About Performance Hub

With Performance Hub, you can monitor your databases for defined time periods and download statistical reports.

What is Performance Hub?

Performance Hub displays information about the performance of your database for the time period you specify.

With this tool, you can view real-time and historical performance data.

Performance Hub supports:

How Performance Hub Works

For Autonomous Database, you can access the Performance Hub feature from the Autonomous Database Details page.

To use Performance Hub for databases running on Base Database Service, Exadata Cloud Service, or databases managed with the External Database Service:

While enabling Database Management for Base Database Service or Exadata Cloud service, the database administrator can select from two options, Basic Management or Full Management. For more information, see Enable Database Management.


If you enable Database Management for Autonomous Database, you can access Performance Hub from the Database Management service also.

In Database Management, you can set preferred credentials for users so they can automatically connect to the Managed Database and use Performance Hub.

For information about preferred credentials in Database Management, see Set Preferred Credentials.


Using Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IAM), you can create a policy that grants users access to Performance Hub while limiting actions they can take on the Oracle Database being analyzed. For more information, about policies and how to use them, see How Policies Work.

The following example shows a policy that grants access only to performance data without allowing general use access on Autonomous Databases.
Allow group <groupname> 
   to inspect autonomous-database-family in compartment <name> 
Allow group <groupname> 
   to use autonomous-database-family in compartment <name> 
   where request.operation = 'RetrieveAutonomousDatabasePerformanceBulkData'