Creating a Diagnostic Bundle for a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device

Create a diagnostic bundle for a Roving Edge Infrastructure device that you can send to Oracle for further review and analysis.

You can use either the Device Console or the CLI to create a diagnostic bundle in normal mode.

You can only use the CLI to create a diagnostic bundle for both standard and minimum services modes. Click the CLI tab to see the CLI procedure.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Node Management > Diagnostic Bundles. The Diagnostic Bundles page appears.
    2. Click Create Bundle. The Create Diagnostic Bundle dialog box appears.
    3. Enter a Bundle Name for the diagnostic bundle.
    4. Select a specific device node from the Node list to create a diagnostic bundle for just that node.
    5. Select Include Core Files to include core files in the bundle.
    6. Click Create.
      As the bundle is generated, the status progresses from Accepted to In Progress, then to Completed.

    The diagnostic bundle you created appears in the list in the Diagnostic Bundles page.

    What's Next?

    Download the bundle to your computer so that you can submit the bundle to Oracle for analysis. See Downloading a Diagnostic Bundle.

  • Use the oci raw-request command and required parameters to send a request to the Roving Edge device to create a diagnostic bundle.

    oci raw-request --http-method POST --target-uri https://${dnsName}:31060/20220901/bundles --request-body file://<json_pathname> [OPTIONS]

    For CLI setup information on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device, see Using the Command Line Interface.


    1. Create a json file that includes a displayName and optionally a nodeName. Example:

          "displayName":"This is a test bundle request",
    2. Send a request to create a diagnostic bundle.


      oci raw-request --http-method POST --target-uri https://${dnsName}:31060/20220901/bundles \ 
      --request-body file://create-bundle.json
        "id" : "ocid1.diagbundle.uniqueID",
        "displayName" : "This is a test bundle request",
        "source" : "API",
        "includeCoreFiles" : true,
        "nodes" : [ {
          "nodeName" : "red-1",
          "lifecycleState" : "ACCEPTED",
          "lifecycleDetails" : "Waiting for execution...",
          "timeSubmitted" : "2023-04-19T19:56:41.018Z",
          "timeStarted" : null,
          "timeUpdated" : null,
          "percentComplete" : 0.0
        } ],
        "nodeErrors" : [ ],
        "timeSubmitted" : "2024-04-19T19:56:41.018Z",
        "timeUpdated" : null,
        "nodesProcessed" : 0

    What's Next?

    Download the bundle to your computer so that you can submit the bundle to Oracle for analysis. See Downloading a Diagnostic Bundle.

  • This operation can't be performed using the API.