Configuring Hadoop Group Mappings for LDAP/Active Directory
To recognize the Active Directory user and group so that LDAP/Active Directory group level authorization can be enforced in Hadoop, set up Hadoop group mapping using one of the following options:
Configuring Hadoop Group Mapping in core-site.xml
To set up the mappings all at one time, run the following on un0:
- On the un0, run the following:
export AMBARI_CONF_SCRIPT=/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/
- Collect the <ambari_password>, <un0_node_IP>, and <cluster_name> (check your cluster name from Ambari UI), and then run the following to get the current
configuration.python ${AMBARI_CONF_SCRIPT} \ --user=admin \ --password='<ambari_password>' \ --protocol=https --unsafe \ --host=<un0_node_IP> \ --port=7183 \ --cluster=<cluster_name> \ --config-type=core-site \ --action=get \ --file=/tmp/current_core-site.json
- Paste the key-value pairs with the appropriate values into the properties object key-value series of your config JSON file
, and then add the following key-value pair to the password object of properties_attributes object."password": { "": "true" //the key-value pair to mask out your password in Ambari. },
- Run the following to update the configuration:
python ${AMBARI_CONF_SCRIPT} \ --user=admin \ --password='<ambari_password>' \ --protocol=https --unsafe \ --host=<un0_node_IP> \ --port=7183 \ --cluster=<cluster_name> \ --config-type=core-site \ --action=set \ --file=/tmp/current_core-site.json
- By default, Hadoop refreshes the user-group mapping cache every 300 seconds. To have a smaller refresh interval, add the following key-value pair:
"":"<number of seconds you need>"
- Click the Services '...' icon, and then click Restart all required.