Use PAR URL to Access Data

PAR URL data is retrieved and returned in JSON format and is paginated.


PAR URL data can be viewed in tabular format when accessed from a browser. See Use PAR URLs to Access Data in Table Format for details.

You can access PAR URL data using a browser or using any REST client. The data returned is paginated to allow you to access a maximum of 100 records at a time, with the total data size in the response limited to 1 MB. You can provide the limit query parameter to limit the number of records fetched. PAR URL data retrieval is blocked if PAR URL authentication fails or if the requested PAR URL has expired.

For example, use a PAR URL:


The PAR URL response includes links for any previous or next pages, when the data includes more than one page. This allows you to navigate in either direction while fetching data. The JSON also includes a self link that points to the current page, as well as a hasMore attribute that indicates if there is more data available to fetch.

The following is the response format:

    "items": [],                 <-- Array of records from database
    "hasMore": true OR false,    <-- Indicates if there are more records to fetch or not
    "limit": Number,             <-- Indicates number of records in the page. Maximum allowed number is 100.
    "offset": Number,            <-- Offset indicating the start of the current page
    "count": Number,             <-- Count of records in the current page
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "{Link to preauth url for the current page}"
            "rel": "previous",
            "href": "{Link to preauth url for the previous page}"
            "rel": "next",
            "href": "{Link to preauth url for the next page}"

For example, the following is a sample response from a PAR URL (with newlines added for clarity):



If you use a bind variable in the SELECT statement when generating the PAR URL, you must pass the bind variable value as a query parameter to access the PAR URL data. Bind variable support is available for NUMBER and VARCHAR2 column types.

For example, a PAR URL is generated with the following SQL statement:


Use the generated PAR URL, with the bind variable value as an appended query parameter to access data:


See GET_PREAUTHENTICATED_URL Procedure for more information.