New Logging Search page features now available

  • Services: Logging
  • Release Date: May 04, 2022

You can now use the following new features on the Logging Search page:

  • Multi-region search: The new Select regions to search field (under More search options) allows you to run a query simultaneously across multiple regions, rather than having to switch to each region and repeatedly run the same query.
  • Wrap lines: You can now wrap long log entry lines and have a complete view of the relevant log fields. This new option is available in the Explore tab's Actions menu.
  • Manage log fields: Use the new Manage log fields panel to select the relevant log fields of interest from your log data for analysis on the Explore tab. Access the panel by selecting Actions, Manage log fields.
  • Expand and collapse log data: You can now have a complete view of your log events by selecting Expand log data from the Explore tab's Actions menu. Select Collapse log data to collapse all entries.
  • Query-based visualization: Choose your own log fields for visualization on the Visualize tab in both basic and advanced mode search.

For more information, see Searching Multiple Regions, Viewing and Working with Search Results, and Visualizing Search Results.