Can I Create an Oracle Integration 3 Instance?

Oracle Integration 3 refers to Oracle Integration running natively on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.


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Differences Between Oracle Integration Generation 2 and Oracle Integration 3

Some features in Oracle Integration Generation 2 are different in Oracle Integration 3, or aren't yet available. For Oracle Integration Generation 2 features that aren't in Oracle Integration 3, see Differences from Prior Versions of Oracle Integration.

Additionally, Oracle has delivered some new features only to Oracle Integration 3. For a list of new features in Oracle Integration 3, see Whats New for Oracle Integration 3.

Oracle Integration 3 Instances

Everyone can create Oracle Integration 3 instances. See Create an Oracle Integration Instance.

Additional resources:

  • For the list of regions in which you can create an Oracle Integration 3 instance, see Availability.
  • For information on restrictions when creating instances, see Restrictions.

Oracle Integration Generation 2 Instances

You can create a new Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance only if you have an existing Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance in the region. See Creating an Oracle Integration Instance in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration Generation 2.

Combining Instances

If you have a continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) process for Oracle Integration, you can have either Oracle Integration Generation 2 or Oracle Integration 3 instances, but not both. After Oracle upgrades your Oracle Integration Generation 2 instances to Oracle Integration 3, you can create additional Oracle Integration 3 instances. See Upgrade from Oracle Integration Generation 2 to Oracle Integration 3.

Additionally, you must use the same versions for all your environments. For example, you can't use an Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance for development and an Oracle Integration 3 instance for production.