Roving Edge Infrastructure 2.3.0
- Services: Roving Edge Infrastructure
- Release Date: June 14, 2023
Roving Edge Infrastructure 2.3.0 contains the following product enhancements:
- Update base container to OEL8.
- Update status labels to make them user friendly.
- Update to certificates on the device.
- Enhanced DNS connectivity check.
- Update rpm and kernel versions to the latest version of the Roving Edge Infrastructure device operating system.
- Improved Ceph monitoring.
- Updates and enhancements for the rover sanitization automation tool.
- Enhancement of debugging scripts.
- Enahncement on Diagtool.
- Enhancement of boot volume creation.
- Improved monitoring service for block and object storage.
- Concurrent instance cloning is limited to 1 to limit high resource utilization.
- Renew on-device SSL/TLS certificates.
- Enhanced GC for work requests that are completed.
- Dynamic creation of DNS zone.
Roving Edge Infrastructure 2.3.0 fixes the following issues:
- Fixes default enablement of Oswatcher.
- Fixes volume creation waiting for input.
- Fix for failing to create volumes on LVM-enabled ULTRA device.
- Identity Dataplane APIS are accessible from an external port without authentication.
- Archived logs of vcndp-api and vcndp-dns service are not uploaded to object storage.
- Factory reset fails as a result of invalid shutdown of a service-managed LVM volume.