Monitoring Query Language (MQL) Reference

Understand the syntax of Monitoring Query Language (MQL) expressions and review valid values for interval, statistic, and predicate operators in MQL expressions.

For information about editing MQL , see Editing the MQL Expression for a Query. To retrieve a specific time range, such as the last hour, see Selecting a Nondefault Time Range for a Query.

MQL Syntax

MQL  syntax governs expressions for querying metrics that are published to the Monitoring service. MQL expressions define queries (including alarm queries). MQL acts on aggregated data.

The following diagram depicts required components and common optional components.


Some components can appear in an MQL expression multiple times. For example, you can use two grouping functions (as in groupBy(), followed by a statistic, followed by grouping()). You can also nest queries.

You can also join multiple queries into a single query.

For alarms in the Console, the absent() statistic is listed under Operator. See Creating an Absence Alarm.

More information about absent() in the Console

To select the absent() statistic in the Console, see the following page-specific instructions.

  • Create Alarm or Edit alarm page: In Basic mode, select absent from Operator under Trigger rule. In Advanced mode (select Switch to Advanced Mode), update the MQL expression.
  • Metrics Explorer page: Select Advanced mode to use MQL.
  • Service Metrics page: Open the query in Metrics Explorer, then select Advanced mode to use MQL.
MQL expression.

For information about reading railroad diagrams, see Reading Railroad Diagrams.

Valid Values for MQL Expressions

Review valid values for interval, statistic, and predicate operators in MQL expressions.



Along with interval, consider the resolution and time range.

Supported values for interval depend on the specified time range in the metric query (not applicable to alarm queries). More interval values are supported for smaller time ranges. For example, if you select one hour for the time range, then all interval values are supported. If you select 90 days for the time range, then only interval values between 1 hour and 1 day are supported.

Select an alarm interval based on the frequency at which the metric is emitted. For example, a metric emitted every five minutes requires a 5-minute alarm interval or greater. Most metrics are emitted every minute, which means most metrics support any alarm interval. To determine valid alarm intervals for a specific metric, check the relevant service's metric reference.

Example: One-Minute Interval (1m)

Following are valid intervals for MQL expressions: 1m-60m, 1h-24h, 1d

For instructions, see Selecting the Interval for a Query.


For metric queries, the interval  you select drives the default resolution  of the request, which determines the maximum time range of data returned.

For alarm queries, the specified interval  has no effect on the resolution  of the request. The only valid value of the resolution for an alarm query request is 1m. For more information about the resolution parameter as used in alarm queries, see Alarm.

Maximum time range returned for a query

The maximum time range returned for a metric query depends on the resolution. By default, for metric queries, the resolution is the same as the query interval.

The maximum time range is calculated using the current time, regardless of any specified end time. Following are the maximum time ranges returned for each interval selection available in the Console (Basic mode).

Interval Default resolution (metric queries) Maximum time range returned

1 minute

Auto (Service Metrics page)*, when the selected period of time is 6 hours or less

1 minute 7 days

5 minutes

Auto (Service Metrics page)*, when the selected period of time is more than 6 hours and less than 36 hours

5 minutes 30 days

1 hour

Auto (Service Metrics page)*, when the selected period of time is more than 36 hours

1 hour 90 days

1 day

1 day 90 days

* The maximum time range returned when you select Auto for Interval (Service Metrics page only) is determined by the automatic interval selection. The automatic interval selection is based on the selected period of time.

To specify a nondefault resolution that differs from the interval, see Selecting a Nondefault Resolution for a Query.

Example 1 for Returned Data
One-minute interval and resolution up to the current time, sent at 10:00 on January 8. No resolution or end time is specified, so the resolution defaults to the interval value of 1m, and the end time defaults to the current time (2023-01-08T10:00:00.789Z). This request returns a maximum of 7 days of metric data points. The earliest data point possible within this seven-day period would be 10:00 on January 1 (2023-01-01T10:00:00.789Z).
Example 2 for Returned Data
Five-minute interval with one-minute resolution up to two days ago, sent at 10:00 on January 8. Because the resolution drives the maximum time range, a maximum of 7 days of metric data points is returned. While the end time specified was 10:00 on January 6 (2023-01-06T10:00:00.789Z), the earliest data point possible within this seven-day period would be 10:00 on January 1 (2023-01-01T10:00:00.789Z). Therefore, only 5 days of metric data points can be returned in this example.


The statistic is the aggregation function applied to the set of raw data points at the specified interval.

Example: Mean Statistic

For instructions, see Selecting the Statistic for a Query.

Following are valid statistics.

Statistic (MQL expression) Statistic option (Basic Mode in the Console) Description
absent() (see absent operator)

Absence predicate.

Returns true (1) if the metric is absent for the entire interval.

Returns false (0) if the metric is present during the interval.

Is ignored after the absence detection period, not generating any values.

The default absence detection period is two hours. You can customize this period when creating or updating an absence alarm. See Customizing the Absence Detection Period for an Alarm Query.

Valid values range from one minute (1m) to three days (3d or 72h). Specify the amount of time in the absence detection period using a number and unit (m, h, or d for minute, hour, or day).

Use this statistic in basic queries as well as absence alarms. See Specifying a Predicate in a Query.

avg() (not available) Returns the value of Sum divided by Count during the specified interval. Identical to mean().
count() Count Returns the number of observations received in the specified interval.
first() (not available) For each interval, returns the value with the earliest timestamp in the specified interval.
increment() (not available) Returns the per-interval change.
last() (not available) For each interval, returns the value with the latest timestamp in the specified interval.
max() Max Returns the highest value observed during the specified interval.
mean() Mean Returns the value of Sum divided by Count during the specified interval.
min() Min Returns the lowest value observed during the specified interval.





P99.9 (Service Metrics page only)

Returns the estimated value of the specified percentile (p when using SDK, CLI, or API) during the specified interval. Valid values are greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0.

For example, percentile(0.8) returns the value of the 80th percentile.

rate() Rate Returns the per-interval average rate of change. The unit is per-second.
sum() Sum Returns all values added together, per interval.

Predicate Operators

The predicate component keeps only specified values from the metric streams. Use a predicate operator to define a threshold or absence.

Example 1: Greater than 80 Percent for Mean CPU Utilization
CpuUtilization[1m].mean() > 80
Example 2: Between 60 and 80 Percent for Mean CPU Utilization
CpuUtilization[1m].mean() in (60, 80)
Example 3: Greater than 1 for Errors
ServiceConnectorHubErrors[1m].count() > 1
Example 4: Greater than 85 for 90th Percentile CPU Utilization (Selecting an Availability Domain and Grouping by Pool)
CpuUtilization[1m]{availabilityDomain = "VeBZ:PHX-AD-1"}.groupBy(poolId).percentile(0.9) > 85
Example 5: At Least 20 for Minimum CPU Utilization (Selecting Either "ol8" or "ol7")
CpuUtilization[1m]{resourceDisplayName =~ "ol8|ol7"}.min() >= 20
Example 6: At Least 30 for Minimum CPU Utilization (Selecting Instance Names Beginning with "instance-2023-")
CpuUtilization[1m]{resourceDisplayName =~ "instance-2023-*"}.min() >= 30
Example 7: Absence of CPU Utilization Metrics for Specified Resource, set to 20 hours for absence detection period
CpuUtilization[1m]{resourceId = "<resource_identifier>"}.groupBy(resourceId).absent(20)
absent() description: Returns true (1) if the metric is absent for the entire interval. Returns false (0) if the metric is present during the interval. Is ignored after the absence detection period, not generating any values.

For instructions, see Specifying a Predicate in a Query.

Following are valid operators.

Operator (MQL expression) Operator option (Basic Mode in the Console) Comments
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to
== equal to
=~ (not available) Fuzzy Matching.
!= (not available) Not equal to.
< less than
<= less than or equal to
in between (inclusive of specified values) Inclusive of the two specified values.
not in outside (inclusive of specified values) Inclusive of the two specified values.
(see absent() statistic) absent

Absence predicate.

Returns true (1) if the metric is absent for the entire interval.

Returns false (0) if the metric is present during the interval.

Is ignored after the absence detection period, not generating any values.

The default absence detection period is two hours. You can customize this period when creating or updating an absence alarm. See Customizing the Absence Detection Period for an Alarm Query.

Valid values range from one minute (1m) to three days (3d or 72h). Specify the amount of time in the absence detection period using a number and unit (m, h, or d for minute, hour, or day).

Use this statistic in basic queries as well as absence alarms. See Specifying a Predicate in a Query.

For alarm instructions, see Creating a Threshold Alarm and Creating an Absence Alarm.

Arithmetic Operators

The following arithmetic operators are supported in MQL expressions.

Operator Description
+ Add
- Subtract
* Multiply
/ Divide
% Modulo (divide and return remainder)

Join Queries

Use the && (AND) and || (OR) operators to join queries. Multiple joined queries act as a single query.


The && (AND) and || (OR) operators can only be used between queries. Don't use them between dimension sets. For example, the following query is invalid: CpuUtilization[1m]{faultDomain =~ "FAULT-DOMAIN-1|FAULT-DOMAIN-2" || resourceDisplayName = "test"}.mean()
Join operator Description
&& AND: Join queries. Returns true if both operands are true. Returns false otherwise.
|| OR: Join queries. Returns true if either operand is true, or if both operands are true. Returns false otherwise.

Example 1: Join queries with OR. Return true if CPU utilization data point is in fault domain 1 or 2 OR memory utilization data point is in fault domain 1 or 2.

CpuUtilization[1m]{faultDomain =~ "FAULT-DOMAIN-1|FAULT-DOMAIN-2"}.mean() || MemoryUtilization[1m]{faultDomain =~ "FAULT-DOMAIN-1|FAULT-DOMAIN-2"}.mean()

Example 2: Join alarm queries with AND. Trigger the alarm (transition to firing state) only when both queries are true: At least one error exists AND the mean error is greater than half.

ServiceConnectorHubErrors[1m].count() > 1 && ServiceConnectorHubErrors[1m].mean() > 0.5

Example 3: Join alarm queries with AND. Trigger the alarm (transition to firing state) only when both queries are true: For smaller reads (0 to 8 Kilobytes), the 50th percentile of requests exceeds 100 AND the mean latency is less than 0.01.

FileSystemReadRequestsBySize[5m]{resourceType = "filesystem", size = "0B_to_8KiB"}.percentile(.50) > 100 && FileSystemReadAverageLatencybySize[5m]{resourceType = "filesystem", size = "0B_to_8KiB"}.mean() > 0.01

Fuzzy Matching

Specify approximate ("fuzzy") matches to dimension values in an MQL expression.

Use fuzzy matching when specifying multiple values for a dimension name.

In place of the equals sign (=) before the set of values, use the following comparison operator.

Comparison operator Description
=~ (equals sign followed by tilde) Approximately equal to. Use for fuzzy matches

For fuzzy matching, surround the set of values with quotes: name = "val*" or name = "value1|value2"

Update the set of values using one or more of the following characters.

Value Fuzzy Match Character Description
* (asterisk) Wildcard, indicating zero to many characters.
|(pipe) OR operand for dimension values.

Example showing fuzzy matching for two possible resource names ("ol8" or "ol7"):

CpuUtilization[1m]{resourceDisplayName =~ "ol8|ol7"}.min() >= 20

Example showing fuzzy matching for resource names containing the phrase "instance-2023-":

CpuUtilization[1m]{resourceDisplayName =~ "instance-2023-*"}.min() >= 30

Example showing fuzzy matching for three dimension value sets (test compute instances in fault domain 1 that use the myshape shape):

CpuUtilization [1m]{faultDomain =~ "FAULT-DOMAIN-1", resourceDisplayName =~ "test*", shape =~ "myshape"}.mean()