View Monitor History
You can view monitor history to analyze errors and identify issues such as bottlenecks and slow load time.
To view monitor history, click History under Resources on the left pane on the <name of the monitor> page.
In the History section, individual runs for the monitor are listed for each associated vantage point, with information such as its status and completion time. If there is an error, the error category is also displayed. This provides a quick overview and helps determine if a particular run took longer than the average time or has an error, and provides options to determine the cause.
You can use the filters on the left pane to filter monitor history by Start Time and End Time, Availability, Error Category, and Vantage Points. Monitor history and accompanying resources such as screenshots and HAR files are available for a period of 90 days, and you can filter and view monitor history for any seven-day period within the last 90 days.
You can select a monitor run row under History and click Actions to perform the following actions for each monitor run:
- View Error Message: View the error message encountered during the monitor run, if any.
For Scripted and Scripted Rest monitors, it displays the error along with the script content and other details on which the monitor is executed with highlighted portion emphasizing the line number at which the error occurred. User can also download the script.
View Script: View the script that is being used for the monitor execution. User can also download the script. This only applicable to Scripted and Scripted Rest monitors.
- View Trace Details: View and correlate the monitor run results with trace data in Trace Explorer. This option is only available for the Browser and Scripted Browser monitor types and can be used if the monitor is running against an application that is also instrumented with Application Performance Monitoring data sources for trace data collection.
- View HAR: View the information captured in a HAR file on the View HAR page. This page provides general information on the monitor run and a visual depiction of the summary of the monitor run, such as pie charts with a breakdown of the Time spent on state and Summary of data transferred.
Under Filters, you can use the different filters available to limit the data displayed.
- Use Page headers and select one of the following options:
- Show page header: Displays Har requests under multiple page headers.
- Hide page header: Displays all Har requests without any page headers in the table.
- Consolidate page header: Displays all Har requests under a single page header.
For Page headers, please add a more descriptive content with all the three options provided
- Use Request type to select only doc, JS, CSS or all types available.
- Use Show request URLs to view the complete URL.
- Use Hide data URLs to filter out all the requests that start with data.
- Use Hide extension URLs to exclude extension requests. Extensions can make their own network requests which appear alongside the page's requests. Use this checkbox to exclude them if desired.
- Use Time Range to filter out requests based on time. You can use the checkbox to select Default, Custom time range or Custom marker.
Under Steps, you can see the various steps in the monitor run, and the requests and responses within a step are also listed which help identify and diagnose an issue. This option is only available for REST, Scripted REST, Browser and Scripted Browser monitor types.
- Use Page headers and select one of the following options:
- View Screenshots: View the screenshots that are
available if an error occurs when the browser executes the script or loads a page.
This option is only available for the Browser and Scripted Browser monitor types.
If you've added a command to take a custom screenshot at any point during the execution of a
script (Scripted Browser monitor type), then the custom screenshot will also be displayed. You can hover the mouse on the available screenshots to know if the screenshot is a standard screenshot or a custom screenshot. - View Network Data: View the details of the network data if network data collection is enabled when creating the monitor. This option is only available for REST, Scripted REST, Browser, Scripted Browser, Network and DNS Server types.
The View Network Data details include:
- Target URL: The base URL for which network data is collected.
- Latency: Average of the round-trip packet time. This is the duration of time starting with the monitor sending a probe packet till the time the monitor receives a reply.
- Packet Loss: Percentage of probe packets lost. This value is calculated by subtracting the number of reply packets the monitor receives from the base URL from the number of probe packets sent by the monitor, then dividing the derived value by the number of packets sent, and then multiplying it by 100.
- Latency Deviation: Standard deviation of latency. The standard deviation indicates how widely spread the measurements around the average are. A larger standard deviation indicates a wider spread of the measurements.
- Failure Reason: Reason for failure, if an error is encountered while collecting network data.
- Target IP: The IP address of the base URL.
- Number of Hops: Number of hops traversed to reach the base URL.
- Transmission Rate: Number of probe packets sent out simultaneously.
- Protocol: Protocol used to collect network data. For example, ICMP and TCP – SACK.
View Traceroute Output: Click this link to view in real time the network path taken by a probe packet on an IP network, and the list of IP addresses of all the routers it pinged from source to destination. The output helps determine the response delays, routing loops, and points of failure in the network pathway.
The Network Data panel also displays the following information in a table:
- Hop: Hop number in the order in which the probe packet traversed.
- Server Name: Name of host and IP address of the traversed hop. Click the server name link to view server, network, and geographical details.
- Packet Response: Average probe packet response time. Hover the mouse over the bar graph to view the response time of each probe.
- Packet Loss: Percentage of probe packets lost.
- City: City where the server is located.
- ISP: Internet service provider of the traversed hop.
- View DNS Data: View the details of the DNS data if the DNS monitor type is selected when creating the monitor. The details include:
- For DNS Server monitor type, basic DNS data including query resolution time is displayed.
- For DNS Trace monitor type, the trace output is displayed.
- For DNSSEC monitor type, Trust Tree and Data Chain are both displayed in separate tabs.
- Download HAR: Download the HAR file with information on the monitor run. This option is only available for REST, Scripted REST, Browser and Scripted Browser monitor types.
- Download Screenshots: Download the screenshots
that are available if an error occurs when the browser executes the script or loads
a page. This option is only available for the Browser and Scripted Browser monitor
If you've added a command to take a custom screenshot at any point during the execution of a
script (Scripted Browser monitor type), then the custom screenshot can also be downloaded. You can hover the mouse on the available screenshots to know if the screenshot is a standard screenshot or a custom screenshot. - Download Network Data: Download the details of the network data if the network data collection is enabled when creating the monitor. This option is only available for REST, Scripted REST, Browser, Scripted Browser, Network and DNS Server types.
- Download Logs: Download the error and output logs of the monitor run.
- Download DNS Logs: Download the DNS logs if the monitor type is DNS.
- Network Data Explorer: Visualize the end-to-end
network data path of monitor runs on one or more vantage points. On the
Network Data Explorer panel, a topology diagram of the
monitor run on the selected vantage points is displayed. The Network Data Explorer
diagram displays the network path (aggregated traceroute) taken by a probe packet on
an IP network, and the list of IP addresses of all the routers it pinged from source
to destination. Each node represents the IP address of a router that was pinged by
the probe packet. The nodes whose details cannot be extracted are displayed with a
number on them, and the number indicates the number of the anonymous node (anonymous
node count).
You can use the fields under Match criteria nodes to define the criteria based on which the Network Data Explorer diagram is updated and relevant details are displayed:
- Vantage Points: Displays the selected vantage points. You can remove a selected vantage point to only view the monitor run on the other selected vantage points. If you've removed a vantage point, you can add it again, however, you can only add the vantage points that you selected when accessing Network Data Explorer.
- Time: Select one of the following
options to view a specific duration of the monitor run in the Network Data
Explorer diagram:
- Range: Select this radio button to specify a time range. By default, the Start Time and End Time display the time range already specified on the left pane in the History section, however, you can select a time range within the specified time range.
- Absolute Time: Select an absolute time stamp of the monitor run.
- Link delay (ms): Specify a value to highlight the link with a response delay value higher than that specified. By default, this value is set at 100 milliseconds.
- Forwarding loss (%): Specify a value to highlight the node with forwarding probe packet loss value higher than that specified. By default, this value is set at 10%.
- Link width: Select an option in the drop-down list based on which the width of the link will be increased. For example, if the default option, Average packet response is selected, then the width of the link increases depending on the average probe packet response time.
- Search: Enter an IP address or values for the other attributes listed in the field to search for and highlight the node with the same data.
- Network nodes: Scroll the bar to change the number of hops displayed in the Network Data Explorer diagram. You can scroll the bar from the left to select a certain number of hops starting from the source and scroll from the right to select a certain number of hops from the destination. If the number of selected hops is not equal to the total number of hops, then the missing hops are displayed as a dashed line.