Migrate Applications from Non-Oracle Databases to Autonomous Database

You can migrate SQL statements from a non-Oracle database to Oracle SQL and run the statements on Autonomous Database.

Application Migration Overview

Application migration involves moving an application from one environment to another. The migration process includes a variety of tasks, including migrating SQL statements from a non-Oracle database to Oracle SQL.

The DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION package facilitates the translation of SQL statements written for a non-Oracle database to Oracle SQL. This allows you to easily migrate applications to Autonomous Database, when the applications were developed for non-Oracle databases that use a different SQL flavor.

The DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION package supports migration of SQL code from the following non-Oracle database:

  • PostgreSQL

The DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION package provides routines that allow you to:


To run the subprograms in DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION you must be logged in as the ADMIN user or have EXECUTE privilege on DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.

Translate PostgreSQL Statements to Oracle SQL

You can translate SQL statements written in PostgreSQL to Oracle SQL and run the translated statements on Autonomous Database.

Use DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_SQL to translate a non-Oracle SQL statement to Oracle SQL. There are procedure and function variants of DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_SQL.

Migrate PostgreSQL statement to Oracle SQL with MIGRATE_SQL Procedure

The following example accepts the SQL statement written in PostgreSQL as input, translates the statement to Oracle SQL, assigns the translated SQL statement to output_sql_result, and prints the result:

   declare output_sql_result CLOB;
    original_sql => 'SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.salary FROM employees AS e;',
    output_sql   => output_sql_result,
    source_db    => 'POSTGRES'),
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (output_sql_result);

SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.salary FROM employees e;

The original_sql parameter specifies the non-Oracle SQL statement.

The output_sql parameter stores the translated SQL.

The source_db parameter specifies the non-Oracle SQL database name.

See MIGRATE_SQL Procedure and Function for more information.

Migrate PostgreSQL statement to Oracle SQL with MIGRATE_SQL Function

The following example shows the DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_SQL function within a SELECT statement. The function input is a PosgresSQL statement and the function returns the translated statement in Oracle SQL:

     'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cars (brand VARCHAR(255), model VARCHAR(255), year INT)',
     'POSTGRES') AS output FROM DUAL;

create table cars (brand VARCHAR2(255), model VARCHAR2(255), year NUMBER(10);

See MIGRATE_SQL Procedure and Function for more information.


Migrate PostgreSQL Files to Oracle SQL

You can migrate a file containing PostgreSQL statements to a file containing Oracle SQL statements.

The DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_FILE procedure translates SQL statements in a PostgreSQL file in Object Storage and generates a new file containing Oracle SQL.

As a prerequisite, upload one or more PostgreSQL files with a .sql extension to a location on Object Storage. The following examples use the file postgrestest.sql that is uploaded to Object Storage. See Put data into object storage for more information.

To migrate PostgreSQL files to Oracle SQL:

  1. Connect to your Autonomous Database instance.

    See Connect to Autonomous Database for more information.

  2. Configure access to Cloud Object Storage using a resource principal or by creating a credential object.

    This step provides access to the Cloud Object Storage where you put the files you are migrating:

  3. Optionally, you can list the files in Object Storage. For example:
    VAR function_list CLOB;
       (credential_name => 'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL', location_uri => 'https://objectstorage.region.oraclecloud.com/n/namespace/b/bucket/o/files');

    Alternatively, if you create a credential instead of the resource principal, OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL, specify the credential name in the credential_name parameter.

    See LIST_OBJECTS Function for more information.

  4. Run DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_FILE to migrate the PostgreSQL file to Oracle SQL:
         credential_name => 'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL',
         location_uri    => 'https://objectstorage.region.oraclecloud.com/n/namespace/b/bucket/o/files/postgrestest.sql',
         source_db       => 'POSTGRES'

    The credential_name parameter specifies the credential to access the Cloud Object Storage URI. The user that runs DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_FILE must have EXECUTE privilege for the credential object used to access the Object Storage URI. That is, the credential you specify with the credential_name parameter. If you use a credential instead of a resource principal, specify the credential name in the credential_name parameter.

    The location_uri parameter specifies the source file URI. The format of the URI depends on the Cloud Object Storage service you are using. See DBMS_CLOUD URI Formats for more information.

    The source_db parameter specifies the non-Oracle database language. Use the value POSTGRES to translate PostgreSQL files to Oracle SQL.

    Running this command translates the PostgreSQL file postgrestest.sql to Oracle SQL and generates a new file with the name original_filename_oracle.sql.

    For this example, running DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.MIGRATE_FILE with the input file postgrestest.sql generates postgrestest_oracle.sql. After the translation step the procedure uploads postgrestest_oracle.sql to Object Storage.

    Optionally, use the target_uri parameter to specify the location where the translated file is uploaded. The default value for this parameter is NULL, which means the translated file is uploaded to the same location as specified in the location_uri parameter.

    See MIGRATE_FILE Procedure for more information.

  5. Verify that the output file was generated.
        credential_name => 'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL', location_uri => 'https://objectstorage.region.oraclecloud.com/n/namespace/b/bucket/o/files');

    Alternatively, if you create a credential instead of the resource principal, OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL, specify the credential name in the credential_name parameter.

    See LIST_OBJECTS Function for more information.

Run the following query to view the content of the postgrestest_oracle.sql file:

   credential_name => 'OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL', 
   object_uri => 'https://objectstorage.region.oraclecloud.com/n/namespace/b/bucket/o/files')) 
FROM dual;

SELECT f.film_id, f.title, inventory_id
FROM film f LEFT JOIN inventory
ON inventory.film_id = f.film_id;

Alternatively, if you create a credential instead of the resource principal, OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL, specify the credential name in the credential_name parameter.

See GET_OBJECT Procedure and Function for more information.

Run PostgreSQL Statements in Autonomous Database

You can interactively translate and run PostgreSQL statements in your Autonomous Database.

Use the ENABLE_TRANSLATION procedure to enable real-time translation of SQL statements written in a specified non-Oracle database language (for example PostgreSQL). After you enable translation in a session, non-Oracle SQL statements are automatically translated and run as Oracle SQL statements, and you can see the results.

For example, after you enable translation by running ENABLE_TRANSLATION you can interactively do the following in a session:
  • Create the tables. For example, create the tables MOVIE and INVENTORY.

  • Insert data into tables.

  • Query tables.

  • Perform JOIN operations on tables. For example, you can perform a left outer join on tables.

To enable translation with PostgreSQL and run commands:

  1. Connect to your Autonomous Database using a SQL client.

    See Connect to Autonomous Database for more information.


    DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.ENABLE_TRANSLATION is not supported in Database Actions and is not supported with the Oracle APEX Service.
  2. Run DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.ENABLE_TRANSLATION to enable real-time SQL translation in your session.

    Use the following query to verify the SQL translation language for your session:


    See ENABLE_TRANSLATION Procedure for more information.

  3. Enter PostgreSQL statements. For example:
    CREATE TABLE movie (film_id int, title varchar(255));
    Table MOVIE created.

    This automatically translates and runs the PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE statement.

    You can verify using the DESC command. For example:
    DESC movie;
    Name        Null?     Type          
    -------     -----     ------------- 
    FILM_ID               NUMBER(38)    
    TITLE                 VARCHAR2(255)
    The MOVIE table is created and the datatypes of each of the columns are automatically converted to Oracle datatypes.

    You may encounter an error during the translation if the input SQL statement is not supported. See Limitations for Migration and Translation of Non-Oracle SQL to Oracle SQL for more information.

  4. Insert data into the MOVIE table. For example:
    INSERT INTO movie (film_id, title) VALUES (123, 'Tangled');
    1 row inserted.
    INSERT INTO movie (film_id, title) VALUES (234, 'Frozen');
    1 row inserted.

    Verify the data insertion by querying the MOVIE table. For example:

    SELECT * FROM movie;
    –-------   –--------
    123	 Tangled
    234	 Frozen
  5. Create an INVENTORY table:
    CREATE TABLE inventory (film_id int, inventory_id int);
    Table INVENTORY created.
    You can verify this step with the DESC command. For example:
    DESC inventory;
    Name        Null?     Type          
    -------     -----     ------------- 
    FILM_ID               NUMBER(38)    
    INVENTORY_ID          NUMBER(38)
    The INVENTORY table is created and the datatypes of each of the columns are automatically converted to Oracle datatypes.
  6. Insert data into the INVENTORY table. For example:
    INSERT INTO inventory(film_id, inventory_id) VALUES (123, 223);
    1 row inserted.
    INSERT INTO inventory(film_id, inventory_id) VALUES (234, 334);
    1 row inserted.

    Verify the data insertion by querying INVENTORY. For example:

    SELECT * FROM inventory;
    –-------   –------------
    123	 223
    234	 334
  7. Perform a left outer join on tables MOVIE and INVENTORY:
    SELECT m.film_id, m.title, inventory.inventory_id 
        FROM movie AS m LEFT JOIN inventory 
        ON inventory.film_id = m.film_id;
    ---------- ---------- ------------
           234 Frozen      334
           123 Tangled     223

    This example performs a LEFT OUTER JOIN on the movie and inventory tables. The AS keyword for table aliases in the FROM clause is not supported in Oracle SQL. The query is first translated to Oracle SQL and then run in your session.

  8. Use DBMS_CLOUD_MIGRATION.DISABLE_TRANSLATION procedure to disable real-time SQL language translation for your session.

    This returns an error if SQL language translation is not enabled for your session.


You can query the V$MAPPED_SQL view to list the PostgreSQL statements that are translated and mapped in memory to Oracle SQL statements.

For example:

    FROM v$mapped_sql v, dba_objects o
    WHERE v.sql_translation_profile_id = o.object_id
        AND o.object_name = 'POSTGRES'
        AND o.object_type = 'TRANSLATION PROFILE';
See V$MAPPED_SQL for more information.

Limitations for Migration and Translation of Non-Oracle SQL to Oracle SQL

This section summarizes the limitations for migrating SQL statements from a non-Oracle database to Oracle SQL.

PostgreSQL Statement Migration and Translation Restrictions

The following list of PostgreSQL statements are not supported when migrating to Autonomous Database:
  • SET
The following list of PostgreSQL statements are supported with restrictions:
  • ALTER TABLE: Only ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT is supported when migrating to Autonomous Database.
  • DELETE: The RETURNING * keyword in the DELETE statement is not supported in Autonomous Database. You must replace the RETURNING * clause with the RETURNING INTO clause. For example, DELETE FROM tasks WHERE status = 'DONE' RETURNING *;.

    See RETURNING INTO Clause for more information.

  • CREATE FUNCTION: Following are not supported with CREATE FUNCTION:
    • The SETOF return type, you must replace SETOF with CURSORS or COLLECTIONS return types.
    • The IMMUTABLE clause.
    • The parameter declarations in the format FUNCTION_NAME (DATATYPE, DATATYPE).
  • ALTER FUNCTION: The ALTER FUNCTION function arguments, for example, RENAME TO, OWNER TO, SET SCHEMA are not supported.