Work with Metric Extensions

Metric Extensions allow you to create full-fledged metrics on an External Database monitored by Database Management. You can use Metric Extensions to create custom metrics to obtain a comprehensive view of the health and performance of your Managed Databases.


Metric Extensions in Database Management are currently only available for External Databases. Any mention of "Managed Databases" in this section only refers to External Databases for which Diagnostics & Management is enabled.

Working with Metric Extensions involves the following phases:

  • Creating Metric Extensions: In this phase, you create a Metric Extension, test it against a Managed Database, and then edit it, if required.
  • Publishing Metric Extensions: In this phase, you publish the Metric Extension and make it available for general use. You can no longer edit the Metric Extension after you publish it.
  • Enabling Metric Extensions on Managed Databases: In this phase, you can enable and deploy the published Metric Extension on Managed Databases.
  • Creating alarms on Metric Extensions: In this optional phase, you can create alarm rules to trigger alarms when metric values from Metric Extensions cross the threshold.

Before you use Metric Extensions, you must ensure that you have the required permissions. Here's an example of a policy that grants the DB-MGMT-USER user group the permission to perform all Metric Extension-related tasks in compartment ABC:

Allow group DB-MGMT-USER to manage stack-monitoring-metric-extension in compartment ABC

On the Database Management Overview page, you can automatically generate the policies that grant the required permissions. For information, see Automatically Grant Permissions to User Groups.