Download the APM Dotnet Agent Software

After you have completed the prerequisite tasks, you can download the APM Dotnet Agent software by performing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Application Performance Monitoring, click Administration.

    The Administration page is displayed.

  3. Under Resources, click Download APM agents from the left menu.

    The Download APM agents page is displayed.

  4. Select the appropriate file to download.

Windows Environment

On the Download APM agents page, select .Net agent for Windows to download.

The APM Dotnet agent software file is downloaded and contains the apm-dotnet-agent-installer-<version>.zip file.

Linux Environment

On the Download APM agents page, there are four Linux files available for download.

Follow these steps to select the appropriate file for your environment:

  1. Connect to the Linux environment where your application is running.
  2. Find out the Linux architecture by running the command:
    uname -m

    Based on the return, take a note of the Linux architecture.

  3. Find out if the library type is glibc or musl by running the command:
    ldd /bin/ls | grep -m1 'musl'

    If it returns an empty value then it's running glibc libraries. Otherwise, the return is a non-empty value containing the musl string.

  4. Select the appropriate file to download based on the previous steps.