Getting a Secret's Details

Get vault secret details in OCI Vault.

    1. Open the navigation menu, select Identity & Security, and then select Vault.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the secret.
    3. From the list of vaults in the compartment, click a vault name.

    4. Click Secrets, and then click the name of the secret to open its details page.

    The Secret Information section displays the following information:

    • OCID: The unique, Oracle-assigned ID of the secret.
    • Created: The date and time when you initially created the secret.
    • Compartment: The name of the compartment that contains the secret.
    • Vault: The name of the vault that contains the secret.
    • Auto generation enabled: Specifies whether the secret content was automatically generated or not.
    • Auto rotation enabled: Specifies when the secret content was automatically rotated or not.

    The Additional Information section displays the following information:

    • Target system type: Specifies the configured target system type such as Autonomous Database or Function.
    • Target system id: Specifies the configured target system ID. Click Show to view the system ID and click Copy to copy the system ID.
    • Last rotation: The date and time when the secret was last successfully rotated.
    • Next rotation: The date and time when the next secret rotation is scheduled.
    • Generation type: Specifies the configured secret type.
    • Generation context: Specifies the configured generation context.
    • Secret length: Specifies the configured secret length.
    • Secret format: Specifies the configured secret format. Click Show to view the secret format and click Copy to copy the secret format.
  • Use the get command to get the details of a secret in a vault.

    Open a command prompt and run oci vault secret get to view a specific secret's details:

    oci vault secret get --secret-id <secret_OCID>

    For example:

    oci vault secret get --secret-id ocid1.vaultsecret.oc1.iad.exampleaz5qacpqahuecvbjqzql4qmpbrtd7pprafhivcfik6wuitexample

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the GetSecret operation to get the details of a secret.