Creating a Protection Policy

Use this procedure to create a custom protection policy.

Required IAM Policy
  1. Log in to your OCI tenancy.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Oracle Database, and select Database Backups to display the Database Backups page.
  3. Click Protection Policies.
  4. Click Create protection policy.
    The Create protection policy panel is displayed.
  5. In the Name field, specify a name for the policy.
  6. In the Create in compartment field, select the compartment where you want to create the protection policy.
  7. In the Backup retention period (in days) field, specify the maximum number of days to retain backups using this policy.

You can specify a minimum period of 14 days and a maximum period of 95 days for retaining backups using this policy.

  1. (Optional) Use these steps to lock the backup retention period.
    1. Select Enable retention lock.
    2. In the Scheduled lock time field, select a date that occurs at least 14 days after the current date.
      Recovery Service mandates a minimum delay of 14 days to permanently lock the retention period. During the delay period, you can either increase or decrease the retention period or disable the lock, if necessary. At the end of the specified time delay, the backup retention period is permanently locked. You are only allowed to increase the retention period.
  2. (optional) Select the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option if the source database is provisioned in a different cloud location and if you want Recovery Service to store the backups in the same cloud location as the database.
    Recovery Service creates protected databases and related backups in Oracle Cloud by default. You can optionally override this default behavior for multicloud Oracle Databases such as Oracle Database@Azure and Oracle Database@Google Cloud.
    If you enable the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option for a protection policy, then the policy-linked protected database and backups will be stored in the same cloud location where the database is provisioned. For example, for Oracle Database@Azure, Recovery Service stores the associated protected database backups in Azure if you have selected the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option in the protection policy.
    If you do not select the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database for a protection policy, then the policy-linked protected database and backups will be stored in Oracle Cloud even if your Oracle Database is provisioned in a different cloud location.


    You cannot undo the selection of the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option after you create the policy.
  3. To specify additional features, select Show advanced options. In the Tag namespace field, consider adding a tag namespace (an identifying text string applied to a set of compartments), or tagging the control with an existing tag namespace.
  4. Click Create.
The protection policy is created.