different compartment

To move multiple resources, the resources must be in the same compartment.

  1. Locate and select the resources in the list.
  2. Click Move Selected.
  3. In the dialog, choose the destination compartment from the list.
  4. Click Move Resource.

The Work Request page launches to show you the status of the work request to move the resources.

Deleting Resources

Not all resource-types can be deleted using the tenancy explorer. If delete is not supported, the option is not selectable on the Actions menu.

Also, if a resource is in use by another resource, you can't delete it. For example, to delete a VCN, it must first be empty and have no related resources or attached gateways.

To delete a single resource
  1. Locate the resource in the list.
  2. Click the the Actions menu (Actions Menu) and select Delete.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.
  4. You are taken to the details page for the deleted resource.
To delete multiple resources

To delete multiple resources, the resources must be in the same compartment.

  1. Locate and select the resources in the list.
  2. Click Delete Selected.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.

The Work Request page launches to show you the status of the work request to move the resources.

Using the API

For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.

Use these API operations to move or delete multiple resources at once:

  • ListBulkActionResourceTypes - use this API to help you provide the correct resource-type information to the BulkDeleteResources and BulkMoveResources operations. The returned list of resource-types provides the appropriate resource-type name to use as input and the required identifying information for each resource-type. Most resource-types only require the OCID to identity a specific resource, but some resources, such as buckets, require you to provide other identifying information.
  • BulkDeleteResources
  • BulkMoveResources