Phase 2: Switch to OCI Process Automation

Promote Process Applications to Production

Move the OCI Process Automation applications to user acceptance and production instances.

Decide how many instances you want to use to promote your changes to production. Map each selected Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance to a new OCI Process Automation instance. For each instance, complete the following steps.


These steps are similar to the ones you performed during Phase 1: Migrate Process Applications to OCI Process Automation. The main difference is that you should follow the your standard workflow for promoting code to production.
  1. Provision a new OCI Process Automation standalone instance.

    This instance will act as a higher-environment, that is user acceptance or production. See Provision a Process Automation Instance in Administering Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.

  2. Register with the corresponding user acceptance or production Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance. See Register Services in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
  3. Export the OCI Process Automation applications that were activated and tested as part of Phase 1: Migrate Process Applications to OCI Process Automation.

    You can perform the export from the user interface or a REST API. See Export an Application in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation or REST API for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.

  4. If you have integrations or Visual Builder applications calling process:
    • Export the Oracle Integration Generation 2 integrations that were updated to call OCI Process Automation. See Import and Export Integrations in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2.
    • Export the Visual Builder applications that were updated to call OCI Process Automation. See Export a Visual Application in Developing Applications with Oracle Visual Builder.
  5. If you have integrations or Visual Builder applications calling process:
    • Promote the exported integrations into your higher user acceptance or production Oracle Integration Generation 2 environment. See Import and Export Integrations in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration Generation 2.
    • Promote exported Visual Builder applications into your higher user acceptance or production Oracle Integration Generation 2 environment. See Import a Visual Application in Developing Applications with Oracle Visual Builder.
  6. Import process application in into the higher user acceptance or production OCI Process Automation instance. You can perform the import in the user interface or a REST API. See Register Services in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation or REST API for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
  7. Configure your process applications:
    1. Update the credentials and base URL of any REST Connections. See Configure REST Connectors in Designer in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
    2. Update role members, assigning the right users and groups to the appropriate application roles in the new environment.
    3. Activate your process applications. See Activate Applications in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
  8. Update any clients to connect to the higher user acceptance or production OCI Process Automation instance.
    • For Oracle Integration, update REST Connector to point to the new process instance.
    • For Visual Builder, create a new backend for the new process instance.
  9. Perform system integration testing.

Perform Switchover to OCI Process Automation

Perform the following steps:

  1. Activate and deploy client changes to ensure that all new system-driven requests are sent to OCI Process Automation as previously described.
  2. Communicate the new OCI Process Automation Workspace URL with users and ensure that users:
    • Bookmark the OCI Process Automation workspace.
    • Create new processes only in OCI Process Automation.
    • Complete their new tasks in OCI Process Automation.
  3. Retire the Oracle Integration Generation 2 applications so that no new processes can be created but the existing ones are allowed to complete. See Manage Active Applications in Using Processes in Oracle Integration 2.

From this point onwards, OCI Process Automation should handle all new requests.

Coexistence Period

When OCI Process Automation starts serving new transactions in production, you'll likely enter what is known as a coexistence period.

During this time:

  • New process instances will be served by OCI Process Automation.
  • Existing process instances will continue to run on Oracle Integration Generation 2 Process until they complete.

During the coexistence period users must perform tasks assigned to them in both OCI Process Automation and Oracle Integration Generation 2.

During this period process users should:

  • Work primarily from the OCI Process Automation Workspace.
  • Occasionally check the Oracle Integration Generation 2 My Tasks List.
  • Rely on email-based approvals as much as possible, as the links in the emails will take them to the right place to perform the task.

The coexistence period lasts until all transactions created on Oracle Integration Generation 2 are complete. You should actively seek to shorten the duration of this period as much as possible. Here are some guidelines:

  • Prevent the creation of new transactions on Oracle Integration Generation 2 by using the Retire functionality. This is applicable to all structured processes that don't contain receive activities. The retire functionality prevents the creation of new instances but also allows existing transactions to complete. See Manage Active Applications in Using Processes in Oracle Integration 2.
  • Aim to actively expedite the completion of Oracle Integration Generation 2 instances as much as possible by following up with users to take action that sees them through to completion.
  • For very long-running process, instances that can't be completed in several months, explore the following options:
    • Recreate the instance in OCI Process Automation and use the Alter Flow functionality to update the payload and move the process instance to the current action (where it is currently in Oracle Integration Generation 2 Process). After this is done, the existing Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance can be terminated. See Alter the Flow of a Process in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
  • Modify the migrated application so that it can be initiated using the latest state of the existing Oracle Integration Generation 2 process instance.

You can track the remaining Oracle Integration Generation 2 process transactions by clicking My Tasks, then choosing Processes in your Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance. You must sign in with a user who has the Service Administrator Role.