New features for Peoplesoft applications monitoring in APM

The latest APM Java agent 1.8 release includes the following new features for Peoplesoft applications monitoring:

  1. Browser agent auto injection for real user monitoring. The APM Java agent can be configured to automatically inject the browser agent in the generated Peoplesoft HTML pages for real user monitoring (browser interactions). For more information, see Configure Automatic Injection in APM Agent.
  2. JOLT probe for Tuxedo service calls monitoring. The APM Java agent automatically generates spans for outbound JOLT calls from Weblogic to Tuxedo. This feature provides a more complete end-to-end trace view for Peoplesoft applications.
  3. Peoplesoft username capture. Option to enable capture of the Peoplesoft username as part of the browser agent and Java agent spans. For more information, refer to capture_username in Configure Automatic Injection in APM Agent.