About Audit and Diagnostic Logs for Oracle Analytics Cloud

You can monitor Oracle Analytics Cloud activity using various audit and diagnostic logs. Analyzing logs can help you understand how Oracle Analytics Cloud resources are used and troubleshoot issues.


Oracle Analytics Cloud offers logs through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Logging service. The Logging service provides a highly scalable and fully managed single interface for logs in your tenancy. You can use Logging to access logs from many Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources, including Oracle Analytics Cloud. See Logging.

Log Categories

Oracle Analytics Cloud offers two types of log: audit and diagnostic.

API value (ID): Console (Display Name) Description
audit Audit logs Logs activity in Oracle Analytics Cloud.
  • Catalog objects: Create, update, delete, and permission change operations on all catalog objects, such as classic analyses, dashboards, workbooks, pixel-perfect reports, folders, datasets, self-service connections, data flows, sequences, scripts, and so on. Includes the activity of catalog objects in shared folders and personal folders.
    "category": "catalog"
  • Data export : Data export operations for reports and dashboards to all formats (CSV, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, and so on). Data export operations for workbooks to CSV format only.

    Note: Workbook data exports to all other formats are recorded in the diagnostic log.

    "category": "data"
  • Data Gateway: Invalid key authentication attempts from Data Gateway clients.
    "category": "data"
  • Publisher: Administration and configuration activity for pixel-perfect reports, such as connections, run-time properties, delivery channels, file uploads and downloads, delivery scheduling, and so on.
    "category": "publisher"
  • Security: Create and delete operations for user-defined application roles. User role assignments, and policy store changes.
    "category": "security"
  • Semantic models: Upload and download of semantic models (RPD files), updates to connection pools and variables.
    "category": "semanticModel"
  • Settings: Changes to system settings, and configuration activities for mail server, virus scanner, social channels, Data Gateway, console connections, deliveries, search crawls, safe domains, plug-in custom visualization types, map layers, map backgrounds, and so on.
    "category": "settings"
  • Snapshots: Lifecycle management operations such as create, delete, and restore snapshots, import and export snapshots. Registration and deregistration of snapshots in customer-owned object storage using REST APIs.
    "category": "snapshot"
  • Workbooks: Export and import workbooks as DVA packages.
    "category": "DVA"
diagnostic Diagnostic logs

Logs diagnostic information.

  • Data export : Data export operations for workbooks to all formats except CSV. That is, Powerpoint, PDF, and so on.

    Note: Workbook data exports to CSV format are recorded in the audit log.

    "category": "data"
  • Data load: Data reload (or refresh) operations for datasets and data flows.
    "category": "dataLoad"
  • Queries: Data query details.
    "category": "query"

Contents of an Oracle Analytics Cloud Log

Oracle Analytics Cloud logs contain the following fields.

Field Description Example
data JSON object that contains:
  • userid

  • category
  • message
  • ecid
  • logLevel
  • additionalDetails
The data field logs details about each event, including the user who initiated the event. See examples:
  • userId

User performing the action or activity. Either:

  • GUID of the user in Oracle Identity Cloud (default).
  • Name of the user in Oracle Identity Cloud.

To record user names rather than GUIDs in audit and diagnostic logs, go to the System Settings page in your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance and enable the setting User Names as the User Identifier in Service Logs. See Usage Tracking Options and Configure System Settings.

"userId": "aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66gg77hh88" 
"userId": "john.smith@mycompany.com" 
  • category

One of the following log categories:
  • catalog
  • data
  • dataLoad
  • DVA
  • publisher
  • query
  • security
  • semanticModel
  • settings
  • snapshot

  • message

Summary of the log event.

Snapshot 'MyFirstSnapshot' created."
  • ecid

Execution context ID associated with the log event.
  • logLevel

Type of message. Only one possible value:
  • info (information)

  • additionalDetails

(Optional) JSON object that contains additional details applicable to a particular log in the format:

"additionalDetails" : {

"propertyName": "foo",

"propertyValue": "bar",


"additionalDetails": {
          "snapshotSizeInBytes": "948999",
          "source": "console"
id Unique ID for each log entry.
oracle JSON object that contains:
  • compartmentid
  • ingestedtime
  • loggroupid
  • logid
  • tenantId
See examples:
  • compartmentid

OCID of the compartment that the log group belongs to in the format ocid1.compartment.oc1.<unique_ID>.

  • ingestedtime

The time the log was captured by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging, in RFC 3339 timestamp format.

  • loggroupid

OCID of the log group that contains the log in the format ocid1.loggroup.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>.

  • logid

OCID of the service log object in the format ocid1.log.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>.

  • tenantid

OCID of the tenancy in the format ocid1.tenancy.oc1.<region_ID>.<unique_ID>.

source Display name for the Oracle Analytics Cloud instance.
specversion OCI logging schema version.
time The time the log was created at the source, in RFC 3339 timestamp format.

The log category type (audit or diagnostic). Possible values:

  • audit
  • diagnostic



Sample Analytics Cloud Audit Log - Create Snapshot (MyFirstSnapshot)

  "datetime": 1660647631611, 
  "logContent": {
    "data": {
      "additionalDetails": {
        "snapshotSizeInBytes": "948999",
        "source": "console"  
      "category": "snapshot",
      "ecid": "aaaaaaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccccc333333-dddd4444",
      "logLevel": "info",
      "message": "Snapshot 'MyFirstSnapshot' created.",
      "userId": "aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66gg77hh88"
    "id": "11111111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-333333cccccc",
    "oracle": {
      "compartmentid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa111111bbbbbb222222cccccc333333dddddd444444eeeeee555555",
      "ingestedtime": "2022-08-16T11:01:01.507Z",
      "loggroupid": "ocid1.loggroup.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333cccc4444dddd5555eeee6666ffff7777gggg8888hhhh",
      "logid": "ocid1.log.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333jjjj4444kkkk5555llll6666mmmm7777nnnn8888oooo",
      "tenantid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaaa1111111111bbbbbbbbbb2222222222cccccccccc3333333333"
    "source": "MyOACInstance",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "time": "2022-08-16T11:00:31.611Z",
    "type": "com.oraclecloud.analytics.analyticsinstance.audit"

Sample Analytics Cloud Audit Log - Update Workbook (Worklife Balance)

  "datetime": 1661186013000, 
  "logContent": {
    "data": {
      "additionalDetails": {
        "path": "/users/john.smith@example.com/Worklife Balance",
        "type": "data visualization workbook"  
      "category": "catalog",
      "ecid": "aaaaaaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccccc333333-dddd4444",
      "logLevel": "info",
      "message": "Data Visualization Workbook (Worklife Balance) properties updated.",
      "userId": "aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66gg77hh88"
    "id": "11111111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-333333cccccc",
    "oracle": {
      "compartmentid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa111111bbbbbb222222cccccc333333dddddd444444eeeeee555555",
      "ingestedtime": "2022-08-16T11:01:01.507Z",
      "loggroupid": "ocid1.loggroup.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333cccc4444dddd5555eeee6666ffff7777gggg8888hhhh",
      "logid": "ocid1.log.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333jjjj4444kkkk5555llll6666mmmm7777nnnn8888oooo",
      "tenantid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaaa1111111111bbbbbbbbbb2222222222cccccccccc3333333333"
    "source": "MyOACInstance",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "time": "2022-08-16T11:00:31.611Z",
    "type": "com.oraclecloud.analytics.analyticsinstance.audit"

Sample Analytics Cloud Diagnostic Log - Query Detail

  "datetime": 1660647186246, 
  "logContent": {
    "data": {
      "additionalDetails": {},
      "category": "query",
      "ecid": "aaaaaaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccccc333333-dddd4444",
      "logLevel": "info",
      "message": "-------------------- Rows 470, bytes 7520 retrieved from database query id: <<97850>>,
      physical request hash 0 \n",
      "userId": "aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66gg77hh88"
    "id": "11111111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-333333cccccc",
    "oracle": {
      "compartmentid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa111111bbbbbb222222cccccc333333dddddd444444eeeeee555555",
      "ingestedtime": "2022-08-16T10:53:33.099Z",
      "loggroupid": "ocid1.loggroup.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333cccc4444dddd5555eeee6666ffff7777gggg8888hhhh",
      "logid": "ocid1.log.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333pppp4444qqqq5555rrrr6666ssss7777tttt8888uuuu",
      "tenantid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaaa1111111111bbbbbbbbbb2222222222cccccccccc3333333333"
    "source": "MyOACInstance",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "time": "2022-08-16T10:53:06.246Z",
    "type": "com.oraclecloud.analytics.analyticsinstance.diagnostic"

Sample Analytics Cloud Diagnostic Log - Physical Query Summary

  "datetime": 1660647204533, 
  "logContent": {
    "data": {
      "additionalDetails": {},
      "category": "query",
      "ecid": "aaaaaaaa-1111-bbbb-2222-cccccc333333-dddd4444",
      "logLevel": "info",
      "message": "--------------------Physical Query Summary Stats: Number of physical queries 1, Cumulative time 0.000, DB-connect
      time 0.000 (seconds)\n",
      "userId": "aa11bb22cc33dd44ee55ff66gg77hh88"
    "id": "11111111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-333333cccccc",
    "oracle": {
      "compartmentid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa111111bbbbbb222222cccccc333333dddddd444444eeeeee555555",
      "ingestedtime": "2022-08-16T10:53:33.099Z",
      "loggroupid": "ocid1.loggroup.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333cccc4444dddd5555eeee6666ffff7777gggg8888hhhh",
      "logid": "ocid1.log.oc1.me-dubai-1.aaaa1111bbbb3333vvvv4444wwww5555xxxx6666yyyy7777zzzz8888aaaa",
      "tenantid": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaaa1111111111bbbbbbbbbb2222222222cccccccccc3333333333"
    "source": "MyOACInstance",
    "specversion": "1.0",
    "time": "2022-08-16T10:53:24.533Z",
    "type": "com.oraclecloud.analytics.analyticsinstance.diagnostic"