Exiting From a Diagnostics Mode

After you've submitted a diagnostics bundle that was created in standard or minimum services mode, exit the mode.

  1. From your computer, connect to the device serial console.

    See Cable the Roving Edge Device and Set Up Terminal Emulation.

  2. Enter your unlock passphrase.

    The serial console main menu is displayed.

  3. Enter the menu number that corresponds to Diagnostics.

    The Diagnostics Menu is displayed:

    Diagnostics Menu           
     1) Enable Diagnostics Data Collection Mode
     2) Exit Diagnostics Data Collection Mode
     3) Show Diagnostics Bundle Encryption Key
     4) Help
     Enter command number (or press Ctrl+C to go back):
  4. Enter the number for Exit Diagnostics Data Collection Mode..

  5. Enter the number for one of these options based on the diagnostic mode:

    • Exit Diagnostics Data Collection Standard Mode
    • Exit Diagnostics Data Collection Minimum Services Mode
  6. For standard mode: Press Enter again, then CTRL+C to go back to the main menu.

  7. For minimum services mode:

    1. Enter Y to confirm to reboot the device.
    2. After the reboot, unlock the device as usual. See Unlock the Device.